Blood Rider

Chapter 17

Lee felt very pressed for time, the night didn’t seem long enough to cajole information out of sources and pacify her roommates. Her first step was to meet with Eric, simply because he was right at hand. She met him the same place the last time she visited the Crimson, but any desire she had for him was banked easily by anger. Or more worrisome, her attraction to other vampires was dimmed by the partial bond. She had to insist Jak leave her for a bit, his looming over her protectively was a bit much. And so he went hunting with the Elite. Yet she was aware of him, a hovering presence at the back of the mind. Her mind was getting to be a crowded place.

“So,” Eric said. He smirked, looking mighty pleased with himself. That was the problem with Clan vampires; they played games just to amuse themselves. They took a great deal of pleasure from manipulations.

“So, you bastard, have fun luring me to meet Lucien?”

“I take care of Lucien as best I can. And I had made sure Jak was contained as best I could. We all knew he felt the Call born vampires feel. We all knew whoever was drawing him in was nearby. Our conversation made me curious to see how you would respond to Lucien or what Lucien would say about you. What he said essentially made me believe you were a candidate for the vampire we were looking for. We had to arrange a meeting with Jak at that point.”

“Oh, so very logical we are today, Eric. Throw me at a hormonal vampire and see what happens. You‘re a right bastard.”

“You’re not of the Clan, so we couldn’t state what we wished for you to do. And did you not get the information you needed as per the arrangement?”

“I did,” she acknowledged grudgingly. “Eventually.”

He spread his hands wide. “Well, then, I don’t see the problem, princess.”

She scowled at him, wondering how literally he meant the word ‘princess’. It was if by simply claiming her Jak and every other vampire acknowledged they were indefinitely linked. She knew enough about vampire bonds that they were not easily discarded. What frightened her was that a part of her accepted this fact and that part desired it. Thankfully she was able to see beyond that stupid hormonal part of her to know linking herself to the Clan meant going against the Council. The sane part of her knew linking herself, or just claiming her undying loyalty, to either side would be the death of her, from the other side.

“Of course you don’t, you arrogant biter. I can’t work for the Council and be a member of a Clan. They don’t play nice together. They have completely contrary goals. While you don’t see that conflict as a problem, I see it as disrupting a delicate balance. One where I end up dead.”

For a moment his expression went flat, immobile as only a vampire could manage, with an intense stillness. Then it broke with a thin smile. “You underestimate our prince.”

“I likely do. What do I know about born vampires and such an aged one at that? The man’s aura is as thick and clingy as a fog. I expect people, even our own kind, simply agree with him because his blunt power coats the mind even without his will behind it. But I don’t underestimate an immortal wizard. I know what Wilhelm can do.” She scrubbed her hair back and gave Eric an aggravated look. “Nevermind. It’s done. That’s not what I want to talk to you about. I know the Clans are careful about who they recruit into their ranks. I know as well that it is valuable to recruit humans who have mundane influence.”

“Obviously. It is preservation.”

“And as Master of the city, you’re aware of fledglings created for political reasons. With the whole Clan dictatorship, I imagine you authorize such turnings.”

“I do. We don’t turn very many or it would antagonize the humans. It’s amusing really. The situation we find ourselves in. Living in the open as it is. Prey with predator. Yet, in a city, we have a greater chance of survival. A small town notices when people come down with a case of chronic anemia. They’ll hunt down and kill small groups of vampires no matter their age. Here we have the strength of numbers, as long as we control those numbers, don‘t kill our prey and then people are willing to let it slide.”

“Yeah, until drained and mutilated corpses are left lying around. I want to know if would know about Don Darwin’s son.”

“I know of him and his sons. It is prudent to remember who the top of the Town food chain is. Potentially they are an ally against the Council, even if simply the fact they too desire to be autonomous.”

