
Chapter Brad Fell

We pulled into Brad’s driveway. Jem said he hadn’t heard what I had thought because I had somehow blocked him. Good. He’ll be surprised like the rest of them. I got out and stalked to the front door. When I got there I knocked but not nicely. The door was opened by Anna. Her blue eyes lit with happiness. “Kelsey!”

I let her hug me while thinking that Brad must have turned Anna. I don’t know when though. “Hey, Anna. I need to see your husband.”

She blinked and looked behind me. “You know, don’t you? You know what we are?”

“I am one. I also know what everyone thinks about someone.” I glared. “He has a lot of explaining to do, Anna.”

She nodded and led us to Brad’s office. She knocked. “Sweetheart, Kelsey’s here. She’s one of us now.”

The door opened so fast that Anna had to step back quickly. “Who turned you, Kelsey?” Brad snarled. “I’ll kill them.”

Robin gulped. I shot him a reassuring look. “That’s none of your business. I’ve forgiven him and that’s an end to it. Now shall we talk? Maybe about how you faked your death, Brad Fell?

Jem, Mika, Robin, Quin, and Gwin froze. “Brad Fell?” Mika whispered. “The one who has the strategy gift? Who died to save his friends?”

“As you can see, he’s quite alive,” I said.

Brad sighed, “Why did you bring them here? I wanted to remain a secret.”

“Because I have the same gift as you,” I growled.

He froze. “You do?”

Yeah, I do. I told him silently. Since he should have the gift.

His eyes widened. Then he looked at the others. “You brought three vamps and two wolves. I suppose the Alliance is back?”

Jem nodded. “Uh, yeah. We have three wolves but he stayed behind because he had a date.”

Brad turned to me. “Who are these people?”

“The vamps are Mika, Robin, and Jem. The wolves are Quin and Gwin. Justin was the one who had a date,” I informed him.

He frowned. “Justin, Quin, and Gwin used to be your friends.”

“Indeed. They left because they changed and didn’t want me to be brought into that supernatural world. “I glared. “What’s your excuse for hiding?”

He shrugged and led us to the living room. We all sat. “No one believed me about my gifts. Fire, water, mind reading, strategy, and more.” He looked at me. “Which ones do you have so far?”

“Strategy and mind reading. Strategy appeared first.”

“She just developed mind reading today at lunch,” Jem added.

Brad glared. “Who turned her?”

“Brad! I said I’ve forgiven him so stop asking!” I snapped.

“I did,” Robin said quietly.

Brad whirled on him. “And why did you do that?”

“You don’t have to answer, Robin,” I said.

“A werewolf was about to get her. I killed the wolf and turned her so she wouldn’t be defenseless.”

I frowned at him. He sound like he was in a trance. Then I realized what was wrong. I turned on Brad. “Stop compelling him!” I hissed.

He did but h wasn’t done. “You will fight me or…”

“You’ll what?” I snarled. “Lay a hand on him and I’ll kill you.”

“Kelsey!” Anna cried shocked.

I ignored her. “Got it? He is part of my family now. He’s off limits.”

“If he wants to kill me he can,” Robin said. “I’d deserve it.”

“Robin!” Mika cried.

“Damn right you deserve it,” Brad snarled.

I moved at the same time he did. I slammed him into a wall. “I said don’t touch him,” I snapped.

Brad stood. “Why? He’s a piece of trash, Kells. “Nobody cares about him.”

Mika snarled but I held up a hand to stop her from attacking. “Mika is his wife. You kill him and you’ll find your house burnt to the ground. Do you want that?” I said in a deadly voice.

He blinked. “She has fire?”

“Yes. He’s my family. You try anything and I’ll let Mika do what she’s thinking.”

Brad glared. “And what will you do?”

“Nothing. Just watch and find a way for us to escape the police,” I said coldly.

Brad started pacing. “You care about them?”


“Robin was raised in an orphanage. Mika’s parents wanted her to get married, Jem’s parents hated his guts.”

All three of them froze. “How did you know that?” Mika said.

He smirked. “I’m the one who made you three.”

They all blanched. “You?” Jem asked.

“Yes.” He laughed. “Which gives me the right to kill you.”

“Actually, it doesn’t,” I said quietly.

He whirled. “What?”

“You kill them and Hex and his pack will come after you.”

“Then I’ll get Tono to take care of them.”

Quin and Gwin snarled. “You would side with the person who wants to force Kelsey to marry him?” Gwin demanded.

“Tono is the one you should want to kill,” I added. Mika, Robin, and Jem were too shocked to say anything.

He shrugged. “Fine by me.”

I frowned. “Huh? You trust him yet you want to kill the one who forced me to become a vampire?” I scowled. “I won’t let you hurt them.” It hurt that he wanted me to marry Tono though. I thought he would have wanted to protect me. But I guess Tono had told him something that made him change his mind.

He stopped pacing. “I see.” He looked at Anna. “If I asked you to hold her, would you?”

“Of course,” she replied.

I snorted. “Oh, go ahead. How are you going to restrain Gwin and Quin? I know you can suppress Robin, Mika, and Jem’s gifts but are you sure you’ll be able to catch them?” Not that those three vamps could move because they’re still in shock but…whatever.

He smiled. “Simple. “He nodded to Anna who wrapped her arms around me. I snarled. Brad smiled. “This is for your protection, Kells. You will be a perfect wife for Tono.”

Son of a bitch! He actually thinks Tono will do what he wants! “Bastard,” I spat.

He shrugged and turned to the others. “Move and you’ll watch her be tortured.” He grinned. “Tono didn’t say she had to be unharmed.”

Listen to him, I told Jem silently.

He inclined his head. “Kelsey wants us to listen,” Jem said to the others.

I smiled. “Hey, Brad!” He looked at me. “Are you forgetting my gifts already?” I slammed my head back and twisted while delivering a kick to Anna’s chest. She slammed into the wall. I moved and had my arms locked around her throat before she was done healing. “Now it’s my turn for a threat. Touch them or myself and lose your wife,” I snarled. I love my strategy gift. It told me what I had to do to get out of that.

“Oh, nice, Kelsey,” Gwin said.

I chuckled. “Mika come here.” She did. “Now I’m not going to rip off Anna’s head but I’ll have Mika burn her.”

He smirked. “Her gift is suppressed.”

I smirked too. “Is it?”

Mika’s hands lit on fire. She smiled and brushed her left hand against Anna’s arm. Anna screamed. “Looks like it isn’t,” Mika said.

“How?” Brad growled.

I laughed. “Shield is my new gift. How do you like it?” Tie him up, I told Jem.

Jem and Robin tied him quickie then tied Anna too. I stood and dragged Anaa over to Brad. They deserve to die together. I turned to Mika. “Still want to burn the place down?”

She grinned evilly. “Oh, hell yeah!”

I smiled. “Then go ahead.” We all walked out.

Are you okay? Jem asked.

Ah, a silent conversation. We can talk now and nobody will be able to tell what we are saying. We can even talk during class. I’m fine, I replied.

Did you know him well?

I winced. I thought he was my friend. I was wrong.

He used you.


An explosion made all of us look at the house. Mika hadn’t just set it on fire. She mad made it explode. She came over to us with a very satisfied grin on her face. “How’s that?” She asked.

I grinned. “Perfect. “I looked at Robin. “Mind putting it out?”

He smiled and a whole bunch of water dropped onto it. “Better?” He asked.

“Yup.” We went home like nothing happened.

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