Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 4

It was raining by the time Lucian, his father Seth and his niece Velenna arrived at what remained of the Grey Fangs’ estate. The sight was brutal; almost all the bodies were chard beyond recognition and those that weren’t were covered in stab wounds. From what Lucian could smell, whatever the wolves were attacked with was soaked in wolfsbane.

“This is despicable. Let me know if you find the alpha.” His father instructed, breaking the silence that had appeared when they set foot out of the vehicle.

The place was burned to the ground. How did his father expect him to find anyone under all the debris?

“You haven’t found him yet? What good is your nose if you don’t use it huh, son?” His father inquired not even three minutes later.

“I’m on it. Get off my back will ya old man.” Lucian responded in annoyance.

He could feel his father’s eyes glaring knives into his back as he searched. He knows how much his father dislikes when he doesn’t speak properly.

“Will you cut it with that dialect of yours? What do you think your mother would say if you used that repulsive English in front of her?” The old man spat.

“She’d probably tell you to get off my back as well.” He heard his father let out a growl of his disapproval but he knew that’s all that will come out of him.

His father, the golden alpha, Ghothra city’s biggest wolf had always been feared by all. All except his late lunar, child and grandchild. I mean how can they fear someone who is supposed to be big and tough when he’s holding an umbrella sheltering a baby cradled in his arms while looking at her with big doe eyes? The side of him no one but the ones closest to him ever sees.

Lucian’s sense of smell was hindered due to all of the burned flesh wafting through the air mixed with the scent of rain and he was getting more frustrated as time went on. Then he picked up a scent that he thought was familiar, rushing over to where it came from and removing the chard beams and debris from over the body he stopped in his tracks once the scent became clear to him.

“Did you find him? Did you find Scott?” His father asked, hope laced his voice as he rushed over ever so delicately so as to not shake the baby in his arms too much. He too was shocked when he saw the body in front of him. “Tell me, son, why did you go through with it even after everything this man did for you?” His father’s voice barely above a whisper.

Lucian did not answer, only stared with a painful expression for he knew that question wasn’t meant for him. There in front of them was his niece’s mother. She always kept it a secret from them as to which pack she belonged to and now they know. It was the worst way they could have found out that she belonged to Seth’s best friend’s pack. The baby in his father’s arms shifted ever so slightly and her tiny hand lightly touched the locket his father had removed from the corpse. Almost a few seconds after contact Velenna started waling bloody murder and her father used his abilities to calm her down. The ability to control one’s mental state was a scary thing but no one could calm a baby faster than him. Looking over the woman’s shoulder he noticed his friend. He was burned badly but knew by his frame that the guy hugging a separate body was his friend.

“Son. I think I’ve seen enough. For both of your sakes, I believe it best for us to return to the pack house. I’ll deal with this tomorrow.” His father advised.

It wasn’t until the child was able to form coherent sentences at the age of 2 did they find out what Velenna’s abilities were. She ended up hugging Seth while he looked after her since Luican took over as alpha and though it was for a couple of seconds Velenna looked distraught and was about to burst into tears when Seth calmed her down. Lucian had just returned from his duties and entered the room they were in when he heard Velenna whimpering like an injured pup.

“What’s going on? Did you finally manage to frighten your grandchild?” Lucian joked.

“Momma’s gone.” Velenna’s response quickly shifted the mood.

“Ah… Why do you say that sweetie?” Seth asked concern eminent in his voice.

“I saw it. I saw her from your memories. I felt her that night when it was raining. So much pain, papa. It hurts so much.”

The weight of the situation finally broke through, Seth and Lucian exchanged pained and shocked looks, realizing the depth of Velenna’s connection to her mother and the immense pain she had been feeling. Velenna had gained her powers way earlier than any other wolf and if she was right, that meant that she was born with it which was unheard of. Nonetheless, due to their dumbfounded states, Vel was finally able to cry out all of the emotions she had.

“So what are you going to do now? I saw the way you looked at her. She’s your mate isn’t she?” Chase’s voice ripped Lucian from his flashback.

“You found her. Do you know where she might go?” He asked, disregarding his Beta’s question.

“Not certain but she might visit the Fading Rose at some point. It’s winter so she might go back to a place that’s familiar to her.” Chase responds honestly.

“Velenna. Just because someone doesn’t want to do the things you want to do doesn’t mean that you can bite them. Sudden emotions can cause other wolves to change form to protect themselves and it can end very badly if that person is older and stronger than you.” Lucian scolds, using her full name; something he only did to make a point of how disappointed he was with her.

“Yes uncle but she used momma against me. She hurt me and-”

“That’s enough Velenna. Go with Torao to wash up and go to bed. You’ve caused enough trouble for the day already and the day just started. I’ll be back in time for us to have lunch together.” He assures her, semi-wondering why she was still up in the first place.

“Does Chase have to go with you?” She asked stopping herself from taking his Delta’s hand.

Chase looks over to Lucian with puppy dog eyes begging him for the both of them to leave already via mind link.

“No, Chase doesn’t have to go with me.” He answers, earning a disapproving look from his Beta.

“Then can Chase put me to bed?” She asked, eyes locked on Chase.

“Sure I’ll put you to bed princess.” Chase didn’t even bother to look over at his alpha to see what he would have said, he already gave him up to the princess of the pack without hesitation when he just wanted to leave. There goes his night of freedom. Chase makes a mental note to himself that his Alpha did indeed, not have a heart. Well towards him anyway.

As Chase made his way up the staircase Lucian made his way out the door but not fast enough as he heard Velenna ask Chase her signature question whenever he agreed to put her to bed.

“Hey Chase, do you think we can get married tomorrow?”

Chase let out a chuckle and responds in a playful tone. “Vel. I’m into older women.”

She retorted, a bit annoyed. “But I am older. Last time I was 5 and now I’m 6. So I’m an older woman now.”

“Not old enough. Sorry princess.” He replied honestly as he took her hand to stop her upcoming reaction.

“Not old enough?!” Vel exclaimed with disbelief in her voice, attempting to beat him up with her free hand.

The comment made Lucian laugh as he shut the door of the pack house.

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