Blood Moon Cycle

Chapter Chapter One

Rielle sat huddled by a small fire, her cloak pulled tightly around her.

“I don’t see why I had to go on this wild goose chase.” She grumbled. “There is no evidence to even support that this Hermit Mage even existed.”

“Oh, he exists my lady.” Said her guide as he came into the fire’s small circle of light carrying an armful of firewood. “People have seen him wandering in these woods at the base of the Mercury Mountains. They say he lives at the top of the highest peak.” Rielle scoffed.

“Yes, the so called ‘Hermit Peak’. It is utter nonsense.” Her guide touched his forehead in a sign to ward off evil.

“I wouldn’t speak in such a way my lady. No one knows how forgiving the Hermit Mage might be. I would not wish to have him hear me call him utter nonsense.” Rielle waved him off.

“If he even exists, of which I am not yet convinced.” Her guide shrugged and looked around, trying to look into the deep night covering the forest.

“Suit yourself my lady. I was only hired to lead you to the trail that leads to the peak.” Rielle shifted into a more comfortable position.

“And how long will that take?” She asked gruffly. The Guide turned back to the fire.

“We will reach the base of the path early tomorrow morning. If you hurried from there you could reach the peak before nightfall. Or so I hear.” Rielle sighed.

“And you cannot be convinced to lead me all the way to the peak?” Her guide shook his head hurriedly. “No one who enters the Mercury Mountains ever comes back out again. In fact, I would ask you to give up this quest my lady.” Rielle glared at the guide.

“I must continue. If we do not do something in the next few months, the Telatians will overcome us. If there is even the slightest chance that this Hermit Mage even exists then I must seek him out.” She looked back at the fire. “I must.” She repeated stubbornly. The guide turned his head ashamedly back towards the woods.

“As you wish my lady.” He mumbled. Rielle sat and watched the fire, it’s light dancing in her bright blue eyes. She played with her long brown hair for a while and then rolled up in her cloak and went to sleep.

Her guide woke her up early the next morning, just as the sun was rising, and they began what her guide told her would be a ‘short hike’ to the base of the mountain path. Rielle walked drowsily along behind her guide before she felt a tingle on the back of her neck. She looked around, now fully awake, looking for the cause.

“I think we should move faster.” She said. Her guide glanced back at her.

“Why, my lady? We will be there soon and you can get on with your quest.” Rielle shook her head.

“No, something is following us, I can feel it.” Her tension began to grow.

“Something following us?” Her guide asked. “Like what? No one, man or beast, would stray this close to the mountains. Nothing in its right mind anyway.” Rielle was not comforted.

“No, I am sure something is following us, something malevolent.” The guide shook his head.

“My lady, there could not possibly be…” A long, haunting howl filled the air. The guide stopped and turned. “What in the world could that have been?” He asked no one in particular. But Rielle had heard the sound before.

“It is a Felle Wolf. The Telatians use them in battle. That was its Hunting Howl! It’s found us!!” She turned and pushed at the guide. “Go! We have to get out of here! The mountains are the only chance we’ve got.” The guide turned aside and let Rielle past him.

“Keep heading south, my lady. The trail starts at a break in the cliffs. You can’t miss it.” He drew a short cutlass from under his green cloak. Rielle stared at her guide.

“You can’t fight this creature. They stand as tall as a man and twice as long, with claws and teeth the length of your sword and twice as sharp.” The guide nodded.

“Maybe so, my lady, but I would rather face this creature than the Mercury Mountains.” Rielle shook her head angrily.

“Then you will die a fool.” Another howl filled the air. Rielle growled at herself and then turned and began to run. She ran gracefully between the small trees until they began to thin out. Then a blood curdling scream filled the cool morning air, accompanied by a howl and a gurgle as the scream was cut off. Rielle shivered and ran faster.

In a matter of moments she found herself at a cliff wall. She stopped and looked frantically left and right.

“Keep going south, the trail starts at a break in the cliffs. You can’t miss it.” She repeated to herself. “But which way along the cliffs? Fool of a man, he should have just ran. Then I wouldn’t be in this position.” She heard the Felle Wolf howl again. Rielle began to panic. “Which way!?” She yelled at the cliff. Almost immediately, She heard an echo to her left. “East.” She whispered. “It must be east.” She turned to her left and started running again.

After a few seconds she entered a clearing and along the cliffs she saw a narrow opening. Rielle nearly cried with relief and was halfway across the clearing when she felt the back of her neck tingle again. She couldn’t help herself, she slowed and came to a stop. Then, slowly, she turned around and stared into the forest.

Two midnight blue eyes stared back at her. Immediately Rielle knew she should not have stopped. No matter how hard she tried, she could not will herself to move. The Felle Wolf stepped out into the clearing and looked at its new prey. It was even bigger than the ones she had seen at the Great South-Western Gate when they had attacked at the beginning of the second wave. Rielle began to shake fearfully and the wolf turned its head to one side. ’It’s amused’ She thought to herself. ’It likes seeing me afraid.’ Rage boiled up inside her and replaced the fear. She forced herself to stop shaking and shook her head to clear it.

