Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 39

The sounds of hastened footfalls filled the passageway outside her door, causing Bat to rise in alarm. The shouting of voices, raised in panic, and the slamming of doors resonated through the hallway as she moved towards the entryway, prepared to face whatever peril was imminent. The commotion outside intensified until, at last, the door to her chamber was thrust open, revealing the figures of Lyell and Velika on the threshold, both of them panting and flushed.

A Harii’s command echoed down the hallway, “All to the Great Hall!”

Without wasting another second, Lyell seized Bat’s arm, pulling her with him as they joined the hurried crowd, making its way to the hall.

Panting, Bat managed to ask, “What in the realms is happening?”

The Great Hall was abuzz with murmured speculations and questions as people gathered, their faces etched with concern and confusion. Bat weaved her way through the sea of bodies, her curiosity heightening with every step. As she reached the forefront of the assembly, she was met with a sight that rooted her to the spot.

Val was on his knees, his form subdued by the weight of the chains that bound his limbs. Standing tall before him was Gersemi, her face set in a mask of grim determination, an unyielding aura about her.

Bat felt her heart constrict as she absorbed the sight before her.

With Gersemi’s voice cutting through the oppressive silence like a sharpened blade, she addressed the gathered crowd. “I stand before you not as a usurper of your leader but as one who seeks justice. We are gathered here to witness the judgment passed upon him.”

The air, thick with tension, constricted around Bat as she drank in the scene, her mind whirling with questions and disbelief.

Elbowing her way to the front, Bat demanded, “For what crime is he being judged?”

Gersemi’s eyes roved the crowd until they landed on Bat, locking onto her with intensity. “Breach of contract,” came the steely response.

At that moment, Val’s gaze lifted, meeting Bat’s. “I... I’m so sorry,” he whispered, his voice laden with regret, his eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Bat felt as though the ground had given way beneath her feet as anger, sorrow, and shock—threatened to overwhelm her. The sight of Val, a man she had just spoken to not a day before, now reduced to a shackled captive, was too much to bear. The rawness of the situation struck her to her core, leaving her feeling helpless and empty.

With determination burning in her chest, Bat closed the gap between her and Val, her gaze never wavering. “Explain. What contract is this?” She demanded, her eyes flickering between Gersemi and Val.

With a grace that spoke of her divine heritage, Gersemi stepped forward, addressing the crowd with a voice that resonated with cold authority. “Make it known that my quarrel is not with you, Batilde. The gods and your Vampir, Val, have failed me. Your leader has chosen to renounce our marriage, and in doing so, he must now face the consequences as dictated by the laws and customs of my people.” She declared, her eyes glinting with resolve.

A ripple of whispers swept through the crowd as Ace emerged from their midst, his eyes locking onto Bat. For a heartbeat, they communicated wordlessly, myriad questions flashing in Bat’s mind as she sought to decipher the meaning behind his intense gaze.

With her mind in turmoil, Bat’s voice wavered slightly as she questioned, “What is happening here?”

Gersemi’s gaze softened for a fleeting moment as she looked at Bat, a shadow of regret marring her otherwise impassive countenance. “It grieves me to entangle another person you hold dear in this ordeal, but I see no other recourse.” She confessed, her gaze sweeping the hall before settling back on Bat. “Upon learning of Val’s decision to rescind our engagement, I sought counsel with the gods. Tyr, the god of justice who sacrificed his hand in the pursuit of law, counseled me to appoint a judge of equal merit and sacrifice. Ace, the first of his kind chosen by Tyr, shall preside over Val’s judgment.”

With an air of solemnity befitting the gravity of the situation, Ace addressed those gathered as witnesses. “I have been in communication with Tyr. The gods have collectively resolved to abide by the decision rendered today, understanding that no further retribution will be exacted upon Val beyond what is determined in this tribunal.” His resolute and commanding voice filled the hall, leaving no room for doubt or debate.

The weight of Gersemi’s following words hung heavily in the air, her declaration resonating with finality. “When we agreed upon this union, the stipulations were crystal clear. Our marriage was to be the cornerstone of a peaceful alliance between our people. Any breach of this pact would inevitably lead to war unless the offending party were duly punished in a manner deemed satisfactory by both factions. I have no inclination towards warfare, and I sincerely hope we can amicably resolve this predicament today.” She paused, her piercing gaze sweeping across the assembled crowd. “Our traditions are straightforward. Val’s transgression demands that he be exiled to Hel.”

