Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 47 ~ I Will Come for You

Mirko is here!

Slapping her face as if to check she had not fallen asleep and was dreaming, Elena rushed towards the window like a madwoman, almost tripping on the carpet.

The night reached its deepest and darkest moment, that fatal time where bestial predators were lurking in the misty forests, waiting for unsuspecting victims.

Outside, everything looked completely still, and, if it had not been for that smell that she would have recognized among a myriad of others, Elena would have gone back to bed.

Apparently, Mirko was a king in hiding his scent, though he was unable to camouflage it with her. One more perk that came with the ‘mates’ package.

When a familiar shadow appeared right outside the window, Elena covered her mouth, to muffle the exclamation of astonishment that escaped her lips. Unwanted sensations invaded her body and mind.

It was hoped that he could not identify her intense redness in all that darkness because surely the drum that was her heartbeat could be perceived from miles away.

When Elena partially recovered from the shock, her hands moved to release the window’s hook, being careful not to make any suspicious noises. After all, the pack was full of werewolves, including Rex, who boasted one of the finest hearing among all, and his room was right under hers.

Leaning forward and glancing down, Elena saw her mate.

The moon poured its silvery light on him, illuminating that face as beautiful as feared.

Mirko seemed the most relaxed person on the planet, as if he had not just climbed five floors and as if he were not hanging there, with one hand clinging to the ledge of the wall and the other gripping the railing. As if he were not in a foreign territory where he had just entered without permission and where its warriors hated his guts.

“Hello again” He murmured with a husky voice as he jumped in with an agile and precise leap. Each time she was amazed to see him move like a formidable predator.

Once inside, Mirko stood up and ran a hand through his raven hair, as usual flexing those muscles… the cause of so many distractions.

Staring at each other for a few seconds, as if they had not seen each other for weeks instead of a few hours, the two mates stayed still.

When his glowing eyes began to roam over her attire, reality kicked in.

“Mirko! Don’t look at me!” She squeaked mortified, realizing that her hair was an indomitable hay ball, that she wore an old pajama with smiling mushrooms on top and that her eyes were probably bloodshot from lack of sleep.

Luck for her, she had taken a shower before, although suspected she needed another one as soon as possible considering how hot her body felt.

Chuckling softly, Mirko gently removed those little hands from her face.

“You look...” He trailed off.

“Fantastic” His mate ended the sentence sarcastically.

He wore an amused expression before flickering the end of her nose at her cheeky comment.

“I was going to say cute, but sure. Fantastic it is.” He bit his lips to hide a growing smile. though that wild predatory glint never left his eyes.

“You told me just today you were always going to be honest with me” She grumbled, hugging herself. Unable to resist any further, Mirko yanked her closer, trapping her in his arms.

“And I’m.”

Before she could formulate a response, his lips crushed against hers with that sly smile still plastered there. She let out a soft whimper, unaware of the effect she initiated on him.

Mirko adored her in whatever way she presented herself to him. He did not give a damn about clothes, hair or other details that seemed important to females. Besides, he really believed she was cute like that ...and the thought of sleeping next to her every night was downright mouth-watering.

“You shouldn’t see me before the date.” Elena pouted, from somewhere in his arms, making him laugh softly.

“It’s not a wedding.” He teased before raising an eyebrow. “You don’t’ expect me to, ehm, propose, right?”

“And how would you know how to do anyway?” She joked, swatting his shoulder, before her arm looped around his, dragging his heavy figure towards the bed. His gaze lowered to where she touched his body, where sparks electrified him.

“Hey, how did you get across the border? It is dan- ” The words of apprehension died in her throat when Mirko lifted her with ease and placed her on the mattress, before crawling next to her.

“I have my tricks” That wink made her breath hitch. Shaking her head, Elena decided to drop the matter, and snuggled into his arms.

“You know ...” a yawn escaped her lips as she placed her head on his chest. “When you showed me your new cell phone today, and said ‘let’s talk later’, I thought we were going to text.”

His deep laugh rumbled in the room as Mirko wrapped his mate in a safe embrace.

“Come on, I couldn’t let my girl sleep badly again, so I came to the rescue,” he joked, placing a chaste kiss on top of her head.

Elena let out a content sigh, curling up even more against him.

They stayed like that for a while, both enjoying the sparks that intensified each time more and more, both held that silly smile of people in love.

They stayed like that until Elena noticed how Mirko could not fit in her bed, with one leg sticking out one side and his elbow resting on the bedside table..

The girl blushed and giggled simultaneously at the sight of him. He looked like a giant bear trying to sneak into a dog’s bed.

“What’s so funny?” His husky voice reached her ear.

“Nothing!” She smirked with fake innocent, hiding her face on his chest to muffle a giggle.

