Bondage (formerly Escape from the Obstinate Prince)

Chapter 14

Time passed quickly during the last week before the wedding. Ami had little time to herself as she spent most of it with the Queen, Freya, Madison or Cedric.

She had finally been able to get onto a horse without falling off the other side and the day before her birthday she went to the stables to ride a horse(as she found out that she quite liked riding) and saddled her horse, impressing some of the stable hands at her strength and efficiency.

She took off out of the castle walls, over the moat and near the forest’s edge, the cool morning breeze stinging her face and make her cape billow behind her.

Only a few more days until the wedding. Only a few more days as a free, independent girl. Only a few more days until I’m married to that monster, she sighed and came to a stop. She overlooked a silvery lake; the morning had not yet dawned and the cold bit her cheeks. It’s probably time I head back, lest someone find me gone and the Queen worries her head off.

She turned the horse back around - just the way Cedric had taught her - and started cantering back towards the castle. The ride was serene and uneventful all until she got back inside the castle walls, unsaddled her horse(and watered him, brushed him down and the like). When she walked inside the keep, Jack stormed up to her. “Where have you been? Mother’s been looking all over for you and here you are, coming in as if you haven’t a care in the world! Who knows what happened! You were probably out having fun while Mother was worrying her-”

“I was out riding, I was perfectly fine and why on earth is your mother up so early and worried about me? It’s barely even light out yet and here you both are acting like I’ve been gone for days!” she exclaimed.

“The wedding is in two days in case you didn’t remember and today is the day we get prepared for the wedding, you were supposed to meet Mother before dawn to help plan it all out,” he didn’t wait for a response before he smiled a fake smile, took her by the arm and dragging her into the Grand Library. The Queen, who had been sitting in a chair, quickly stood and pulled Ami into a bone crushing hug, sniffling as she did so. “I thought someone had taken you captive or something. I was so afraid that someone had climbed into your room at night and stolen you away.”

Ami’s eyes were wide. She hadn’t been gone an hour and here the Queen was, worried that she had been captured or taken away. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I was out riding and must have forgotten about the plans.”

“It’s alright, my dear. And please call me Katherine or Mother; anything but Your Majesty. I’m just glad you’re alright,” she took a step back and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. “I suppose now we can get started with the day.

“Yes, yes, of course,” Ami said quietly and nodded, following the Queen and Jack out the door.

“Must you purposely antagonize my mother?” Jack hissed once the Queen was out of earshot.

“I was not purposely antagonizing your mother!” she replied with the same tone. “I truly forgot about today! Your mother is very dear to me and although I may hate you, I certainly do not hate her!”

“Hate drives people mad,” he said, “for all I know you could be blind with hate and plotting my mother’s death.”

Her mouth gaped and she looked at Jack incredulously. “How dare you say something like that! You hate me as well so I don’t see why you’re acting so high and mighty! Believe it or not I like the rest of your family. I think they’re splendid, unlike you. Cedric is a very witty man and more mature than you’ll ever be!”

He glared and looked slightly confused. “What does Uncle Cedric have to do with anything? He is my uncle and hardly any more mature than I am. He is very silly and has the brain of a five year old!”

“How could you say something like that? Your own uncle! He’s quite the gentleman and treats me much nicer than you do, I daresay!”

“Yes, he’s my uncle but that he is not any better than I and I wouldn’t say he’s any more charming either.”

“Oh really?” she raised her voice. “I have failed to see how you are witty, gentlemanly or charming!”

Jack glared at her. “Go.”

“What?” she furrowed her eyebrows.

Go follow, Mother,” he gritted his teeth. “You have a long day and the sooner you get on with it, the better.”

She frowned but quickly followed the Queen, slightly baffled by his behavior. What’s gotten into him? she was mad at herself for feeling defeated even though her argument seemed better. What’s gotten into me? All we did is have an argument and all I want to do is curl up in a corner and cry. Is this normal?

She hated herself for wanting to cry just because of a silly argument. “What’s wrong with me?” she murmured quietly.

She jutted out her chin and forced the wetness to leave her eyes.

“Are you quite alright, Ami?” the Queen stopped in her tracks and looked back at Ami.

Ami tried to smile. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine.”

“I thought I heard an argument between you and Jack,” she looked questioningly at her.

Ami blushed. Was I that loud? “I’m sorry if you heard anything, I-”

“Ami,” the Queen took hold of Ami’s shoulders, “I’m going to stop pretending that you and my son are madly in love because I know that you aren’t - it just pains me to think of you being miserable throughout your whole marriage and I certainly don’t want Jack to be miserable. But you’re both going to have to try to get along if this is going to work. I will have the King talk to Jack but it’s going to require a willingness from both of you.”

