Bonds of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 2)

Bonds of Cupidity: Chapter 10

The portal is like a vertical whirlpool suspended in the air. It’s set up in the palace courtyard, and there’s a line of fae passing through every minute or so, after being cleared by the guards maintaining it. I’m standing in the front with Okot and Duru, but with every shake of Duru’s head, I let a fae pass me to go through first.

The guards overseeing the portal transportation keep shooting me curious gazes, but because Okot is with me, they don’t challenge my hesitation to cross through.

I look over and up at Okot’s unyielding face. If I were those guards, I wouldn’t say shit to him either. I see Duru tilt her head slightly as she listens to the tiny twiddlefairy that’s hidden in her poufy hair. No one else is any the wiser about the fairy’s presence.

When she shakes her head again, I sigh and turn to the group of three servants behind me. “After you.”

The faes give me curious looks but pass by to approach the guards and go through the portal. I think part of their looks have to do with my clothing. I’m hotter than a pepper’s armpit in this getup.

The cloak I’m wearing is meant for wintertime, but it was the only thing that concealed my missing arm. Every minute feels like an hour as I stand here under the sweltering sun, and my sore feet are once again stuffed into heels. It makes my ass look great, though.

I feel myself lean more and more into Okot until he finally snakes an arm around my waist and all but holds me up. Gods, he’s helpful.

I’d jump onto his back and make him carry me if all of these damn nosy fae weren’t around. I have a feeling he’d let me do it regardless.

He doesn’t talk much, but I’ve learned that Okot is a man of few words. Unlike me. And everyone else in line, apparently. Everyone is talking excitedly about the culling, which only adds to my nervousness. Already, I can hear bets being placed and speculation about which prisoners will come out victoriously. Apparently, there are over two-dozen “contestants.” I don’t know these other prisoners or how they stack up against my guys, but I especially don’t like the buzz around someone called The Dragon. By the sounds of it, he’s a vicious motherfucker. I don’t want him anywhere near my guys.

I let four more groups pass by before Duru cocks her head again and starts nodding to whatever she’s hearing from the twiddle.

“They’re next in line,” Duru whispers. “Get ready, but you’ll need to stall a bit.”

I nod and step up to the guards. “Finally ready?” one of them asks.

I laugh nervously. “Oh, yeah. I’m just nervous, you know? It’s my first portal and all. I guess you could say you’ll be popping my portal cherry.”

The guard starts to cough like his spit went down the wrong tube. His wide eyes look me up and down and his green cheeks turn dark with a blush.

Okot points at his face with a glare. “No.”

The guard blanches and then quickly looks away from me, as if trying to rid every lust-filled thought that swarmed his mind so that Okot doesn’t deck him. “Right, um, this…umm…I just need names and titles.”

“Officer Okot. Personal guard to Princess Soora, assigned to accompany Duru and Emelle, personal handmaidens to Princess Soora,” Okot answers, still glaring.

The second guard starts writing it all down while the first nods timidly, looking anywhere but at me.

Duru clutches my hand and squeezes. “They’re going through now!” she whisper-yells.

I frantically look at the guards, but they’re still writing and checking out our names. Shit. I am not going to turn invisible because of fricken paperwork.

Before the guards can stop me, I push past them to the portal and jump.

Portals are weird. I feel wet. Like I jumped into a pool of slime. And yet, my skin feels powdery? Then there’s this spinning feeling. Except it’s like the world is spinning while I’m stuck still. Then there’s the falling. I’m definitely falling. Or am I rising?

The portal spits me out and I land hard on my feet. Unfortunately for me (and my feet), I’m still wearing heels, which means both my ankles turn at the sudden crash, and I fall to the ground face-first.

The wind gets knocked out of me, but before I can even contemplate trying to stand up on my own, I feel strong arms come around me as he helps me to my feet.

I wince at my sore ankles, making him frown. “You’re hurt.”

“Heels suck.”

Duru enters right behind us, and then there’s a bored guard shooing us on. “Move it along.”

I take one pained step before Okot scoops me up and carries me. I practically melt in his arms and bury my face into his chest to breathe him in. “This mate scent stuff is seriously amazing.”

I feel a rumble of approval in his chest as he sniffs my hair.

“Would you two knock it off?” Duru snaps.

