Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 23

Back at the Fading Rose the bar was alive with hushed conversations and laughter, a stark contrast to the weight of responsibilities they both carried. Sama’el excused himself to take a call while Eriena reached for the Blood Moon Kenji had made and was about to put it to her lips.

“What are you doing?” A voice, sharp yet concerned, broke through her contemplation.

Eriena glanced up to meet Kenji’s gaze, “Having a drink...”

Kenji’s expression grew serious, a frown creasing his features. “Yeah, I see that, but that isn’t for you. It’s for Sama.”

Eriena’s lips curved into a playful smile. “Sure, it wouldn’t hurt to taste, would it?”

Kenji’s tone turned stern. “Eriena put it down.”

She chuckled softly, a hint of defiance in her gaze. “Kenji, lighten up. A few changed ingredients aren’t that big of a deal.”

His voice lowered, a grave warning carried on his words. “Eriena, I won’t say it again. Put the glass down. All Blood Moons are unique, and tailored to a specific individual. So yes, you take even a sip of Sama’s Blood Moon could mean death for you.”

With a sigh of resignation, Eriena complied, placing the glass back on the table. “Alright, alright, I won’t drink it. No need to make it sound as if it’s poison.” Her jesting tone was met with a door chime as Sama’el reentered the bar.

Kenji leaned in, a whispered revelation meant only for her ears. “That’s because it is,” he declared, resuming his stance with a knowing smile. Eriena’s gaze shifted between the bar’s entrance and the drink before her.

Sama’el settled into his seat, the tension in his posture betraying the turmoil that churned within him. “Here is your Blood Moon, Miss Izumi,” Kenji offered, sliding the glass across the bar. In one fluid motion, Sama’el raised the drink to his lips and consumed its contents.

“Give something strong Kenji I need to calm my nerves,” Sama’el ordered as soon as the glass made contact with the bar’s counter.

Eriena’s fingers traced the rim of her glass, her gaze fixed on the crimson liquid within. The aromatic blend of exotic fruits and spices danced beneath her nose, a sensory experience she had never encountered before. For the first time, the Blood Moon emitted a distinct aroma, unveiling its intricate composition. She looked up at Sama’el, her lips curving into a playful smile, her eyes betraying her curiosity.

“Nerves?” Eriena queried, her voice laced with curiosity. “Did the phone call not go well?”

Sama’el’s exhale carried the weight of frustration, a cloud obscuring his usual composure. “That bastard went and got himself caught by the guy he screwed over. Now I have to go find a way to get him out before he gets executed by the council.”

Eriena’s brow furrowed in confusion, “I don’t get it. It seems simple enough.”

Sama’el’s response was laced with weariness. “No, Eriena, it’s not simple. The guy he screwed over was a councilman’s son, and if that’s the case, he could very well be executed tonight.”

He let out a frustrated sigh, downing his glass in an attempt to find solace. As he got up to leave, Eriena’s voice stopped him in his tracks. “Where are you going?”

“To find and bring Drake back home,” Sama’el replied without hesitation.

Eriena’s concern was evident as she questioned his decision. “But you don’t even know where he could be at this moment.”

Sama’el’s gaze locked onto Eriena’s, as he slammed dollar notes down on the counter. “Of course I do. He’s in Berk.”

Eriena’s surprise was evident as she continued to press. “Wait, you don’t really plan on going there by yourself, do you? The Berk province is littered with Bounty Hunters and they are ruthless when it comes to rouge wolfs.”

Sama’el’s offer caught her off guard. “Well, do you want to join me?”

Eriena regarded the man before with a baffled look as if to question his sanity. “Are you mad? I’m just confused as to why you think he might be at Berk instead of Osha. If a councilman’s son has him and he might be executed by the council, then why not go to the province where the councilmen reside?”

Sama’el’s explanation was measured, his voice carrying a weight of calculated decisions. “Because, my sweet Eriena, the councilman’s son is a prominent figure in the Bounty Hunter’s association. If anyone could abduct one of my pack’s best fighters without leaving a trace, it would be a bounty hunter. When you get back to the pack, tell Caleb he’s in charge until I return. Oh, and tell him I’ll deal with the package in the cellar when I get back as well.” With that, he left the bar, his steps echoing his urgency.

As Sama’el entered his car, Chase was trying to get Lucian to calm down as he briskly walked into the bar. The alpha’s eyes bore a striking hue of gold, a reflection of his unsettled emotions.

Without hesitation, Lucian approached the bar’s counter, his gaze briefly locking onto Eriena’s. “Kenji, I came for intel,” Lucian asserted, turning his attention to the man behind the bar, his voice commanding as his alpha aura rolled off of him in waves.

Chase, once again being the voice of reason, intervened with a calm demeanour. “Lucian, you know that’s not how this works.”

As the exchange unfolded, Eriena’s thoughts echoed with surprise and recognition. “Lucian? As in the alpha that’s Lele’s mate? That Lucian?”

Unpiterbed by Lucian’s threats Kenji used his best customer service in an attempt to anger the alpha further. “Would you like your special, Alpha Lyall?”

