Book 1 of Alpha Wolf: Mate Mine

Chapter 16 ~ Slightly Out Of Hand


It was like a bucket of cold water, her brain became painfully aware of the situation. The moment Elena realized that Riccardo was hugging her, she had pulled his arm away, as if it had been made of ants.

When did he start to hug me anyway? Elena glared at him and frowned at his innocent eyes. Surely it did not mean anything, the hug was friendly and casual. Elena had reflected about Riccardo for just 2 more microseconds; all her attention shifted to her broody mate. He was livid, and for the first time ever his fury was directed at her....and well, at Riccardo.

“What’s wrong Ely?” The latter whispered in her ear in a worried tone, grasping her hand.

Before Elena could reply, a loud and ferocious snarl echoed through the cafeteria and everyone silenced instantly. Elena had never witnessed a crowd going so quiet so swiftly. It looked like a scene where a powerful witch had paused everyone with her ‘blocking’ superpower. A neighbour guy was left open-mouthed with a spoon full of food, still halfway.

Elena stiffened and goose bumps invaded her skin, as always when he was near. She dared to peep back at Mirko and her heart fluttered.

Breathing heavily and shaking, her mate seemed to be about to pounce on Riccardo at any instant. His eyes were a world of darkness.

“What’s wrong with this Black Alpha dude?” Rex asked puzzled, while Riccardo glared daggers at Mirko.

“I’m confused...” Giulia spoke to herself.

Then it was Elena’s turn to growl. There she was, the same dyed blonde who attacked Elena on their first day at school, when Marco found his mate.

Elena had thought that the Witch was not even worthy of being beaten up. But at that moment she had reconsidered it.

The blond witch was whispering something on Mirko’s ear and, at the same time, her right hand was placed on his muscular left arm. Even though he did not seem to notice her at all, who did she think she was to touch her Alpha like that?!

Then Gamma Rolando intervened. It seemed that they were speaking through mind-link, as they both dazed away for a few moments. Eventually Mirko took a deep breath shutting his eyes, and, without sparing another look at Elena or her group, went to sit far away.

To Elena’s displeasure, he had not moved the girl away. She leaned forward and spoke too close to him, with one of her dirty hands on his shoulder.

Elena clenched her fists and decided she had enough.

The girl rushed away, with a ”I need to take a book, I will return soon” whispered to her friends, who had not noticed her black mood.

‘How did he dare to let that troll touch him like that?!’

If you paid enough attention, you could see smoke coming out of Elena’s ears.

Maybe, after all, it could be true ... that Fake Blond Troll was the actual Luna of Black Devil and they had some sort of relation, despite the fact that Mirko had found his real mate. Maybe, nobody cared about mates in the lands of Black Devil, considering that for decades only a few had found their true mates and even fewer had accepted the bond. Perhaps it was for this reason that Mirko had so easily agreed to keep their mate’s bond a secret.

Thinking back, Elena was glad that at least she had beaten her.

Her brooding was interrupted by a callous hand on her wrist. A heartbeat later, Elena was pulled into a rock. The sparks told her exactly who the rock was.

“Leave me alone!” She hissed and shoved him away, ignoring the feeling of his muscles under the fingers. Not only he did not back down, but he even took a step forward.

“Go back to your girl, she is probably wondering where you are.” Elena proposed angrily, trying not to get distracted by the proximity.

"My girl?” He said with his jaw twitching, as he towered further over her small figure. Elena was so distracted that she had barely noticed his glowing eyes and swollen veins on his neck.

“Yes, the one that was touching you everywhere, YOU sac of manure!” She shouted, pointing a finger at him when she uttered the word YOU.

“Sac of manure.” He repeated in disbelief. Apart from his Beta and Gamma, no one had ever dared to call him in a way other than Alpha or Alpha Mirko. At least not in front of his face. Ever since he met Elena, she had addressed him with so many sweet nicknames that he had lost the count by now.


He still could not believe he had one in the first place. One who had too many males buzzing around, apparently. With that thought in mind, a new charge of fury pumped through his veins.

“How about that puppet of yours? Mmh?” He countered with equal frustration.

“He is just a friend from childhood!” She exclaimed, exasperation dripping from all the pores. “And, for your information, I can have as many male friends as I want.”

