Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 76 ~ Bubble of Love

AN/ Here you go lovesss!


“No!” Elena whimpered after he woke her from the nap she fell into after their lovemaking by the stream. “Want sleep,” she muttered before hiding further into his warm chest. He chuckled at her childish sweetness and stroked her long hair he loved so much.

“Come on, my love”

When he started to move, she pouted and looked at his dazzling smile. “Carry me?”

Mirko laughed huskily and picked up his splendid weightless mate without making her say twice.

Her arms were around his shoulders, the head tucked into the hollow of his neck, her legs around his torso and her feminine treasure pressing against his hard abs. Mirko let out a grunt and tried to calm his already boiling blood.

The Alpha felt slightly guilty for how many times he had wanted her, without giving her too much time to recover after her first time, but she didn’t seem to care and had always welcomed him with great enthusiasm.

Mirko stared at her fondly as he dipped her into the river, slowly and carefully.

Although Elena basically did nothing during sex, all of her muscles were sore, especially some very specific ones.

When they were immersed, she made one of those sounds he loved so much, and, with a small smile, he tilted her head up to look at her heatedly.

“I love you." it was uttered with such ferocity, as he stroked her cheek for a few heartbeats. Elena muttered something with her eyes closed.

So cute.

The Alpha bit his lips to stifle another laugh.

Who would fell asleep in those frozen waters? Mirko didn’t care at all and started to wash her gently.

The smile never left his lips.


Sometime later

Elena was lying on the hardest and most comfortable pillow in the world: Mirko’s chest. The she-wolf was busy listening to his regular heartbeat, suggesting he was sleeping.

While Mirko was recovering the endless stamina, lost in the worlds of dreams, Elena studied his features. She sighed softly, with dreams in her eyes.

That was another definition of love: the inability to stare at anything other than the loved subject, until external factors forced you to take your eyes off him.

At some point, his features changed slightly, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

“What are you looking at, my love?” He murmured in that deep baritone, with one blue eye peeking at her.

The sneaky gorgeous werewolf wasn’t sleeping anymore and caught her staring.

“Nothing” Elena said embarrassed,

“I can’t believe we finally had-” Then she halted, averting her eyes, “You know...”

He chuckled, stroking her back and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Yes, I know. We have mated.”

His arms held her tight against him as his thumb began to draw small circles on her bare shoulder.

“You make it sound so animalistic,” she giggled into those steel muscles, rubbing her nose on the chest, glad to be in his arms, under the stars of the infinite darkness above them.

Their day had been beyond perfection. Completely disconnected from the outside world, from responsibilities and modernity, severing the mind links with the packs, the Alpha and the Luna remained in the middle of those remote woods, in their own private bubble.

Elena was brooding as she played with his big fingers. They were veiny and long, with a few scars. There wasn’t even a part of him that wasn’t beautiful, not even his manly hands.

“Mirko... was it, uhm, ok for you?”

When he didn’t reply, the girl spied on him, gasping when she noticed he was trying to stifle a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” She hit his chest, trying to get up. But the iron cage didn’t let her move an inch.

“Is your pretty head worried about that?” Before she could complain or utter a single word, he captured her lips in the sweetest kiss of all. After a while, Elena couldn’t quantify how much since she always lost her mind when he kissed her like that, he pulled away and grinned down at her.

“That was my first time too.” Suspicion and bewilderment invaded her. It wasn’t true, and she knew it, unfortunately.

“I’ve never made love before,”

He loomed over her smaller figure as stared intently at her.

There was so much devotion and honesty that fireworks exploded in her belly.

For Elena it was a mystery how people over the years could be so blind and oblivious to the real werewolf behind the legends, focusing solely on the power he wielded.

But then again, Elena was his mate. His power and domination had never affected her. When Mirko showed those dagger-sharp fangs of his, another would find them horrifying, to Elena, those reminded her of the mark. Where Craken was a giant teddy bear to her, everyone else curled up in fear of the black werebeast.

If Mirko’s appearance triggered Elena’s butterflies, and often embarrassed, it was awe-inspiring in everyone else.


“I’m kind of peckish,” Elena pouted sometime later, after another intense cuddling session ~ the girl realized she was one of those women who needed a lot of pampering after sex ~ and after, her stomach started playing the trumpets.

“Maybe we should come back?” She proposed even if the idea did not appeal to her at all. Having Mirko all to herself was a rare treasure.

“I can go get some food,” he beamed at her, with hope and she nodded eagerly.

Elena loved their bubble, that break with reality they had spontaneously taken.

“Wait for me here, ok?” He kissed her on the cheek and stood up, naked as his mother had made him. Elena turned away, her cheeks full of blood. She covered herself with her fur, breathing in his scent and fell asleep with a smile, hearing his steady footsteps disappear into the woods.....


