Blood Rider

Chapter 20

She woke up with a groan and a stretch. Her skin felt flush and tender. She had felt the bite of silver before and knew how it heated the skin for hours after it had been purged. She rolled over and saw Jak sitting in a chair, hands rested on his knees, watching her grimly.

“You almost died,” he said flatly.

“Yeah, close one,” she replied. “It was a metallurgist weapon. Richard makes and sells them. I hadn’t expected the place to be trapped, after the dramatics of the fire. I did find your precious Lucien however. The father who loved my mother so much he killed her and consumed her essence.”

Jak sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “That must be why he is the way he is. Although neither I nor you know the context to that event. Except killing her made him mad and you repressed it.”

She didn’t care about that. All she cared about was Lucien had done it and she would kill him. “Where is he?”

Jak smiled wickedly. “Out of sight. Secure in his little home for now. You won’t be killing him.”

He got up and sat on the edge of her bed. “Forget about that for a moment. You nearly died and when I looked into eyes I saw no fear, Lee. No fear at all. Only those that don’t fear death can have that look of acceptance. I did not like it. Fear of death is what makes a person strive to live. And at that moment when you hover between the two, the desire to survive is what can make the difference. Not acceptance.”

-He sees your self-destructive nature, as I do.-

Lee sighed. “You’re right. I don’t fear death, but nor do I seek it. I do not seek it.”

His eyes flashed with a current of electric purple and rolling with rage and passion. “Ambivalent? You do not seek it, but if it happens it happens? What the fuck is that? I will not allow you to be ambivalent about your own existence. I don’t give a fuck if the trauma of what you saw when you were younger scared you so much you are now numb to it. Snap out of it.”

He leaned back and studied her sullenly for a moment. “There must have been great pain in your past to have such indifference to your life.”

“Jak, my life has not been one of the Clan. It was not a good life. It was just life. I repressed my instincts and tried to contain my nature. I hated what I was and didn’t know why. I hated Charlie and all she represented. So I did do anything to block her influence. And I did care so little for life as to throw myself into danger. It made me feel alive to do so. Battle, death and feeding were the only things that gave me that spark of being alive. All those years of training and eventually I was granted more freedoms, depending on my use and my obedience. When I gained enough freedom, closely watched freedom, I did all I could to keep it. Yet I wanted to know more about my nature, to get rid of it, or subdue it. That led me to the Clans, who I knew nothing about. The more I knew the more I craved their company and how they thrived in their nature. But I didn’t want to be initiated, for it seemed just another form of slavery. And I wanted to be free, not more bound.”

-You are rambling. He cannot understand what it was like. He can only guide us into a new life and world. Give into our nature and shed this indifference. It is not real, you know. Indifference is how you prevent important events and people from bothering you.-

He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. He slanted his mouth over hers, demanding and taking. When she moaned and pulled him down closer by the neck she opened her mouth and delved into his. He pulled back kissed along her jaw and nipped her earlobe. “And now?”

She ran a hand down his back, grabbing his ass and pulled him closer. “This connection we have is the purest thing I have ever known. Your presence ignited my passion, sinks deep within me and I feel desired, wanted and I belong. I cannot claim to understand the Clans and their Sire-fledgling bonds. Yet I know I belong with my kind, with you. I don’t know what it means, but I will not give it up.”

He smiled and she could feel his joy at her acceptance. He pushed the blanket off her, his eyes gliding over her exposed flesh. He cupped her breast and rubbed her pert sensitive nipple with his thumb. “Then you accept me as your mate?”

She laughed. “I don’t think I understand it. Sounds so very wolf-kin like. But I do not deny it.” She settled him between her legs, feeling that erection press against her. She needed him in her now. She began to undo his pants and when she pulled him free he groaned. Without any more teasing and taunted, she rubbed his tip over her opening. “Now.”

He must have agreed to her impatience since he delved into her with a powerful thrust. She arched and almost screamed from the power an orgasm that hit her the moment she felt him fill her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him down, forcing a quicker, harder pace. She was panting as they synchronized their frantic rhythm. She tensed, and then shivered with release. As he hit his release, he pounded into her, pulled her up to get more depth and when he shuddered she hit another height.

