Blood of Immortals

Chapter 21

“It’s Cerberus,” said Amari. “Hades’ pet. It attacks anyone who tries to enter the gate.”

“He does have a unique taste when it comes to pets,” I remarked casually.

“So, what’s the plan?” Veltra asked. Before we could even discuss anything, the dog, or dogs, breathe fire. Then it started chasing us.

“Woah, woah, calm down boy!” I shouted as we ran. We hid behind a massive post. After failing to find us, Cerberus went back to the gate.

“What now?” Veltra asked again, irritated. “Come on! Any plan?” She directed her gaze at me. She was annoyed. Most probably, at me.

“I-” I started to answer.

“Or do you plan to get us killed here?” Veltra lashed out at me.

“Let me think, okay?” I countered. I thought deeply. After a minute, I finally talked. “I will distract them. You go inside when it isn’t looking.”

“But-” Amari started to object.

“Good plan,” Veltra interjected.

“It’s dangerous Aroa,” Amari said.

“I know,” I replied. “But we have no other way.”

“Come on Amari,” Veltra said. ’It’s a great plan. Finally, she would have a use in this mission.”

When did she become so mean?

“But we have to protect her!” Amari argued.

“Our mission is to retrieve the mirror, not protect her idiot!” Veltra said, angrily.

“Stop it!” I finally said. “We have no other choice, Amari. I have to do it.”

It took a while before he finally spoke again.

“Alright,” Amari conceded. “But don’t be reckless, okay?”

“Got it!” Then we moved.

I ran in front of Cerberus and teased him.

“Hey, Cerberus! Need a playmate?”

They looked at me with their three sets of fierce eyes. A look of annoyance flashed through them. Then, Cerberus started chasing me. I ran. I ran as fast as I could or I would be the food for the dogs.

Veltra and Amari also began moving. They tried to sneak into the gates, but Cerberus’ sensitive hearing caught their movements. The dog raced back to the gate before they could even get close to it. Veltra and Amari had no choice but to retreat and hid again behind the post. A moment later, I joined them.

“What happened?” I asked them.

“The dog was too fast,” Amari explained.

“Just do it again,” Veltra demanded. “We’ll get inside this time.”

“Okay,” I said. “Just get it done.”

Again, I ran in front of Cerberus to tease him. “What? Tired already?” Then I began running. As expected, it also started chasing me. But what I didn’t notice were the stones ahead of me. I tripped and my bag got tangled with some stones and branches that, all of its contents scattered on the ground.

Would I die without meeting my parents? These were my thoughts as I waited for Cerberus to end me.

I unconsciously closed my eyes and waited for the painful bite of the dog, but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I saw Cerberus licking bread. Or is it a cake? Then I realized what it is.

It is the honey cake given by the old woman!

After Cerberus ate the whole cake, they fell asleep. We took this chance to pass through the gate. And we were successful, but just as we stepped inside, we were already met by a creature much more dangerous than Cerberus, the fuming lord of the underworld, Hades.

“Spit it out!” Hades ordered. “What is your purpose for coming here?”

“We came to see Persephone, your wife,” I answered.

“And why do you need to see my wife?” Hades probed, a frown etched on his beautiful face. Despite his notorious reputation in the three realms, no one can deny that he is a god. A handsome god. No wonder, he was able to seduce the beautiful daughter of Demeter.

“We were on a mission to find the mirror of no lies,” Veltra said. “Currently it’s in your wife’s possession. So, we came to borrow it...”

“No! You will not see my wife!” he exclaimed. “Guards!” Hades thundered. “Bring them to the dungeons!”

The guards started to gather around us. They were about to drag us when a lady entered the room. All eyes were focused on her. Who wouldn’t? With her long and dark hair perfectly framing her charming face, her clear innocent eyes, and her skin as bright as the sun, she must be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen! She must be Persephone.

“Stop it!” said Persephone. Then her eyes landed on me. She walked towards me and touched my face.