Bat felt a tide of confusion wash over her as she scanned the myriad faces in the crowd, each reacting differently to the pronouncement. Some were visibly stunned, their eyes wide with horror, while others reveled in the moment, their laughter discordant in the tense atmosphere. The reality of the situation eluded Bat as she grappled with the shock of it all. The crowd’s murmurs amplified her disorientation, and a sickening dread gnawed at her gut.

Ace’s gaze met Bat’s, a silent apology etched in his eyes before he addressed the assemblage. “I concur. The punishment is just.”

Without hesitation, Val voiced his acceptance of the verdict, his eyes unwaveringly fixed on Bat. “I accept the consequences of my actions.”

In the next instant, with a mere flick of Gersemi’s wrist, Val vanished from sight.

The guttural cry that escaped Bat’s lips carried her anguish as she lunged forward, only to be halted in her tracks. Her eyes, wide with shock and brimming with unshed tears, were fixated on the spot where Val had stood moments before. A deafening silence engulfed the room, the oppressive atmosphere amplifying the harsh sound of Bat’s labored breathing. The emptiness consumed her, an abyss that swallowed her whole.

Leaning in, Gersemi’s voice was gentle and tinged with remorse. “I wish there had been another way, Batilde. Please believe me. This decision was not made lightly. But understand, the Vanir are proud and would not tolerate this insult lying down.”

The weight of the room crashed down on Bat as Gersemi’s words rang in her ears. Gersemi’s power and control were unmistakable, her presence commanding the attention of all who stood in the grand hall. Einar and Ilka stood by her side, their faces set in determined expressions.

The last time Bat had laid eyes on Ilka, it had been in the crowded halls of the embassy in Slaingard. It had been a world away from the grim setting of the grand ballroom, with its stone walls and the weight of recent events hanging heavy in the air.

Seeing Ilka standing beside Gersemi with an air of determination and power was a shock to Bat’s system. Gone was the elegant, refined woman she had known, replaced by a fierce warrior ready to fight for what she believed in. It was as if the veneer of diplomacy and political machinations had been stripped away, revealing the true strength beneath.

With a sweeping gaze, Gersemi addressed the crowd. “Let it be known that my aspirations do not lie in ruling over this realm. In the absence of your leader, I have appointed Einar and Ilka as interim stewards to manage the affairs of this land until Val’s return or until new leadership emerges.” Her gaze flicked to Bat, and a hint of regret flashed in her eyes for a moment. “I wish you all the best in these trying times.”

No sooner had she uttered those final words than a mysterious wind swept through the hall, extinguishing candles and sending a collective shiver through the assembled crowd. The gust carried Gersemi away, and she disappeared before their eyes as if she had been nothing more than a mirage. The sudden absence of her presence left a perceptible void, and a ripple of confusion and apprehension swept through the people.

Lost in the tumult of her thoughts, Bat scarcely had time to process the enormity of what had just occurred when she felt the comforting warmth of Velika’s arms enveloping her in a tight hug. Lyell joined in, supporting the shelter of safety they had formed around her. Their silent promise of protection was the only solid thing in a world that had just been turned upside down.

Seething with a fury that threatened to consume her, Bat’s gaze locked onto Ace. Her fists clenched at her sides, she stepped towards him, her voice shaking with rage. “How could you stand by and let this happen? Bring him back! NOW!”

The atmosphere was thick with emotion and raw energy. Ace moved with the lethal grace of a predator, each step purposeful as he approached Bat, his eyes never leaving hers. They were pools of smoky blue, clouded with conflict and regret. “What’s right isn’t always what we desire,” he murmured, his voice low.

Desperation clawed at Bat’s chest as she pivoted towards Einar, her eyes pleading. But the man shook his head slowly, and it felt like a knife twisting deeper into her already wounded heart. As she swung her gaze to Ilka, she hoped to find sympathy. Instead, she saw only the stubborn determination of a woman adhering to a higher command, her fingers skimming the surface of a tablet.

Her voice rose, edged with bitterness, “All of this because I entered his life!” Moisture clouded her vision, the tears threatening to fall, but she battled to hold them back. She felt exposed, her every emotion bared for the room to see. Her heart thudded painfully against her ribcage, anger and despair pumping through her veins.