After an indefinite period of time, the girl woke up by herself, curled up in soft fur.

Mirko was nowhere to be seen and the night sky had stolen all the stars. It was the darkest hour, the one in which the predators were lurking and the prey were already holed up, in the hope of not being discovered.

When Elena sat down and her fur fell off, exposing her upper body, the chill air made her shiver. The feeling of being watched had crept under the skin.

She sniffed the air and smelled various smells, and creatures.

‘Call mate’

‘I’m not a child, I can take care of myself’ Elena knew he had gone hunting but wasn’t sure why he was taking so long.

The truth was that Mirko had gone to satiate the ravenous hunger, devouring two whole deer. Then he had run for miles, to discharge the great energies channelled into him.

The wind was blowing stronger than what she thought when she was lying down. It was sneaking through the trunks of the trees, singing a mournful tune. The one that made you think of ghosts or monsters. Trembling a little, Elena stood up, covering her naked body as best she could with her fur.

And that was when she saw them.

Several pairs of eyes stared at her from the darkness in the trees.

AN/Image isnt the best edited. But still :D

A few hisses and muffled noises confirmed that they were not ghosts of long-eaten prey. They were a large group of savage rogues. From a first impression, Elena had counted ten, of which at least six were the size of Rex’s or Marco’s wolves.

Oddly, the wolves stared at her from behind the trees, not getting closer, instead of attacking or doing other horrible activities. In fact, after sleep had left her features and night vision kicked in, Elena had noticed that they were showing signs of... fear?

Like a lion who accidentally found himself in the nest of two tyrannosaurs, looking at their grown cub.

When one of them sniffed the air, a few started to walk backwards, never stopping to glare at her, while others looked around frantically.

And as they had appeared, they ran off in a mess of low whines and growls. Elena rubbed her eyes and blinked them again, pondering whether she had imagined the wild wolves or not.

‘What’s wrong, my love? I sense your discomfort.’ Mirko connected with her, some concern laced the deep voice.

‘No, I’m fine, where are you?’ He replied, forgetting the incident and returning to sit on their couch.

‘Why? Miss me already?’

‘Yes,’ she pouted, ′I don’t like waking up alone, now I’m deprived of cuddles,′ she joked with a hint of truth.

His laughter echoed in their private mind-link and made her tremble:

I’m sorry, I went for a run and went a little further than expected. But I’m coming back, with dinner’

And as he had promised, after half an hour Craken appeared from behind the bushes, dragging a huge moose by his neck. How he had dragged a 500-pound (225 kg) creature there, as there were no moose in the territory, was a partial mystery. He had run very far, in woods that had probably never felt the touch of a human foot.

Craken dropped the dead herbivore with a thud and looked at her with his tongue hanging from his mouth.

“Hello Fluffin!” Elena ran to meet him, hugging him tightly around the neck, getting lost in his soft fur.

There was something about the wolf, she always felt extremely comfortable with him. He started purring and it wasn’t long before he started licking her face.

Elena must have been really tired and exhausted as she fell asleep again, lost in the soft world of her mate. She couldn’t know, but her body was having a harsh time adjusting to Mirko’s mark. If normal mated couples fell asleep after the mark for a few hours, the mates of a werebeats needed triple that time.

When she woke up, she found herself covered in new fur and a made-up pillow. Mirko must have done this when she slept with whatever she found in the forest. It was just comfortable.

Looking around, she recognized Mirko a few steps away, intent on cooking fresh meat on the fire. There was a huge piece of elk on a stick and several other pieces had been cleaned and stretched out, ready to be heated up. Elena had noticed a large leaf next to Mirko, covering what she thought was meat already prepared and ready to eat.

Somehow, he must have felt her curious gaze, as he lifted his head and smiled at her. He was so beautiful, so merged with nature. A perfect photo to take and preserve in the album of her heart.

He seemed truly happy there, in the wilderness and so she did. With him.

“Sorry if I woke you up.” With that, he stood up and walked over to her. He picked her up in his arms and carried her bridal style by the fire and sat her on his lap.

“But it’s time to feed you, mate.”

After eating the delicious food, taking another bath in their private river, and then engaging in other intimate activities that lasted longer than expected, the couple needed a second bath. And, without realizing it, it was already afternoon of the next day.

Time flew by when you spent it with the people you loved or doing something you adored. Time became a foreign, alien concept when you spent it with your mate, especially if the mate in question were the Black Alpha. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

AN/ Write one word to describe Craken ;)

Mine is: fluffy!

Next update next Sunday! :)

Love you all!!

PS: Consider support me, Mirko and my characters on Patreon! You can read more than 40 bonus episodes, side stories, the sequel, the spin off and my other werewolf story!! :)

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