Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 33

Bat’s eyes darted around, grappling with the sudden shift in her surroundings. The weight of transition from one realm to another left her disoriented and bewildered. Glancing down, her fingers brushed the soft fabric of the ruby-hued gown, a jarring reminder of the seductive waltz of danger she had danced with Odin. The mere memory made her heart race and skin crawl.

She inhaled deeply, the evening air grounding her to the here and now. The compound stood defiantly before her, seemingly unscathed. Twilight had draped its velvety cloak over the world, with bioluminescent lights casting an ethereal glow in hues of sapphire and aqua over the grounds.

Lyell appeared from the compound’s shadows, his arms burdened with a hefty crate. The sight of Bat made him freeze mid-step, a shock rendering him motionless. The box plummeted, breaking upon impact and spilling its contents like treasures from a lost chest. “She’s returned!” His voice pierced the night.

Following his exclamation, Ace and Velika burst onto the scene, their expressions cast in relief and confusion. As they made their way towards her, urgency in their steps, Ace’s voice cut through, raw and desperate. “What happened? How are you here?”

Catching his breath, Lyell answered in amazement and confusion, “I was simply fetching supplies when she materialized. Just... out of nowhere.” He gestured towards Bat, his fingers trembling.

But it was Ace’s reaction that genuinely caught her off guard. As if pulled by a magnetic force, he rushed to her, colliding with his arms wrapped around her in a desperate embrace, the warmth of his body anchoring her. “I always knew you would return.”

She could feel the intense surge of emotions emanating from Ace—relief, fear, hope—all tangled together in a fierce grip. Bat attempted to create distance, to see into the depths of his eyes, but he held her even tighter.

His thumb traced a delicate path across her cheek, and their eyes met—a moment suspended in time. Bat’s heartbeat resonated in her chest, echoing the intensity of his gaze. And as he drew nearer, the world blurred, with only the anticipation of his lips meeting hers, holding her tethered to reality.

“Promise me, please, promise me you won’t vanish from my life again,” he whispered, his voice rich with an intensity that held an edge of raw desperation. “The very idea of a world without you is unbearable.”

A tight knot formed in Bat’s throat, and she found herself at a loss for words. Her gaze locked with his. She lifted her hand, resting it against the coarse bristle of his cheek, the sensation sending shivers down her spine.

“I won’t leave you,” she managed, her breathy voice barely reaching his ears. “I promise.”

Ace’s arms wound around her tightly, drawing her in, as his lips found hers in a passionate embrace that spoke of years of unspoken words and pent-up emotions.

Bat gently withdrew, a playful smile dancing on her lips. “Ouch, has it been that long since we last kissed?” she teased, her palms resting against the solid plane of his chest.

But the puzzled furrow of Ace’s brows and the shadow that clouded his eyes gave her pause. “Bat, you’ve been gone for two years.”

The words landed like a sledgehammer, and Bat felt as though the ground had been swept from beneath her feet. Her eyes widened in sheer disbelief as she absorbed the magnitude of what he’d just said. She cast her gaze around the compound, now seeing it through new eyes - the addition of new structures she didn’t recognize, the lush growth of the gardens that had been in their infancy when she had last seen them, and time had indeed marched on in her absence.

Stunned, she swung back to Ace. “How is that even possible? I was standing before Odin just... just moments ago.”

Ace shook his head, his expression a mirror of her bewilderment. “I can’t begin to explain it. But we need to get you inside. Val needs to know you’re back.”

Before she could reply, Lyell chimed in, his voice filled with awe and humor. “I gotta say, you clean up good. But where in the realms have you been?”

Exhaustion settled on Bat’s shoulders like a heavy cloak. Despite her immaculate appearance, she felt she was still covered in grime and blood. “It’s... it’s a long story,” she muttered, her voice trailing.

Velika swiftly took control of the situation. “We need to find a safe place and figure out what’s going on.” She gestured for the others to help carry Bat to her room.

Once they had gently placed Bat on her bed, Ace leaned in for a closer inspection. “She seems to be unharmed. No visible wounds or injuries.”

Lyell noted with amusement, “And she’s still in that extravagant dress.”

Velika’s gaze sharpened as she scrutinized the dress. “This is no ordinary dress. It is crafted from some form of enchanted fabric.”

“Enchanted? By whom?” Ace asked.

Velika shook her head, “I don’t know. But we need to find out what’s happening fast.”

After some convincing, Bat assured them she was okay and needed to bathe and rest. They left her reluctantly, only after she promised to talk to Ace afterward. Too exhausted to get fully dressed post-bath, she put on a robe. Her body and mind felt like she had just been in a battle.

Navigating her way to Ace’s quarters, which had once belonged to Val, she found him seated on the bed, his fingers interlaced and his head lowered in contemplation. At the sound of her approach, he raised his head, and their eyes met - his, wearied and bloodshot, and hers, filled with an unspoken plea for answers.

“How are you feeling?” he asked gently.

Bat shrugged, “Wiped. But the wound’s fine. It’s completely healed.” She moved to sit beside him on the bed.

Ace took her hand, squeezing it lightly. “You were away forever,” he said. “We all thought you were gone for good. Dagny and Svend kept asking about you.”

Guilt gnawed at Bat. She hadn’t meant to be gone for so long, but time in the other realm was tricky. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I am glad they are okay.”

Ace shook his head, “It’s not your fault. We’re just happy you’re back.”

Leaning against him, Bat sighed.

“I took this room, thinking if you came back, you’d come here first.” He admitted.