I look around at the new island. We’re on the top of a hillside. Far below, I can see a huge amphitheater. The thing is massive.

“Is that where the culling competition is being held?”

“Yes,” Duru answers, looking down at it with displeasure. “Just an elaborate execution block if you ask me. Don’t be fooled by the pomp. The prince doesn’t want any of those banished fae to live. He designs these culling games so that few of them will make it out alive.”

I clench my jaw in determination even as my stomach drops with worry. “My guys will make it.”

Okot turns us and starts walking away. On the other side of the hill, I see hundreds of square wooden buildings erected.

“What are those?”

“Those are all of the cabins for everyone to stay in for the week until the culling ends.”

“Huh. Even the prince and princess are staying in one of those?”

Duru gives me a look that says, “No, idiot,” and then points to a spot behind us. “The royals will be staying there.”

It’s a castle.

Of course it’s a castle. Not as big as the palace back in Highvale at the Kingdom Island, but it’s not anything to sneeze at, either.

“Yeah, that makes more sense,” I say.

The gray stone castle sits alone on the grass, a single dirt road connecting it to the wooden cabins and then the amphitheater further away.

“Since your condition is deteriorating, you’ll be staying in one of the cabins with Okot,” Duru explains. “My place is with the princess, so I won’t see you much while we’re here unless the princess wishes to bring you a message.”


Duru looks between us. “Behave. Stay out of sight, and here,” she says, shoving a bag towards Okot. “You’ll find some more dye in case you need a refresher, and some new clothes. When you go to watch the culling, you’ll need to be dressed like a lesser noble, not a servant, or you won’t be able to watch. Okot can try to find out where your genfins are being held. But don’t get caught.”

“I knew you liked me.”

Duru scoffs, but I see a smile trying to emerge. “You still owe my princess a favor, and you can’t fulfill that if you’re dead.”

I grin. “You’re a real softie.”

“And if you are caught, I will deny ever knowing you.”

“Stop it, your loyalty is making me blush.”

She rolls her eyes and starts walking down the hill toward the castle. “And don’t sniff each other in public so much. It’s indecent,’ she says over her shoulder.

“So fae can have sweaty revelry sex in the middle of a party, but if mates smell each other, it’s indecent?” I ask, looking up at Okot.

He just shrugs. The fae are weird.

“Hey, what did you say you were, again?”

“I am a lamassu.”

“Oh…right. Lamassu. Duh. Of course.”

He levels me with a look. “You have no idea what that is, do you?”

“Not even an inkling.”

He grins, showing his nice big teeth. “I’ll show you. Can you stand?”

I nod, and he gently sets me down on my feet. There’s a slight twinge in my ankles, but nothing I can’t handle. I’m tough like that.

Okot takes a few steps back and then hunches over. One blink, he’s standing in front of me, and the next, a gigantic winged bull is in his place.

A. Giant. Flying. Bull.

“Wow. Holy cow,’ I exclaim.

Then I snicker at my own unintentional joke, because I’m hilarious.

Just like in his human form, he still has his bright-red mohawk and the gold ring through his nose. He’s huge. His hooves are as big as my face.

Aside from the long hair on his mohawk, the rest of him is jet black. He paws the ground when I step closer. I draw my hand up to pet him, but when I hesitate, he leans his head down and nuzzles my hand with his nose, making me laugh.

“You’re adorable.”

He grunts in displeasure.

“Oh, right. I mean…you’re very strong. Ferocious. Fierce. Intimidating. Big. And, umm…” I breathe out through my nose, at a loss for words. “Is that enough manly descriptors? I’ve run out.”

He grunts again, so I think I’m in the clear. Without warning, he shifts back into his fae form.

“Impressive. You’re the best looking flying bull I’ve ever seen.”

He tilts his head to look at me. “It pleases me that you are satisfied with my lamassu form.”

I look him up and down. That’s not the only form that pleases me.

“Will you fly me one day?”

He nods. “Of course, my beloved.”

Beloved. Gah. Gets me every time.

Finally, this cupid is getting some lovin’ of her own.

“Come, let us find your cabin so you may rest.”

I could really get used to this whole taking care of me stuff.

“I need to see them,” I say, stopping him with a touch on his arm.

He sighs, as if he was afraid I was going to say that. After a moment of studying my determined expression, he nods. “I will make it so.”

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