Ami tried hiding her face by looking at the ground. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Queen embraced Ami and stroked her hair in a way similar to Ami’s Mother. “Don’t be sad, my dear, I’m sure Jack will come to his senses someday. And how many times must I tell you? Call me Katherine.”

“Yes, Katherine.” Ami said.

The Queen pulled away and straightened Ami’s hair. “Now, are you ready for today?”

Ami took a deep breath. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”


They started the day off by eating a hearty breakfast with the Royal family, as well as Cedric and Madison.

Jack was still in a decidedly cranky mood, ignoring Ami and Cedric. No one else dared to try making conversation with Jack, as he looked as if he might bite their head off if they tried to speak to him.

Ami did her best to hurry her breakfast, then she went to a private room where the Queen joined her and had her try on the wedding dress for a last few alterations.

After the painstakingly long session of standing, poking, prodding and sniping, she was taken back to her room where her other ladies-in-waiting (she had acquired more after Heather) helped her pretty herself by bathing her, dressed her in a newly made dress that was a soft plum color(a color that she didn’t think she looked good in), put scents in her hair and did it up, adorned it with jewels and then finally put a necklace around her bare neck - something which she was still scandalized over.

“Your Highness,” a servant approached Ami once she was outside of her bedroom walls bowed. “The King and Queen request your presence in the Grand Library.”

She thanked the servant and headed towards what she thought was the Grand Library - silently enjoying not having to wear hoops and simply letting her dress sweep across the floor in a flowy fashion.

Upon entering the Grand Library, she saw the King, Queen and Jack, all sitting in very comfy looking chairs. The King and Jack looked as if they were in the middle of a heated argument and Katherine looked thoroughly sick of it all and slightly tired. “Hello, Ami darling,” the Queen stood, the King and Jack following her suit. “I’m so glad you could be here.”

“My pleasure,” Ami said uncertainly, as it was most certainly not a pleasure to be among quarreling men and she had no desire to see Jack before the wedding or any other time for that matter. Or so she told herself.

“We’ve just been discussing some minor details about tomorrow,” Katherine told Ami wearily. “Isn’t that right, my loves?”

“Yes, dear,” the King said.

“Yes, Mother,” Jack answered sullenly, sinking back down into his chair.

Ami sat down into a chair beside the Queen. “What is it that you wanted to discuss?”

“Tomorrow being the day you turn sixteen, I find it important that we celebrate in a fashion that is suitable,” the Queen started off, then looked at Jack, as if daring him to intercede. “We, Gavin and I, thought it would a good idea if you and Jack spent some time together before the wedding and went to the brook and have a little picnic there. For your sixteenth birthday.”

Ami turned her slight grimace into a grin - which looked more like clenched teeth and parted lips than anything and looked at Jack trying to gauge his expression; it turned out to be very similar to Ami’s, only he didn’t bother to disguise his curled lip of disgust

It was all but happy and she was tempted to scrunch her face. “I would hate to be a burden to Jack’s schedule and so-”

“His schedule has nothing in it except horse riding and some fencing,” Katherine smiled. “And I’m sure he would love to spend some time with his future wife.”

Jack looked as if he would rather do anything but spend time with his future wife.

“Or,” the King smiled but it wasn’t a nice one, “he can spend time with his books and help Violet learn those things.”

Jack’s dull expression turned into a shocked look and he sat up straight. “What?

“You heard me quite well, Jack.” the King said. “You have two options and two options only.”

Jack looked as if he would burst from anger. “Fine,” he stood up quickly, “my dear Ami, I should be delighted if you will honor me with your presence tomorrow.”

He shot her a glare and stormed out the room, slamming the Grand Library’s door as hard as he could.

Well, I think that could have been handled better, Ami did not meet the Royals’ eyes. “I think I shall go find Freya and relieve her nursemaid for a time,” she forced a smile and stood up.

“Very well, Ami,” the Queen smiled back - though Ami could tell she wasn’t pleased with the way things had turned out. But then again, there really wasn’t anything she could do to change Jack’s attitude.

Ami quietly left the Grand Library and heard the Queen talking quietly to the King, most likely scolding him for not using more tack when talking to Jack.

