Blood of Immortals

Chapter 14

It took a while before I understood what they said.

I am the daughter of Selena.

Then I remembered the time when I confronted Ruse about the blood and she told me I was just being jealous. She really lied back then.

I remembered the time when I talked to Alaric about my doubts, but he just dismissed them as my obsession to be with him.

They were truly a match! They deserved each other. I was right after all. The blood in the goblet was mine.

The three fates told me that if I wanted to know what happened when I was born, I had to travel to the demon realm and find my mother. So, I did. To enter the demon realm though, I had to find the gates, which can be found in the land of elves.

I had been traveling for two weeks now when I saw an inn for the first time. I was so glad I could finally sleep in a bed, with blankets.

“Welcome sir,” said one of the servers as I entered the place. Yup, he was referring to me. It was extremely dangerous for a lady, demon or not, to travel without any companion, let alone one sporting red hair. Like me. So, I used the disguise spell and pretended to be a lean young boy with black hair, named Aaron.

“A bottle of beer, a bowl of soup, and a slab of well-cooked meat,” I told the server after I chose a table.

As I waited for my order, I noticed this place accommodate any creature. I even saw elves and wolves, eating at one table!

A few minutes later, my food was served. For the first time in two weeks, I was eating a decent meal. This might be heaven!

I was chugging my beer when one by one, the customers started dropping on the floor. The place turned dark followed by a loud creepy laugh from a woman. Witch.

According to ancient texts, witches can be light or dark. They are generally playful and cunning creatures. Dark witches like to play their victims until the latter go crazy. One of their specialties is illusion, either through spells or potions.

If the illusion was caused by a spell, all the receiver has to do is defeat the caster. If it was caused by a potion, only an antidote can cure the victim. Most witches carry antidotes themselves for fear of being poisoned by their own potions.

I looked around searching for an escape when I noticed a man seemingly unaffected by what happened. Instead of fear, he looked annoyed. He was wearing a cape and armor made of bronze. He looked like he was in his thirties, but I couldn’t really tell as wolves stop aging at a certain point in their lives. He might be in his hundreds and I wouldn’t really be able to tell. His ragged and dirty look failed to hide his regal features. He must be a high-born.

Despite the commotion, he continued drinking his beer.

“Who the hell disturbed my drinking session?” the man shouted. Suddenly, flashes of lightning illuminated the inn. A large number of bats suddenly entered and the laughs became louder.

A large bat started flying towards me. I get agitated. I started to move but I tripped on one of the customers lying on the floor.

Then, the bat suddenly dropped in front of me, its body pierced by a knife.

The man saved me. The other bats directed their attacks at him. He stood up and started throwing more knives. Except for his hands, he was barely moving. Suddenly he threw a knife toward an owl.

A loud shriek came out from the owl. Then it turned into an old woman. The man walked towards her.

“Why? Why can’t I cast my spells?” cried the witch.

“Don’t bother,” the man said. “These knives were made of bronze forged using hellfire. Even Gods will not be able to immediately heal from the wounds caused by them.”

Then he threatened her. “If you want to live, give me the antidote or I’ll kill you.”

The witch rummaged through her bag and handed over three bottles containing blue liquid.

“Here, just let me live,” she begged.

“You!” The man directed his gaze at me. “Distribute the antidote to the victims.”


“Yes you”


“Hurry or the victims will be permanently crazy”

I wanted to protest but this man saved me. I had to show my gratitude at the very least. So, I swallowed my objections and grabbed the bottles

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