Blood of My Monster: A Dark Mafia Romance (Monster Trilogy Book 1)

Blood of My Monster: Chapter 29

My mind goes blank.

The worst part isn’t my lack of reaction or thinking. It’s how suddenly my body takes charge of the situation.

The moment I’m pulled inside, I don’t go into hyperaware mode or tense for a fight. It’s far from that.

I recognize the touch and drown in the familiar masculine scent that I couldn’t grow immune to even if I tried.

The door closes with a quiet click, and then I’m pushed inside. The feral power of his strength leaves me breathless and with no choice but to match his steps.

Or try to.

He’s too fast, too unpredictable, and that awakens a dormant beast inside me.

My calf hits a hard edge, and I gasp as I stumble straight onto the soft surface of the mattress.

Then he’s on me.

His hand imprisons my wrists over my head, and his knees lie on either side of my stomach.

I get the first look at his face since he ambushed me, and I wish I hadn’t.

It’s tight but blank. Dark but emotional.

There’s nothing scarier than a calm Kirill. He becomes a force to be reckoned with, lacking any restraint or moral codes. Not that he ever had either of those, but he at least makes the effort to pretend that he does. Right now, though?

There’s no hint of that part of him. He’s fully set on destruction, and I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“What…” I trail off when he shakes his head once.

“Shhh, don’t talk. I’m this close to becoming a pure fucking animal, and if you keep talking, this situation will turn very ugly, very fast.”

I swallow, but a ball gets stuck at the back of my throat. This is the first time I’ve heard him use that low tone of voice. It’s firm and collected, but a frightening hurricane lurks beneath the surface.

“Now, Sasha…” His voice deepens further to a subtle threat. “Have you finished being the benevolent one and making sure Konstantin is all safe?”

“Yes, I have, actually.” No clue how my voice sounds so neutral under the circumstances. “One of us had to do it since he’s your brother.”

“Have I asked you to look after my brother?” His menacing tone shakes me to the core.

I probably should keep quiet, but that doesn’t guarantee he’ll stop this.

No matter what I do, if Kirill has something in mind, then he’ll get to it. So I might as well get these chaotic emotions off my chest.

“I don’t need your permission for everything I do.” I try to wiggle my wrists free, but it’s impossible to loosen his iron-like hold. “Unlike what you like to believe, you’re not my keeper, Kirill.”

A cruel smirk lifts the side of his lips. “If you find solace in these delusions, then, by all means, keep believing them, but the reality is the following: you are mine to do with whatever I please. You’re my fucking property, Sasha. Is that clear?”

Hot moisture stings the corners of my eyes, but I refuse to show him the damage his words inflict on me. While I’ve always known Kirill to be a methodical, cold-hearted monster, this is the first time I’ve witnessed it firsthand.

Everything that happened in the past and the semblance of safety I felt in his arms was nothing more than my wishful thinking. He’s only ever thought of me as something he can own. An addition to his collection. I’m not, by any means, part of his ambition. Hell, I might as well be the toy he wastes time with until he takes over the position he’s working to obtain.

“I’m not your anything,” I say with a calm I don’t feel. “And I’m certainly not yours.”

A muscle clenches in his jaw and his eyes darken behind the glasses. “Is that because you already belong to someone else?”

“Someone else?”

A long pause drifts between us as the dim nightstand light creates shadows over his sharp features. “I’m picking up where I left off earlier. I need a name.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I need the name of the man you were talking to on the phone earlier.”

My heart pounds, and I think Kirill might have the ability to pry my skin open to get his answers. I have to constantly remind myself that no matter how godly he is, that’s not something he can actually do.

“That part of my life doesn’t concern you,” I say simply, softly enough for the words to come out as a plea.

“A name, Sasha. I won’t repeat myself another time.”

I purse my lips.

Tension drifts off Kirill in waves, accentuated by his tightening grip on my wrists. For a moment, I think he’ll break them or something, but then he lifts me up by them.

I’m stunned into silence when he releases my hands, removes my jacket, and rips open my shirt. The buttons scatter on the bed and roll onto the floor.

My breasts tingle beneath my chest bandages, and my nipples harden to painful buds.

There must be something wrong with me, because even though I know he’s mad, I still like his rough side. A part of me yearns for it while another part is scared of it.

The fact remains, if this will keep his mind off the current topic, then all I can do is let it happen.

Soon after, my bandages are gone with a fast maneuver of his strong, veiny hands. My breasts bounce free, and my nipples pulse with need.

He then unbuckles my belt and pushes away my pants and boxer briefs so that I’m sitting completely naked on the bed.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been naked in front of him, but I still get that pang of doubt around him. I’ve always wanted someone, anyone, to see me as a woman. Sure, I didn’t sign up for it to be this unfeeling monster, but he happens to be the only one who discovered my identity.

And for some reason, I want to be beautiful to him. I want him to kiss me like he can’t get enough of me, like he did in his office the other day.

I love when Kirill kisses me. That’s the only time he feels more like a man than a monster.

My thoughts scatter when he grabs me by the wrist and hauls me off the bed. I stumble and nearly fall, but his grip keeps me upright. I have to jog to keep up with his wide strides as he leads me to the en-suite bathroom.

The strong white light blinds me as the sparkling marble counter and giant mirror come into view.

