Bondage (formerly Escape from the Obstinate Prince)

Chapter 4

Mad rolled his eyes. “Freya, do you want to run away from these two lunatics called family and come with Uncle Mad to the country?”

Freya let out a giggle and squirmed from her mother’s grip to the floor, then ran to Mad and wrapped her arms around his legs.

“See?” Mad put his book down and picked up Freya. “She obviously likes me the best.”

“No, I like Poofy better.” she commented randomly.

Mad frowned at this and shook his head. Freya giggled and Mad gently pinched her cheeks.

“And that is why she is not going to name my children.” Jack laughed at the name she chose for her stuffed doll.

Your children?” Mad grinned. “And since when did you have a change of heart?”

Jack realized that what he said could be translated incorrectly. Horrification dawned on him. “I’m not!” he crossed his arms defiantly. “But if I did have children, which I won’t, she won’t name them.”

“Why isn’t Jack going to have children, Mommy?” Freya looked up at her mother with her brown eyes, inherited by her Father. “Is it because no one wants to marry him?”

Mad looked constipated from trying to hold in his laughter, the Queen looked slightly horrified, and Jack buried his face in his pillow so he wouldn’t say something he would regret later.

“No, my dear.” the Queen took Freya from Mad’s arms. “He is going to have children. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”

Jack glared at his mother. That was what she thought. Or rather, that was what she had to tell his younger sister.

“But who’s going to marry him?” Freya looked back at her big brother. “Violet?”

At this, Mad let his laughter out, which resulted in him sounding like a pig gasping for air.

Violet was the daughter of one of the King’s advisors and every time she saw Jack, she would make a point to be very flaunty, gaudy, and provocative.

Jack tried to bury his head deeper into his pillow.

“Hush, sweetness.” the Queen quickly exited Jack’s room. “You’ll see soon enough who his wife will be.”

The sound of their voices trailed off into the distance, all the while, Mad was still trying to control his laughter. “Violet! And you!” he gasped for air before falling into a chair and another laughing spree.

“Stop it, Madison.” Jack unburied his head and glared at Mad. “It’s not funny.”

“Oh, but I find it rather hilarious.” he tried to keep a straight face but would occasionally slip into another fit of laughter.

“The fact that I’m going to marry someone I barely know is horrible. Not funny in the slightest.” Jack crossed his arms.

“Well she doesn’t know you either!” Mad tried to keep a gravely solemn face but a smile was iminate and he looked half sad, half deformed.

Jack still glared.

“I bet you won’t even get her to kiss you.” he bit his lip but a smile still spread over his features. “She probably still hates you for getting her dress dirty.”

“I don’t care if she still hates me.” Jack tried glaring harder. “I could too get her to kiss me. There are hundreds of girls who would die to be able to kiss me.”

“She still probably hates you.” Mad said and shrugged. “And I still think that you won’t get her to kiss you.”

“Is that a bet?” Jack raised an eyebrow.

“If you want it to be. But kissing her at the wedding ceremony doesn’t count.” the look on Mad’s face was equally defiant. “I’ll bet you five hundred sovereigns that you won’t be able to get her to kiss you on the first night of your marriage.”

Jack’s eyes widened. “Five hundred sovereigns?”

“You heard me.” Mad smirked at Jack’s stunned look. “Five hundred sovereigns.”

“That’s more than you even own.” Jack narrowed his eyes.

“I’m richer than I let on.” Mad said, a smirk still plastered on his face. “And I can afford it simply because I’m not going to lose the bet.”

“Mother isn’t going to like this.” Jack scowled. “And I won’t lose. She won’t be able to resist.”

“Your mother doesn’t need to know. And yes, I’m sure she will be able to resist you.” Mad snorted. “You’re more than resistible.”

“Let me correct you,” Jack lifted his chin, “I am irresistible.”

Mad snorted again but didn’t bother correcting him. “Whatever. I’m still going to win. So it really doesn’t matter what you think.”

“Fat chance. I’ll be able to do it. With a bit of honey wine I’ll manage.” he had a confident air about him. “She’ll forget all about the muddy dress.”

“With a bit of honey wine, you’ll most likely forget why you hate her so.” Mad grinned.

Jack’s smug look left him and he wrinkled his nose. “Of course I won’t!”

Mad started laughing evilly once again.

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