Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 9

Sama’el’s voice trembled with a mix of anger, pain, and desperation as he poured out his heart. “She kissed him. She bloody kissed him, and after that, I saw red again,” he confessed, his voice thick with emotion. “I didn’t want her to be with another man. I couldn’t understand why, despite all the time and effort I put into our relationship, the Goddess could not choose me to be her mate. I already felt as if she were mine, but no, she just had to find him, didn’t she?” He let out a shaky breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. “She shattered my heart when I saw her kiss him. The disrespect, the hurt, the pain I felt that night... I couldn’t contain it anymore, and I lashed out.”

Realizing that his listener was most likely human, Sama’el paused, acknowledging the limitations of comprehension that came with being a mere mortal. “You, as a human, wouldn’t understand because you don’t have primal instincts as we do,” he explained, a touch of bitterness lacing his words. “Werewolves act on instinct, and when our inner wolves take control, there’s little we can do to hold back. We unleash havoc without considering the consequences, tearing through anything and anyone in our way.”

“That’s exactly what happened,” Sama’el continued, his tone heavy. “I fought the old fart who tried to stop me, even though I had a handicap. His wife was pregnant, and as his mate, she felt his pain when I slashed him across his abdomen with my claws. He was momentarily distracted, and I seized the opportunity. I stabbed him with a knife soaked in wolfsbane.” He let out a weary sigh, reflecting on the violent choices he had made.

“How dare she leave me,” Sama’el’s voice dripped with bitterness. “I only wanted to subdue her and take her away from there. Mate my ass—I would have forced the Goddess to make her my mate if it meant killing her entire pack. I would have marked her all over again if I had to. But I didn’t get that chance,” he lamented, tears welling up in his eyes.

“I didn’t have the luxury of having her to myself again. Like I said, I saw red. Anything that stood in my way, I destroyed. I didn’t care what or who it was. I didn’t kill the alpha, but he did rush to his Luna and shielded her with his body as if she was my next target. He looked up at me with terrified and scornful eyes,” Sama’el’s voice grew haunted. “I relished in the fear emanating from his wife. At that moment, I felt a sick satisfaction coursing through my veins. But then, amidst my burning rage, I heard her voice. The voice of the woman I loved. I heard her screaming at me, amidst the chaos, asking...” He trailed off, the pain of that moment too raw to put into words.

Kirsi’s eyes burned with a fiery intensity as she confronted Sama’el. “Sama, what the hell are you doing? He’s my father and the Alpha of this pack. How dare you attack him?”

“Are you f**king serious? He’s not even your real father! He couldn’t care enough to figure out what you’ve actually been up to over the past year,” he spat out, his words filled with bitterness and resentment.

Kirsi, her voice laced with concern and a hint of caution as she tried to diffuse the volatile situation. “Sama, you need to calm down. You’re speaking out of place,” she urged, her words filled with a mixture of disbelief and disappointment.

Sama, consumed by his own anger, refused to be silenced. “Speaking out of place? So tell me, Kirsi, was everything we did over the past year just meaningless to you?” His voice cracked with pain and a tinge of desperation, his heart shattered by the revelation that the love they had shared meant nothing to Kirsi.

Kirsi’s expression softened, a mix of sorrow and understanding crossing her features. “Sama, it’s complicated,” she began, her voice quivering slightly. “I have a mate now, my true mate, and I’m happy,” she confessed, her words carrying a bittersweet weight.

Sama’s eyes widened, disbelief and anguish etched across his face. The realization of Kirsi’s newfound happiness, found in the arms of another, was a crushing blow to his wounded soul. The primal instincts that coursed through his veins could no longer be contained, and in a moment of uncontrollable rage, he shifted. His transformation was swift and brutal. Sama’el’s human form dissolved into a powerful, snarling wolf. His rage consumed him, overpowering any sense of reason or restraint. Within an instant he launched himself at Kirsi with savage ferocity, his claws tearing through her abdomen, leaving behind deep, bloody wounds as she went flying into the staircase.

The moment of violent release was followed by a sudden realization of the gravity of his actions. Regret washed over him as he shifted back to his human form, a mix of guilt and horror flooding his consciousness. The consequences of his uncontrolled assault on Kirsi and his defiance of the pack’s hierarchy became evident.

Disregarding the immediate aftermath, Sama’el’s focus shifted to the larger implications of his actions. He was well aware that his attack would be seen as a declaration of war by the pack, and he braced himself for the inevitable response. The warriors who had witnessed his transformation and subsequent assault were now ready to unleash their own fury upon the pack’s enemies.

Clothes forgotten and vulnerability exposed, Sama’el stood defiantly, unmoved by his nakedness in the face of the impending chaos. He knew that his shift alerted the men he had come with. He knew that most of them would destroy the wolves who weren’t already at the packhouse. He also knew that the rest would storm the place at any moment.

The tension in the air was palpable as chaos erupted within the pack’s territory. With a thunderous crash, a group of rogued wolves, stormed the packhouse, surrounding Sama’el. Their snarls filled the air, creating an eerie symphony of feral rage as they bounded towards the alpha, beta, and delta of the opposing pack.

Sama’el, his unwavering determination burning bright, held his ground at the forefront of the battle. Unlike his comrades, he remained in his human form, clutching tightly to his knife that had been soaked in potent wolfsbane. His eyes blazed with a mix of defiance and strategic calculation as he prepared to face his adversaries head-on.

As the transformed wolves lunged at him, their powerful jaws snapping, Sama’el moved with astonishing agility, deftly sidestepping their ferocious attacks. With each swing of his blade, he aimed for vulnerable spots, exploiting weaknesses in their natural defences. The wolfsbane-infused weapon proved to be a formidable deterrent, causing searing pain and weakening the wolves with each strike.

