Bonds of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 2)

Bonds of Cupidity: Chapter 15

“I’m dying,” I mumble into the mattress.

I’m pretty sure someone cut the top of my skull off and poured knives inside it. It hurts like a bitch.

I try to regain some spit inside my dry mouth while trying not to gag from the awful taste stuck on my tongue. It’s like I chewed on stalks of wheat after they’d been stuck under sweaty man armpits all day.

“Can you sit up and drink this?”

I open one eye to look up at Okot, but as soon as I do, the light filtering through the small window sends a blade jabbing right through my throbbing brain. I hiss in pain and close my eye again.

“Turn the window down,” I snap.

Okot chuckles and I can feel the bed dip as he sits down beside me. After a few minutes, I manage to open both eyes and look up at him. “Never drinking fairy wine again. Head. Hurts.”

“If you drink this, it will help.”

Sitting up sounds terrible. I want to go back to sleep because not moving sounds way better. But I realize I have to pee. Like, really bad. Plus, the whole wheat-sweat-mouth situation needs tending to.

I lazily lift one arm. “Help.”

He grabs my arm and hauls me into a sitting position. “Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy!”

“Do you still think fairy wine is awesome?” he teases.

I glare at him, but it’s more of a grimace since my head is pounding. He hands me a cup and tilts it to my lips, making me drink the whole thing.

When I’m done, I wipe my mouth with my arm. “That was gross.”


“Do I want to know what was in it?”

He looks at me levelly. “No.”

“Hmm.” I perk up a bit when I feel the drink hit my system. “Hey, it helped my head already.”

He nods with a smile. “Good.”

“Okay, I gotta pee.”

I hop out of bed and quickly fix my dress before heading for the door.

“Your wings, my beloved.”

I look over my shoulder and smile. “Oh, yeah. That’d be a bit obvious, huh?”

With a quick and nearly painless pull, I make my wings go back inside my body before heading outside to the row of temporary outhouses. I’m pretty sure I pee the equivalent of eight wine bottles. With my head and bladder situation taken care of, I feel much better.

When I get back, Okot gives me a plate of food that I inhale. “What time is it, anyway? And where is everyone? I didn’t see many people up and about.”

“There’s a fête down at the amphitheater since the contestants aren’t competing today. And it’s nearly six o’clock.”

I pause, the piece of bread halfway in my mouth. “Six o’clock? You woke me up at six in the morning after I drank most of the night away? You’re supposed to let drunk people sleep in. Everyone knows that.”

Okot crosses his arms as he settles back in the chair, his smile widening. “I did not wake you. You woke yourself. And it’s six o’clock in the evening.”

I drop the bread. “What? You let me sleep the entire day away?”

He chuckles at my change of heart. “You needed it, my beloved. Besides, you would’ve just worried and fretted over your genfins all day.”

Well, he had me there. “Hmm. I guess you’re forgiven then.”

He tilts his head and runs a hand through his thick red mohawk. Studying me, he says, “You are different from what I thought my mate would be like.”

I feel myself get immediately defensive. “How? What did you think your mate would be like?”

“Soft spoken. Demure.”

I blink. “Oh. Well…I’m sure I could talk softer or something. You mean, like, you want me to whisper? I’m sure I could be super good at whispering,” I whisper.

Okot breaks into laughter, and I’m not entirely sure if I should be offended or not.

“What? You don’t think I can be quieter? I totally could.”

He laughs even harder, his red eyes sparkling. “No, no. You misunderstand me,” he says, trying to stop his laughter. He sucks at it because it keeps leaking out. “I don’t want you to be quieter. I like you the way you are, my beloved.”

I straighten up in my chair. “Oh?”

He nods, his eyes smoldering. “Yes. You are unexpected, but I happen to like it. Don’t change.”

I grin. “You’re trying to get lucky, huh?”

His laughter cuts off immediately, and he blanches. “I’m not…that wasn’t…do you…?”

I get to my feet and walk over to sit on him. His arms go around me immediately. I look down at my seat that is his lap. “Gods, if you were an airplane seat, you’d be private jet plane status for sure. Not coach. Not business class. Not even first class. Straight to private jet.”

He frowns. “I have no idea what any of that means.”

