Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 45 ~ Unbearable Separations

Surprise Chapterrrr!! :D


Side note about Black Devil Territory: When you are inside Black Devil, you cannot mind-link with wolves from other packs unless you are officially part of the pack itself. That’s why Luna Elisa was unable to mind-link Alpha Giacomo, or why Marco had to call Elena on the phone in chapter 38, when he asked her where she was.

Elena POV

The organ in my chest that was once called “heart” had become a slave, beating under the command of its master: my mate.

In fact, the piece of meat depended completely on my mate’s behaviour.

Mirko and I hadn’t met for a while? The organ hibernated.

Mirko about to kiss me? The heartbeat stopped, dead, only to be reborn with new life straight after.

Mirko was approaching me? The silly flesh accelerated madly.

And so on.

I admitted that I had to allow my organ a break from my mate and give my brain time to retake the reins. Staying in his strong arms and kissing him did nothing but cloud my mind as my hormones celebrated wildly.

As I walked away from Mirko, I took a narrow path that meandered among pines and bushes.

Mirko’s sturdy footsteps could be heard behind me as I felt his eyes burning holes to the back of my head.

“Just give me a minute alone please?” I mumbled without looking at him.

A weak gasp escaped my swollen lips when I felt his warm breath fan the back of my neck. He was so close. I swear all the hair of my body stood up, craving for his touch.

“We are in the territory of Black Devil and you are unmarked.” He drawled in his signature husky voice. The word ‘unmarked’ burned with some hidden emotions.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

I took a deep breath to calm my rising pulse, understanding his concern before my feet moved forward again.

I had barely been able to walk a few meters when his large hand grabbed mine. Sparks broke out instantly.

My mouth curved into a small smile as his fingers intertwined with mine.

As I turned back, our eyes locked for a brief, nerve-shattering moment. The rest of the world stopped, waiting and trembling under the intensity of our exchange.

The unfamiliar surroundings were gloomy and mystical as the sun dipped behind the trees and darkness slowly awakened like a black beast crawling out of Hell.

His much bigger shadow was absorbing mine with facility.

“Do you know why I’m angry with you?” I opted for a diplomatic question as I stared at his bare feet with interest. Even those were sexy...

Silence was the only response I received. Raising my chin, I noticed his hooded eyes as a cryptic shade fell into their orbits.

“Just tell-” He cleared his throat before sighing. “Can you, uhm, just tell me with your own words?”

The proud stubborn girl inside me was about to yell at my mate. He had to find out for himself, but honestly, I started to feel a little dizzy by the whole interaction…and by his proximity.

“So?” Mirko pressed; his tone full of impatience as his eyes focused on my lips like a predator waiting for his prey to come out of the den.

“Well, technically you should already know, but for this time I will t-”

He let out a string of hilarious curse words that would make a sailor blush.

“You are the most impossible female I’ve ever met.”

As I lifted my eyebrow at the abrupt interruption, a block chocked my throat. ‘What a rude sexist comment. Breath Elena.’ I told myself pursing my lips. ‘Don’t take the bait. Count to 10 before you respond…’





“I bet you met many!” My feisty reply slipped out of my mouth.

An inaudible sigh escaped his lips before glancing at me.

“I don’t give a damn about those girls, I had to be with them to calm down!” The exasperation emanated from his voice and facial features.

The delicious muscles under his shirt flexed as he ran his hand through his hair. I realised I stared too much and quickly averted my eyes.

‘Focus, Elena!!’

I refused to step down first.

“Oh! Sound terrible” I pitied with mock sincerity as I noticed his nostrils flared.

The situation was rapidly getting out of hand again. I had to remember that he was my soulmate. One who had never had a relationship before, not very good at communicating. Or rather, without using any kind of filter between brain and mouth.

Besides, my next sleepless night will be less ‘sleepless’ if we made peace and solved this problem.

“You have to treat me with more respect, you can brush my feeling aside like that, Mirko.” I said noticing his confused expression, but I continued, without leaving him the chance to retort.

“By shoving all your girls and declaring that you would have done everything all over again even if you knew you had a mate… because it hurts me.” I murmured the last part, lowering my chin.

A deep frown appeared in his storming face as his fists clenched.

“I never meant to hurt you. Why should I?” His voice a mere whisper.

A second later, huge hands cupped my face before his finger broke the pout that had involuntarily formed on my lips.

“You are…” His thumb gently caressed my skin, while his voice dropped to a husky murmur. “You’re all that matters to me. From the moment I met you... you owned the key of my heart.” It would have sounded tacky if any other person had said that line.

But this was Mirko….

“And the way i spoke to you about those girls...that is how I express myself. And I will not apologize for being honest with you, my beautiful-” Kiss on the forehead “Exuberant-” Kiss on the nose “Beautiful-” kiss on the corner of my lips “Mate.”

“You repeated ‘beautiful’ twice” I teased, rubbing my nose to his, happy with his cuddles.

“Because once was not enough” He scoffed with a wink as he buried his face on my neck… Apparently, his favourite spot since he always hid there.

“Before you, I’ve never had to care about someone else’s feelings.”

A smile danced on my face at his blatant statement as I enjoyed his proximity and how the conversation was going.

“I understand, but maybe you could try to be a little more, err” I paused, pretending to look for a specific term, even if I always had it on the tip of my tongue. “Like a gentleman

“Gentleman?” He mocked as if I had said a massive profanity.

Without giving me time to react, he pinned me on a tree.

