Bonds of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 2)

Bonds of Cupidity: Chapter 2

The tower sits inside the castle walls of the keep and the walls are manned by intimidating fae soldiers in full armor. I’ve been really close to the tower this whole time, but that damn wall might as well separate us by leagues.

I stand in the shadows at the base of the stone wall, watching the guards make their rounds on the wall above. They all rest their hands on their sword hilts like they’re ready to take someone’s head off at any moment.

Night fell hours ago, but I’m still stuck in this spot, trying to figure out the best way to get into the keep. The only people permitted to pass through the gate are searched and cleared first, which just isn’t an option for me.

might be able to seduce someone, but with the guards looking so serious and alert, it’s highly doubtful that their minds and bodies would be open to desire while they’re so vigilant in their duties, and I’m not brave enough to try it right now.

I close my eyes and focus on the wings that are hidden inside of me. With a forceful push, I make them come out. The pain steals my breath for a moment before fading away.

With my wings out again, I ruffle my feathers and stretch them out to work out the kinks. I rub at the edges, glad to have them back out, even if they are really heavy and somewhat cumbersome. I just feel more like me with them.

Timing it as perfectly as I can, I wait until the two guards above me walk to the other end of the wall. With a leap, I shoot into the air.

My wings are nearly silent as I flap, and I gain as much height as possible. I have to get far above the wall so the guards don’t spot me. I don’t know how well high fae can see in the dark, and I don’t want to get caught.

I spot the silhouettes of the prisoner’s towers ahead. There are four of them, all the same height with intimidating spikes on the rooftops and more spikes propped up on the ground in case someone were to try to scale the wall. There are bones littered on the ground between the deadly spikes, showing the success rate of that endeavor.

Not a good visual.

There are no windows in the prison towers, and when I fly around them, I realize that there are no doors either.

“Well that’s just freaking great,” I mutter.

I scan my surroundings before flying over to the second tower. I know this is the tower where my guys are being held. I can feel it. Now that I’m closer, whatever inside of me that anchors me to them pulls me in their direction with a tug in my gut.

I fly around the tower, trying to find a point of entry, a weakness, even a spot to land, but there’s nothing, and the spikes are too sharp for me to try anything. There will be guards walking past the wall on this side soon, so I need to move.

Grudgingly, I fly back over the wall and crouch down on the ground. I can’t stay inside the keep’s walls and risk getting caught. I pull my wings back inside my body and lean against the wall. Biting my lip, I try to think of what to do next.

Problem is I have no idea. Either the door to the tower is concealed by magic, or the entry point is underground. Neither of which I’ll be able to breach. “Shit,” I whisper to myself.

“State your business.”

A squeal escapes me as I spin around. I have no idea how the fae guard snuck up on me, but he’s scowling down at me with a suspicious sneer.

I try to smile but it comes across as more of a grimace. “Umm, nice night.”


“What?” I echo.

The guard’s scowl deepens. “There is no loitering at the palace walls. Move along, or I’ll move you myself.”

I nod emphatically. “Yeah, sure. No problem mister guard sir.” I start to back away.

Before I can turn around, his eyes narrow. “Wait.”

My feet freeze and I try not to show how much I’m freaking out, but I’m not sure I’m successful.

Play it cool, Emelle. Just freaking play it cool.

My hands start to shake as he walks toward me, and I notice that I’m breathing weird. Dammit. I really need to work on my playing it cool technique.

“How can I help you?” I ask in what I hope is a sweetly innocent voice.

His eerie fae eyes look me up and down. “What type of fae breed are you?”

“Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I’m a mutt, really. My father was a mutt, my mother was a mutt, heck, even my grandparents were mutts. Maternal and paternal. We’re just a big ol’ group of mixed up. You should see our family reunions. It’s pretty wild. No one looks like anyone else. Makes it kind of understandable that some of them became kissing cousins, if you know what I mean. They didn’t know they were cousins, you know? Can’t really blame them there. The family tree is a real mess.”


I smile again as I watch my meaningless chatter slowly filter through his brain.

It takes a while.

Not the smartest guard, this one.

“Anyway, me and you are probably third cousins once removed or some crazy thing like that. Makes me real apprehensive to do any kissing of my own, you know? I’ve tried telling Granny and Gramps that they should just start branding us all so we can recognize each other on sight. I think it’s a good idea, but cousin Brue is being a real dick about. Course, he would be, since he married our second cousin. He’s real sore about it, too. Can’t get rid of her.”

I can see that the guard’s patience has run out. My hope is that all this talk will make him so frustrated with me that he—

“Go away.”

I smile and nod. “Yes, sir. You have a nice night guarding. I’ll be sure to look for you at the next reunion!”

Whew. That was close.

I turn and all but run away back toward the town square. It’s mostly quiet and empty now, with only a few street lamps to light the way. A deep pain in my stomach begins to grow with every step I take further away from my guys.