I wave a hand. “Human realm stuff. The point is you’re comfy and spacious.”


“Anyway, I am totally gonna have sexy times with you. We can like, sniff and sex at the same time. It’ll be epic,” I promise him.

I grin when he blushes. I, Emelle, the cupid, am making this fierce-looking bull guy blush. I take a breath, unsure of how he’ll react to this next part. I don’t want him to get his feeling hurt or become jealous.

“But… I sort of need to wait until my genfins get out of this. Is that okay?”

The big teddy bull rests his forehead on mine. “Don’t worry. I understand.”

“You’re not mad?”

“You are my mate,” he says, as if that explains everything.

I bite my lip in thought. “I know you said that, but are you sure? What if I just smell super good? Maybe it’s the dye?” I say, looking down at my pink arms with a frown.

“It’s not the dye.”

“Maybe it’s a whole Veil smell thing, since I’m not supposed to be here.”

“You’re supposed to be here. Of that, I have no doubt. Fate brought you to this realm.”


“No more worries about this. Lamassus can sense their mates immediately, and I sensed you. Many of my kind are never blessed enough to find their mates. It matters not what you are. You are mine.”

I smile. “Okay.”

He pecks me on the top of my head and then lifts me up so we can both stand. “Now, Duru has arranged a private bath for you to re-dye your skin today. The tub should be here soon.”

“Okay, that’s probably good. It’s fading a bit.”

“I can go talk to my guard acquaintance to see if we can get you in to the cells again, or I can stand watch outside while you bathe, if it would make you feel safer.”

“No, go ahead. I’d love to see the guys again, if I can.”

A knock sounds on the door, and Okot goes to answer it. Two servant boys bring in a wooden tub, and another half a dozen follow behind them with buckets of steaming water. I feel bad that they had to carry it all this way. It was probably heavy.

Okot gives the boys some coins and then closes the door. He mixes in the bottle of dye for me before kissing me on the top of my head again. He seems to like that spot. “I shall be back soon. Do not open the door to anyone but Duru or myself, and do not go outside without me.”

“I’ll be careful,” I promise, eyeing the steaming bath. It looks heavenly.

When Okot leaves, I bolt the door after him and then strip out of my clothes. When I step into the bath, I dunk my head under for as long as I can and let the dye soak into my skin and hair.

The hot water feels amazing. I wash and soak for a while, until my skin is a deep fuchsia color. When I get out, I air dry to let the dye soak in and then go to work on the tangles in my hair. When I’m dressed and pacing around the cabin like a crazy person, Okot finally comes back.

The expression on his face is all I need. “We can’t go to see them,” I say dejectedly.

He shakes his head. “I am sorry. The guard I know was not there tonight, and I don’t want to risk it. Too many eyes for the prince, and I am already not a favorite since I am a personal guard for Princess Soora.”

I’m totally disappointed, but I’m thankful he tried.

“Well, what should we do for the rest of the night? I’m too wired to sleep anytime soon.”

“I was thinking I could take you somewhere to let you stretch your wings.”

My brows raise and a smile spreads across my face. “Really? Are you sure it’s safe?”

“I found a private place. And everyone is at the fete. Once we get in the air, no one will see us in the night sky.”

Excitement takes over. “Oh my gods, you’ll actually fly with me?”

“I hoped I could. If you are agreeable.”

“Are you kidding? That sounds super fun! Let’s go.”

I grab his arm and yank him toward the door. Really, he’s just being generous by moving, because we both know that I’m not strong enough to move him.

Before we get to the door, I stop short and Okot nearly stumbles into my back.

“What’s wrong?”

I look down at myself and frown. “My outfit. If I push my wings out in this, it’ll rip the dress, and I only have two. Duru will probably beat me with a scouring brush if I ruin this one.”

“Hmm.” Okot looks me up and down in thought and then digs out one of his shirts from his bag. “This should work. When we get there, you can change into this.”

“Perfect. Let’s go.”

Outside, we pass by the many rows of cabins. Some of them are bigger and nicer than others, denoting higher social status. The cabins farthest away are much smaller. Nothing more than shacks, really. I guess those are where the servants are staying.