He nuzzled her neck as they caught their breath. He leaned up over her. “I wish I could keep you here, in this bed, to keep you out of trouble.” He rolled off her though.

She sat up and pushed the blankets off. After such a release, that felt more like a satisfied fix, she wanted to languish in that sated state. Yet things were not settled and being within the Vampire Quarter wouldn’t be healthy for her, not with Wilhelm coming down on her and the vampires’ hoarding her for her own good. “This means I must do as Justina suggested. I need to be complete. I can’t fear what I am any longer. Or fear the past. It is time I remembered the whole of it and let her take me into the Nevernever to complete myself. But first I must sever myself from the Council and that means, for the time being, hiding myself from my Handler.”

“You fear this man? Even deep within our territory?”

“The man is an immortal Essence mage, Jak. He’s a man to be feared.” She had no desire to hide in the vampire quarter either. What she needed to be satisfied as Jak’s so-called mate was power. Power to hold her own without him.

“Hmm. And you’re a born vampire. When you are whole again, you will have a greater understanding of your power.”

She slanted a gaze at him, wondering if he had pilfered her thoughts, as he seemed so at ease with. She couldn’t believe she was like him. That within her was such a creature as she had seen burst out of him in battle.

“Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be so foolish to confront Wilhelm. Better to avoid him for now.”

“I must retaliate against the attack on Viona. She may have been in the sub-quarter but she was still under my protection.”

Lee nodded, smiling slightly, glad he would be busy. “Yours and a few of the Town Dons as well. Who do you think they will blame for this?”

Jak shrugged. “It is a wizard who controls the horde. A wizard doesn’t seek territory or to protect his people. A wizard seeks power and wields that power for another. While you have been recovering Saer has set up a meet with some of the Don’s on neutral territory to alleviate their concerns that this is a Clan war. They may put the blame on us anyway, but that doesn’t concern me overly. They’re no threat in this city or to our people. However, when we are not seen as the aggressors and we explain the nature of the spawn….”

“And explain how Darwin was compromised and his son taken.”

“That as well. Then I believe the Town Don’s will suspect the United Council is behind this.”

“Or you will imply it.”

He shrugged. “They have all the grey wizards on their side. They have been trying to get the Clans under their rule. And they have no love for these mobsters who hold power in Town, subverting their rule. It may be seen that the United Council has chosen this method to start troubles between the Clans and Town humans. Whereby they could increase measures to attack the Clans.”

Lee slowly got dressed while she thought about that. It could be true.

-Did not Wilhelm say they wanted nothing to do with the rogues? And if others are handling the situation they don’t seem to be doing much. Most of the wizards work for them.-

“Charlie agrees it could be the Council. Or it could be the council is simply taking advantage of the situation.”

He raised a brow at her remark and she realized she had never referred to Charlie’s side of the conversation before.

“Either way, it is vital to let the humans know it’s not us. In this instance, while they know we are predators and their natural enemies, we need to make the distinction between us and the horde.”

She adjusted her belt and sword. “When you meet the Dons’ present that possibility. And make them know you’re an ally against the Council. Make another treaty with them. If you do, Jak, with the packs on your side already, this gives you the opportunity to consolidate your allies and power. In case the United Council gets more aggressive. Besides blaming the Council, whether they are guilty or not, can be used to your advantage.” She strapped on her knives and added, “After all, of the two targets so far one was their very own Don and the other Viona’s in a sub-quarter, where many Dons’ and higher ranking humans were attacked.”

“And you? Do you think they are making their move now?”

“It is doubtful but possible. I’ll go meet my contact across the river. At least the Changed are across the way and less into the political mess this side of the river. Less inclined to dive in and help and less inclined to make alliances, but also they don’t have the same biased interests. While I’m there to get my ward I’ll find out who this wizard is working for and who he is if I can. If we can trace Viona’s fledgling without Viona. When we know that, then we know which enemy we should be attacking, instead of all the spawn he’s throwing at us.”