Ami was quite curious as to who exactly Violet was and why she was brought up and talked about as a bad thing. She knocked on the door leading to Freya and her nursemaid. The sound of soft little feet hitting the floor could be heard and then a voice. “Freya, wait! No, don’t get up on there-”

Ami laughed to herself. The door opened and revealed the nursemaid with Freya on her hip. “Your Highness,” she curtsied.

“Ami, if you please,” Ami smiled, “I thought that I might relieve you from your duties and take Freya with me outdoors.”

“I couldn’t let you do that, Your High - Ami,” she said.

Freya wriggled down from the nursemaid’s hold. “Ami!”

Ami picked Freya up and grinned. “Would you like to go outdoors with me?”

Freya nodded her head enthusiastically.

Ami turned to the nursemaid. “I told the Queen that I was going to go find Freya. She’ll be fine, I promise.”

The nursemaid just shook her head in defeat but couldn’t help a forming a smile.

Ami let her dress trail across the cold stone floor while she walked through the castle halls with Freya.

“Ami and Freya!” Madison’s voice carried quite well through the castle. “Might I ask where my two favorite ladies are headed?”

Ami laughed. “We’re going to go outside and get some fresh air. We don’t want Freya growing up to be a hermit.”

“Would you mind if I join you?” he skipped a bit to catch up.

“Of course we don’t. Do we, Freya?” she gently poked Freya’s nose.

Freya shook her head.

“Good, because I was going to tag along either way,” Mad’s eyes wrinkled at the sides because of his bright smile.

They continued to walk in silence for a few minutes until they had exited the castle walls and could see the blue sky. “To be perfectly frank with you, Ami,” Mad broke the silence, “I found you because I needed to talk with you.”

“About what?” she set Freya on the ground and held her hand. She nervously brushed a few hairs out of her face, dreading what he was going to say.

“I’m practically Jack’s brother,” Mad started. “And it’s natural for me to be concerned for his welfare.

Ami instantly thought of all the times she had snubbed Jack and been snotty - shamefully regretting those times.

“And you, being his future wife and all, should maybe be warned about all of his, um, faults,” he said, grinning sheepishly before turning serious. “He has many faults, as I’m sure you’re aware-” Ami just smiled, “-and even though he has faults, he has his good traits as well. He has a problem with being proud, not liking to admit he is wrong, he also is very hot-headed and gets quite worked up over trivial things. I’m sure you have witnessed some of those things. But he also has his nice and kind times and at the end of the day, even if the King refuses to admit it, we all love him. But what I’m trying to say, is that you need to be patient with him, be kind, be gentle and sensitive. Once he sees that you’re not retaliating and that you’re being a respectable Princess, he will loosen up and treat you the same way,” Mad sighed, “but you must have patience because his change will not be overnight.”

Ami walked silently for a time. Freya must have sensed that it was not an appropriate time to talk.

Madison was the one to break the silence. “But I truly think that you are capable of changing him. So please Ami, try, if only for the King, Queen, Freya and myself, try to be patient with him.”

Ami sighed, not liking what she was hearing. “I’m afraid that I was not born with a lot of patience.”

“Patience isn’t something you’re born with, Ami. It’s something that you must work on.” he smiled sadly at her, “It doesn’t come by snapping your fingers. Jack will test your patience, I’m sure of that, but someday, it’ll all be worth it.”

Ami looked up at Mad, honestly believing that he was concerned for Jack; and it was his raw truthfulness that made her agree. “Alright, Madison. If this means so much to you, I will try my best to be patient and not to strangle his neck.”

Madison smiled. “Thank you, Ami. Thank you for trying. Now, if you will excuse me, I should go check up on Jack and make sure that he isn’t gloating in his room because of tomorrow.”

“You heard that?” Ami raised her eyebrows.

Madison laughed. “I have a habit of being in the library whenever the King and Queen decide to have serious discussions.”

She shook her head and picked Freya up again. “We’ll see you later then.”

Mad nodded, waving goodbye.

“Well Freya. It looks as if I’ll be nicer to Jack. But I’m going to need help, as I am not capable of being loving on my own.”

Freya giggled, not quite understanding the situation. Ami set Freya down in a grassy patch and sat down as well.

Please Father, there is no possible way for me to put up with Jack and be patient with him for as long as Madison described. I am going to need Your help. I know I have sort of neglected You these past few weeks as I apparently found no need of You - which is not the case. I need You more than ever now and I cannot do this without Your help. Please, hear my plea, help me, Father, she took a deep breath. Tomorrow her patience would be tried and - for all she knew - it would be tried for the rest of her life.

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