Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 68 ~ The Revenge of the She-Wolf

Two werewolves, a black and a red one, stood side by side, staring at a new horde of rogues. The two beasts were enjoying the look of panic painted on the rogues’ faces as they noticed the little hills of lifeless bodies piled up all around. Corpses that belonged to their fellows and became food for crows and worms.

Craken grinned, with fangs dripping old blood. It was not a friendly smile. It was more like what a tyrannosaurus rex would do to prey that was about to land right in its belly.

When the swarm of rogues stared at that cruel smile, some fled, others lowered their ears, a few snarled bravely. And then, out of nowhere, Craken did something surprising: he returned to his human form. He shifted back to the notorious Black Alpha, Mirko, although a considerable chunk of Craken was still on the surface. Still present.

Partially covered in black fur, with prominent and shining claws and fangs, promises of imminent death, and elongated ears, Mirko was both frightening and majestic at the same time.

Covered with blood and dirt, he reported a few scratches here and there, already healing, caused by stepping on a semi-hidden rock and then on a sharp pinecone.

In front of all those wolves, Mirko crossed his arms over his massive chest. The action caused the muscles to bulge and appear more massive.

“So, who’s next?” The altered voice boomed in the red-painted clearing.

Countless eyes, wide open and unblinking, stared right at him. On hold.

“Now, that’s not fun!” As he untied his arms, several wolves backed away in fear, colliding with each other like sheep before the big bad wolf.

At first, it was not Mirko’s intention to hunt down those rogues, or to act as an exterminator or champion of justice. But, since he was there, he might as well do some cleaning. Or pest control.

Besides, those rogues were the barrier that separated him from revenge. Those wolves separated him from sticking his claws into the traitorous flesh... into Cornelia and Frerea.

When other rogues began to retreat, Mirko, who was no longer smiling, attacked, closely followed by the Killing Machine.

Both swift as lightning, both infallible as scourges sent by a god to punish the earthlings. With just enough bows to steal life. With cuts so precise that the line only became visible when a head rolled away, when a limb detached, or when intestines rained to the ground.

And, soon again, like a horror movie being seen for the second time, fresh bodies decorated the once grey meadow.


Elsewhere, in a different part of that same forest, two wolves darted like wild lightning bolts, moving further and further into No Man’s Land.

Their senses were on high alert as the crisp air playfully whipped their fur. The impending darkness made the surrounding woods creepy and mysterious.

Spiderwebs glittered in the last rays of the sun, low and curved branches covered with moss, often hid the passage...

....Passage created by their very own mates, since Marco and Elena were following the same path where, a few hours ago, Mirko and Crucifero had passed. From time to time Elena noticed little pieces of black fur hanging from recently half-broken branches, and, once or twice, some dead deer, which unfortunately found themselves on Mirko’s way.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, several wolves emerged. Marco and Elena looked at them with distrust, and slowed down cautiously, without making any noise, expecting an attack or an ambush.

But those animals ignored the two and didn’t look like they were in a hunting pattern.

No. They were running with panicked eyes, as if the devil was behind them... and that was not that far from reality... Soon, both Elena and Marco realized that those rogues were really running away from something ... and that something was a red wolf. The same one who had tried to bite Elena. The same mated with Marco.

Relief poured into both Elena and Marco as the healthy scent of their respective mates hit their nostrils.

‘Look at your mate! Scaring everyone away’ Elena giggled through their private mind-link.

‘My Cruci is the best.’ Marco sighed, without taking his eyes off his mate, now busy tearing apart two rogues, while three were on the ground. Dead.

‘My baby definitely deserves an award, later at home...or here in the woods.’

Elena groaned, not wanting to hear more.

‘He seems to enjoy the kill, Marco.’ She commented, noting how Crucifero seemed in his element.

‘And your mate is sure very confident! Who fights in his human form nowadays!?’ Marco retorts, defensively. ‘Nobody!’ He concluded as Elena frowned, following the direction of Marco’s gaze.

And right then, a slice of a perfect round ass appeared for a second in Elena’s field of vision. A deep red would have tinged her cheeks and chest, had she not been in her wolf form... seeing Mirko fight completely naked was certainly a mouth-watering sight.

She hastily looked away while lustful Titilas wanted to jump on him, not caring about the rogues....