Lee sighed. Of course, they would see that potential. It wasn’t there now. Not when Town humans relied on the Council to protect them from real or imagined dangers. Not when they considered any race, even humans who were Changed, to be distrusted or eliminated. But with some ’cultivation’, in time, in a few generations, anything was possible. When the human population began to grasp the fact that the Council wanted to put a leash on everyone, not just the Other races. Town humans were an independent lot. They didn’t do so well with people messing around with their business. “And so did you turn his eldest in order to be able to influence him?”

“Hardly. That would be a rather long-term commitment to have a handle on one Don. While they seem to pass power within the ‘family’, the gang wars can be so utterly thorough and the entire gang can be wiped out. New leaders just pop out every few years. I was aware it happened, but despite what you think I didn’t authorize it. It would be counterproductive in the long run.”

“It could hardly be an accidental turning.”

“No, not that. Not one I specifically authorized. None of my fledglings are under a hundred. We are keeping our numbers stabilized. He was one of Viona’s. We allow her certain autonomy outside of the Quarter, as you know. Since she has a well-functioning bite bar that caters to the humans in that area. She has the age and the ability to turn, even authorized to turn one a century. I get informed of the choices, so I know he was one of hers.”

“Hard to see her using him as a political tool to get an edge in Town,” Lee said thoughtfully. “She already does business with Clan and humans regularly. She has allies among the Five Dons.”

“No, there had to be a different reason for her choice, although you understand, I didn’t deny it for more practical reasons.”

“Of course. Thank you. I’ll be seeing Viona then. Not a trial, I feel welcome with the sub-quarter vampires.”

He laughed. “Of course you would. Free rein for your repressed nature. Living amongst mortals must be so very taxing. But they let you play in neutral territory, yes?”

She scowled. “Actually, I was thinking more that I didn’t have to deal with Clan vampires and their attitudes.”

He gave a wave of dismissal. “Then, by all means, do so. See Viona.”

She turned to leave and he added, “But remember well that you are the consort of our prince. If you don’t find a way to cut the ties you have to the Council, it will be done for you. And our prince doesn’t have much patience in him. Not when it comes to you. In that regard, he has surprised me with his restraint so far.”

Lee squared her shoulders and left. When she entered the dance hall, with its pounding rhythm, she paused to reflect on the vampires she saw. And whether she could truly find a place among the Clans. She could feel the desire to be like they were. They seemed so wild and free, even though they were controlled by the vampire hierarchy. She couldn’t just dive in though. Not when she felt so detached from them and her own nature. One of them, but clearly the outsider, the observer.

Her desire for freedom seemed to be ludicrous. It was a matter of choosing prisons. As she left she saw several people openly looked at her with curiosity. Open, unblinking, vampiric curiosity. Being marked by the prince, among her kind, was something they could feel in her now. She was not initiated either. Eric would no doubt encourage the rumours about their ruler and his chosen consort. Some he would likely start. Like how she was a born vampire.

-This will not end well.-

Lee nodded. Indeed her own thoughts echoed Charlie’s.

-We must find a way to work this to our advantage.-

Go for it, Charlie. Strategize away. You’re always better at that anyway. I can’t see a damn way out of it, no matter which side I pick, or don’t pick.

She traced through the city quickly to find Tia where they regrouped and decided to visit Viona’s together.

“I cannot believe Darwin turned like that. He has always been our closest tie to Town,” Tia said.

“Perhaps the Council should take this threat more seriously then,” Lee snapped.

“Your Handler pissed you off again has he?” Tia asked.

“Tia, I’ve worked for them a long time now. And all I get is mistrust from them. Because I’m a vampire. Then get lectured for spending time with the Clans. They threaten me with forced confinement. And I was freaking doing my job, but not by their limited scope of things. And it’s making me feel less like a contracted employee and more like their toy vampire. The packs agree as well, you cannot deny that. The Council wants us all under the same law, but that law is to take away all that we are, for how we can be used up.”

“I hear ya, I do.”

Lee glanced at her. “Well, it’s their law and their obsession, not mine. They cannot take the choice from me.”

“They would if they could,” Tia said dryly. “They don’t like my associations with the packs either you know. They’re afraid I’ll pack up and have the same inner conflict you have. We mate for life you know. If I find a mate, there is nothing they can do to keep me. Or at least they can try, but it will not end well.”

