Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 63 ~ 'Did you touch my mate?' - Part 2

"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.”

― Charles Dickens


Mirko was marching towards the scent of his Beta. He did not blink, his nostrils were dilated.

People scurried away or scattered when the Alpha approached, like a shark crossing a group of fish. Like a predator passing through a herd of herbivores. Like an alpha wolf going for the kill.

It was rare to see both Mirko and Craken emerge, sharing the same body in such a harmonious and terrifying way.

His ears were those of a wolf, his fangs were full on display, his eyes were completely black with electric blue thunders and the pupil thinned like that of a viper. Mirko looked bigger and taller than usual, his feet, legs, arms, and parts of his chest covered in black fur and his tail was sticking out, whipping the wind.

A steady, low growl came out of him.

It was the beast everyone was talking about. It was the Black Alpha.

You wanted the Black Alpha? Now you got it.


Crucifero did not look him in the eye and kept them firmly planted on the ground. The Beta was aware that the Black Alpha was in control, however he also knew it would take a breath to blow him up and possibly cost him a limb or two.

Behind Crucifero stood two warriors assigned to the western border, Joakin and Obelix.

Both paler than the pallor itself.

The Beta quickly filled Mirko with what he had discovered. Straight to the point. Straightforward and honest. The way his Alpha expected him to do.

He had told him how Elena had tried to infiltrate and find him.

How the two guards, Joakin and Obelix, wanted to take her to the interrogation cell but she refused and tried to fight them.

How Frerea had appeared and how she had insisted on taking Elena into custody ... and apparently taken to the freaking Underworld, instead of a normal cell.

With each sentence, Mirko’s veins got bigger and bigger, the claws thickened, the fur began to cover larger parts of his body.

When Crucifero finished his report, a piercing roar stabbed the air as he smashed a tree with his claws.

Obelix and Joakin had been identified as the ones who had had the misfortune to cross paths with Elena last night.

Mirko was about to slaughter them both in that instant. But, unlike Crucifero, whose wolf was simply crazy, Craken was always in control of the situation, like a superior Alpha wolf. He did not let the killer instinct prevail.

Oh no.

Because Craken knew that instant death would be a too simple punishment. An easy way out. That was the reason why the guards he had placed around Elena’s pack to protect her and that had failed miserably, were on the verge of death. It was a favour because Elena had managed to sneak away somehow and had fooled them.

Joakin, the shortest of the two, was the one wearing most of Elena’s smell. Hence, Mirko decided to leave him for later as he focused his penetrating eyes on Obelix.

A warrior as tall as Mirko, almost as big, Obelix resembled an ancient Viking.

Starting to circle around the man, Mirko kept his hands behind his back.

“Did you touch my mate?” He asked, his face devoid of emotion.

“Yes, Alpha.” The proud man replied with his chin up as the other warrior swallowed loudly. Obelix knew what was going to happen, he had witnessed it in the past.


“I dragged her to her feet after she didn’t agree to follow us, and I pushed her towards Joakin so that he could carry her on”

Crucifero shook his head as Mirko continued to stare at him ... again without batting an eyelid, in a somewhat creepy way.

“With which hand did you push her?” he questioned after a long pause; his walking in circles stopped.

It felt like peace before the storm.

“Right hand, Alpha,” Obelix admitted, gulping and closing his eyes. Accepting his fate while waving his hand, as if to say goodbye to it.

He had touched and mistreated Black Alpha’s mate. The little beauty was right .... She really was his soulmate. And Obelix had made a mistake that would have been unfixable. Unforgivable. And all because he was in a hurry to go fuck some sluts and did pay enough attention to what the beautiful she-wolf was talking about.

“Sorry Alpha. I just followed the rules. I wanted to put her in jail for interrogation, as per standard practise, but-...”

Shifting, the few clothes torn off in the process, Craken himself let out a frightening roar. A heartbeat later, the wolf pounced on the scared warrior.

His right hand along with a huge chunk of the arm were cut off with a powerful bite while Obelix screamed in pain. Soon he clutched what was left of his right arm to his body, pathetically trying to reduce the blood loss.

‘Get this garbage out of my sight.’ Craken ordered to Crucifero.

‘Make sure he survives. This useless shit will return to his duties and will be placed at the lowest rank. Tell everyone he is the walking living reminder of what happens when someone dares to TOUCH WHAT IS MINE!’

Then, without further acknowledging Crucifero or the sobbing Obelix, his big head snapped at Joakin, who was trembling like a leaf.

‘Joakin’ The Alpha Wolf growled, taking a step forward and approaching his prey.

Ears raised and forward, muzzle furrowed with lips lifted high and nose puckered, hackles raised. The long tail was straight out, with the tip often twitching.

All of his attention was bearing down on the target, waiting only for an opportunity to lunge.

‘Did you touch my mate?’

His mouth dripped with blood, his stance was crouched and ready to leap.

Apologies, pleas, and frantic words were ignored by both Craken and Mirko.

‘Answer me’ He growled, his eyes flashing dark with blue veins.

“Y-ye-ss” Joakin stuttered, almost paralysed.

‘Where did you touch her?’

“At the waist, on her wrists and behind her legs, when I carried her on my shoulder”

At those words, seething resentment reached boiling point.

‘You’re lucky you didn’t know she was my mate. Thanks to that I’ll let you die.’

Craken jumped on him, like a hungry lion on a frail gazelle. He seized him in his fangs, moving from right to left frenetically.

Tearing the hopeless werewolf to pieces, the Alpha Wolf was careful not to kill him. The bites were particularly nasty where Elena’s scent still lingered.

‘Barbaricus. Come and collect this obscenity. You all can feed on him, slowly and painfully. After a good amount of time, you can finish him off.’

Suddenly, Craken took a step back and shifted into his human.

Mirko, in all his naked glory, crouched down and stared at a wailing Joakin.

A crazy smile decorated his face as he cleaned the blood off his mouth and chin. Blood that, as per usual, did not belong to him.

“Joakin, you will be the lunch of my wolves” Mirko chuckled darkly, patting the head of the soon-to-be-dead warrior that dared to touch Black Alpha’s mate.


AN/ And the party began ;)

Sorry for the violence!... or not . What do you think Mirko will do to Cornelia and Frerea?

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