Kenji’s inner wolf chimed in with a low growl, voicing his displeasure. “So the little wolf thinks he can intimidate me? I swear if the bar wasn’t full we would have taught him a lesson. How dear he speak to his elders that way.”

Kenji voiced his own displeasure with regard to his wolf sounding like he was a centuries-old grandpa who got disrespected by some whipper snappers.’ ’“Just ignore it, this is the first time I’ve seen him this way.” he said, trying to placate his inner wolf as he waited for the young alpha’s response.

Lucian’s agitation was palpable as he dismissed the notion of a drink. “I don’t want a damn drink, Kenji. Both my mate and my niece are missing, and I need to know if you’ve heard anything.”

Eriena’s audible thoughts betrayed her astonishment. “Lele’s missing?” Her words caught the attention of both the alpha and his beta, their gaze now fixed upon her with an intensity that bordered on threat.

Lucian’s inquiry was sharp, his tone laced with suspicion. “I’m sorry, do you know Lele?”

Eriena’s internal struggle played out as her inner wolf’s voice interjected. “Well, how are you gonna get yourself out of this one?”

“Shut up,” Eriena’s mental retort silenced her inner voice, and she sought refuge in her drink. “Yeah, she was part of my former pack before circumstances changed. You must be Lucian, right? I’m sorry, all of this is my fault.”

Lucian’s expression turned cold and unreadable. “You saying you had something to do with their disappearance?”

Eriena defended herself, her words firm. “No, I didn’t. I—” Lucian’s approach heightened the tension as his proximity grew.

Lucian’s voice carried a dangerous edge. “I’ll kill you if I find out that you’re lying because right now your scent isn’t helping the situation.”

Chase’s intervention tempered the tension. “Alpha, stop. That’s inappropriate.”

“I don’t care! She knows something and isn’t telling us!” Lucian growled as his anger flared. “You know how much money just one lock of hair from my family’s bloodline could cost? You know how vile of a man Sama is? He killed his own girlfriend. Goddess, what do you think he’ll do to his own daughter?”

Eriena’s inner wolf added its thoughts to the fray. “Ah, so that bastard has a child and didn’t even tell us?”

Eriena’s patience wearing thin, frustration mingling with the gravity of the situation.“I’ve lost Lele once again, and your main concern is about your mate having a child he didn’t tell you about?”

Kenji’s voice cut through the tension, “I suggest you lower your tone. I’m sure the last thing you want is for more rumours to spread about you being an unhinged alpha.”

Lucian’s determination remained unyielding. “What is it that you want in return for information? A sample of my blood, money—what is it? Tell me what you know, what you’re apologizing for, if you claim to have nothing to do with their disappearance!”

“Alpha!” Chase’s voice held a note of urgency.

Eriena’s patience reached its pique as she let out a frustrated breath. “I don’t care about your family’s history, nor do I want your money, Alpha... Lyall, was it? I couldn’t care less if your blood is actually gold or how much your eyes would sell for on the black market. I’m just as distraught as you are because of this whole thing.

I recently reunited with Lele, and I’m certain that if I hadn’t pressured her into accepting you as her mate, none of this would have happened. I should have never manipulated her into making that decision. I’m sorry both she and your niece went missing, but I assure you I have nothing to do with their disappearance.

Besides, your attempt to intimidate me by claiming you can smell me is the weakest threat I’ve ever heard. My ability doesn’t allow anyone to smell my scent. Now, if you’re done bartering your family’s jewels, I have work to do.” With that, Eriena turned and left the bar, leaving a lingering dissatisfaction in the back of Lucian’s mind.

“Follow her.” Lucian’s command was swift and direct.

Chase’s confusion was evident as he questioned the order. “Why?”

“It’s an order, Chase, so do it.”

Chase persisted. “I get that, but what’s the reason?”

Lucian gave Chase a death glare. “The more time you waste asking me stupid questions, the more time she has to get away. I don’t think she’s telling the whole truth, so go follow her.”

Chase complied with the directive, trailing after Eriena. Kenji observed the scene with a disapproving shake of his head, his insight sharp.

Lucian’s attention returned to Kenji, the façade of authority momentarily fading. “What?”

“What’s the real reason you sent him after her?” He inquired.

Lucian’s gaze shifted, his eyes returning to their original cognac hue as he sank into a seat. “She had his scent all over her. She was right in me not being able to smell her scent, but her ability doesn’t mask the scent of other wolves.”

Kenji pressed further. “Whose scent did you smell on her?”

A wry smile tugged at Lucian’s lips as he leaned forward, “Whose do you think? Sama’el’s. I know that scent anywhere; it’s almost as bad as the wolfsbane cologne you’re wearing. I’ll take my drink now.”

Kenji’s gaze met Lucian’s as he handed over the prepared drink. “Already made. Well then, is there any other information I can help you with?”

Lucian’s expression softened as he passed a wad of cash to Kenji, who accepted it discreetly. “Yeah, who was that woman, and what does she do? Also, tell me everything you’ve gathered about my brother over the past couple of years.”

A sly smile tugged at the corners of Kenji’s lips as he casually picked up a glass to dry.

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