Blood Moon Cycle

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Nysisset sat in the early morning hours before the dimly burning fire. Rielle and Tiasia were asleep not far away and a loud snore came from across the room where Vesth and Segine had made their beds. Nysisset’s violet eyes glowed with reflected fire light as she stared into the small dancing flames.

“You should be sleeping.” Nysisset jumped as the voice spoke. Vesth stepped silently into the small circle of light cast by the fire.

“We will be setting out in a few hours, you should rest before we go.” Nysisset sniffed self importantly. ’How did he sneak up on me without my notice?

“Shouldn’t you be following your own advice?” She asked. Vesth shrugged.

“I am a soldier, I was raised to live on very few hours of sleep. Besides, someone should check the horses before daylight.” Nysisset turned back to the flames.

“I do not need to sleep.” She stated stubbornly.

“Yes, you do. But if you do not wish to do so, then it is not my place to tell you that you must.” Vesth turned and made his way to the door. He pulled open the lock and pushed the door open quietly.

“Just keep in mind that you will be riding with me until we can acquire more horses. I don’t fancy trying to hold you in place if you fall asleep in the saddle. And as little as I yet know of you, I think you would appreciate my ‘help’ about as much as I would.” With this, Vesth slipped out the door and shut it silently behind him. Nysisset frowned and settled deeper into her chair as the thought of Vesth having to hold her up in a saddle filled her mind. Her frown deepened.

“I will not let myself be assisted by a human.” She muttered and finally closed her eyes to sleep. Vesth walked lazily towards the horses, snow crunching beneath his feet. He could see where their game had taken place the day before, footprints scattered aimlessly across the ground. He checked his horse and then made sure that they were all taken care of. He broke the ice that had formed in the small watering trough and then turned back towards the hut. He took a few steps and then, on a whim, turned and headed for the path down the mountain.

He walked slowly, looking up at the stars and the moon, taking his time as he thought. When he found himself standing before the small cave, he scratched his chin in thought then went inside and sat down beside the cold fire pit.

“Speak your mind Vesth.” Vesth looked up to see the semi-solid image of Solidus before him. Vesth sighed.

“I do not know what it is you see in this new companion you have found for us.” Solidus smiled and sat opposite the fire pit.

“Nysisset is strong willed, and she will be bitter about this for some time to come. Once she has accepted it however, she will be an invaluable ally. Just give her time, she will come around. Even as a servant of Khornal, Nysisset has great potential for kindness and caring locked away inside her, waiting to come out.” Vesth nodded.

“If you say so, master Solidus.” Solidus chuckled.

“Perhaps one day you too will come around and accept your own task. You do not need to think of everything in terms of duty and responsibility. There are times when you must do what you feel, not simply follow through with what you are told is your duty.” Vesth bowed his head. “All I have is my duty.” Solidus nodded.

“Someday, you will have something different to fight for. Something stronger and far more important than mere duty.” Vesth shook his head.

“Only my duty matters.” Solidus stood.

“For now that is enough. But when you are ready, that will change.” Vesth looked back up at Solidus.

“Go back and get some rest, Vesth. We have a long way to go once it gets light.” Vesth nodded and Solidus faded away. Vesth stayed seated before the fire pit for a few minutes more before standing and making his way back up the mountain. By the time he reached the hut, the sky in the east was beginning to lighten. He quickly stepped inside and laid back down on his bed roll. He noticed that Nysisset had finally gone to sleep, her head lolled to one side. With a nod, Vesth took a deep breath and relaxed, closing his eyes and settling himself down to rest.

Keliter Dona Sungotan stood before the High Priest Borsa’s door, watching four figures draped in black cloaks as they waited for admittance.

“Keliter,” Came the call from inside. “You may let them in now.” Keliter bowed his head in acknowledgment.

“As your grace commands.” He took hold of one of the large double doors and pulled it open, stepping aside to let the figures pass. Once all were inside, Keliter followed them in, pulling the door shut behind him. Once the latch had clicked shut he turned his back to the door and stood silently, dutifully waiting for a command from his master.

