Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 6


Leah sat down beside Alec in the living room with a cup of coffee. They were still in the house, completely unaware of anything bad around them.

This would be the last few minutes they had of a normal life, then it would be shattered forever.

"It's been two hours since Charlie and Kai left for that run," Alec stated.

"You know how they are. Besides I'm sure they're fine." Leah says.

"Yeah," Alec muttered.

"Anyway, the family vacation at the end of the school year, do you have any ideas about where to go this time?" Leah asks Alec.

He shrugs nonchalantly, "We've pretty much been everywhere, remember Hawaii?" Alec seductively says.

Leah blushed. How could she forget? "How could I not remember it."

Their last moment of sanity.

Alec's eyes glazed over, a sign of mind linking someone.

In one second, Alec's whole demeanor changed. A tremendous amount of anger consumed every fiber of his being. "No. It can't be true." Alec stood to his feet and backed away quickly, almost tripping over his own feet. He shook his head in denial. This wasn't happening. This couldn't possibly be true, but there was only one way to find out.

"Alec, what's wrong? You're making me nervous." Leah spoke but Alec was too absorbed in something else.

When you're in a pack, everyone is linked together. Therefore, when a person dies in a pack everyone can feel slight pain and sadness, but over time pack members have learned to block this out, so it doesn't happen immediately. It only happens when you're ready for it, but you have to let it in eventually. Even pack members that aren't wolves have the same ability.

The only way for Alec to find out immediately- if what Charlie said was true- was to mentally unblock all of the pack links. When he unblocked the pack link in his mind he immediately regretted.

A crippling pain rattled his brain, torturing him to the very core. He fell to his knees and grabbed his hair that he wanted to pull out because he wanted the pain to all stop.

Alec jumped to his feet, without a word, and dragged Leah out the front door. He shifted into his wolf and hunkered down to the ground, signaling Leah to climb on.

She climbed into the large wolf and he immediately took off into the direction of Charlie and Kai. Completely oblivious to everything, Leah had to know what was going on. She was anxious and nervous about everything. She knew what was happening though. Someone had died in the pack, she just didn't know who yet. She knew because she recognized what Alec had done. He left in the pain of a death in the pack.

While still on the back of Alec's wolf, Leah let in the pain, since she'd have to anyway.

The pain was so strong that she almost fell off, and she knew immediately that whoever had died had a high ranking bloodline.

Fear consumed her. Was it Remmy? Or Grace? Even Ava, who had Beta blood.

The longer it took to get to wherever the destination was, made her more fearful.

Then the thought came, Charlie and Kai left a while ago to go on that run, and Jade is at Elizabeth's house which is near the southern border. What if it was one of her kids? Leah immediately shook that thought out of her head.

Alec knew in advance who was dead and he was in too much of a shock to tell Leah when he should have. The only reason why Alec knows was because he's able to mind link and Leah is not able to do so.

Most of the pack members already felt the pain, so when Alec and Leah arrived there was a large circle around Kai.

Upon the crowd, everyone was in tears or bursting with anger. Everyone wanted to know who could commit such an atrocity like this. They all wanted to know who could possibly kill the Alpha's youngest son.

Leah hopped off Alec's wolf and ran up to the crowd with Alec trotting behind her. The circle of people parted like the red sea, allowing Leah to finally see what happened.

She froze instantly and her stomach churned. Looking at all the blood on the ground and over Kai, her little baby boy, she couldn't think.

Everyone suddenly disappeared in Leah's mind, the only people there were her and Kai. Her whole entire body started shaking like she was caught in a snow storm. This was the most painful experience she had in her whole entire life.

Her little child that she raised and loved with her whole heart and soul was no longer alive.

Leah dropped to her knees and immediately bawled like a newborn baby.

She wanted to approach Kai but she couldn't even stand. Her body wouldn't allow her to, her knees were too wobbly and weak. Plus, she felt like she was going to pass out at any moment.

"No. This isn't real. It's not real. It's not." Leah repeated over and over to herself. She was too absorbed in herself that she didn't even feel the comforting hands on her shoulders by pack members. She didn't feel when Alec rubbed his snout against Leah's back in a comforting manner.

She was breaking slowly. The ice beneath her feet broke and she was swallowed by the ice-cold water.

Leah managed to crawl up to Kai's cold body. Gently placing her hand on his cheek. She carefully moved his face, "Kai wake up. Come on baby wake up."