“Then what can we do?”

“We do what we must to survive. Until we need to choose. And then we let nature decide.” Tia shrugged. “It’s a waiting game for me. They have to know though, that if I were to find a mate, then pack comes before them. Nature cannot be denied. I’m not sure how it is with vampires, but I suspect in your case it is the same. If your Handler has even the slightest inclination that is so, you will be pulled in.”

“Richard wouldn’t understand what I’m going through. He would inform Wilhelm. Even if he has given me slack on this one.”

“Yeah, of course, he would. I wouldn’t even attempt to get him to try. He’s a great associate to us both, but you know he is completely loyal to the Council’s cause.”

“What are we then?” Lee asked, arching a brow.

Tia laughed. “We share the illusion of freedom, of course. Not loyal to the cause, but with the Council because we preferred it to the alternative. But nature can only be denied so long.”

“Maybe for a werewolf that is true.”

“Maybe for the vampire who marked you as well.”

Lee stopped and faced Tia. They had been friends too long for Lee to deny her the truth. “Do you know that Jak is a Vampire Prince?”

“I did not.” From her expression, she didn’t much care. It wasn’t as though they lived in a world of entitled royalty. Not like the Chosen did.

“An ancient. But the title of prince comes with more than just age. He’s a true born vampire. As in, vampire mommy and daddy.”

“Ah,” she said. “I don’t believe the Council is aware there were any of those left. Or any more than a myth.”

“There is him, for one. And they claim I am as well.”

Tia let out a hiss of air and looked around the street before returning her gaze. “I thought you were turned without a Sire.”

“Apparently not. However, my breeding is different. My mother was a witch. My father a werewolf turned. Apparently, it is a matter of cultivated bloodlines and I’m the product. Born a vampire.”

“Which,” Tia said slowly, “would mean you’re a fertile vampire. Which would mean Jak has a very strong interest in you.”

“In the same sort of way a mated werewolf pair has in each other.”

“And you know he will not let you go. In fact, I‘m surprised he let you out of his sight. At least, if we stick to our comparison to werewolves. You have no idea what male wolf-kin are like when they choose a mate. Near intolerable until a full claim is made.”

“I‘m well aware of what this bond entails. Sort of. In theory. Accepting it isn’t so easily done. Not for a vampire raised human.”

“And what we must wonder then is what the Council wants from you. And do they know you are a born vampire? If I were you, I would assume they do. Too much of a coincidence to think they don’t.”

Lee thought about her mother and her ties to the United Council. “Unfortunately, you are right there.”

“Then you need to worry, Lee. If they knew they were keeping a born vampire from the Clans then they had a purpose for it. And until you know that purpose it will very hard to break from them.”

“I’m aware of that. I presume the reason is they hope once Clan influence has been dampened that I’ll Sire a line loyal to them.” It reminded her of the conversation with Roy. Perhaps the Council did intend to use her to breed a line, but maybe to breed a line without Clan influence and without all the tangled instincts. Maybe they thought nurture rather than nature would work and a new line meant tamer vampires. Lee began to walk again, shoving her hands in her pockets. “So I need an off the side wizard to help me set a buffer ward so Wilhelm cannot find me. Until I find this wizard and settle things down.”

“Richard has been working with Drake, on the down low. You do remember Drake do you not?”

Lee snorted. Hard to forget her first Handler and lover. Now she wondered what he knew about her history. He had to know if the Council had her contained in the asylum all along or if they really had rescued her from that hell. “I hadn’t realized he was in town.”

“Well, he’s not here for Council business, but working for the Chosen.”

“The Chosen? Really, Tia, try to avoid calling the Changed by such romantic and inflammatory ways,” Lee said dryly.

“It’s what they call themselves. After all, didn’t they survive the plagues unscathed? The Chosen of humanity. Fated. The name shouldn’t concern you. What should be of interest is the tension between the Northern Quarter and the Council. They have been resistant to becoming integrated. Big time resistant.”

“Seems everyone but the mundane agree on that.”