He pushes me against the sink and stands behind me with the eeriness of the Grim Reaper.

His eyes flash to a scary darkening blue that resembles an angry ocean. I don’t even focus on the fact that I’m stark naked while he’s fully clothed. All I see in the mirror is an entity of violence.

He releases my wrist just to close his hand around my throat from behind. The grip is firm enough that I go to my tiptoes, but it’s not meant to steal my breath.

This is a grip of control. So I know exactly who’s in charge of this situation.

His other hand drifts over my hip, leaving goosebumps in its wake, then disappears between my throbbing thighs. Two of his fingers thrust inside my core, and I go still.

My skin turns red, and I’m forced to see every detail of my embarrassment in the mirror in front of us.

I have to see the two whitening scars on my side from the massacre and the ugly hole in my shoulder from when I was shot.

When I try to shift my attention to the floor, Kirill uses his grip on my neck and lifts it up.

“You’re going to watch me own every part of you so you understand that you’re completely mine.”

He thrusts a third finger in, stretching me so fully that I can’t focus on anything but his touch. He scissors his fingers inside me, and a burst of pleasure floods through me. My toes curl, and my heart beats so fast, it’s scary.

Kirill’s pace verges on madness as he pounds his fingers into me with heightened intensity. My eyes close halfway, and I want to look away from the storm that’s about to take me over, but I can’t.

The longer I’m swallowed in his icy eyes, the more light-headed I become. He teases my clit in two expert strokes, and I’m a goner.

I come with a deep moan and would fall forward if it weren’t for Kirill’s hold.

“That’s it, Solnyshko. Show me how much you want me.” His voice falls against my ear in a grunt before he bites down on the flesh.

My thighs shake, and the orgasm seems to heighten and draw out in both length and intensity. It’s like his words are an aphrodisiac.

And maybe, just maybe, I’m too conditioned to the way he calls me his sun.

Why would a monster need a sun?

His hand disappears from between my legs, and before I can mourn the loss, he unbuckles his belt, and I feel his erection brush against my backside.

A shudder goes through me when his cock nudges against my ass cheek. Once, twice.

The pleasure that I thought would finally dim rises and grows.

I gasp. “Kirill…”

“I’m so tempted to stuff my cock into this hole.” He pushes his huge cock against my ass again. “I’d fuck you until you realize that every part of you belongs to me. Not anyone else. Me. This is my ass, my property. Fucking mine.”

My hand finds his thigh, and I try to push at him, but he imprisons my wrists behind my back and uses both his hands to wrap his thick leather belt around them. I’m completely immobile, and I couldn’t move if I wanted to. Then his fingers go back to my throat.

“But tonight…” He slides his cock between my legs. “I’ll start with my pussy.”

He thrusts inside, and I gasp as pain explodes all over my core. Kirill is just too huge, and despite the orgasm I just had, it hurts to have all of him in me.

“You’re so tight. Mmm. So fucking right.” His grunts fill my ears, and even though it hurts, I try to fall into the rhythm.

I don’t have to try for long.

After a few thrusts, pleasure starts to war with the pain, and my moans echo in the air. Kirill uses his hold on my neck to make me look in the mirror.

I’m startled by the sight in front of me. He looks larger than life behind me and no different than a beast who’s devouring me alive. My skin is sweaty, flushed, and molded to his rhythm.

With his hand around my throat and my wrists bound, I’m completely at his mercy.

“Look at who owns you, Solnyshko. Look at how your body submits to me as if it was made for me. You are mine, and you will always be fucking mine. You’ll never belong to anyone else but me.”

The dark possessiveness in his words should scare me, and it does to an extent, but I can’t think straight with him pounding me to within an inch of my life.

His rhythm is as intense as he is. He fucks with his usual control, but sometimes, he goes so fast and so hard that even he can’t control it. His glasses fog up from sweat and exertion, and he throws them aside and then ramps up the intensity.

My breasts bounce and ache from the arousal, and my hips hit the marble counter a few times. The sting of pain adds to the savage pleasure building in my core.

All of a sudden, he tightens his grip on my throat and cuts off my oxygen.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t…

Just when I think I’m going to die, I come.

And then air and ecstasy rush through me all at once. I start to fall over, but Kirill pushes me down against the counter. The shock of cold hits my heated skin, and my hard nipples scrape against the marble.

But those bursts of discomfort are forgotten when he grips me by the back of my neck and fucks me through my orgasm. He goes deeper, pulls out, then drives back in again and again.

Then he rams into me with the lethality of an animal. He is an animal.

A monster who can’t get enough.

Not even when I start crying from how intense it gets. Not even when I think I’ll actually pass out.

Kirill doesn’t stop or slow down, and he certainly doesn’t finish. He fucks me on and on, until pleasure begins to blend with pain. Until I don’t know if I ever want him to stop.

The way he takes what he wants and uses me for his own pleasure makes my thighs messy and sticky with arousal. Another orgasm builds in my core and spreads all over my body.

That’s when Kirill growls, pounds harder for a few strokes, and then warmth fills my insides.

He pulls me up by my throat so that my back is glued to his clothed chest. His hot breaths fill my ear before he growls, “Mine.”

A frightening shudder goes through me when I realize that he means that and will probably stop at nothing to really make me his.

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