But Mirko didn’t believe her at all. So, when he started to tickle her hips, trying to ignore how those curves were so soft and perfect to the touch, Elena confessed.

“It’s just so funny to see you trying to fit in my bed.” She wiped her tears away, trying to recover from the small ticklish attack.

“Are you saying I’m too big for you?” He threw a scowl.

“No! Just for my bed” her chuckle stopped when she realized the small smile curved on his features.

“I don’t think I can be able to sleep without you anymore.” He finally admitted with a sigh. Elena could not agree more. By now, all her skin ached from his touch, her mouth craved his lips, her neck needed his sharp fangs

Placing her elbow on his shoulder as leverage, she kissed his cheek. About to lie down again, Mirko stopped her.

“I don’t want to press you or anything, my love,” he whispered in a strange voice that was unrecognisable. It was slightly distorted.

Elena’s heartbeat fastened at hearing him call her ‘my love’.

“But when are you going to tell your parents about us?” In a quick move, he shifted and lay on his side, facing her, with one hand under his chin, staring at her without batting an eyelid. She felt slightly intimidated.

“A-after Marco’s party ... I-I will-...” Then his lips touched hers.

Their kiss deepened as electricity passed through their bodies. Their tongues danced with each other in swings of love.

Elena’s cute sounds of pleasure had transformed his blood into liquid lava. Snarling in a way Elena had never heard him do, he covered her tiny body with his huge one, and although Mirko was getting lost in the land of pleasure, he remembered to shift his weight on his elbows not to crush his little mate.

With one arm around her body pressing it firmly onto his, arching her back slightly, Mirko was soon lost in that fervent kiss.

Her arms and legs wrapped around him, and both realized how perfectly compatible they were, how perfectly her smaller body fit with his bigger one, as if they were a single piece that at the beginning of time had been cut into two.

Mirko broke the kiss with a grunt but never let go of her heated skin. His hungry mouth travelled down her neck, exploring that delicate skin down to her collarbone, leaving hot kisses and love bites along the way.

When he reached her chest which was rising frantically up and down, he lingered for a brief moment before gently kissing those hardened nipples above her pajamas, while one hand stroked her flat belly.

Elena was losing her mind with all those sparks, and all those new dizzying sensations. The need of touching him overcame all the logic as she slipped her hands into his shirt, savouring that rocky chest and ravishing by the feeling of his strong muscles for the first time.

She loved his ragged breathing and accelerated heart, feeling powerful about the effect her touch had on this beautiful man.

But when his fingers reached the edge of her panties while his teeth brushed against her neck, Elena’s heart leapt out of the chest and suddenly felt a strong need to remind him of her innocence... to remind him that she had never been touched like that by anyone...

“Mirko…I-I never-” She stammered, biting her lower lip.

Elena had never wanted, needed, anything so much in her whole life. The love she felt for this magical creature was too much to be contained in one heart. She needed at least two or three more hearts.

Sucking the air from his teeth, Mirko tried to calm himself down, an inch from losing control and mark and mate with that sweet tempting girl under him.

“Sshh” He murmured peppering her face with kisses “It’s ok. We don’t-... I-…we can wait…” He managed to rasp out with that distorted voice.

“I-I don’t want you to stop. I just-” She paused before lowering her gaze.

Didn’t he want to mark her? Why did he stop like that? Did he change his mind!?

“Why did you stop…don’t you want to mark me?” She intended to be pissed, but it came out as a sad plea.

Suddenly it was as if a dark and stormy cloud had entered the room. All his features changed, sharpening, while his eyes hid a world of monsters.

“Oh, you have no idea how much I want to pierce this beautiful soft skin of yours.” He hissed as his curled lips revealed elongated fangs.

“You don’t know how many times I went hunting in the woods, killing prey after prey, rogue after rogue, beast after beast, while all I really wanted ... the bite I always wanted to unleash was on your innocent skin.” As he spoke, his thick fingers ran down her neck to empathise his words. “So, don’t ask me ever again, Elena.” His chest was rumbling with low growls. “Or I won’t wait until you tell your parents.”

She was just about to protest when he interrupted with that husky voice

“Because I’m trying here… So. Hard.” He drawled. As his teeth grazed her neck, Elena tried to suppress a moan.

Her hand fisted his shirt as she unconsciously titled her head to the side to give him better access.

“It’s driving me insane.” Mirko grounded through clenched teeth as his hand reached for her smaller one, to untangle it gently.

“And just so you know…” He rested his forehead against hers staring at her widened eyes. His body and face almost deformed…almost shifted. “After you tell your parents about us ... you will have to run as fast as possible ... because I will come for you.”


have a great weekend my loves!!! thanks for all your messages, I read them all!!! :))

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