Bonds of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 2)

Bonds of Cupidity: Chapter 43

Belren starts reading the genfin mating vows and this moment feels like it’s come very suddenly and yet has been a long time coming.

Ronak is the first to drink from the chalice.

“With the cut of your flesh, you now reside in each other,” Belren reads.

Ronak passes the cup to Evert.

“Blood to blood, you align your life with your mate’s. You willingly give your power, your strength, and your loyalty.”

Evert drinks while watching me. The intensity of his gaze makes a blush rise to my cheeks. As soon as he swallows his sip, he passes it over to Sylred.

“By this ceremony, you swear to honor your mate. With this promise, you shall cherish and protect your covey with your life. With this drink and mating, let it be known that you vow to stand together until your final breaths.”

Sylred drinks and then passes it over to me. I look down, seeing only a small amount of liquid left, tinged red with our blood.

“May your mate-bond be strong. May the gods smile upon your union. With this drink, your bond forms.”

Finished reading, Belren looks up just as I tip the cup back. I let every drop pour into my mouth before swallowing it down in one gulp.

Ronak takes the cup from my hand. “It’s done,” he says, his voice raspy.

As soon as the liquid travels down my throat, a rush goes through my body, and I start to feel…tingly. What the heck was in that drink?

“That’s my cue to leave,” Belren says cheerily, using his magic to toss the parchment to Sylred. “Emelle, care to walk me out?”

“S-Sure,” I say, my voice shaky and strange.

I lead the way to the door, stopping at the bottom of the steps. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

“I’m glad the last of that dye washed away,” he says, watching the movement. “It was too…”


“Exactly. I much prefer your naturally pink hair.”

I shuffle nervously. “Hey, thanks for coming here and telling me everything. Even though I hate what’s happening, I should know. I’m responsible, after all.”

Belren puts his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t tell you to upset you. I told you because I’d want to know.”

“Yeah, I know.”

There’s a growing commotion going on behind us, and we both turn around at the sounds coming from the sitting room. My guys are…yanking pillows from the sofas and piling them into one corner of the room.

Evert, arms full, comes striding out of the bedroom and dumps blankets onto the pile next, while Ronak and Sylred start taking down the drapes that cover the windows.

I frown, stuck in place as I watch them. “Umm… What are they doing?”

The corner of Belren’s mouth quirks up. “I believe they’re building your heat burrow.”

I whirl my head around to look at him. “Say what now?”

“I’ve heard that the genfin mating drink kickstarts their natural impulses. Your new mates will be ruled by pure instincts for a while. Part of that instinct is driving them to make a safe, comfortable spot to hole up in.”


His smirk grows. “Thanks to that drink, you’re all about to go into heat together. They’ll bring you into the heat burrow once their animal sides deem it worthy of you. Which, by the looks of it, they’re taking very seriously.”

I look back at the corner that is quickly filling up. It looks like they’re stripping the entire house of every single article of fabric and cushion that they can find. I even see piles of their clothes being used. Evert starts scrunching up blankets so that it looks like a huge, fluffy multi-colored ball of softness.

“I mean…it does look comfy.”

Belren chuckles. “I’m glad you think so, because they’re about to hold you hostage in it for about a week.”

“What?” I squeak.

He winks at me and turns to walk away. “Have fun,” he says over his shoulder as he walks out the door. Using his magic, it shuts and locks behind him.

I blanche. “Wait, what?”

The next thing I know, someone has come up behind me and thrown me over his shoulder. I squeal in surprise, my arms flailing to gain purchase. “What are you doing?”

I don’t get an answer. I’m carried across the room, and before I can even look to see who’s carrying me, I’m being tossed into the ‘heat burrow.’

Instead of landing on hard wooden floors, I bounce back up from all the piles of pillows and blankets like it’s a damn bouncy house. “Oof.”

Evert, Ronak, and Sylred climb into the burrow right after me. They’ve even made walls in a kiddy fort-style by draping curtains over chairs to surround the cushiony center. It gives the burrow a nice, enclosed feeling.

I suddenly find myself in a triple-layer genfin sandwich.

The tingling I felt after taking the drink has multiplied a hundred times. Instead of just a subtle tingle, my body feels like electricity now dances over every inch of my skin. It’s both hot and cold, and my body feels totally charged up and…ready. My core pulses.

“Oh my gods, I think I’m in heat.”

The genfins look at me expectantly, and man are they close. Like, no personal space, close. I keep seeing their eyes morph into their animalistic genfin golds that shine back at me like cat’s eyes. Their tails twitch back and forth in the small space and three sets of very intense purrs start emanating from their chests.

I clear my throat because, wow, it’s intimidating to be stared at like this, like I’m at the mercy of three very strong predators. The purring is nice, though. It relaxes me, attempting to drown out my nervousness.

“Umm…so this heat burrow is super nice. Like, as far as burrows go, I’m sure this is really impressive.” I pat my hands on the pile appreciatively. “It’s very plush. Lots of squishy…plushness. Did you guys have to take a burrowing class or something? Because this is inspiring stuff. Really. You should be proud. Should I do something? I feel like I should be doing something. My skin is tingly, and I’m hot. Is it hot in here?”