“I’m glad you will be out of harm’s way then. For after this meeting, we will be hunting spawn and interrogating them as well. The wolves and vampires go hunting tonight. I doubt very much he will be able to replenish all we will exterminate tonight so quickly.”

“Good. I wish I could join you. However, I will likely be on the Northside for a few days. If my old buddy is willing to help out it will take some time to trace the wizard responsible or to work up a trace that will work. I’ll keep in touch.”

“You should bring someone with you. Being my mate means you need an honour guard of Elite.”

“I have no such honour guard and they really wouldn’t like several vampires crossing into their land. I’ll take back up though. Tia and Richard should be enough.”

“This Richard is no friend of yours. I know his mind and he has no such loyalties. He holds to who gives him the greatest return.”

“He’s a useful wizard and fighter. He watches my back because it is in the Council’s best interests for him to do so. He need not know I seek to block myself from my Handler and separate from the Council. He need only know I seek information on our enemy. When it is said and done, I can handle him.”

“It will be sufficient this time. I worry when I am not near you.”

She walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest. “You shouldn’t. I’m right here in you. Never far. It is only that your instinct to protect me, now that you have me, is hard to resist. Know that I will be safe and cautious.”


Hey, it’ll get us out the door.

“I will send a messenger to your house and have them meet you there.”

“That’s handy.”

“It is my pleasure.”

She left the Crimson and chose to walk back to her place. It would give her partner’s time to converge and her time to think. Give her the pleasure of a crisp cold night. It was snowing again. A flurry of thick flakes that were already accumulating on the road forming a fluffy film over the compact slick snow beneath.

-You’re freaking out.-

I am not.

-You so are. Yep, you find yourself bonded, permanently, to a vampire prince you barely know and you can’t handle it. You can’t even commit for a year, let alone decades, or dare I say centuries? Eternity? Infinity times two?-

Shut up. I accept it.

-Accept it as inevitable, doesn’t mean you’re not totally freaking out about it.-

She traced out of the Vampire Quarter and into the Central market, thinking if she were to be tracked a crowd of people would make it more difficult. She slowed down again and mentally reprimanded herself for not wearing something more for the weather to blend in. It made no difference to the hawkers running the booths or selling from the back of carts. The human shoppers were thinning out anyway, but the ones that saw her tended to make the sign of the cross and spit to the side. She flashed a bit of fang and watched them shift away from her.

“You’re not playing friendly.”

Lee turned to the deep voice and saw a group of rancher’s bartering with a butcher. A familiar group of men from the Blood tribe and a few Coyote-shifters. She smiled and sauntered up to them. “Justin and Brandon. What are you scruffy buggers doing in the city?”

“It has been a long winter, my darlin’,” Justin said.

Brandon, a young Coyote-shifter, had warmed her winter nights when she tracked their rogue vampire. She smiled at him widely. “I bet.”

“Not that you’d notice, strolling around without even a jacket,” Justin said with a grin.

She spread her arms and looked down at the slick streets, partly slushed from all the traffic and up at the sky, where a light snowfall speckled the air. “To me, it’s spring.”

“I don’ mind none, darlin’. You could walk these streets stark naked,” Justin drawled out with a grin and a wink.

“Handy running into you,” Brandon said. “We were wondering about all the rumours going on in the pubs.”

“You gossip like girls. Like what?”

“Well, let’s see, like there is a Vampire Prince here wanting to take over the Southside. Or that a new Clan war is starting.”

Lee rolled her eyes. “Humans. What tales they fabricate from thin air. Keep in on the down low fellows, but we’re having a rogue vampire problem in these parts. And it is aggravating all the wrong people.”

“And then there is a rumour the United Council is trying to make a move on the vampires, by causing problems with vampire mercenaries.”

“Interesting. And I have no idea if the Council is behind it.”

“You work for the Council,” Brandon said.

Lee smirked. “Sure I do. Just cause you work for the Council doesn’t mean you know what they are doing. Or want to know. Besides it’s not like one department knows the workings of another.”