The four figures formed a semi-circle around the high priest who stood by the altar at the head of the room, staring into a perfect crystal sphere.

“It is good that you all have accepted my summons.” The high priest said quietly. He turned to face his guests and Keliter averted his eyes for a moment. The high priest had become pale and thin over the past few weeks. When Keliter had asked about his health, the priest had simply said it was a necessary sacrifice. Now it was difficult to look at him without feeling a pang of pity for the man.

“Some few days from now our plans will come to fruition. I have found the power I need to bring my demon into this world and host him within my body.” All four of the figures stirred and one spoke in a deep hollow voice.

“How is this so master? Does the Blood Moon Cycle finally come.” A look of annoyance crossed the priest’s features.

“No, the Balance Mage was right. I am unable, through any means, to predict the Blood Moon Cycle. But I have found another way through which I might gain the power necessary.” Another of the figure’s spoke, this one with a coarse, rasping whisper.

“What is this power you have found master?” The priest waved his hand.

“This information would mean nothing to you. I have called you all here to ask you to perform an important mission. Our greatest threat, the Balance Mage Pravin Solidus is no more. He foolishly sacrificed himself to save the life of a girl ambassador from Hortaal.” All four of the figures mumbled and another one spoke, a seedy trill to his otherwise powerful voice.

“This is good news master, nothing can stand in our way now.” The others nodded. The priest nodded once.

“You are almost correct, Garynaxiss, but there are still some few who could stand against us. The final three Alenon Mages must be hunted down and destroyed.” The four figures’ muttering was silenced. The priest smiled twistedly. “Yes, I am sending the four of you to find and kill the Alenon Mages. Together you are powerful enough to destroy them.” The first figure to speak spoke again.

“What of Siguard Agamemnon?” The priest harrumphed.

“Unfortunately we will have to wait to deal with him until we have reached our full strength. He is not a fighter, but Agamemnon’s barriers are more powerful than any other mage in known history, and he controls the power of the High Temple of Alenon. A place which, for now, we cannot penetrate. He can wait until we are ready to end this world before we finish him. As for the other two, no one knows what tasks they were given to perform, so finding them will be difficult.” They all bowed and the one called Garynaxiss spoke.

“We will hunt these mages and tear their essence apart.” The priest’s twisted smile grew broader.

“Good, go quickly. We cannot afford to have them interfere, we are too close to success to be stopped now.” The four figures bowed deeper and turned, leaving through the door that Keliter opened for them. After they had gone and the door had been closed, the high priest spoke again.

“Keliter.” Keliter turned and bowed deeply.

“Yes your grace?” The high priest stared at the door for a few moments.

“Once they have left, order all the gates to be shut and sealed. No one leaves this city.” A small shock traveled through Keliter.

“Yes your grace, as you command.” He turned and left through the door, closing it behind him, and rushed down the hall. He reached the door to the temple and instructed the guards there to bring everyone inside the city and bar the gates. Then he made his way down the steps towards the outer tier of the city.

“I am sorry, but I think I have come to the end of my service to you, High Priest Borsa. It is time for me to leave Telatia, while I still can.”

Rielle woke with a gasp, jarring Tiasia awake and causing Nysisset to jerk upright. Across the room Vesth was halfway to his feet, hand on his sword and Segine was looking soberly around the room. Rielle took a few moments to collect herself and then sat up.

“I am sorry to wake everyone like that.” She apologized. Vesth breathed carefully in relief.

“What was wrong?” Rielle closed her eyes in thought, doing her best to remember the dream she had been having before she woke.

“I had a dream. Something is wrong. I think the Alenon Mages are in danger.” Her eyes glazed over as if she were suddenly far away.

What did you see?” Solidus asked her.

I am not completely sure. I remember there were six people in a room, all listening to one of them speak. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, all I heard was Blood Moon Cycle, and Hunt the Alenon Mages.” There was a moment of quiet in Rielle’s mind before Solidus spoke again.