If it had not been for the meaning behind those words, Mirko would have laughed at her. For such a cute little thing, she sure was feisty.

“Of course you can, Elena." He could not help but grin like a jack-o’-lantern.

“If they are gay, relatives, or in pieces, inside plastic bags.”

“Then that also applies to you, Mirko" She clarified, with fake sweetness in those doe eyes.

“You can start preparing the plastic bag for that Blond Troll and I will grab a knife to tear her into pieces, since it did not really seem like she was gay. Oh, and I’m sure you two aren’t relatives either.” She snapped and then theatrically paused, with her fingers tapping on her chin, in the action of fake-thinking. “On second thought, she could be your grandma... it’s quite difficult to determine her real age under all that cement on her face.”

Mirko’s eyes flickered from aggravated to surprised, before a small grin morphed his face.

Little mate was jealous.

He had never understood the mysterious concept of jealousy before meeting this girl. Plus Black Alpha had not been with any woman long enough to make them possessive towards him. Cornelia alias ‘Troll’ included.

Moon Goddess, if someone had told him that he would have been so crazy about a female and in such a short time, Mirko would have laughed so hard and then kicked that person hard.

“You are jealous.” He murmured with his deep voice, a wicked gleam in those dark blue eyes. Elena turned vermilion.

“Who me? Please! Come down from your high pedestal.” She retorted, while her inner self nodded at his statement.

He smirked from ear to ear. “If you weren’t so flustered, I’d almost think you were telling the truth, beautiful.”

Mirko had managed to cage her between his arms and the lockers. He was too intoxicating for her mental health. Elena could not manage the closeness with this delicious mate, being angry at him, and the desire of kiss him, all at the same time.

“Don’t worry, little mate. Since I’ve found you, I’ve had eyes for you only.” He declared. ”Cornelia and Rolando were just trying not to make me strangle that excuse of an Alpha puppet of yours.” He explained, with a low growl towards the end.

“I’m not surprise her name is Cornelia...wait! What were you doing before you found m-” Her accusation died on her throat when he nestled his face into the crook of a very embarrassed Alpha daughter’s neck. There was only so much an Alpha could take and Mirko could not resist any longer.

“God you smell so f*ing good.” A low rumble came from him as he took a deep inhale. Elena gulped nervously; her breath accelerated. She could not utter a single word, all she could do was to stay still. Her knees tottered, feeling like cheap jelly. He swiftly grabbed her, sparks exploded at the contact.

“I’ve barely contained Craken back there, when I saw that mutt touching you.” He gritted his teeth in anger before exhaling slowly.

“Next time I see you so close to a male I will mark you right away.” Mirko shut his eyes and took another deep inhale from her neck and hair before leaning back and watching her. A fire was cracking in his burning eyes.

“And then I will slaughter him with bare hands.” He whispered, tracing her cheek with his elongated claws, like she was a delicate flower. Elena was in awe, lost in his masculine scent and wild rawness. Black Alpha had been nothing but sweet with her, but a male had dared to roam on his property, unleashing the legendary beast.

“Did I make myself clear?” He asked plainly. His voice was so husky and irate, demanding authority. Elena found herself nodding, as under a spell from a magical predator.

She gasped when Mirko took her chin to lay a cast kiss on her nose, then leaned close to her ear. “And Elena, don’t forget...” He found her eyes. Blue versus green.

"You are mine."

Then, with deliberate slowness, he loosened his grip, turned, and walked away.


When Elena was returning from the library ~ with no books, of course ~ was totally distracted, reflecting on the newly discovered side of that mate of her. Possessiveness and fury had dripped off his eyes and Elena had to admit she felt excited about it. It was wrong, but she couldn’t contain herself at the effect she had had on that beautiful creature. The only downside was that Elena had forgotten to investigate Fake Blondy’s identity and what type of relation Mirko and her had had.

Her bubble of love was abruptly broken by suffocated sobbing. Her questioning look replaced by a furious one.

“Whaaat!?” She snapped, fuming at the sight in front of her. Her fists clenched in rage. How could he have done something like that!?

A heavily injured Riccardo was being transported away, his bloody face full of bruises and his legs bent at an unnatural angle.

Speaking of possessiveness...and madness.




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