“Yeah, well, I think I’ll tell the tribe to avoid town for the next month,” Justin said. “Humans tend to get in the cross-fire of these things.”

“Ah, nothing like an appetizer before battle,” she said, flashing him a toothy grin.

He looked at her askew for a moment but then chuckled. “You can bite me anytime, darlin’.”

“Is the wolf-kin pack in the city going to be involved in this vampire dispute?” Brandon asked.

She shifted slightly, rolling back on her heels. “If things… progress, then I expect they will. The question would be what side would they be on? If this is a vampire Clan dispute, then would they acknowledge Council rule or side with the vampires?”

Brandon’s pupils widened and his nostrils flared as he tried to interpret Lee’s meaning. He had to be wondering if she was asking as a Council employee or as a vampire. Finally, he shrugged and said, “The wolf-kin are of the city and as such, they will do what is best for them to survive in the city. You know where our pack sides.”

The Coyote pack ran with the Blood tribe, in a sort of alliance of two groups of people for mutual benefits. Neither much liked Council interference in their way of life. The human settlements outside of the city did support Council law. Still a fifty-fifty split, but their little disputes were carried out over vast unoccupied land.

“Good to know. However, as far as I know, this is a vampire thing. The rogues are not run of the mill and have nothing to do with a Master trying to claim territory. Everybody agrees these rogues need to be hunted down.”

Justin nodded. “Good to hear, but what you should be thinking about is the key players. Vampire Prince, Town Dons, United Council, pack Alpha and the Queen of the Chosen. A lot of leaders and a lot of motives. Who would have the most motivation to stir up trouble? Most profit from not causing too much commotion.”

“Thanks, I’ll try to think what they are all thinking to find the one thinking to cause trouble. Sounds easy.”

Justin laughed. “Good luck with that, vamp. Maybe we will see you on the range when you all done putting out fires.”

“Maybe. In spring,” Lee said.

She made her way quickly through the market, occasionally listening to gossip and wondering about what Justin had said. Their segmented city did have a lot of factions and leaders to consider. Finding out it was a wizard in charge of the horde opened up plenty of possibilities, while eliminating the Clan.

She automatically thought to blame it on the Council, since they had been after the vampires a while and perhaps were threatened by an alliance with vampires and were shifters. However, any overt attack on the Clan would subvert their motives as those who held the peace and upheld the law. They were experts in not looking like the bad guys in any conflict.

She diverted into the ruins; part of the sub-quarters taken over by druggies and thieves, known as the gutters. Buildings were boarded up with anything that could be found, to provide whatever buffer from the weather that supplied. Some buildings were simply gutted for things to burn. And yet walking through the streets she could see a reflection of what had been. Not as eerie as walking downtown with the towering high rises; monuments to the past. Probably all tumbled down since last she was that way.

Picking up where they had left off Lee said, “You’re the one that is afraid, Charlie. No matter what you say about me remembering and us being united, if I go to the Nevernever, you will cease to exist.”

-Ha! That is implying I’m a figment of your imagination. Perhaps it is you that is a figment of mine.-

“Right,” she scoffed, although she had precisely that fear. Maybe Charlie did fear losing herself, but no more than Lee did.

-I am real.-

Charlie’s voice sounded feeble on that remark. Inexplicably Lee felt the need to defend her. “I don’t doubt it. But you are real in the Nevernever and I’m real here. It is only natural to fear the union of us both. I think we will both lose something.”

-When it comes, you will not fear this bond to Jak.-

“Oh?” Lee asked moving at the same speed, but aware she was being watched. She scanned her surroundings. There were a few druggies standing around a fire barrel. She sensed a few unseen eyes between boarded windows. No vampires though. And any Council tracker worth their salt would ensure they were not sensed.

-Because the bond isn’t fully complete until we are. And when it is, you will feel the full force of it. The need, the desire. Not only will you accept it cannot be denied, but you will not want to deny it. It is our nature, your true born nature, to find a bonded mate to breed with. You could no more deny it than a were-shifter denying theirs.-

“What you’re saying is that all those amped up desires of being a vampire will be more amped up?”