A surge of anger swept through her, "You can't leave me! Wake up! Please don't go." Leah yelled and cried out. Her prayers that she quickly made to the moon goddess were not being fulfilled.

Alec shifted back into his human form and Charlie pointed at the backpack with spare clothes. Alec changed. "Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause this. It's all my fault. Please forgive me." Charlie begged. He felt so guilty that he was the one to survive and Kai didn't make it through. How could he ever forgive himself?

Alec rested his arm on Charlie's shoulder and around his neck, bringing him in closer into a hug. "Go to the doctor. Get your wound cleaned. I need to talk with you after this." Alec looked at his son. A flash of noticeable pain ran through Alec. The memories of him being blind saddened him, and he didn't want this for his own child. Even if he was only blind in one eye. Charlie was angry that he wasn't able to protect Kai and mad at himself. Within the little amount of time of him being half-blind, he felt hateful about the situation he was in. It would take time to get used to it. Luckily, Alec could help him since he felt the same pain. Although, surprisingly, Charlie never knew that his father was once blind. His older pack members never spoke of it and neither did the teachers in his history class, they seemed to have left that part out. All Charlie knew was that the scar across his face was during a fight, which was only half true. The only people that knew about that side of Alec were Leah and Damon.

The anger in Charlie only worsened at the fact that he had to live with this forever. In his mind, he was angry that he was the only one to deal with this. He didn't want to think this way, but he wanted someone to feel his pain too.

Leah was still a crying mess and no one had the courage to move the grieving mother away from her baby. In a strange way, others were fearful of getting any backlash from their Alpha and Luna.

Pack members were more cautious around Alec though, who was strangely calm. Alec stayed by Leah's side as she cried to try and support her. He sat on the ground next to her, rubbing her back as she cried over Kai's body.

Alec was a master in hiding his feelings, or at least until the point when his feelings became so bottled up that they exploded like a volcano.

"I know how to bring him back! I know CPR. I can do it." Leah said out loud. Leah repositioned herself, even though she could see his heart on the ground and the big gaping hole in his chest. She felt like was slowly losing her mind.

Alec grabbed her waist and pulled her in his lap, "Honey, it's not going to help." His voice trembled and he wanted to break down himself, but he didn't want anyone else to see. All he could do was sit there numbly holding on to Leah, who was his only life support right now.

Leah went through a rageful moment and pushed away from Alec, "I can't just sit here and do nothing!" She yelled.

"Damon, tell everyone to leave and go home. I'll be calling a pack meeting shortly." Alec said.

Leah crawled back to where Kai was and pulled him into her lap and cradled him in her arms, and all she could think about was the times she cradled him when he was a baby. "Please make him come back. Please, I'll do anything." Leah prayed to the moon goddess. "I don't know what I'll do without you." Another round of sobbing swept through Leah and it was like a continuous cycle.

When everyone left, it was just Alec and Leah alone to grieve in silence.

"Can't you bring him back?" There was hope in Alec's voice. A pleading hope, almost begging Leah to bring him back somehow. They've been through a lot and they went through a lot of loopholes. Surely there was something that could be done.

Leah shook her head, "I don't feel his spirit anymore. When someone dies like I did, you can bring them back with magic but it's costly and you really shouldn't. The only reason why I was able to come back was because my spirit still lingered around me when I died. I can't feel it." She teared up.

"I can't feel anything!" She cried out into the cold night.

The cold wind blew through the trees and it sounded like someone was hollering through the forest. Everything was cold and dark. It suddenly didn't feel like Christmas Eve anymore.

Blaire stumbled her way through the woods almost to her destination. With her hand over her chest and in extreme pain, she looked into the clearing. She swallowed hard and looked at the blood everywhere.

"Mom! Dad!" Blaire barreled to Alec with a hug. Blaire glanced down at Kai and cried even more. She was already crying before she arrived, but now it was ten times worse when she looked at Kai's innocent face. "This isn't fair." Blaire's voice cracked in the cold air.

Alec petted Blaire's hair, "It's okay. I got you." He supported her too.

As the man of the family, he felt obliged to care and support them through this, but in reality, he needed to grieve and cry too. However, he just wanted to block his feelings away for now because that was the only way he was getting through tonight.

It took hours for Leah to cry it out. When the time came for a group of men to take Kai's body away for preparation for a funeral, she still didn't want to let go.

