Blood on the Moon

Chapter 61: Inevitable


We all smelled the smoke.

It clouded the air of our usually pristine woods, clouding our vision and stinging our eyes. Black and toxic, we knew it was a wildfire and took precautions in case we needed to evacuate.

But, the fire never spread to us; it must’ve been contained.

Then began the questions, the air still hazy as the wind did its work, blowing the smoke across the land.

Rumors swirled, speculation churning.

Arson? Lightening? Dumbass campers?

Turns out, the truth was far worse.

I’ve been texting Asher nonstop, blowing up his phone to no response since last night when I found out that the fire started when enhanced wolves, sent by Genevieve, at least that’s what we all assume, attacked River Run. Their witch, Adelaide Poniria, was able to fend them off with her lavender fire.

Evander was severely burned in the process; nobody knows if it’s grave or not, which leaves a lot of questions about the future of River Run and the now-expected war between them and Black Opal.

There’s no way to avoid it after such a blatant attack. She may argue it wasn’t her, but we all know the truth. Nobody will believe her when he’s been the only one threatening him for the last few months.

She sent those wolves as a taste of the new power she’s acquired. A palette cleanser. She is responding to the Statement and his declaration of Margaery as his mate. She’s angry that he’s controlling the narrative and now her sister. A sister she had an iron grip on before. Or at least, she thought.

This is her pulling the trigger, asserting her power, and demonstrating her intentions.

War is inevitable. Evander can’t fail to answer this blatant attack. If he does, he’ll be seen as weak.

Where does that leave Asher?

Is he okay? Is he safe? Why isn’t he answering his phone?

Gen is becoming more and more aggressive, which could extend to him, as well.

My leg bounces, my stomach churning as I struggle not to throw up.

What if she hurt him? What if she took the anger she couldn’t exact on Evander out on him? Is he hiding? Is that why he can’t text? Did she find his phone?

Oh, God, if she found his phone while she’s like this, that could mean he’s been flayed, bleeding on the floor while I sit here doing nothing.

But I can’t just march over there to check on him! My scent would cross the border, creating larger problems for us.

“Please, Asher,” I beg, tears flowing down my cheeks. “Please, tell me you’re okay!”

I’m alright.

Huh? I’m taken aback, jumping out of my seat, shocked.

Who was that? What was that? It sounded like Asher’s voice, but it was in my brain.

Our mate bond, he says. Wolves have mindlink with one another. I didn’t think I could do this with you since you’re not a wolf, but… I felt you were in distress, so I tried. I can hear you.

What? Mindlink? How is that possible?

Just another thing that makes you special, my love.

Will she catch you doing this?

Your eyes glaze over when you do, but I can lie about who I’m contacting. I have a mindlink connection with everyone in my pack, so making something up wouldn’t be hard.

Oh, Asher! Are you okay? Are you safe? I heard about the inferno!

I found out with everyone else. I didn’t know what she was planning. But, even if she’ll deny it, she absolutely sent those wolves to attack Evander.

A war is inevitable now. How will we avoid it? Oh, God, and how is Margaery? I heard Evander was injured.

He’s alive, Asher answers. She was sent another message by the witch, Adelaide. She’s seeing him tonight. She’s going to urge him to hold back on the war, and we’re conducting an emergency meeting with all the people involved in overthrowing Gen. You included.

Where is the meeting? Are we meeting after she talks with Evander?

Yes, and I will text you the details when I get to my phone. I’m lying low right now in the basement with Margaery. The phone is hidden upstairs.

Are you sure she won’t be able to find it?


Evander won’t be able to hold back declaring war for long. Especially in response to an act of war so blatant and public.

That’s why we have to end it.

Are you thinking that we have to strike against Gen now? Do we have the support?

Whoever was on the fence before probably isn’t after this. And, even if they aren’t, she needs to go. We can’t go to war with River Run. Not just to protect our people but to protect them. Her wolves are mighty. I suspect this attack was a test run to see how much damage they could do. If she unleashes an army of these on everyone she hates, which is a list that grows with each passing second, then the world is doomed.


I sigh, rubbing my temples.

I will have to challenge her very soon, won’t I?

I wish you could’ve had more time to prepare.

There’s silence.

Am I ready? Am I prepared for this fight? A fight where there is so much at stake?