“My queen, let me-” Hades started to explain in a soft voice.

“No need!” She scolded him. “I heard everything. It is me who they wanted to see, why did you have to restrain them?”


“Are you going to put them in the dungeons without me knowing anything?” She asked him accusingly.

“No... Of course not!” Hades vehemently denied it, obviously afraid of his wife’s wrath.

“Then, let me talk to her,” she said, pointing at me.

Persephone brought me to a large room. It was far different from the rest of the rooms as this one exudes purity and innocence. The room was lit by bright and beautiful crystals. There were even flowers decorating the place. There was nothing rough, dark, or harsh in this place. It must be her room.

At the far end of the room, a mirror was hung over the wall. Its frame was made of gold and decorated with small gems. We walked towards the mirror when Persephone finally spoke.

“Are you Selena’s daughter?” asked Persephone.

“That is what I intend to find out,” I answered.

“You must be,” she said. “You look just like her.”

Persephone took the mirror from the wall and stared at it for a moment. “Here,” she said as she offered the mirror to me. “You want to borrow this, that’s why you are here.”


“Then, bring it to the palace of wolves and find out who you really are.”

I couldn’t speak for a moment. The queen of the underworld was unlike anybody I had ever met before. She was beautiful and kind, but at the same time, an aura of mystery surrounds her. I could not decipher what she thinks of me. I am just glad that she is willing to lend us the mirror.

“Thank you!” I said gratefully, as I received the mirror.

After I left Persephone’s room, I immediately looked for Veltra and Amari. I found them near the gate.

“What happened?” asked Amari.

“I got it!” and I showed them the mirror.

“Are we leaving now?” asked Veltra.

“Yeah, we have already completed our mission.”

We immediately left the underworld after retrieving the mirror. Veltra suggested that she should be the one keeping the mirror. She emphasized that I was reckless and that leaving the mirror in my possession may just result in the mirror being lost or broken. I reluctantly agreed.

On our way back, she also insisted that we sleep in inns or taverns instead of tents. She said that her health got worse hence, she would need a better place to sleep from now on. I understood her as my back could barely stand the cold hard ground under the tent. So, while traveling, we stayed in inns or anywhere that had available beds and blankets. This made our journey a lot longer since the shortest route would be through the forest.

One day, Veltra asked me to join her in buying supplies she needed for her weapons. It was very unusual since Veltra hated my presence to the core.

“Are you sure we need to go all the way to the south end of this town just for that oil?” I asked her. “Wouldn’t it be better if we just continue traveling? I’m sure we can also find that oil in the palace.”

“My weapons are about to go rusty,” she replied. “I couldn’t wait that long. Just help me this time, okay?”

“How about I go with you instead?” Amari suggested.

“No!” she exclaimed. Amari and I were both surprised by her reaction. She must have realized this and immediately changed her tone. “I mean, it will be better if you guard our room since all our valuables are here.

O-kay... makes sense? Among the three of us, Amari is indeed the strongest.

“Alright,” I answered.

Reluctantly, I left the inn together with Veltra that afternoon, not knowing that a sinister plot is waiting for me.


The road towards the store was a bit arduous. There was no single vehicle willing to take us to the south. We had no choice but to walk all the way.

On our way, I noticed that the establishments became fewer. When we finally reached the end of the town, I couldn’t see any stores at all. Instead, I was seeing trees. Lots of trees.

“Where is the store?” I asked Veltra as I was searching for the store.

“It’s there,” she answered, “Just walk further ahead.”

I was becoming impatient so I walked ahead of her, trying to locate the store she was referring to, but I really didn’t see any establishment.

“I am not seeing anything here except trees,” I told her. I continued searching but I noticed that I was already heading to the forest. I decided to go back but suddenly, I heard something that cracked. It was followed by a terrible pain at the back of my head. My eyes became blurry as dark red liquid covered my eyes.

Blood. My blood.

Then, I dropped to the ground and succumbed to darkness.

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