There is no doubt you have the gift. Borsa knows that the only ones capable of stopping his plan are the remaining Alenon Mages. He thinks I am gone so he is sending someone to hunt down and destroy the remaining three. For now Agamemnon is safe. They will not be able to penetrate his barriers until they have reached their full potential strength. But the other two need to be warned. They will sense something, but they will not know the danger until it is too late. Have everyone pack up and leave. Once you reach the bottom of the mountain path, head straight north.” Rielle nodded and then realized that Tiasia had been tugging at her shoulder. “Rielle? Are you alright?” Rielle shook herself and half smiled at the little girl.

“Yes, I am fine. But we need to leave as soon as we can. We have no time to spare.” Vesth and Segine were immediately on their feet and gathering their things.

“Where are we going?” Nysisset asked, seeing no reason to get out of her chair.

“North.” Rielle answered. Nysisset rolled her eyes.

“Oh, how very specific of you. I meant, where exactly are we going.” Rielle sighed in exasperation as she began to gather her things.

“As resentful as you are being towards me, I see no reason why I should answer you. It doesn’t concern you. All you need to know is that Solidus and I are both giving you a direct order to pack up and move out.” Nysisset scowled.

“I don’t see any reason why I should.” Rielle ground her teeth together.

“You can pack now and come willingly, or we will leave what little supplies we have for you here and I will have Sir Segine sling you over his shoulder and carry you down the mountain, your choice. There are more important things that I must attend to, so do not continue to try my patience.” Nysisset’s scowl was replaced by a look of surprise. This surprise was added to when she looked down to see Tiasia glaring at her angrily. The little girl stuffed an empty pack into Nysisset’s arms.

“There is your pack.” She said spitefully, sticking her nose in the air and stomping away. Nysisset stared blankly at the pack in her hands and jumped when Solidus appeared beside her and spoke.

“There are travel rations in the cupboard over there.” He told her, pointing across the room.

“Master Solidus. You are not speaking through Rielle?” Vesth asked, when he saw the image of Solidus. Solidus shook his head.

“She has to take the time to pack her own things, it would be wrong of me to take control of her right now. And this takes less energy than controlling another person’s body. I may need to conserve my strength.” Vesth nodded.

“Of course, I understand. So where are we going Master Solidus?” Solidus sighed.

“I thought we had moved past this whole ‘Master’ business.” Vesth quickly looked away and busied himself by tying his bedroll to his pack. Solidus shook his head and spoke again.

“As for where we are going I believe Rielle said north.” Vesth finished tying his bedroll and began stuffing the rest of his belongings into the pack.

“North, I understand. What I don’t understand is where we are going to the north. There are one, maybe two villages to the north before you run into the Serpent Tongue Mountains. Are we traveling to a village?” Solidus shook his head and Vesth paused.

“Then where?”

“There is the temple.” Segine suggested. Solidus nodded. Vesth turned to look at Segine. “What temple?” Segine buckled on his armor as easily as if he were simply putting on a clean tunic.

“The Temple of Fire and Earth is recessed some way into the Serpent Tongue Mountains, nearly due north of here.” Solidus nodded.

“There we will find Taeldora Marina, second of the Alenon Mages.”

“Second?” Tiasia asked. Solidus smiled down at the small girl.

“Yes little one, by age. I am the oldest and therefore the first. Marina is the second oldest and Agamemnon is youngest.”

“What of the third?” Segine asked. Solidus chuckled.

“You will meet him in time, he will find you, not the other way around. It is balance. I am a Hermit hiding in the mountains, rarely leaving my home to visit the outside world. He is a wanderer, traveling all the world over and over. When the time comes, he will introduce himself. Until then, you must focus on getting to Taeldora Marina.”

“What is she doing in the Temple of Fire and Earth?” Rielle asked. Solidus walked to a chair and sat down.