With Kai's blood on her, Leah walked slowly back to the house. She didn't say a word, and neither did Blaire or Alec.

Leah walked into the house first leaving Blaire and Alec outside.

"Watch over your mom, for now, I'm worried about her," Alec says.

"Where are you going?" Blaire questioned.

"Pack meeting for war preparations. Charlie mind-linked me and told me everything. Including when he heard the name of the attacker. This is personal, and I'm not going to stop until I kill him." Alec tries his best to not give to much detail because he didn't plan in involving his own daughter to fight. Especially, since she was under the age of eighteen. No one under eighteen would fight, but everyone else who is able to fight would. Even the females in the pack were strong. Alec knew everyone in the pack wanted revenge for Kai's death anyway because he could feel all the anger in the pack link. On the plus side, one of the collective talents in Alec's pack was fighting.

"Who is attacking us?" Blaire asks.

"An old enemy. Crow Lonuţ." He answered. Alec continued, "I'll be back soon. They're waiting for me."

Charlie was in the infirmary for a couple of hours now. The doctors have been trying to cleanse the drug out of Charlie's body since they already cleaned his eye wound.

The doctors were able to detect what was in the drug and they notified the lab. There were werewolves with high degrees in science in the lab, and they were going to make an antidote. A fast-working antidote would come in handy since the enemies wanted to play dirty. All the scientists stopped all current research to devote their time to this antidote. Everyone was working at an extreme pace since there was basically a war going on.

A laid in the hospital bed not moving a muscle. With the dressings and bandages over his left eye, he felt strange. He could barely stand to look at himself in the mirror, although when his mate came in the door, he felt a lot better. For a moment, he tried to pretend that he wasn't half-blind.

Alec returned from the meeting an hour later. Security has been increased and training would start tomorrow. A group of elite men would meet with him tomorrow to discuss strategies, and trackers were trying to find the scent of the enemies now. Most of the work would start tomorrow in the evening so that the pack members could at least spend some time with their families in the morning for Christmas.

Alec found Leah laying her their bed like a lifeless human.

"Babe, are you alright?" Alec asked.

"I don't want to see your face." Leah coldly said.

"What?" He asked confused at where this anger was coming from.

"Get the fuck out I don't want to see your face right now." Leah raised her voice.

"Leah, I know your upset but-"

"Upset?" Leah laughed crazily like a hyena, "That's funny."

Alec watched her closely concerned for her.

Leah sat up on the bed and looked at the wall, "I'm not upset. I'm angry. I'm pissed. I'm outraged. Most importantly I'm repulsed." She was fully yelling at this point.

Alec didn't say a word as Leah went on a rampage with her words.

Leah got off the bed and approached Alec. "I'm repulsed by you! This is your fault. How does that make you feel? I lost my son because of you and your enemies. I lost my baby. And it's all your fault." Leah smacked his chest over and over again. Yelling and screaming at him. Alec was pissed that she kept blaming and hitting him, but he just stayed calm and breathed deeply. He took all of this verbal beating from Leah because he thought it was a good thing for her to get it out. Although, he had to admit that it did emotionally hurt him, but he still didn't cry

"You did this! I wish I had never met you! Do you want to know something? I should have just stayed dead. The first time I looked at you at that meeting ceremony, I didn't feel that love that mates were immediately supposed to have. I ran from you because you were never going to be a good mate. Now because of my stupid choices of staying with you, I lost my kid."

Alec stayed silent. He didn't know what to say. He was more hurt than anything. He swallowed back his pain. That was one thing Crow would always tell him. That he wasn't going to be a good mate.

"This is all your fault!" Leah pushed him back. "I hate you!"

Leah raised her hand to slap him in the face, but Alec caught her hand before it touched his cheek. "He's my son too." Alec's voice broke while saying this. He almost cried and it took a lot of strength to keep it all in.

Leah gasped and her face turned red. Tears poured out of her eyes. "I'm sorry." She looked at herself in the mirror. What had she done? It's like she wasn't even in control of herself. "I'm so s-sorry. I don't know what came over me. It's just that I'm so..." Leah didn't know what to say at first. "I'm just so angry and upset."

Alec pulled her in for a hug and she hugged him tightly. "It's okay. I understand." All Alec wanted to do was comfort her. "It's okay baby." Alec consoled her as she cried all night in his arms.


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