“I’m not a gentleman.” The word was uttered contemptuously. “I am the opposite definition of it.” He glibly informed me as my cheeks turned red under his intense darkening face.

“And since you’re my mate, destined for me, I can assure you that you don’t want a fucking gentleman as a mate either.” One hand moved to tangle with my hair.

“And, let me tell you something, little mate.” The other hand slid downward, resting on the curve of my back, and drawing me impossibly closer to his chest, as he whispered in my ear.

“I don’t regret being too direct for your taste at all. I always will be, especially with you... and you must accept it.” Mirko growled lowly while showering me with sweet kisses.

The genuineness of his statements pulled at my heartstrings leaving me, once again, breathless. All his speech was possibly the cutest non-apology I had ever received.

“But for you, I will try to be, err, nicer?” The uncertainty laced in his voice made me giggle. He was like a giant gorgeous wild man who had never loved and never received loved in his whole life. Until now…

“Sorry if I was mad.” I mumbled, throwing my arms around his neck, and resting my cheek on his wide chest.

His deep chuckle vibrated through me as he stroked my hair. We remained embraced that way for a while, simply enjoying the presence of each other and those amazing magical sparks.


Some Time Later

He parted his lips to say something, then changed his mind and shut them, looking uncomfortable. Glancing at me, he sighed and finally put words into thoughts.

“Is our date still on?”

Butterflies exploded in my belly as my bowels twisted at the mere mention.

Our first date.

How could my heart survive that!? I probably had to carry a defibrillator with me ...

“What? Don’t you want to go anymore?” He inquired with a scratchy voice.

My silence was misinterpreted as hesitation.

Before I could untie the knot that had twisted my tongue and formulate a sensible response, Mirko preceded me.

“I’m just ...Do I need to, uhm” He paused, scratching his neck. I would have cooed at his cuteness and blush if it had not been for those rippling muscles bulging. He was mouth-watering and I was drooling. As usual.

“Do, uhm, I need to invite you again?”

Suddenly his body stiffened, and his nose lifted into the air, sniffing in a way that an animal would do during a hunting trip. His head snapped east as lips curled menacingly. A second later, I found myself behind his back, his powerful body shading my smallest one from an invisible enemy.

Or so I thought.

Soon I heard a hustle and bustle and the horrible sound of dismembered flesh.

“I swear to God !!” A man shouted. “We were just passing by! We haven’t even crossed the border!” I watched horrified as a huge man tried to free himself from a woman even bigger than him.

“Please! Let me go! I have a family waiting for me at home!”

‘She’ was carrying a corpse on her shoulder as she dragged the screaming man, holding him by the neck. Heavily bleeding, she did not seem to mind. Some scratches were already disappearing.

“Alpha.” The woman bowed, not affected by the plea of her prisoner.

Her blond hair was cut short, arms and legs were larger than Rex’s and covered with thick ‘fur’. From a brief look, no waxing had never touched that skin.

Her facial features hid a sort of rough beauty, beneath that military posture and coldness.

Mirko ignored her and in a swift, almost invisible, move he snapped the crying man’s neck. His suffering was over.

I shivered imagining that his soul was still screaming in the arms of death.

“You know what to do with the bodies.” His voice had never been so scary.

The woman nodded as her silvery eyes flickered over me with curiosity.

“Frerea. This is Elena from Full Moon” Mirko briefly introduced us, as his eyes softened at the mention of my name. “My mate.”

“Luna” She bowed, almost touching the ground. “It’s a pleasure. I’m at your service.” The deadpan tone was impressive.

Before I could answer, Mirko harshly ordered her to leave. During that quick episode, his demeanour had changed from a caring mate who blushed sweetly, to a merciless Alpha Wolf in the blink of an eye. It was as if someone completely different were beside me.

Without being affected by her Alpha, the gigantic she-wolf left, dragging away the lifeless bodies of the two unfortunate men.

“Mirko ...” I called him, still slightly shocked. “What if he was really passing through here by mistake?”

“Nobody gets lost in this area by mistake.” The way of speaking suggested that it was better to drop it. After all, he was the king of his land, who was I to interfere? For now, at least.

The sudden sensation of his arms wrapped around my waist made me feel strangely safe, in the most unsafe place on the Planet, his pack, with the most dangerous man of all, my mate.

“Did I scare you?” Mirko murmured against my lips. Losing myself in those blue orbits, I shook my head, kissing him back.

I guess I had to accept the fact that my mate was this threatening force of nature that could steal anyone’s life with the snap of a finger. As he had done a few seconds ago.

“So, about this date…” He trailed off after, changing the topic.

“I can’t on Friday because my pack will celebrate Marco’s departure from our land.” I admitted, biting my lips. My interior cracked as his face dropped.

“But how about the day before?” I proposed without thinking. I probably should have helped with the preparations, but I just could not bear to delay the moment when we would meet again.

“Yes, perfect.” The softness of his lips found my chin as he inhaled my scent.

“It’s in two days” I groaned, sounding needy.

Each time it hurt when we parted, my heart grew heavier and heavier. It was becoming physically impossible to be separated even for a few days.

“Well, I bought a cell phone so I can call you later!” Mirko said proudly, showing me a brand-new phone.

I chuckled seeing that he had only one contact in his phone book, saved as “mate”. Since Mirko used his mind link to communicate with his pack members, I guessed it made sense.

But still, I felt giddy.

And the idea of separating and seeing him again in two days didn’t seem so unbearable anymore.


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