“Fulfilling the task set to her by our Deity. She has been among the monks there for a great many years. It is also a part of the prediction that you all go there.” Solidus visibly saddened for a moment and quickly tried to recover, but Rielle had seen.

“What is wrong?” She asked pausing as she finished putting the last few things into her pack. Solidus looked at her and his eyes glistened.

“For now it is nothing. There are secrets I must keep.” He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on everyone individually. His eyes lingered on Tiasia for a moment longer and he gave her a smile before looking away again.

“Oh, before I forget, Nysisset.” Nysisset harrumphed, but grudgingly looked at Solidus. “It would be best if you hid your tattoos. Most would not question them, but a few would recognize them for what they are and it would give you all away to the demon hosts looking for you.” Nysisset scowled.

“But they are my gift from my Deity.” Solidus nodded.

“Indeed, but that fact is known, which is why I must ask you to hide them.” Nysisset’s scowled deepened, but she nodded reluctantly. She closed her eyes for a moment and her brows drew close together in concentration. Then her black tattoos faded away and were replaced by a small tattoo of a coiled snake on the side of her neck.

“Is that good enough?” She asked spitefully as she opened her eyes again. Solidus nodded.

“Abundantly, thank you.” Tiasia, though trying to be angry at Nysisset, could not contain her excitement.

“Wow, neat trick! How did you do it?” Nysisset pointedly ignored the little girl. Tiasia pouted and Solidus chuckled.

“She is a shape shifter, little one. A power given to her through the tattoos she was marked with. She can change any of her personal features if she so desires. She can look like anyone she wants to, provided there is no change in overall size.” Vesth slung his full pack over his shoulder.

“That is a very handy trick indeed.” Nysisset shrugged indifferently.

“It can be useful, but I prefer my own form.” Solidus nodded.

“That is perfectly alright. However, I can see you are all ready to leave. Remember, time is of the essence. Stop in the village near the cliffs only long enough to procure a few extra horses and then continue to the Temple of Fire and Earth. Do not expect to hear much from me during that time. I will give Rielle the instructions you need, everyone listen to her.” Once he was sure everyone had agreed, especially Nysisset, he nodded once and then disappeared. Rielle finished tying her pack shut and slung it on her back.

“Let’s go. We have a lot of ground to cover.” Everyone took their packs and followed Rielle outside to the horses. The horses were quickly saddled and their riders mounted. Tiasia sat in front of Rielle and Nysisset sat behind Vesth. Segine rode alone with his lance easily held in one hand resting on his knee. They rode down the mountains as quickly as they could safely manage and entered the forest. Tiasia stuck her tongue out at the rotting body of the felle wolf, and Nysisset looked around with great interest.

“I cannot believe I have actually left the mountains.” She said. Vesth glanced at her over his shoulder as they rode.

“You are going to see a great many things out here now that you have left. Just wait until you come to the plains, and try not to be too sour to enjoy the view once we get there.” Nysisset frowned at Vesth and then went back to admiring her surroundings. It took them about an hour to make it to the village and Vesth and Rielle went in search of horses they could purchase. Tiasia explored around a few buildings and Segine sat proudly atop his mount as a few children came out to excitedly observed the knight.

Nysisset examined her strange new surroundings. The buildings were small and poor, made mostly from logs and mud, and the people went about their business as if there was nothing strange about visitors.

“What is your name?” Asked a small voice. Nysisset searched around and spotted two young children, a boy and a girl, standing beside her. She blinked several times before she realized the question had been directed towards her.


“That is a really pretty name.” The little girl said, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

“My name is Mindy.” Nysisset nodded, unsure of the purpose of the discussion.

“That is… a nice name.” She replied. The little girl’s face lit up and she excitedly smiled. “You really think so?” Something twisted inside Nysisset and she could feel herself smiling back.

“That is strange.” Came another voice. Nysisset turned to see Tiasia returning from her explorations.