Once we make it past the cabins, there are no longer lanterns to light our way. Still, Okot pulls me onward without hesitation, up a hill and then down to the other side. I stumble to a stop to rip my heels off.

“I hate these things,” I say, clutching the shoes in one hand while Okot retakes my other. It helps to walk barefoot, but I still can’t help but trip.

After I stumble for the seventh time, I huff out a breath. “I know I’m a slouch in the balance department, but how in the heck are you not stumbling, too? It’s pitch black out here.”

“I can see in the dark.”

I whip my head in the direction of his shadow. Huh. That explains it.

Between the hills, he leads us to a small field. The grass is so high that it reaches my waist. “Here,” he says, handing me his shirt. “Put this on backwards and let your wings out.”

I do as he says, knowing that we’re plenty far away from the ampitheater. No one should be able to see me.

Okot, being the gentleman he is, turns around while I strip out of my dress and pull on his shirt. Hearing me finish, he covers my fumbling hands at the open back as I push out my wings.

He deftly ties it up, securing it between my wings and steps back. “There. How does it feel?”

I turn and hop around a bit, then flex my wings for good measure. “Feels good.”

He nods once. “Ready?”

“Yeah, but just be warned, I’m not a very good flier. I get tired quick.”

“That’s alright. Stop whenever you want.”

I nod. “You gonna cow out now?”

I can’t see his expression, but his gravelly chuckle makes me smile. “Yes.”

One second, I’m staring up at his bulky form, and the next, he’s transformed into his huge winged bull body. I rub my hand against his nose and then step back and turn around.

Looking over my shoulder, I shoot him a smirk. “Try and catch me, if you can.” I launch myself into the air, my red-feathered wings extending all the way out. They carry me up and up and up, and then I’m not just under the dark night sky, I’m in it. I go higher than I’ve ever gone before, and Okot is hot on my heels. I can hear his amused snorts as he flies behind me, so close I can feel his hot breath against my ankles.

Just as he tries to overtake me, I feint right and then shoot upward again, right through the center of a cloud.

When I make it through the other side, cool mist envelopes my body, and joyful laughter escapes me. Okot’s nose nuzzles my feet, and I let out an excited shriek, heading for yet another cloud.

When I make it above that one, too, dewdrops cover my hair and face, and Okot catches up to me, his huge, wet snout nuzzling my leg as he huffs a breath against my skin.

“Okay, okay. You win,” I laugh over at him. I know he probably let me stay ahead of him the whole time, but regardless, the chase was invigorating, and exactly what I needed.

Up this high, and with the moon hidden behind more clouds, the stars steal the show. They’re everywhere. Thousands of them. Twinkling against the dark canvas like crystals.

I can’t help but be in awe of them. As I fly side-by-side with Okot, I beam at him, because I’ve never felt so alive. The wind at my face, the air under my wings, all while under the most perfect backdrop, is enough to feed my soul after decades of hunger.

As much as I’m enjoying myself, I’m still a novice and my back and wings get sore quickly. Even though Okot can’t speak, he must sense this somehow, because the next thing I know, his huge body is beneath mine.

I extend my legs on either side of his back, slipping in front of his wings, and then wrap my hands around his neck. I bury my head into his crook, burrowing into his warmth. Straddling him like this, I can feel just how strong he is.

I pull my wings back in my body to let them rest, and Okot lets me ride on him as he takes me higher still. The stars look close enough to grab.

By the time he touches back down to the ground, my eyes are heavy with sleep. He shifts back into his regular form, and after picking up my discarded dress and shoes, Okot swings me up into his arms, as if he never gets tired of holding me.

“I don’t,” I hear him say, my ear pressed against his chest.

Did I say that out loud? Geez, I’m always doing that. A yawn takes over my mouth.

“Rest, my beloved. I’ve got you.”

I listen to his heart beating. “I know you do.”

My body drifts off, lulled by his steady steps and his strong arms wrapped around me. “Thank you for flying in the stars,” I say on a quiet breath.

I feel a kiss pressed against the top of my head. “For you, I’d pluck them from the sky.”

All those years I hoped and wished and prayed to know what falling in love felt like?

Yeah. I think I know now.

It feels like this.

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