The alpha, a massive wolf with eyes burning like fire, charged forward with an intimidating presence. But Sama’el anticipated the attack, swiftly dodging the alpha’s snapping jaws and delivering a swift slash across its flank. The alpha howled in agony, momentarily stunned by the potent wolfsbane coursing through its veins, which made the Luna of the pack scream out in distress feeling her mate’s pain.

In a whirlwind of fur and snarls, Sama’el faced off against the beta, a nimble and cunning wolf known for its strategic prowess. The beta lunged and feinted, trying to outmanoeuvre Sama’el, but the determined fighter held his ground. With calculated precision, Sama’el struck the beta’s leg, severing tendons and sending the wolf tumbling to the ground, temporarily incapacitated.

Meanwhile, the delta, a powerful and resilient wolf, charged at Sama’el with unwavering aggression. But Sama’el’s keen reflexes allowed him to evade the delta’s lunges and he shifted back into his wolf form. It took longer than Sama’el wanted to but having one of his men tackle the Delta of the pack gave him enough space and time to shift back into human form. The Delta was weakened severely and was currently pinned down to the ground a few feet away from where the bleeding Alpha shielded his wife. Sama’el wasted no time after shifting to rush over to the still incapacitated Beta and ripped his heart out of his chest, tossing it over to the Alpha showing him that he won.

Kenji listened intently, his eyes widening at the gravity of the situation. He could feel the tension in the room, the fear that permeated the air.

“Every eye in the room was fixed on me at that point,” Sama’el continued, his voice heavy with a mix of triumph and disappointment “I got the most important people. I got the warriors of the pack, her mate happened to be one of them. So after effectively, disabling all of their defence I..”

Sama’el’s expression hardened, his tone resolute. “I looked around the room and noticed every woman and child in there was terrified. Their husbands, their boyfriends, they were all defeated by me and my men, there was no one left to fight. Heck if there were, do you really think the females would come after me after taking on their alpha and their warrior unit? I think not. Almost no one dared.”

Sama’el winced as he recalled the unexpected attack. “Though there was someone that had the audacity to attack me. This one female that lost her mind really and I mean come on, after defeating their alpha, I felt like their new alpha and they should have bowed down at my very feet and kissed it but no.”

He paused, rubbing his hand over the scar on his back, the reminder of that defiant act. “In her desperation, she lunged at me, slashing her claws across my back. It caught me off guard, and for a moment, pain seared through me. But I quickly regained my composure, driven by the adrenaline coursing through my veins.”

Kenji’s brows furrowed with curiosity. “Oh?”

Sama’el’s voice carried a mixture of indifference and pride as he recounted the events to Kenji, fully aware of the darkness that lay within his words.

“She attacked me without warning,” Sama’el began, his tone devoid of remorse. “I couldn’t sense her presence, and in the heat of the moment, I barely registered her face. All I knew was that she stood in my way, and I couldn’t allow anyone to impede my path. So, I took her down, disregarding the consequences of my actions.”

His voice hardened as he continued, his lack of empathy evident. “I don’t know if she died then and there, and quite frankly, I didn’t care. Blood stained my hands, and when I looked down she was bleeding out on the ground. It was a moment fueled by blind rage, with no room for compassion or regret.”

A flicker of satisfaction danced in Sama’el’s eyes as he described the ensuing chaos. “Amidst the battle with the warriors, a fortuitous accident occurred. The alcohol meant for their revelry became a volatile accelerant, spreading like wildfire. I had my lighter with me, a tool for emergencies, and without a second thought, I ignited it and casually tossed it aside. The flames engulfed the surroundings, consuming everything in their path.”

He exhaled deeply, his pride apparent. “The rogues I had allied with, those who looked up to me as their leader, saw an opportunity. They offered their assistance, eager to participate in the kidnapping of the woman I desired as their own Luna. It was a twisted plan, I admit, but I needed allies who wouldn’t question or hinder me when chaos ensued. My father, a staunch enemy of rogues, would never have approved of such alliances. He despised them with every fibre of his being, eliminating them on sight if they dared to trespass our pack’s territory.”

Sama’el paused, his thoughts lingering on the cries and screams of the helpless victims. “As we departed, leaving behind a scene of devastation and terror, the agonizing wails echoed in my ears. We had a long journey back home before dawn, for her pack resided in Queen’s Land, a small island to the north. But within a few hours, I returned to my own territory, I cleaned off before of course. After all, can’t wage war and not bring a change of clothes.”

Kenji listened intently, his face a mask of mixed emotions. He struggled to comprehend the lack of remorse and the twisted rationalizations that dripped from Sama’el’s words.

“Did your old man find out?” Kenji questioned. Genuinely curious about the point his inner wolf brought to his attention earlier.

Kenji’s bar was located right in the centre of where Gothria’s four provinces merged, which gave Kenji the opportunity to know what goes on in each province without ever leaving his bar. It was because of this that he knew that Sama’el’s adoptive father was the head of the Wolfen council.

“Oh, he did. He’s a terrifying man when he wants to be…When he needs to be.” Sama’el confessed, his voice strained with the knowledge of his impending fate. “He showed me no mercy, none at all. Not for things I’ve done wrong. I’ve never understood him. I never got the time to understand him. All I knew was that he was the Alpha that took me in and I needed to respect him. Yet, I committed treason, I committed treason to the highest degree of Wolfen society and I was about to pay, I knew it. I still smelled like blood and smoke, so I knew he was going to ask questions. As a golden alpha, his sense of smell is superior to any other wolf. It was about 3 a.m. when I returned and there he was waiting…”

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