“I didn’t think I would ever see you smile.” Nysisset frowned and Tiasia pouted. “And now you have ruined it.” Just then Rielle and Vesth returned leading two decent looking horses. “Out of the way please little ones.” Rielle said, shooing away the gathered children. The little girl beside Nysisset smiled and Nysisset felt the smile tug at the corner of her mouth again before the girl ran off with the others to play.

Wondering what had come over her, Nysisset slid down from Vesth’s horse and took the reins from Rielle. She patted the horse’s neck and it whinnied and looked back at her with intelligent liquid brown eyes. They stood silently for a moment and then Nysisset turned when she heard a giggle. Vesth had lifted Tiasia up into her saddle and the little girl was laughing and hugging her horse around its neck and playing with its mane and ears. The horse accepted everything patiently and even seemed to enjoy the attention given by the little girl. Vesth adjusted the various straps and the stirrups so that Tiasia could reach and the saddle would fit comfortably around the horse.

“Where did you get these animals?” Nysisset asked.

“They do not seem to be simple domestic creatures.” Rielle nodded.

“Indeed. There happened to be a little old traveling salesman in town. He had two trained horses he was trying to peddle off on the people here, but the price he was asking was more than any of them could afford. They looked to be decent mounts and so we bargained to buy them if he would throw in a couple of saddles. He agreed.” Nysisset examined the saddle on her horse. “These are well crafted, how did you afford all of this?” Rielle shrugged.

“I am an ambassador from Hortaal and as such have access to a large amount of funds.” Then she smiled. “But this time we borrowed the money from Tiasia.” Nysisset looked at Tiasia, a little stunned. The little girl giggled and pulled a small handful of sparkling gold coins from one of her pockets. Nysisset was once again shocked.

“More of Lord Khornal’s gold?” She asked in surprise. Vesth and Segine chuckled quietly and Rielle smiled as Tiasia stuffed the gold back into her pockets.

“All is well. I am sure if Lord Khornal had been truly upset about losing a few handfuls of gold to a little girl, he would have confronted us before we left this morning.” Nysisset nodded sullenly and mounted her horse. They left the village and continued riding through the forest. Nysisset rode beside Tiasia, Rielle and Segine led, and Vesth stayed at the rear to guard their backs. Several times Nysisset found herself looking at Tiasia and thinking about how cute the little girl actually was, then she would catch herself and shake her head to clear it. ’Stop being so soft.’ She would tell herself. Another hour brought them out onto the rolling plains. Nysisset stared openly at the blank landscape.

“There is nothing.” She said. Rielle nodded.

“Very little to look at in these plains. Not like the mountains that hold many countless wonders, the plains have nothing to hold one’s interest. However, they do have their own beauty.” As if to prove her point, the wind began to blow and the grass bent in golden waves, traveling across the open space in tides the seemed to wash over the ground as far as the eye could see.

“Exquisite.” Nysisset muttered.

“Come.” Segine said, starting off. “We can reach the next village before nightfall if we ride hard.” The others fell in behind the knight and urged their mount’s to a ground eating lope. Miles of rolling hills and flat ground swept past as they rode. They made one stop a few hours after midday to quickly eat a small meal and then pressed on. They reached the village just after the sun had set and arranged for a place to stay the night. They woke early the next morning and set off again, this time reaching a village a few miles from the Serpent Tongue mountains a couple hours before sunset. They rested a while and accepted an offer to stay for supper.

“What do you think?” Segine asked after everyone had eaten their fill. “Should we head out again and try for the temple?”

“I think we should stay.” Tiasia put forth.

“What do you think we need to do?” Vesth asked Rielle. Rielle shrugged.

“I do not know, I have not heard from Solidus for some time now. Time is very important right now, but I don’t know if we should risk trying for the temple. We are awfully close to Telatia and it will be dark in the mountains before it would be out here.” Vesth nodded.

“I agree. If we get caught out at night by a horde of those Nibilus creatures, I don’t know that we could fight them all off.”

“We should stay.” Tiasia said again.