When I’m far enough away from the wall to pose no threat, I take a careful glance behind me and see the guard returning to his post by the gate doors. I sigh in relief and then sit down against the back of a shop, staying as close as I dare.

I clamp my arms around my middle, trying to staunch the pain, but it does little good. The only remedy is my guys, and since they’re currently imprisoned and I have no way of getting to them, there’s really no way of getting rid of it anytime soon.

I don’t know how it’s possible that I fall asleep, but the next thing I know, I’m jarred awake by someone yelling over me.


“Oh, she wakes! The little vagrant mutt wakes!” I look up blearily at the scowling fae woman standing over me with her hands on her hips. She’s high fae with pale orange skin and cat-like eyes.

When I look up at her, the crick in my neck sends a painful pinch down my spine. Ouch. That’s what I get for sleeping upright against a hard stone building all night.

“Don’t just sit there with the drool on your chin,” she snaps. “Get off of my building!”

I stumble to my feet ungracefully, my bag flopping against my back. My limbs tingle as the blood circulation slowly returns.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

“Sorry? Sorry?”

Her voice is getting really high-pitched now. I wonder what she’d sound like if she pinched her nostrils together. She notices me staring at her nose and self-consciously wipes at it. I hold back a smile.

“This is a highly respectable business. I serve the most influential and respected fae here. There is absolutely no place for tramps to hang around. I don’t know where you’re from,” she says, looking me up and down with disdain. “But here on the kingdom island, fae are respectable. There are certainly no fae lying around on the street like rodents.”

Geez, lady. She acts as if I hocked a loogie on her front window. Can’t a girl take a nap? I open my mouth to answer when a small entourage rounds the corner.

The moment I see the two palace guards in tow, my heart starts racing. Then my eyes settle on the person leading them, and it nearly stops and drops right through my feet. Uh oh.

“Gunkope? I thought I heard your voice.”

I can’t help it. I snicker. Her name is Gunkope. No wonder she’s so ornery. Gunkope twirls around and plasters on the fakest smile I’ve ever seen in my life. She curtsies so low she might as well kiss the ground.

“Your Highness! I beg your pardon. I was just coming to open the shop for you. Take no notice of this vagabond. I’ve made sure she knows not to loiter any longer.”

If I weren’t shitting bricks, I’d roll my eyes.

Princess Soora looks right at me. Her periwinkle hair is coiffed with ribbons, and her dress looks like it’s softer than silk. But I’ve seen those fae eyes filled with tears as she cried herself to sleep over a broken heart, and that’s all I can see now as I look at her behind her proprietary mask. “I see.”

Does she? I sincerely hope not. She may have let me past when I was fleeing from Prince Elphar, but who knows what she thinks of me now.

Please don’t recognize me.

Another moment of intense studying happens, but Gunkope unwittingly comes to my rescue. “Your Highness, why don’t you come inside now and I’ll show you all the newest fragrances I have. There is a moonflower infused perfume I think you will really like.”

The princess’s eyes flicker back to the shop owner. “That sounds lovely, Gunkope.”

Without another word or backward glance, the group moves away from the back of the building and leaves me behind.

Thank the gods.

I sag against the wall in relief and try to slow my racing heart when a periwinkle hand clamps down on my arm. The princess’s face is suddenly there in front of me, our faces inches apart.

“I remember you.”

My mouth goes dry, but I don’t dare move or speak.

A guard’s voice calls behind her. “Princess?”

“I just realized I dropped my handkerchief,” she calls back.

“I will search for it, Highness.”

She straightens up, still not releasing my arm, and looks behind the corner at the guard. “No need, I think I’ve spotted it, it’s just blown over here.”

She tugs me away from the wall and to the other side of the building to stay out of view.

“I don’t know why you’ve come back here, but it isn’t safe. You must leave,” she says in a rush.

My shock must show on my face because she sighs. “I am no enemy of yours, but the prince is. You do not want him to find you. Leave.”

“I can’t.”

“Princess?” the guard calls again.

“Coming, I’ve found it!” she says, digging a handkerchief from her pocket and balling it up in her fist. She looks back at me and her voice drops to a whisper. “If you can’t leave, then you must hide. You’re much too close to the palace.”

“I can’t leave,” I say adamantly.

I hear the guard’s steps coming closer and Princess Soora looks at me frantically. “Midnight. Wait at the castle’s west wall.”

Without another word, she whirls around and leaves. “So silly. I’m always dropping this,” I hear her say to the guard as their footsteps recede.

Filling my cheeks up with air, I blow out a long breath. I’m not really sure what to make of Princess Soora. Can I trust her?

My gut says yes, but my gut also thought it would be a good idea to drink my weight in Evert’s homemade alcohol. Might not be the best judge.

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