Bondage (formerly Escape from the Obstinate Prince)

Chapter 27

“No, no, no.” Jack watch in horror. Ami fell in front of his very own eyes, down into the sea.


Jack looked away, afraid he might not see her come up for air. I taught her well enough, didn’t I?

He slowly turned around and looked out. He didn’t see her. What if she died? It would be all his fault. He dragged her away from the wedding. He forced her into the woods. It was all his doing. If only he hadn’t been so selfish. If he hadn’t forced her to escape. If he had only listened to his parents and Madison. But no. He stubbornly insisted upon skipping his royal duties, just to please himself.

God, if you’re really up there, wherever there is, please, please, please, keep Ami safe. Help her to be able to swim or something. I know this is all my fault. I promise I’ll believe in You if you save her. I’ll be less selfish. I’ll be the perfect husband - anything. Just please save her.

He sank to the brig’s floor.

Bam. A cannon ball crashed through the brig’s wall and slammed into the other side. Wood splinters flew across the confined area, one barely missed Jack’s face, another pierced his thigh.

He howled in pain, blood seeped through his trousers and stained them scarlet. Jack grabbed the wooden splinter and yanked it out of his leg. It was not a big fat splinter, but it hurt all the same.

The only good thing that came from the explosion was the gaping hole in the brig, which was just large enough for Jack to fit through.

Jack stood up and kicked the opening to clear away the splintered wood that was poking every which way.

The wood cracked and fell into the water below.

Jack stuck his feet through the hole, wincing at the pain it caused him, and wiggled all the way out of the brig and into the water.

Crack. Jack fell on top of a small piece of driftwood, snapping it in two, before he sank underwater.

My leg hurts worse than when I broke my arm.

He broke through the surface and gulped in the salty air.

The canons continued to fire relentlessly on the Valerie. Many of the shots ended up in the sea, making the path to the island lethal. God, if You’re real, please protect me.

Jack started swimming towards the island. His injured leg stang every time he propelled himself forward.

Smoke wafted through the air. Cannon balls splashed close to Jack. Commands and curses were yelled above on the ship. The loud boom of the cannons deafened Jack.

He swam onward. I must find Ami. His eyes swept the ocean, carefully looking for Ami. She knows how to swim. She won’t drown. She’s probably already on the island. She has to be. He kept swimming. One arm after the other. His leg ached, but he kept at it.


He jerked his head to the right. “Ami?”

He blinked a couple times to make sure his leg wasn’t making him delirious.

“Jack, can you help me get to the island?” It was unmistakably Ami in flesh and blood.

“My leg.” Jack swam towards the stack and pulled himself up. “It hurts like crazy and something needs to be done”

“Oh no,” she bit her lip.

His thigh had a ditch and it was bloody.

“Let me rip my dress, then we can use it to wrap it up.” She took hold of the hem and pulled.

Nothing happened.

She tried again.

Still nothing.

“What is this stupid dress made out of?”

“Let me try.” Jack took the hem, caught it on a jagged rock and pulled.


He pulled until the he was back at the beginning, and had a long piece of cloth.

“Here, I can finish.” Ami tied up his leg tightly and knotted the ends. “That should stay.”

She looked up at Jack. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was afraid I’d be trapped here forever. Robert told me to swim to the sea stacks or the island, and I was afraid I might drown if I headed for the island. But now that you’re here-”

“Ami?” Jack interrupted. “Is that blob out there a ship, or is it my imagination?”

She followed Jack’s gaze.

“That’s a ship! It has to be one of Carenthia’s!” She stood up. “It’s coming to rescue us Jack!”

As the blob came closer, the more convinced they were that it was an ally ship.

“That’s her flag!” Jack grabbed into her arm and hoisted himself up. “We’re saved, Ami!”

The ship gradually got closer.

“Jack, it is ours.”

The noisy Svenlandian gunfire faded and the sounds of breaking waves replaced it.

An hour later, after waving their arms frantically and yelling at the top of their lungs, both Jack and Ami were on board the King’s ship, headed for Carenthia.

Though Jack had met the captain, Ami was unfamiliar with everything.

Ami was taken to the captain’s quarters and given warm, dry clothes to wear, and a soft bed to sleep in. She sat down on her bed.

“If you need anything else, just ask.” Her maid curtsied at the door.