“Where is everyone?” The compound appeared deserted when she arrived.

“They went back to our realm with Val. Me, Lyell, and Velika stayed to find you.”

“What happened?” she asked, too drained for much else.

“I was hoping you’d tell me. One second, you were on the battlefield, then you weren’t.”

“Odin,” she sighed. “You should’ve warned me he’s a jerk.”

“You’ve been gone two years. Val appealed to Odin, but he claimed you just left rudely. He was furious.”

“I was only gone for a few hours.” She was lost. “I was with Odin, then getting pulled towards this void, then at the World Tree.” She shook her head. “I discovered that Tyr chose you as his hand for your sacrifices. The Norns didn’t say much else.”

His grin was warm, but she saw tiredness in his eyes. His hair was longer, his face covered in stubble. The same mischief sparkled in his eyes, but now there were scars on his arms from battles she’d missed. He took her hand gently, his touch urgent.

“I’ve been waiting years for this,” he murmured as his fingers gently caressed her cheek, sending a wave of energy surging through her veins, invigorating her weary body. Leaning in, his lips grazed hers, an invitation she willingly accepted.

Ace’s arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer as their foreheads touched, their breaths mingling. “I could wait forever for you,” he whispered before capturing her lips in a gentle, tentative kiss as if asking for permission. His patience was rewarded when Bat responded equally, deepening the kiss.

A tantalizing sensation pooled in her core as his fingers traced the edge of her robe, the cool metal of his hand electrifying her skin. He pulled back slightly, their eyes locking, and in his gaze, she saw a reflection of all the pain, longing, and desire that had accumulated over a lifetime. She wanted to immerse herself in his emotions, drown in the depths of their shared experiences and desires, and find solace and a natural rhythm in this otherwise unnatural life that held them captive.

Lost in their passionate embrace, Bat gave herself over to the sensations that flooded her senses. Ace’s touch set her skin ablaze. His lips were intoxicating as their connection pulled heat low in her core.

A moan escaped her lips as his fingers danced along her skin, awakening a fire within her that she had never known existed.

A dark and violent energy that had taken root within her when she fell into the void now threatened to consume her. This newfound chaos both frightened and exhilarated her. She pulled Ace’s shirt over his head, exposing his toned torso. She wouldn’t suppress her true nature or desires any longer.

Pushing Ace onto his back, she straddled him, their bodies aligning perfectly. His gaze burned with desire as she let her robe fall from her shoulders. Her fingers fumbled with the waistband of his pants as she positioned herself over him, the juxtaposition of cool metal against warm skin sending pleasurable shivers through her entire being.

As their bodies melded together, a wave of heat enveloped them, intensifying their connection. Ace’s hands explored her body, tracing each curve and contour with reverence. She gasped as his touch ignited sparks of pleasure that radiated from her core.

Their lips met once more in a fiery, urgent kiss. Their bodies pressed together in a seamless union. The feeling of his hard body against hers further stoked the flames of her desire, and she surrendered to the hunger that had taken root within her. Her hands glided over his chest, reveling in the feel of his muscles rippling under her touch.

The world outside ceased to exist as they became entwined, lost in the vortex of heat and passion that swirled around them, completely surrendered to each other.

Ace took a moment, his breath heavy and ragged. “Just...just know that if we do this and cross this line, I am wholly yours, and you are wholly mine. There’s no turning back,” he implored, his deep gaze locking onto hers, seeking her consent.

A shimmering gold hue overtook Bat’s irises as she gazed into the abyss of their future, all conceivable paths and outcomes unfurling before her in a chaotic vortex of images. She reached out, her power brushing against their path’s distant, elusive finality together. The point of convergence for all these trajectories was this room, this moment, and the pivotal act now at the precipice of unfolding.

Ace’s eyes widened with fear and concern as he noted the golden shift in her eyes. Gently, he cradled her face in his hands, the warmth of her skin grounding him. “Bat, what is it? What’s happening?” he whispered.

Blinking away the torrent of images, Bat found herself again anchored in the reality of the room, the weight of his question hanging in the air. “I...I saw our futures, all of them. It’s all so overwhelming, Ace. I can’t tell if this is the right decision if we’re supposed to be together, if this is our destiny,” she confessed, her voice quivering with vulnerability.

Without hesitation, Ace pulled her into his arms. “Listen, I don’t have all the answers about fate or destiny, Bat. But this I know for sure - I love you more than life itself, and I want to be with you, no matter what. And if that means carving our path through the unknown, then I’m all in,” he vowed, his voice unwavering.

Her eyes, now a soft gold, brimmed with unshed tears as she melted into his arms. “I love you too. I don’t want to lose what we have,” she murmured against his chest.

Ace kissed her forehead with a tender smile, his arms tightening around her. “You won’t lose me. I promise you, we’ll make it work, no matter what obstacles are thrown our way,” he reassured her.

Emboldened by his words, Bat framed his face with her hands, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss that sealed their commitment. Ace responded with equal intensity, his hands finding her hips, drawing her closer. A moan escaped him as she dominated the kiss, her glowing eyes briefly flaring as she threw her head back in ecstasy.

In that moment of heightened pleasure, Bat reached out, her fingers closing around the ethereal thread that connected their souls. It pulsated in her grasp, alive with the energy of their bond. She could sever it, destroy their connection forever with just one tug. But instead, she released it, allowing the thread to snap back into place, solidifying their bond.

“You belong to me now, my little Bat. And I will cherish and protect you for all eternity,” he vowed as he cradled her.

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