“Lee, we hardly count. We’re the monsters to be reined in. Humans are the ones that should want the old order back. To be free to walk the streets unscathed. For peace. But the Changed don’t quite see it that way. They have long memories of a time when they were persecuted and then chased out of any human holding. Utterly scorned if not killed outright. So while Queen Linora teases the Council with negotiations, the people rebel against the idea. Drake isn’t the only wizard to be drawn to the north. Their political ideals are very welcoming to wizards really. And so, he would be more than willing to irritate the Council with your personal rebellion.”

“Yeah, well that may be so, but we didn’t end on good terms.”

“That was a couple of decades ago now. He was a foolish young man in love with a foolish young vampire.”

She smiled slightly. A very human way to see it, even if her tone had that bitter edge of cynicism in it. “Drake was many things but foolish was never been one of them. Ambitious, more so than anything. Certainly, love didn’t enter the equation.”

“And what was your falling out over?”

Lee flicked her eyes down the street, as a few vampires traced along their path. It was a high traffic vampire area. Although she saw a group of werewolves by a street lantern outside of Viona’s.

“Many unimportant things. It had to end anyway. He was a mediocre Essence mage and, as such, had too keen an interest in my abilities. He has lived past his due, you know. And that alone is likely why he is across the border. He can’t prolong the inevitable for too long. Even at a young age, he wanted to find ways to do so. It was as though he felt time was always slipping away from him. Wilhelm was his replacement because Wilhelm is as he is, cannot be otherwise and thus the temptation to be more is not there. He’s the closest thing to a god humans have these days.”

-Let us not think about him, Lee. I fear we have pushed his tolerance.-

Perhaps then, we should consider Drake. The man is an Essence wizard. He should be able to shield from one of his own.

“You’re saying he’s a psychic vampire, in the true sense?” Tia asked. She sounded so repulsed by the idea. How she would be so friendly with Lee, an enemy by nature, and be uncomfortable with the idea of a wizard tapping someone for energy seemed so contrary.

Lee shrugged. “He wasn’t then. I think in his desperation, he would have turned to that if he could find no other way. But for him to be around now, certainly implies such. Vampires intrigued him, because of our near immortality, or enhanced regeneration. He wished to have the benefits without the downside, which would be losing his skills as a wizard and, of course, being possessed by a demon.”

Tia stopped short of the red painted doorway of Viona’s Place. A nondescript building only marked by that door. A painted door meant many things to vampires. Lee didn’t know very many of them. Red meant a safe environment to feed.

“Then he will help you. I’ll get the contact info from Richard. At least dealing with the Chosen isn’t off your list. Wilhelm cannot have a fit if you cross the border there. It does explain something though. The Queen of the Northern Quarter is desperate to hold onto power. In order to keep it she has cleverly battled suitors against each other, thus keeping her power in her own hands.”

“She has been brilliant really.”

“The downfall is no marriage, no heirs and time is against her. There is no legal heirs, it is rumoured she went off into seclusion a few times and had a bastard or two. Richard told me Drake has been granted a title, lands and is one of her current favourites. He said Drake and him were devising a sort of mechanism for a metaphysical link. It may be that Drake has developed a means to filter energy to his new queen. To slow the process and give her the time she thinks she needs to consolidate her power.”

“That sounds like Drake to me. As I said, clever. And ambitious.”

Tia grunted and swung the door open. “Disgusting is what it is. At least a vampire feeds out of necessity.”

Lee stepped into Viona’s, into the smoke-filled air of sin. The whole place was overdone in tones of blood red velvet. Including the velvet on the pool tables and game tables. Including the scantily clad and very human servers.

Viona’s was outwardly a gambling hall that catered to any gentleman with enough money and status. However, because Viona was a vampire and catered to her vampire patrons as well, it was a well-known bite bar. The servers were the appetizers and one way to lure in vampires willing to gamble and play. If any vampire wanted to make deals with Town Don’s, this was the place to meet and talk.