One second later, her eyes returned to her majestic mate, too worried and in awe to look away.

Mirko was something otherworldly. The ultimate form of Alpha Wolf. He was so brutal yet harmonious in that bloodbath. It felt like he was doing what he was meant to do...and he was what he was meant to be.

However, when Elena realized the amount of deaths and stench of putrefaction flooded her nostrils, she felt dizzy.

‘I think I need a breather!’ Marco complained through mind-link as if reading Elena’s thoughts.

Before she could jump forward and help her glorious mate, even though he did not seem to need it, something else caught her attention.

A scent worse than rottenness.

“It looks like the Virgin Mary has returned for more beating” A sickly sweet voice polluted the air.

Elena bared her fangs, forgetting everything else. The mischievous and dark power that had invaded her earlier, that alien force, was activated once again. Her vision turned red as she took notice of the woman a few meters away.


It was time to settle the score.

Barely realizing that, on her right side, Marco’s wolf had lunged forward, fighting against another big wolf, Titilas/Elena growled at Cornelia and crouched.

The she-wolf laughed like an aged witch.

“Ready to die, Mates’ Thief?”

And, having said that, she leapt backwards, somersaulting in the air and, when she landed again, a snarling wolf had taken Cornelia’s place.

Elena recognized the wolf immediately, remembering when Cornelia had beaten her up and played dirty, fighting without allowing Elena to shift. The wolf was still aubergine colour, but, this time, large chunks of fur were missing and some new scars adorned its muzzle. Hard life with the rogues, into the wild...

The she-wolves started to circle each other. Cornelia’s bloodshot eyes were trained on Elena’s neck when the latter faked a move. Foolish Cornelia fell for it, pouncing to the right with a snarl and fangs ready to smash Elena’s flesh and bones.

Elena ducked left, swiftly digging her claws into her opponent’s furry chest. The sweet sound of her agony made the Alpha’s daughter smirk. The thirst for blood grew viciously inside her usually-pure heart.

Without wasting another breath, Titilas/ Elena spun, rotating the hid legs just as Alpha Giacomo had taught them. One second later, Titilas raised her paws and hit the hairy jaw of Cornelia’s wolf, almost throwing it off.

Releasing a strangled snarl, the wolf dropped.

No giving her time to recover, Titilas, who seemed possessed by a demon, jumped over her, dominating her and proving who was the strongest. Showing her the real Black Alpha’s mate.

With a growl, she plunged her fangs into Cornelia, moving her head from side to side frenetically, to tear more flesh apart. Once Titilas was satisfied, she threw the whiny wolf to the ground again, like a sack of moldy potatoes.

When Cornelia opened her eyes, she found herself staring at none other than Elena, human again. Her face smeared with Cornelia’s own blood.

“Hi Cornelia,” she said with false sweetness. Cornelia gasped as those eyes flashed with something dark and scary.

“My face will be the last thing you will ever see.” Elena smiled cruelly, stroking Cornelia’s panting muzzle.

“Funny, isn’t it? The mate of the man you love.” She pretended to think before continuing.

“And that has never belonged to you in the first place.”

A heartbeat later, the Alpha’s daughter pressed her hand on the wolf’s throat. When she pulled back, Cornelia’s spine came with it, sprinkling fresh blood on Elena’s face and ground. Elena held it up as if the spine were a trophy. A satisfied smile lingered on her face, normally angelic and innocent, but now pure evil.

There was not even a small part of her that felt sorry for this useless creature. For some mysterious reason, Elena felt proud that she had chased that rotten soul off the Earth.

Sensing Marco’s wolf nearby, she stood up, naked and bloody, taking one last satisfied glance at Cornelia.

She noticed her friend fight some wolves, but it seemed he was in charge as several lifeless bodies were scattered around.

The scent of Mirko was barely perceptible in the air, but the girl did not have time to look for him as a dozen rogues appeared out of nowhere, snarling and snorting like angry bulls.

Growling back, Elena shifted back instantly. Soon after, a furious Titilas pounced on the group of wolves...and the blood shower continued.

AN/ Who thought Elena had it in her?!

I wanted to point out that Cornelia went crazy because she refused 2 mates (killing one). This caused her wolf to claw her soul slowly and painfully, from within her.

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