-Some. Most. I am, after all, all that you denied as a vampire. And power.-

“Huh.” Lee could not shake the sense she was being watched, but even though she was walking, they didn’t show themselves.

-Spawn. Likely tracking in human form, with maybe minor demon influence. Keeping tabs on you.-

“Fucking great,” she said. She traced the way back to her place taking a winding route to get there. Then she scoped the area to make sure Wilhelm had not sent someone to watch her place or take her in. Finding it secure, but knowing she was on borrowed time, she entered the house. Tia and Richard were bickering in the kitchen when she walked in. Both stopped as she closed the door, pretty much guaranteeing the argument was about her.

“Hey, there are spawn out there. I think they were trying to track me.”

Tia nodded. “We know. Or at least we have been aware of them all over the place. We heard about Viona’s.”

“Which brings up the question why are you avoiding your Handler and in the Vamp Quarter?” Richard asked. He was scowling at Lee as though she had made some sort of unforgivable sin by choosing her own kind over the Council.

“Never mind that. I’m not avoiding him. I’m simply delaying our next unpleasant encounter. I know we can track this wizard through the turned vampire he took to use as a portal to draw forth other riders. I just need time to talk to Drake. Will was the last vampire turned by Viona. The son of a Town Don. Darwin to be exact and when I went there to ask him about anything he might have heard I was ambushed, by Darwin and spawn because Darwin’s son had been kidnapped and he was blackmailed into helping them. I’m sure Wilhelm told you all about it. Well, all about the scene I made anyway. Why would this wizard bother with taking a vampire at all? But he did and he took one that was not Clan and the youngest one turned recently. Will is the vampire the wizard is using the call the demons into the humans. The base for the spell. Otherwise, how would he be able to right? Justina said with forced possession like this he would need some way to connect and vampire demons are not like regular demons. Will is that connection. The timing all makes sense. He is young and defenceless.”

Richard’s brows rose. “Perhaps. But Viona’s been ashed, Lee. Whatever connection we could have utilized the find him is gone if there is a connection between him and the wizard.”

“Well, I’m no wizard but I know you guys can trace spell residue and that residue will be all over the spawn. Linking them directly to Will. Giving a trace to Will. Besides tracking a vampire fledgling is quite a bit easier than tracking a wizard who can mask his presence. I think this is a very viable lead and Drake is an Essence wizard so he should be able to track Will easily enough, given his essence is all over the spawn.”

Richard gave his patented smirking smile with a manic little glitter in his eyes. “I’ll give you that. The Council called off the chase and you’re right the wizard would be able to mask himself pretty well in this city anyway. Killing the spawn doesn’t resolve anything either. Your angle makes sense. I like it. If Drake goes for it that is.” Then he looked at Tia and they shared a look. His expression far more resolved and serious. “And things, as they stand, are getting worse.”

“Lee, Justina’s Coven was just attacked,” Tia said. “Same thing as Viona’s. We just came from there. They were all slaughtered and the place burned down. We have not been able to account for Justina, but considering Viona’s, we suspect she died in the fire.”

Lee fell back against the doorframe and stared at them in stunned shock. She was getting the feeling the spawn were targeting her contacts and associates. Although a wizard getting rid of an established and powerful Coven was not a surprising move. In fact, it was a bad sign. While they may not be able to interpret the pattern of those attacks, it was a clear sign the wizard was making strategic and specific attacks. The Don and Viona’s though made sense simply to cover his tracks.

“I understood the attack on Viona. It served many benefits to our enemy, but the worst blow to us was losing Viona, the Sire who could have tracked William. None of the Covens could care less about territory or power. There was no need to go after Justina and her Coven,” she said finally. Why expend the energy on such a target? While the Council would relish any reason to be rid of the Covens they would never be so obvious about it.

“None that we can tell. Unless the witches would have had more insight into the spawn and how they were created than they realized,” Richard said.

Lee snorted in derision. “One Coven, even the best and brightest, is not all the witches in the city.”