Lee had spent a great deal of the last half a century visiting Viona’s. It integrated her into the sub-quarter to gather useful information about Clan movements. More so, it had been her first contact with her own kind outside of the Council. For her first decade of pure observation, she had studied the many differences between herself and them, as well as the similarities. Viona had been an invaluable ally during that time of adjustment.

Tia grinned. The woman had come with Lee enough to know how the place worked. They both enjoyed their fair share of gambling, drinking and cavorting till the first tint of dawn. “I’ll gather some Intel. I still don’t have any idea of where the spawn are coming from. There is no way they can stay hidden forever, not if we inspect every Quarter and unclaimed land in the city.”

The likely reasons were either they were poor humans from the sub-quarter and no one cared one way or the other, were from the outlying human holds in the country or the spawn were functioning well enough in daylight as to not be seen as missing. Lee suspected they were humans from the Quarters, plucked from their lives and now were in the unclaimed territory because they couldn’t fully function in their human lives any longer.

Lee waved her off. Her point was to see Viona, which wouldn’t be difficult. They had been associated for a long time. However, this time Lee would be wary. Since her Town contact had clearly been compromised and the kidnapping of his son made Viona a contact that also could have been compromised. She hoped not. The woman had been a good friend to Lee. She admired her in the way she handled her establishment. It involved dealing with the Council, keeping high rollers like Dons on her side and being open and active in a vampire sub-quarter that didn’t have any of the protections of the Quarter itself. In a society that didn’t exactly value the options of strong women.

Lee walked on past the gaming tables to the private rooms in the back. She walked into the Lounge, a vampire only area. As in the feeding area. If you were human you came in with the understanding you were going to be food. Given vampires were not modest by nature, what she saw were vampires feeding on submissive humans. Or feeding and pleasuring. And a few that were just fondling, playing or having sex.

It didn’t take long before she was slouched on that couch with a young male server in her lap. Lee was kissing a vampire on her left while toying with the man in her lap. Since it was a bite bar, both Lee and the other vampire bit the young man. Just sipping and teasing. A fun way to pass the time, on intoxicating alcohol enhanced blood. She was feeling a bit buzzed, flushed with passion and relaxed when Viona came in. She made a gesture of dismissal and everyone left the room.

Viona stood five foot eight feet, with soft brown curly hair down to her back and eyes a rich hazel mixed with flecks of gold. Her eyes melted anyone, with the sensual power she had. The aged vampire had spent a great deal of time and effort into using her aura as an extension of herself in order to give this empowering sensual taste to her and her environment. Often to influence others in that direction. Lee found it to be impressive and very effective.

Viona posed with one hand on her hip and her hip thrust to the side. “I have been expecting you, darling.”


“Yes, impudent boy that he is.”

“He’s that and more.”

Viona gave her a teasing smile. “You are deep in that Clan now, darling. I knew that would come to pass.”

“Could have told me that.”

“You were not ready for that when we first met. So fresh and confused. You needed to know your people before being among them. I knew your mother, you know.”

“You did?”

Vampires and their damn secrets. Hoarding them like precious treasure and then tossing them out just to make some drama.

“Yes.” Her expression turned melancholy and she pursed her lips. Finally, she continued, “I wanted her to come with me, as I planned to set up here before the war over the city began. Both her and Lucien, so they could be together and apart from both the Clans and Council. It wasn’t to be though. The Council took them both and that is the last I heard from them. So it was no surprise to me you ended up as one of their pets. But enough of that.”

Viona traced forward until she knelt between Lee’s sprawled legs. She ran her hands up Lee and Lee muffled a moan of pleasure at her touch. She leaned forward until her lips were close to touching, and held them there until Lee craved the contact. Viona was constantly trying to seduce Lee because she thought Lee, unbound by the Council would be a good asset to her organization. Viona pressed her lips to Lee’s in a light teasing kiss and then moved to whisper in her ear. “And what is it you need?”

“I need to know about Will, Darwin’s son,” she said, trying to sound as though Viona’s presence was not affecting her.

“And what,” she asked, sucking Lee’s earlobe. Lee shivered as raw desire flamed into her. “Do you offer for such information?”