I start fanning my heated face.

They keep looking at me, saying nothing, but now they’re petting me, too. Stroking. Sifting through my hair. Then their tails start in. Flicking over my skin, wrapping around my limbs. So much touching. I can’t focus and my breathing grows erratic.

My body temperature hikes up even more. I guess they don’t call it going into heat for nothing. And still, their intense, animal eyes stay latched onto me.

Naturally, I keep babbling.

“You guys would be sprouting wings right about now if I were a genfin, huh? Wings. Growing wings must be crazy. Anything else I should know about you?” I ask, just as my eyes flutter closed from all the nice petting and purring they’re doing. “You’re not gonna grow feathers on your backs and start to mulch, right? Or lay eggs? Wait. That would be the females.”

My eyes fly open.

“Oh, gods, I’m not gonna lay an egg, right? I mean, I’m not a genfin, but you’re genfins,” I remind them, because I feel it needs to be said. I try to get their attention, but they just keep petting me, and it’s clear their animal sides aren’t listening to me anymore.

Their pupils are blown, their breathing is fast, and I can see the hard outlines of their erections straining beneath their pants.

“I want to go on record and say that I’m not on board with laying an egg. Or is it more of a cat thing? Am I going to birth a litter?” I ask, panicked. “I’m not on board with laying eggs or birthing litters. I’m slender down there. Are you guys listening to me? I have a narrow channel and I can’t be…oh.”

The petting has turned to soft kisses trailing all over my body. I can’t think anymore, let alone speak, because three mouths are on me and six hands are working together to make sure I’m high on sensual stimuli.

Plus, there’s the ceaseless purring. It’s louder, more intense now. The vibrations travel from their bodies to mine and it’s slowly turning me to mush. My body hums with anticipation and need.

Sylred strokes my left arm and my back, causing goosebumps to sprout all over my electrified skin. Evert kisses the left side of my neck and trails his hand around to fondle my breasts.

Ronak moves behind me and grips my waist with one hand while threading his fingers through my pink hair with his other. He jerks my head back roughly to give Evert more access to my neck.

All that exists in our burrow of blankets is the sensations they’re giving me. All thoughts of the outside world have vanished. Even my blabbering mouth has been silenced, which is a feat in itself.

It’s the first time I’ve ever had more than one of them touching me like this, and yeah, it’s awesome. I feel like a freaking goddess that they’re worshipping with their touch.

Sylred is the first one to kiss me. His mouth is soft as he eases my lips to part open. My hand tangles in the fabric of his shirt. Kissing him while he’s purring is…amazing. The vibration travels down my throat all the way to my core.

Evert, obviously wanting more than just my neck, grabs my face and turns it away from Sylred so that he can take my mouth instead. His kiss is wholly different. It’s demanding and sloppy and hot as hell.

He groans into my mouth. “You’re leaking.”

Yeah, there’s no way I can turn the Lust leak off right now.

I feel the cushions shift and the next thing I know, clothes are being discarded. I don’t even have time to feel nervous when Evert breaks the kiss and someone lifts the dress off my body, because their hands start petting me again instantly.

Feeling their naked skin against mine is incredibly erotic. Ronak leans me back into him and then Evert’s mouth is travelling down from my mouth, past the valley of my breasts, over my belly, and down to the apex of my thighs. Without pause, his tongue licks up my wet slit and then his mouth latches onto my clit.

I nearly jump right out of the burrow.

Ronak and Sylred are on either side of me, holding me down, and this time it’s Ronak’s mouth that captures mine while his hand paws at my breast. Sylred takes the other in his mouth, flicking his tongue over my nipple and making me moan.

It’s too much. My mouth, my breasts, and all of Evert’s attention between my legs makes me explode embarrassingly quickly.

I come in a rush of pleasure, crying out wordlessly.

Ronak growls into my mouth and then pulls back, leaving me still shaking with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

The next thing I know, Evert has moved away and Ronak is hovering over me, his cock prodding my entrance.

His eyes are completely gold, his pupils dilated, canines punched through his gums. When Evert starts giving attention to my breast while Sylred continues his assault on the other, Ronak pushes inside of me in one hard thrust.

Holy macaroni.

My back arches in both pain and pleasure. He’s big, and he stretches me, but my body is also primed and ready for him. His demanding intrusion makes me feel so blissfully full. When he starts rocking into me, his muscles rippling, Sylred’s mouth leaves my hardened nipple, and he licks up the side of my neck and nibbles at my ear.

When I feel Evert and Sylred’s cocks’ pressing against my thighs, my hands automatically reach out for them. Double groans escape from their lips when I curl my fingers around them and squeeze. Evert thrusts inside my hand and bites at the crook of my neck.

Their cocks are thick, velvety soft, and hard as steel. I swipe my thumbs over the beads of precum collected at the tips.

Curious, I lift my hand from Evert’s shaft and pop my thumb into my mouth to taste him. His eyes flash, and a hungry growl reverberates from him.


He forces my hand back down to hold his cock, and I oblige by stroking him and Sylred both.