Ace’s expression shifted, the weight of her words evident in the deep lines that etched his features. Pain shimmered in his gaze, mingling with the unresolved turmoil that clouded his eyes. “Bat,” he began, voice breaking.

Velika stepped in, her voice firm but filled with concern, “How long? How long will Val be in that place?”

A heavy sigh escaped Ace as though the weight of centuries pressed down on him. “Half a millennia.”

Bat’s voice cracked, her words echoing with despair that reached every corner of the room, “Half a millennia!” The reality of it all crashing down on her, threatening to pull her under.

Val’s punishment, trapped in the wretched depths of Hel, assaulted Bat’s senses like a relentless storm. The very thought was like a blade, slicing through the fabric of her being, each pulse of pain a sharp reminder of the terrible fate that had befallen him.

“You need to understand,” Ace implored, a world of sorrow etched into the lines of his face. “In their eyes, it’s but a mere moment in time. A blink of an eye compared to the alternative, an eternity of war that would ravage our realms.”

Velika interjected, her voice steely with conviction, “Val would never allow our realms to be torn apart by war.”

A raw vulnerability seeped into Bat’s voice as she spoke, her words a whisper in the silent room. “He sacrificed everything for us. He never heard me say I forgave him.” The bitter regret clung to her, and her strength crumbled beneath its weight. Her last exchange with Val played in her mind, his plea for her forgiveness now a haunting echo. “I need to be alone.” She broke away from her friends, her mind a raging sea of chaos.

Her footsteps echoed in the quiet hall as she passed by the figures of people that were now mere blurs in her peripheral vision. If only she had listened to Val and given herself time to harness the power within her, she could have foreseen and stopped this catastrophe. The painful realization burned in her chest. ‘I’ll make it right,’ Val’s last words to her now a broken promise, a hollow pledge. And now the onus was on her to make things right.

As she reached the door to her room, her gaze fell upon a slender silhouette leaning casually against the wall. The man straightened as she approached, his arms uncrossing and a devilish glint in his eye. “Luk,” she breathed, a note of weariness in her voice. “This is not the time. I am in no mood for your games.”

A smirk played at the corners of his mouth as he pushed himself off the wall. “What’s the matter, Bat? Not up for a little trip to Hel?” His words hung in the air, an irresistible invitation that sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her veins.

Bat felt a lump swell in her throat at the mention of Hel. She took a steady breath, attempting to gather her wits about her. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Ace won’t assist me.”

“Boring,” Luk chided, a playful grin curving his lips. He produced a toothpick from his pocket and began twirling it skillfully between his fingers before slipping it into his mouth. His gaze locked with Bat’s, filled with a mischievous gleam as he raised an eyebrow in an unspoken challenge. “That’s what I’d expect from him but not from you. To cross into that realm, you’ll need a guide, someone with the unique ability to traverse the realms unnoticed and, preferably, alive.” His eyes danced with mischief as he gave her a cheeky wink.

“And you can do that?” she quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

A wicked grin spread across Luk’s face, revealing his teeth. “I can.” With a flourish, he turned the knob and held the door open for her, a teasing glint in his eyes. “This way, Princess.”

Bat approached the door as Luk leaned against the frame, a playful smirk on his lips. He gestured for her to enter with an exaggerated sweep of his arm. “After you,” he purred, the flirtatious lilt in his voice unmistakable.

Her eyes narrowed at him, a fierce glare that did nothing to wipe the smug smirk off his face. “If you insist on calling me Princess, then I will have to refer to you as Elf,” she retorted.

“Fair enough,” he chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “But something tells me you’ll find far more fitting names for me by the time our journey ends.” Her gaze dropped to a small scar at the corner of his mouth, a subtle imperfection that only added to his allure. “You’re staring again,” he teased, taking a step to follow her through the threshold.

Bat strode with purpose to her nightstand, where her newly culled notebook lay. She picked it up and pulled the pen from its binding, the ink dancing across the page as she inscribed three bold letters at the top. Each stroke was filled with conviction.

The fire crackled beside her, its light casting shadows that danced across the room. As she wrote, she felt the weight of her past begins to lift, each stroke of the pen erasing her mistakes.

The three letters stood out against the page. She snapped the notebook closed and set it aside, a determined glint in her eye. It was time to act.

She was going to Hel. And she was going to bring Val back.

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