“What do you want?” she rasped.

“I want a taste of you, Lee. Not such a price to pay for information.”

Lee was already marked to Jak and as such was his, at least in his clannish way of thinking. A taste from another would do nothing more. A Mark was deeper than that. “Just a taste then. One bite and a sip.”

Viona pulled back to face her and smiled. She began to undo the ties on Lee’s shirt, which was styled to be loosely tied down the middle. “What are you doing?”

“Choosing a place, darling.”

Lee was transfixed as Viona’s long fingers slowly completed her task. Then she spread the shirt apart revealing Lee’s chest. She didn’t wear a bra or any other confining undergarments women wore to uplift and restrain. She didn’t need to, she wasn’t that well-endowed. They stayed where they belonged. Being exposed to her lustful gaze made Lee feel like submitting to anything she desired. As Viona brushed across her skin, over the mound of her breasts and swirling close to, but not touching the nipple, Lee arched to her touch her nipples reacting to the anticipation of touch.

“I hear rumours of you, darling. Of you and our prince. Of your pure blood. I believe them. I’m drawn to your essence. I always have been. Its texture is so deep and rich.”

Viona lightly touched Lee’s nipples causing her to gasp, then cupped her and rubbed her fingers around the sensitive nipples. “A lovely place for a love bite.”

She leaned forward and captured a nipple in her mouth, suckling gently while kneading the other. Lee let her head fall back as her back arched forward. She was barely aware of when Viona slid her hand down and into Lee’s pants until Viona’s soft fingers delved deep and encircled her. Lee gasped and thought to say something, but nothing came to mind. As Viona skilful brought her to orgasm she bit the side of her breast and sucked, drawing out her pleasure until her body convulsed with the release.

Viona leaned back, looking satisfied. As she should be, as Lee was now mellow, satiated and well satisfied. Lee was not as sexually flexible as many vampires, but Viona was desire personified. She had taught Lee that vampires didn’t think about gender and sexual orientation like humans did.

“Well, then. Will was turned by me. As you know, of course. And with full permission by the Don. I don’t turn the unwilling, darling. I very much enjoyed Will, but that’s not why I chose him. It was a favour for his father and by Will’s own request. And in return, a better working relationship with the Don. A coupe for me, since most of Darwin‘s generation, are rigid in their racism. Eric should have been pleased with the choice as it would have greatly improved relations. The Don was even offering to have his escorts service us.”

Lee remained as she was too satisfied to move and knowing Viona was enjoying her display. “Why?”

“Why? Because of human frailty and a father’s devotion. Will was dying. He had Nightwalkers Syndrome.”

“Ah. So Darwin had a Changed son, but not just any mutation, one that mimics our kind.” Sunlight burns their frail grey skin and pink light sensitive eyes. They need human blood, not for its essence, but for the blood itself. “Must have been when the Don began his donor project with his escorts. I had no idea and I should’ve known. Something like that would have explained a lot of Darwin‘s volatile beliefs and actions in the past.”

“They are mortal, though, not vampires at all despite some purist human‘s superstitions. As you know, they don’t tend to live long. In the end, he was in constant pain. He would have done anything to end that pain. Although he welcomed the dark gift as well, he was a well-known patron of mine. It was a good, solid choice to turn him.”

“And now?”

Viona stood up and Lee could feel the change in her, the tension and rage. “He was taken. I’m his Sire, I know he lives. I know he is in pain. He was taken while hunting in the sub-quarter. And as a fledgling, he wasn’t hunting alone. His escort was killed and he was kidnapped. At first, I thought it had been a rival and there would follow demands. I have heard nothing.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“If I knew where he was, Lee, I would be there myself, taking back what was mine,” she said with a hiss of rage.

Lee had no doubt about that. While she didn’t understand the possessiveness her kin had over those they sired, she knew the claim was deep.

“So then he’s blocked from your bond.”

“Not entirely. I can sense he is in the city. I have been sending out spies to find him. I hunt for him myself. Yet I cannot pinpoint his location.”