We’ll wait to see what everyone says, but that’s where I’m leaning, he says. We’ll see what information Margaery gets from Evander. I will see you tonight, Rose.

Okay, Ash. I’ll see you tonight. I love you.

I love you, too.


The room is heavy, the air thick. I wish I could focus, but it’s hard when I’m riddled with anxiety.

Gen’s attack has forced our hand. Are we ready? Is Rose ready? What information did Margaery come back with? Will Evander agree to give us a chance, or is he already assembling the troops to attack tonight? Was Margaery able to convince him?

And, there she is, the woman of the hour, Margaery. I squeeze Rose’s hand; she’s been sitting next to me since she arrived, only a minute after me. The only saving grace of this moment is her support.

“What happened?” I ask as she sighs, sitting in the seat to my right.

“It’s worse than we imagined,” she says, pinching her nose's bridge. “Evander confirmed our suspicions that she’s been working with the Night God.”

“Shit,” Rose hisses. “At least that explains how she’s gained so much power. His magic is helping her. But why?”

“The Night God has a grudge against River Run. We know how He used Saemel and how Caelynn and Erik stopped him. Aeneas, Evander’s adoptive father, is a descendant of Erik and Caelynn. But he also says that the Night God abducted his mother to get revenge, but his father, Aeneas, rescued her. The Night God had fallen in love with a false being He placed inside her to control her, though, at least, that’s what He claimed. They conceived a child together, who He still has. But He’s furious with them for killing the being that used to live in his mom. So, He’s wanted revenge against Evander and River Run for some time. He’s just using Gen to get it.”

“Why would Gen make a deal like that, though?” Someone asks.

“I’m sure she’s had a long working relationship with Him,” Margaery explains. “That could be how she overthrew my parents and slowly killed them, how she has been able to control people and seize power. I’m sure He helped her then and is cashing in his repayment now. In the process? She exacts revenge on her enemies. This could be why she has suddenly seen Evander as an adversary for seemingly no reason. He could be planting that in her head to make her easier to control.”

“If the Night God controls her,” I start. “Then… I don’t see how we can keep her alive. Especially since she has no reason or motivation to stop serving Him. She started evil; only a person who starts that way would ask a God to help her kill her parents.”

“I agree,” Margaery admits, her voice cracking as a tear slips down her cheek.

“Are you prepared for that?” I ask, resting my hand over hers, my heart aching for her.

“Y-Yes!” She cries, her head dropping as she sobs, burying her face in her hands. “Genevive needs to die!”

“Is Rose prepared to kill her?” Candice Blackwood asks. “Do we know if she can?”

“I’ve never been against killing her. It was only out of respect for Margaery that I didn’t rally for it,” I reply. “And, yes, I believe I can.”

“But if she has the power of a God on her side, how could you possibly beat her?” Darius asks. “I have heard Asher explain how powerful you are, but that does not mean you can face Godly wrath!”

“Do we have another choice?” Rose asks. “Or is this our only option left to prevent war?”

“Yes,” Margaery answers. “I told Evander that we’d strike against her tomorrow. That’s the only way we can stop him from declaring war. Once he does, it’s over. She’ll win. And who knows who she’ll go after next.”

“Probably my Clan,” Rose states as she stands. “We have no other options. It is now or never. And, even if I die in the process, at least I die trying. Standing idly by will get us nowhere. We must act!”

I bow my head, roused by her speech but also terrified.

Can I risk losing her? What will happen to those she leaves behind if she fails? Would life even be worth living if she were to die at the hands of my mate? During a conflict I brought her into?

It would be all my fault.

I was mates with Gen, and I pursued Rose despite that. Selfish as it may have been to not let her go, I couldn’t. I couldn’t stand the idea of being without her.

And now? I nominated her for this battle. I volunteered the woman I love to put her life on the line.

If she dies, it’s on me.

Her hand rests on my back, stroking up my spine. Her eyes tell me she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispers, just for us to hear. “It’s the last card we have left to play. The last chance for us to be together.’

I bite my lip, holding back tears, my stomach twisting. The rest discuss how we will start the challenge and when—the logistics of it.


I can hardly focus on things so silly as whether we’ll do it at seven or eight in the morning.


The word came from Rose, who grips my shoulder tightly, her eyes soft and determined. She’s reminding me who she is. Reminding me of who we are to each other.

I have to believe. I have to have faith that she can pull this off.

If anyone can do it, it’s her.


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