“Then something this wizard needs from a skilled witch,” Tia said. “We cannot verify all the witches died in that fire, Justina in particular. Obviously, this guy needs to tweak his spell and maybe he thinks a witch can help with that.”

“All the more reason to find this wizard. We will go see Drake.”

“You seem pretty fixated on Drake to help out here,” Richard said. “Why is that? There is more than one wizard, who won’t rat you out to your Handler for investigating further here on the Southside. More reliable I might add.”

“You‘re all buddy-buddy with Drake though,” Lee said with a smirk.

“How can he help where someone else cannot?” Richard persisted. “It isn’t easy to get permission to enter the Queen’s territory. Especially for you Lee. They don’t like your sort.”

Lee laughed. “I think I hear a ‘why’ in that question. Apparently, he was helping Viona track her lost fledgling. I hope that he had an area of interest or a few names we can go off. That is why we need him specifically because he would already have an idea of what Will‘s essence is like. Besides as I said, he is an Essence wizard and they are rare. I do personally know him so working with him will be easier than trusting some grey-sider who works for the Council. No offence, Richard, but they tend to turn on a person whenever it serves them best.”

“I can see him helping her. One favour for another. Seeing as how he was a regular there. But I don’t know if Wilhelm will like you meeting with your former Handler.”

-Little bastard thinks he can tell us where we can go and who we can see?-

“Richard, do you think I talk to the man before I leave my front door? The man gives me jobs and I do them. That is that. And by no means is the Northside out of bounds.”

-We’re going to have to kill him one of these days.-

Temper, temper.

-He is not going to back down. Wait until he hears you completed the bonding.-

She leaned inward until she felt his pulse beat against her aura. “Besides, I’m bringing you along, am I not? And you’re the vampsitter.”

“It’s not like that. I agreed, didn't I? I think we should continue to investigate and find Will,” he said with a cocky grin.

“Isn’t it? You do so enjoy lecturing me about my business. I tolerate you, in my house, because you are one fine donor. And it keeps Wilhelm mellow. You don’t want to come just say so. I just thought it would simplify things to have you at the crossing and to have them aware we are coming. Not necessary.”

“Whoa, settle down. I didn’t say I wouldn’t go. I wouldn‘t miss the fun, now would I?”

“Well, then. Inform the Queen’s Guard we will be crossing.”

Richard mumbled a few curses and stormed back to his shop.

Tia leaned against the counter. “I don’t think you should bring him. Not if you’re going to be asking Drake to mask you from the Council.”

“A valid point. Yet he can’t nark on me anywhere I go, if he is coming. The way I see it we need back up. You see out of this mess, the distractions and chaos, I’ve not had much time to think. But now that I am, I’m thinking there are two primary factions we need to focus on.”

“The Council.”

“For one, yes. A great deal of situational evidence points their way. And that is why I don’t think they are behind it.”

“Cause they look like they are?” Tia let out a low growl and shook her head. “Cause they do.”


“Not a great reason.”

“The vampires and the Dons will think so and I’m not going to discourage that hostility. Frankly, I think keeping a certain balance of hostility is healthy in this city. But when it is obvious they are behind it, then that is contrary to how we know the Council acts.”

“They could have hired someone. Like a wizard, so when it came down to it, damage done and no direct link to them.”

Lee smiled and pulled few beers from the ice cooler. She handed one to Tia. “I love that you think like I do. If only you were as vicious you would be perfect.”

“What, to turn? No thanks.”

“Well, think about it. Obviously that is what the Council took me for. You could be my number one fledgling. I’m sure it will be an honor.”

“Funny. And if not the Council, what faction were you thinking off.”

“There is only one left. The one ruled by a queen obsessed with maintaining her queendom. With an Essence mage as her favorite. Who happened to know Viona.”


“On the behalf of the queen of course.”