“Any associates he was seen with here?”

Viona laughed. “Do you think I have not personally seen to any witnesses? I have. I have reaped the memories of anyone who might be to blame or knew who was. I have a mage contact in the north who is a patron here sometimes. He has been trying to assist me.”

“Who is that contact? I’ll see him and see if I can be of help. There are ways to help you find him, to open the bond up. I’ll ask Jak about that since I only know of it and not how to do it. With this wizard, we may be able to get a lock on Will.”

“Excuse me.”

Lee jolted and was startled to see Jak in the doorway, looking dishevelled and furious. In fact, when most vampires had a cold temper and expressionless faces, he was the exact opposite with this furious anger and bared fangs. His eyes fell on Lee, her chest, the small bite and then to Viona. Viona smiled at him seductively and Lee knew then, the bite placing had been a taunt, but a teasing one.

“My prince, what an honour to have you grace my establishment,” Viona said, nodding her head but giving him a wickedly saucy smile.

“Come here, Lee.” His tone was forced and demanding. He held out his hand to her and made a come-hither gesture.

She frowned at him. “You’re seriously beginning to tick me off. What? You think you can just beckon to me and I’ll come to you? Like I’m some fledgling that must obey you?”

Jak traced forward and grabbed Viona by the neck. He slammed her against the wall, his canines bared in a snarl. Lee winced as Jak’s aura flexed aggressively around them. He was barely restraining his anger. “Do you want me to kill her for her transgression?”

She stood up and said, “Slow down. I was just getting some info on our lost vampire. If you kill her, I won’t get her contacts name, nor have a way to track Will through her. So settle down, big boy.”

“Come here now,” he growled.

-I think he wants you to willingly to submit to his will.-

I think I’m going to get very tired of trying to sooth his moods by being the rational one.

-He will kill her.-

I’m very aware of that, Charlie.

-Viona dared touch what he had marked as his.-

Lee stepped forward slowly. When she was by his side, he dropped Viona. She sagged against the wall with a slight smile.

“Damn, Viona, and I’ve been told I have a death wish.”

“It was worth it,” she said.

“And what is your northern contact’s name?”

“Lord Ross.”

Lee shook her head.

-Drake has been busy.-

Yeah, all cozy with their queen and keeping ties with the vampire underworld.

Jak heaved a breath in, his aura coiling back, as he attempted to relax. The look he gave Lee was hardly relaxed. His eyes were pupils were wide and rimmed with a dark purple. His aura rippled around the room so intensely she could feel it swirling around her. “I have had enough, Lee. I do not have the patience for your games.”

“Show him, Lee,” Viona said.

“Show him what?”

Viona looked up at Jak. “My prince, you think she denies the bond because of price or loyalty to the Council but it is fear. A fear of being bonded. When she first came here she was skittish and so gun shy. I knew why. I could see the signs.” Her eyes locked on Lee. “Show him what happened to you in the asylum and he’ll know why you resist.”

Lee backed up a space. “No, Viona. That is long gone. It happened hundreds of years ago.”

Jak flashed in front of her and gripped her arms. “Show me.”

“What?” she asked and then she felt the force of his aura bombard her. She fell to her knees, tears leaking from her eyes, as she instinctively resisted the onslaught. It felt like being smacked with a tidal wave. Charlie screamed and Lee whimpered.

Everything went black and then images flooded her mind. Her arms were chained above her head in a small room, starved of food and blood, naked and freezing with four other women. Then another where she was strapped to a cot drugged when the door opened and a guard came in to molest her. She remembered his hands groping her and his heavy breathing. She remembered not being able to move, think or even scream. The pain, humiliation and the lack of power. There were times when she was taken to the showers and washed down and she would fight and claw at them and she would be beaten down for it. At least she fought. The drugs made her so slow and so tired. Then there were the experiments. So many tests and more drugs. It was unclear what they wanted but they had tried to breed her, it just hadn’t worked and they decided she was a useless half-breed. It got so much worse then. They let her to rot there for years. In the dark and cold.

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