“Uh,” Ami glanced up, “where is Jack?”

“His Highness is in a different room. I do believe he’s already asleep. Did you want me to get him for you?”

“No, no, it’s fine.” Ami smiled at the servant and waved her out.

The door closed gently.

Is this it? Are we going to become strangers again after all we’ve been through? She lay down in the overly soft bed.

The trip back was everything Ami had dreamt of when she was held captive - yet she almost missed it.

She had been held captive, but she wasn’t burdened by needlework. She was kept under lock and key, but she was free to act as she pleased. She was under Lars’s rule, yet she had become friends with Jack.

“Am I supposed to go back to the way things were?” she asked the wooden ceiling. It gave no reply. She let out a high pitched squeal and rolled over.

The trip lasted days, although she slept for most of it. She would wake up to the pampering of her maid, be pampered for hours, either with food, clothes, or other services, only to be put to sleep again at night.

She rarely exited her bedroom, and she had yet to stumble upon Jack. Does he really not want to be around me? Is it because he thinks I rejected him? she huffed. He was making her feel bad. That was not the way it was supposed to be.

The sun had risen once again and Ami sat on her bed. “Stupid! This is stupid!”

Her maid had already been by to inspect how the Princess was feeling that morning and to see “if Her Highness needed anything.”

“Maybe he is mad at me.” she sighed. “Well I’ll just let him cool off and get over whatever is bugging him.”

“Land ho!”

Ami’s stomach lurched with excitement. She would be home. Safe and sound. No more disgusting brig. No more confining ropes. No more bugs, cold swims in the ocean, and no Lars.

But along with that, probably no more late night talks with Jack, no more splashing water and laughing, no more near deaths where he caught her.

I would drown a thousand times to replay that morning.

She slapped herself on the cheek. “I most certainly would do no such foolish thing.”

Time moved at a rapid pace. The sailors jumped into action. The ship raced to port.

“You’d almost think she didn’t want to be back home.” The Queen, though trying her best to be quiet, talked outside Ami’s bedroom door.

“You’d almost think I can’t hear through these walls.” Ami muttered to herself.

“Well if you tell her about her parents I’m sure she’ll feel better.” Ami could not distinguish the second voice.

Knock knock knock.

Ami closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened. “Ami?”

She didn’t move.

“She must be very tired. Both she and Jack have had very odd behavior since coming back. It makes me wonder what happened while they were gone,” the Queen closed the door, “and why wouldn’t they be rejoicing at their return?”

Why am I not rejoicing? Ami looked at her white canopy. She was back in her old room before she was married. Everything had been left the way it was when she left it on her wedding day.

Jack was nowhere to be found. She had seen him briefly on the way back to the castle, but neither one said anything and he hadn’t bothered to seek her out since.

She swung herself up into a sitting position and stormed out the door. What was his problem? How could he pretend that everything was normal? It wasn’t!

She marched down the hall towards the room where she had seen Jack enter.

She was about to pound on the door and ask him “where on earth have you been?” and “do you think you can ignore me now that our lives aren’t in peril?”

She hesitated. She took a deep breath and brought her hand up to knock.

Then it clicked that the voices she had heard for the past three seconds, were coming from inside, and belonged to Madison and Jack.

“What did happen?” it was Madison. “You’re saying you didn’t win the bet, but then you did, but you don’t want the money?”

Ami backed up. The bet. It had caused so many problems. “Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?” Madison continued. “I know, Mad, stop grating on my nerves! Even I don’t know. I’m very, very confused and would like some time alone, if you please.” “You’ve had over a week to think things over, and you’re still to lily-livered to tell her?” “Could you please just be quiet?” Jack’s voice was strained. “Last time I told you she said she didn’t love me and wouldn’t have me. Yes, I do know things have changed but what if she says no again? It would break me and my pride won’t take it.” Ami heated up. I’m not supposed to be listening to this. And no, you big fat lobster, I never told you I didn’t love you. You’re making things up. She frowned at the door. “Well just hurry it up, I’m sure you’re making her nervous by avoiding her.” Madison opened the door. Ami bit her lip and attempted a smile. “HelloMadisonit’sgoodtoseeyouagain.” “Jack,” he called inside, but kept his eyes trained on Ami, “I think you’ve had enough time to think things over.”

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