Blood of Immortals

Chapter 4

That night Alpha Angus also announced that the palace ordered all the wolves to look for the missing heir of Selena. She has to be found before the next blood moon, which is about eleven months from now.

To help the wolves find her, Selena left her Blood Goblet. According to the seers of the palace, this goblet is no ordinary cup. When Selena’s blood or any of her descendants’ blood touches the cup, it will react and shine brightly.

Since it was supposed to be Alaric’s mate, Alpha Angus made sure to get the blood goblet and bring it to our pack. Now the goblet is placed in the temple of the Moon Goddess located on the eastern side of the territory. The mumbling of the Alpha lasted for three long hours before he finally let us go. I decided to just totally skip dinner as my bed was already calling for me.

“Aroa!” I heard a loud voice coming outside my room. It was followed by incessant banging on my door. Forget about peaceful mornings. The wolf outside must be looking for war!

I got up and prepared to strangle the wolf who dared to disturb my sleep. I opened the door ready for a fight but the wolf outside made it impossible for me to do so. Alaric angrily stormed inside my room as if he owned the damn place. If I was prepared for a fight, so was he.

“What time is it?” he asked as he gritted his teeth.

Seriously? Doesn’t he have his own watch? Or has he forgotten how to read time?

“Uhm, it’s 8:05.”


“The short hand is pointing at eight while the long hand is pointing at-”

“We have an appointment at 7 am!” A moment of silence followed.

“Ow...” I uttered as I remembered our conversation last night.

“Ow?” he asked, mockingly.

“I... I forgot” I stuttered. “Just give me fifteen minutes. I’ll go to your office.”

“Five minutes Aroa!” He roared. “If I don’t see your ass inside my office within five damn minutes, consider yourself dead!”

Three minutes later, I was inside Alaric’s office, listening to his rants about the first God and Demon war. I must have broken the record of the shortest showers taken in all realms. I didn’t even have time to comb my hair!

“Read the history of five realms and memorize these spells.” He said at the end of his sermon. “I will test you in three days.”

“Oh? Okay.”

“I am your teacher now, so better address me properly”

“Yes, Sir:”

“I have to see my father. If you have questions, ask me later when I get back.”

“Got it. Sir.”

“And do not leave this room.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He looked at me pointedly before he decided to finally exit the room. I breathed a sigh of relief after he left me, still in one piece.

I never liked school before. I used to make excuses so I could just skip my classes. Now that I didn’t have to go, I wanted to go. At least back then, I still had my freedom. But with Alaric being my master, his attention is focused solely on me. I wouldn’t even have time to prank anybody. Can you imagine that? My life would be boring!

I sighed again in frustration. I decided to pass my time reading the texts.

It was about a blood spell that can save someone whose life is barely hanging.

According to the texts, the caster has to offer his blood to the god of the underworld, Hades, by cutting a vein in the left wrist using a silver knife. After Hades blessed the blood, the sick person has to drink the blood within an hour or it will lose its effect.

Hmm...this method seems painful. I wasn’t afraid of whips, but cutting myself with a silver knife would definitely put me, or any wolf on the brink of death. Wolves are not immune to silver. In fact, aside from wolfsbane, silver can kill us. Even vampires can die by stabbing them in the heart using a silver weapon.

I read more about this spell but some of the parts of the texts were missing. In the last part, there was a warning.

Only Gods can perform the blood spell. If violated, an equal value shall be exchanged.

Hmm... this spell is getting mysterious. I had to burn a lot of my brain cells just to understand this one. An equal value shall be exchanged... Does it mean the caster has to give up his life? Maybe I should just ask Alaric later. He is my teacher after all. I am entitled to ask him.

Next, I studied books about realms. Currently, there are three known realms - the mortal realm, the demon realm, and the heavenly realm.

The mortal realm is a world where mortals and demon clans live. There are several types of demons - elves, wolves, vampires, and many more.

The demon realm is where the powerful and royal demons live. Currently, the demon realm is denominated by two powerful kingdoms - the kingdom of wolves led by Queen Selena and the Kingdom of Vampires under the rule of Chaos, one of the oldest demons in existence.

The heaven realm is where the Gods and holy immortals live. This is where Olympus can be found. Currently, Olympus is led by its king. Zeus and his wife, Hera.

Hmm... these texts are getting complicated... By the time I was finished reading, my stomach was already growling, but I decided to ignore it and sleep instead.

When I woke up, I noticed that some of the books were scattered on the floor. I must have pushed them on the table when I was sleeping. So, before Alaric saw this mess, I rushed into action and started organizing them.

At lunchtime, Alaric came back and brought me some food. I was a bit shocked that he remembered to bring lunch for me. I am an Omega after all, and he is my future Alpha.

“You are my student,” Alaric said while we were eating. “I have to take care of you.”

“Regardless, I have to thank you,” I said as I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, but suddenly, he turned red and dropped his gaze. He grabbed the glass of water on the table and drank the whole glass. Then, he started coughing.

“Like what the hell!” I uttered. “Are you alright sir?” Wondering if he got choked or something.