“But can we afford to stay here for the night?” Nysisset asked. “It seems to me that the entire reason we have been pushing as hard as we have is because we don’t have time to waste.” Segine nodded.

“She makes a good point. Do we risk the time, or the Nibilus?”

“We should stay.” Tiasia said a third time, happily repeating herself. Rielle sat in thought for a few moments.

“I think we should risk the time. If we get caught off guard by Nibilus, then there will be no one left to warn the mage at the temple. If we are late the mage should be able to defend herself long enough for us to arrive and help, if we leave early tomorrow.”

“Agreed.” Segine and Vesth both said. Rielle looked to Nysisset, who shrugged.

“I have no opinion.”

“But you are a part of our group, you can put forward any suggestions or disagreements you have.” Rielle said. They made eye contact for several seconds before Nysisset shrugged again.

“Like I said, I don’t have an opinion. What we do doesn’t matter as long as we decide to do something.” Rielle nodded.

“Very well.”

“We should stay.” Tiasia repeated again. Rielle smiled down at the little girl.

“Very well. We can stay for tonight and set off in the morning.” The meal was cleaned up and Rielle and Tiasia helped with the dishes while everyone else sat around the table relaxing.

“I could not help but overhear that you were spending the night tonight.” Mentioned their host. He was a short little man with no hair and a weathered face and hands. Vesth nodded.

“Yes, we will look into somewhere to stay for the night.” The man quickly shook his head.

“Oh that isn’t necessary. You may stay in my barn tonight if you wish.” Vesth scratched his chin.

“We wouldn’t want to impose on your hospitality any more than we already have.”

“Oh no, it is no bother at all, truly. It would be an honor to have you spend the night here.” Vesth looked to Segine and Nysisset. Both shrugged noncommittally. Vesth turned back to the man.

“Then we would be honored to accept your hospitality once again. But please, let us pay you for your kindness.” Vesth reached into a pouch at his side and removed two gold coins and slid them across the table.

“Please take this as a token of our appreciation.” The man stared at the coins with wonder before taking them and, stumbling over thanks, rushed into the kitchen to show his wife.

“You are far too generous.” Nysisset sniffed. Vesth shrugged his shoulders and reclined back in his chair.

“Perhaps so, but generosity can get you a very long ways.” Segine stood.

“Yes, it can. But sitting does not. I think I will take a stroll through town.” Vesth nodded and also stood. “I am inclined to join you. I was never one for sitting.” Nysisset scoffed.

“Well you two boys go out and play, I am going to stay here and relax. After riding for two days all I want to do is nothing.” Segine laughed heartily and rushed out the door when Nysisset flashed him a sinister glare. Vesth smiled.

“You cannot relax and be resentful at the same time. To gain one you have to let go of the other.” Nysisset crossed her arms over her chest.

“When I feel like being philosophically told to calm down, I will make sure to come find you.” Vesth shrugged and followed Segine out. Nysisset scowled and stared at the empty table. “Maybe you would feel better sitting outside.” Tiasia suggested, wiping her soapy hands on the front of her tunic.

“Don’t you have someone else to bother?” Nysisset asked moodily. Tiasia grinned.

“Sure, but they aren’t as much fun to talk to.” Nysisset sighed.

“Why don’t you go steal something then?” Tiasia traced a circle on the ground with her foot.

“Stealing is wrong, and miss Rielle already slapped my wrist for sticking a spoon in my pocket after I had washed it.” Nysisset felt herself smirk at this. She made sure she had a straight face and then stood and made her way towards the door.

“Maybe I should go outside, if only to get away from you.” She said. Tiasia grinned happily at her as she went and then turned and went back into the kitchen. Nysisset shook her head.

“I don’t know why that girl gets to me.” She muttered as she closed the door behind her. Tiasia peaked around the corner at the door.

“It’s because I’m sneaky and so darn cute.” She told the door. With a giggle she turned and made her way back to the basin to help Rielle finish the dishes.

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