“For what purpose?” Tia asked, sounding surprised by Lee’s thinking. Then wasn’t everyone spinning in circles trying to find someone to blame. Some assumed it was the vampires. Others assumed it was the Council. Everyone more than comfortable blaming their most common enemy. Always on the verge of a full blown territorial war. Yet the wary truce had lasted a long time and Lee had to consider who would risk breaking it. Who better than a queen trying to preserve her kingdom and across the river where any backlash wasn’t likely to affect her people? It wasn’t the first time she had covertly stirred up trouble. If anyone benefited from continued conflict in the southern Quarters it was the Northern Queen.

They drank in silence for a moment. “I’m not sure really. But Drake has been showing up everywhere I look and I want to know why. We will go there and get a feel for what is going on. Test him about Will and see what he says. His help obviously did Viona no good. Darwin and Viona both were targeted and Drake didn‘t manage to find Will.”

“He’ll deny it. Likely show how willing he was to help Viona. And, naturally, tell us he is willing to help us, to lead us on a merry chase.”

“Of course he will. But he won’t be able to lie to me.”

“The only motive I can think of is causing trouble in the south to keep the north safe. Which doesn’t mean they caused it, just that they don’t mind it continuing. The Council has been pushing them hard for an alliance. It may be they wanted to direct the other factions to the Council. Either way weakens the south and they have no worries. They have no love for the Council or mundane humans, so if they were weakened in the crossfire it wouldn’t bother them any,” Tia said.

“We will see. I want you watching the outside of Drake’s, do some snooping around with that fine nose of yours. I mean, if it is just them stirring up trouble it might be another of the Queen’s flunkies and Drake was just ardently not helping Viona. I just want to see if there is any hint of trouble up there. Any hint of spawn. If there is trouble, which really when it comes to Drake, there usually is, then get out of there and meet back at the Crimson. If there isn’t we will have some answers, I’ll have some answers and a nice good ward of protection.”

Tia drained her beer and put in on the counter before giving Lee a long look. “So why aren’t you bringing your vampire boyfriend with you? If you suspect foul play and all.”

“He has a thing to go to,” Lee said vaguely with a wave of her beer. “Besides I have no evidence. I just have a feeling. I mean, the Council would love to have a spell to create and control vampires. But if they did, this wouldn’t be the result. And if their spell went screwy they would clean it up fast and put the blame on someone else even faster. That isn’t what they are doing. They are backing down, at least openly, while I guarantee they covertly look for the wizard so they can get their hands on the spell. It just feels like they lust after this wizard’s power. Not that they fucked up and are trying to cover their asses. With just a feeling some other faction is behind it, I’m not going to drag anyone else into it. Not when he has his hands full with the Dons and so forth. Spawn to kill and all.”

Tia crossed her arms and stared her down. Then she lifted her chin and flared her nostrils. Then she stepped right into Lee’s personal space and sniffed loudly. She leaned in and almost pressed her nose to Lee’s neck. Lee shocked her back and Tia staggered back with a laugh.

“And because this bond has you tripping,” she said. “You mated up. You’re all scent marked. Your scent is mixed with his. I saw you leave with him from Viona‘s. I guess he didn’t approve of your chat with her, eh?”

“Now you sound like Charlie,” she grumbled, feeling annoyingly transparent. “Even if I need a little space doesn’t mean I’m freaking out. It just means being linked to a man forever…Forever, Tia, is a long time. And by the way thanks for helping out there. He didn’t exactly give me much of a choice. And this connection is more powerful than I’ve ever felt with anyone else. So overwhelming and passionate.”

“Now I’m jealous. Sounds positively delicious.”

“Oh, it is. But I’m a vampire, not a werewolf. So it is unsettling. I can’t deny it and I don’t even want to. I feel like he is a part of me. I just need to get used to it.”

“Like you say, you’re a vampire. And experience everything in extremes. I doubt it’s going to tame down any.”

“Good point. Anyway, Jak has a meeting with the Dons and then some serious hunting. That’s more important than his vastly overblown desire to protect me. And storm into situations because he thinks I’m threatened or just doesn’t want to share. He also needs to get used to this bond. He is all riled up from his captivity.”

“If there is trouble he will barge on in, cause he will know it.”

“Yeah, well, if there is trouble then having a pissed off ancient vampire storming in would be perfect timing.”

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