“Um yeah,” he answered as he stood abruptly and went towards the door. “Be ready in half an hour, we will do physical training later. See you in the field.”

Then, he left. He didn’t even let me answer.


Alaric was the devil. I realized this after he made me run twenty laps around the entire field, do two hundred sit-ups, and perform one hundred push-ups.

I thought the pile of books he left for me to read this morning was already high, but after he physically tortured me this afternoon, my hatred towards him easily surpassed it.

I had never been so angry at anyone. Until now.

“Alaric Belmont,” I said as I ran around the field. “Be glad that you are born an alpha. Otherwise, I will prick you a thousand times. I will put ants in your underwear and I will put chilies in your meals!”

“Hahaha,” my steps halted as I heard the laugh of the devil.

“Is that a threat?” I ignored him and continued running. That didn’t hinder him from following me, though

“Scary.” He continued teasing me.


My afternoon went on with him torturing and teasing me. Most of the days that followed are similar to this one - studying ancient texts and spells in the morning, having lunch together, and doing physical training in the afternoon.

“Ruse! I finally found you.” I said to my friend as I embraced her.

“Yeah, I heard you have been busy,” Ruse answered as she gently pushed me. “They said Alaric has been teaching you.”

I couldn’t point it out, but something was different. There were bags under her eyes. Is she sick? I felt terrible for not being able to be with her as most of my time is spent studying and training.

“You mean torturing!” I joked. “That guy definitely wanted to kill me. If he had a chance, he would certainly let me be eaten by rogues. Good thing I am smart.” I winked at her.

Ruse couldn’t help but laugh at my playfulness. There. That’s my Ruse. I continued telling her my misery under the claws of the devil. She seemed more relaxed now.

“You should take your studies more seriously,” Ruse said. “You are very lucky that Alaric is your teacher. Not everyone is given that chance.”

“You are just saying that because you are not in my shoes.” I countered as I crossed my arms.

“How I wish...” she whispered.

“What?” I asked as I didn’t hear her completely.


“Oh, okay.” I paused for a moment, before continuing my complaints. “You don’t know how boring he is-”

“That’s not what you said to me last time,” Alaric said as he approached us.

“Alaric!” Ruse greeted the devil brightly.

“Ruse, good morning,” Alaric told her.

“And you,” he said as he tapped my head. “I was looking for you last night! Where were you?”

“I uhm-” I started to make an excuse.

“Alaric” Ruse interrupted. “Please forgive her. She was just playful and a bit immature. Please don’t punish her.”

“Uh yeah, I wasn’t going to...”

“Hahahahaha” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m, I’m hahaha... sorry couldn’t help it... hahaha”

Alaric seemed so awkward as Ruse actually thought he was angry at me. I have already grown accustomed to his mood. Right now, I was pretty sure, he is just teasing me. He is being playful. But Ruse didn’t know that. That’s why my dear teacher is being awkward at the moment.

“What’s going on?” asked Ruse, confused.

“Actually, he was not going to punish me,” I explained to Ruse.

“Is that true?” Ruse asked Alaric. “Yeah, I was just teasing her.”

“See? You don’t have to be worried for me all the time.” I told Ruse. I was expecting her to be relieved, but her expression became sullen.

“I didn’t know you had this side,” Ruse said.

“Yeah, I didn’t either, but this little omega brought it out of me,” he said as he put his arms around me. I didn’t know when, but he formed a habit of smelling my hair. Unfortunately, he decided to do it now. In front of Ruse.

“I have to go,” Ruse said in a strained voice.

“Yeah, see you in a-” she already left without waiting for my reply. What’s happening to her?

Despite all my complaints, I couldn’t help but be grateful to Alaric. They said I was lucky that he became my teacher. I say I am fortunate that despite our gap in status, he treats me like a friend. He was strict during our training sessions, but he was also very thoughtful and caring. He was sensitive to my emotions. He knows when I am angry or sad. He could see through me even when I am pretending to be happy. This had disadvantages though, as he immediately knew when I was planning something naughty. Of course, he still displays his arrogance from time to time. But he is an alpha. It is in his nature. In his blood.

To express my rare and precious gratitude, I decided to bake cookies for him. I have no idea if he likes sweets, but most people do. Even if he does not, he has to be grateful as I do not bake cookies just for anybody!

I was busy daydreaming when I smelled something burning.

“Oh my god! The cookies!” I immediately went to the oven. “Aww!” I exclaimed after opening the hot oven with my bare hands.

“Are you stupid?” Alaric said angrily as he grabbed my burnt hands. He pulled me to the sink and opened the faucet. I didn’t know when he came. I must have been too preoccupied with my thoughts.

“Ouch...” I uttered as the cold water dripped onto my hands.

“Why are you so careless?” He asked me angrily.

“I am sorry...” I told him. He didn’t answer me. He turned off the faucet with one hand, but his other hand didn’t release me.

“I am sorry,” I repeated.

Suddenly, he brought my left hand to his lips. He looked at me, probably gauging my reaction. Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of anything at the moment.

“I am sorry too,” he said as he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss.

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Much Love,


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