Watching me as I please the others, Ronak’s thrusts get faster and faster, his gaze even more intense. He hits a spot inside of me that makes me moan and curve upward.

Gripping my thighs, he opens me up even wider as he pounds into me. His touch is so rough that I know I’ll have bruises later, but I love it.

I feel myself clench, and with an animalistic roar, Ronak comes inside me.

He’s barely had time to pull out before Evert is there to take his place. Wrapping his arm around me, Evert pulls me up.

“Give a girl some time to recuperate,” I pant.

With a firm hold on my waist, he brings me down onto his lap and spears me instantly with his cock.


There’s no waiting. No warning. Evert takes what he wants and does what he wants. I love that about him.

Once he’s inside me though, he doesn’t move, and I grab hold of his arms for leverage. His left bicep has a spiky armband tatoo wrapped around it. It just adds to his hotness.

When he still refuses to move inside of me, I rock my hips impatiently. “Dammit, Evert.”

“Tell me,” he snarls into my ear.

It doesn’t sound like him at all. This is Evert’s feral animal side. It doesn’t scare me. Instead, I get wetter. His growl sends scorching hot excitement shooting through me.

“Fuck me,” I demand, my nails digging into his arms.

Satisfied, his hips suddenly thrust up, making his cock go even deeper inside of me, and my back arches into someone’s chest behind me.

“Yes,” I murmur.

Someone cups my ass, helping to pick me up and push me down as I ride Evert’s cock. Someone else reaches around to play and pinch at my clit in delicious torture.

I’m lifted up and slammed back down again and again. It’s rough, it’s dirty, and I freaking love it. I love the way they work together to fuck me.

Their genfin animals growl and snarl and say wicked words into my ear. Lust leaks out of me like a popped balloon. Ronak is already hard again, grinding against my ass, and Sylred is still playing with my clit.

“I’m gonna…”

With a cry, my pussy clenches around him. Evert grips my waist roughly and slams up into me one more time with a lewd snarl.

I feel his hot cum spurting inside of me and start to run down my thighs. Evert’s golden eyes flash in approval and his animal swipes his tail across it like he’s claiming victory.

When I’m lifted off his lap, I turn to find Sylred. I grab his erection in my hand and start stroking him, squeezing slightly as I go. He groans, closing his eyes.

Ronak’s tail curls around my arm. “Take him,” he orders, rasping into my ear and making me shudder. “Take his cock into your pussy and let him fuck you. Then you’ll be ours.”

It shouldn’t be possible, but Ronak’s words send a new rush of heat straight to my core.

Like he can’t wait another second to have me, Sylred lays down and pulls me on top of him. Still with my grip on his cock, I guide him inside of me.

I’m slick with a mix of my own arousal, as well as the guys’ releases, but Sylred doesn’t seem to care. You’d think I’d be sore, but I’m too caught up in my own heat to know anything but arousal and pleasure.

Gripping my hips, Sylred watches me ride him. I grind against him, making him roll his eyes in the back of his head.


Ronak reaches over to start playing with my clit again. It’s almost too much, too sensitive from having so much attention already. I try to pull his hand away, but his animal growls at me and he bites hard at the spot beneath my ear.

“This pussy is ours,” he snarls against my ear, making me shiver. “You don’t get to keep it from me.”

“It’s too much,” I pant.

“You’ll take it,” the alpha orders, and fuck if it doesn’t turn me on even more.

Relentless, his finger circles my clit, finding the perfect spot with just the right amount of pressure. “Yes!” I cry.

This time, it’s Evert in my ear as he cups my breast and rolls my nipple between his fingers. “You like fucking Sylred while Ronak touches you?”

Hands against Sylred’s chest for leverage, I continue to buck on top of him.

“I fucking love watching you,” Evert rasps, his teeth scraping over my shoulder while he continues to torment my nipples. “You’re sexy as hell. I love all the little noises you make while your mates fuck you. Is this what you always wanted? Is this what you fantasized about? All of us owning your pussy and making you come over and over again?”

“Yes!” I cry out, feeling myself right on the peak again.

“Then be a good girl and come for us again,” he growls into my ear. “Milk Sylred’s cock until he explodes inside you. I want to see all our cum dripping out of you like the naughty mate you are.”

That’s it.

The culmination of Ronak’s fingers touching my clit, Sylred’s cock ramming into me, and Evert’s dirty words makes me erupt.

It’s like the mother of all orgasms.

Back arched, mouth open in a scream, I come. My pussy clenches around Sylred’s cock until he comes with me.

I collapse against him, sweaty and tired beyond belief. My body is heavy and jellied. I wouldn’t be able to move even if I wanted to. My eyes shut in exhaustion, and I barely feel Sylred slip out of me.

Someone picks me up and gently settles me into the center of the burrow. I’m wiped clean with warm washcloths, my hair is stroked away from my sweaty face, and then I’m surrounded by genfins wrapping themselves around me.

Nestled in the middle of my three, genfin mates, their limbs and tails tangled around me, I fall into the most relaxing sleep I’ve ever had.

Mating ceremonies are freaking awesome.

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