“I may not be capable of defending myself against you.” She told the wolf. Then she lifted her head pridefully and stamped her foot. “But, I’m not going to let you eat me without a fight.” The wolf crouched down and let out a low, menacing growl. Rielle felt fear creeping back into her again.

“Well run you silly girl!” Came a voice from behind Rielle. Rielle looked back and saw a man in a dark cloak, holding a bow, standing near the opening in the cliffs. Shocked into action, Rielle took off at a dead run. The wolf howled behind her and Rielle faltered.

“Don’t stop girl, Run!” For some reason the man’s voice held more sway to Rielle than the Wolf’s terrifying howl and she continued to run. She heard a stick snap behind her as the wolf leapt forward to give chase. Then an arrow hissed past Rielle’s left ear. She flinched and slowed again, then jumped and kept running when she heard the man yell. Another arrow, and this time a pained yelp followed.

Two more arrows in quick succession and Rielle heard a heavy thud behind her. She ran a few more steps and into the opening in the cliff. She sat there with her back to the wall for a moment, and then peeked out. Rielle gasped.

Only a few yards behind where she had been when the last two arrows flew past her head, lay the wolf, breathing heavily on the ground, dark blood oozing from the four expertly placed arrows.

The man calmly walked across the open ground and knelt down beside the wolf. Rielle heard a low growl, but the wolf seemed to be too weak to attack. The man stayed beside the wolf for a moment then, in a lightning quick movement, drew a long curved sword from beneath his cloak and plunged it into the wolf’s chest. The wolf jerked and then laid perfectly still. The man withdrew his sword, swung it once to remove the blood from the blade, then returned it to its scabbard beneath his cloak.

Rielle slipped back behind the cliff wall, hoping the man would leave and forget about her. She waited silently for a few moments and then relaxed.

“I think he is gone.” She told herself aloud.

“Who is gone?” Asked a voice beside her. Rielle squealed and jumped back out into the clearing, promptly falling over backwards. Rielle looked up as the man came out of the mountain path, frantically looking back and forth.

“It’s not another Felle Wolf is it?” Rielle looked at him in surprise.

“No, you startled me.” The man looked down at himself.

“Me? How could I startle someone like you? Silly girl.” Rielle scowled.

“Silly girl?” The man shrugged and offered his hand to her.

“How else do you describe someone with no weapons, standing stalk still in the open, and yelling at a Felle Wolf that they aren’t going to let it eat them?” He asked as he pulled Rielle to her feet. Rielle opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again. She thought for a moment then scowled again.

“Well what do you call it when you go around shooting arrows inches away from my head? You could have killed me!” The man shrugged again.

“I call it saving your life.” Rielle opened her mouth, but again could find nothing to say and closed it. “Speaking of silly.” The man said, turning and looking at the mountain path. “Who would actually want to go into the Mercury Mountains anyway?” Rielle spoke up, glad to have something to say.

“We are going to the Hermit Peak to look for the Hermit Mage, if he exists.”

“We?” The man asked, looking back around at Rielle. Rielle nodded.

“Yes, Me and my…my…” She stopped, thinking back on what had happened.

“Your guide?” The man asked. Rielle nodded.

“Yes, my guide. I didn’t even know his name.”

“Lyng-rin. That was his name.” The man said, unstringing his bow and placing it in a long leather tube.

“Lyng-rin?” Rielle asked. The man nodded.

“Yes, he grew up in a village not far from here. Unfortunately I was not able to get here in time to save him as well.” The man slung his, now packed, bow over his shoulder. “I suppose you will need a new guide then.” Rielle looked back at the man. She suddenly realized that he had had his hood up the whole time and she had not seen his face.

“I suppose, but what about Lyng-rin?” The man turned and started towards the opening in the cliff.

“The locals leave the bodies of the dead in the forest to be taken by the earth. He has already been given as good a burial as any he would have received.” Rielle tilted her head and thought for a moment and then realized she was being left behind.

“Wait, does this mean you will guide me up the mountain?” The man shrugged again, a habit he seemed to have, Rielle noticed.

“I suppose no one else is around to do it, so that leaves me.”

“But I don’t even know who you are, or what you even look like for that matter.” The man stopped in the trail and Rielle almost ran into his back in her hurry to catch up.

“I suppose not.” The man turned and pulled back his hood. Rielle almost gasped. He seemed to be a young man, but his head was covered in silver white hair that reached his shoulders, some in thin elegant braids. He had liquid blue eyes and a bright smile. He held his hand out to Rielle, careful to keep his eyes averted.

“I am Solidus.” Rielle cautiously took his hand and shook it.

“I’m Rielle.” He nodded and then turned back to the trail.

“Shall we move on then Rielle?” Rielle nodded and followed him up into the mountains.

“Why are you willing to lead me up here? No one else seems to be willing to even go near the mountains at all.” Solidus chuckled.

“I have lived near these mountains for a long time and I know how to handle myself around them. Besides, anyone not afraid of the mountains is either very brave, very powerful, or very foolish. But I can’t let such a silly girl be more brave than me now can I?”

“Or more foolish.” Rielle countered. Solidus chuckled again.


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