Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 19


After Isaac was rushed to the hospital, Alec and Leah were notified of the accident. The whole entire Alpha family dropped their plans for the day and met up with each other at the hospital. Some of the wolves that worked at the pack hospital were flabbergasted that the Alpha family even arrived to support Isaac. Others looked at Alec and Leah's admiration for even accepting Isaac into their house to begin with.

It didn't take long for the whole pack to know what happened. Rumors of Isaac's heroic deeds floated around the pack quickly. It took a lot of courage to senselessly jump in front of danger to protect another person, especially Isaac. Isaac never had anyone that would do that for him, so it surprised some of the children that knew of Isaac at school, but that just goes to prove that some people could change.

Isaac went into surgery right away when he arrived at the hospital. Not only did Isaac suffer from the shrapnel that went into his neck, but there weren't other pieces of shrapnel that entered his stomach and broke off into smaller pieces. Isaac was in a very critical state and his body wasn't reacting well to his condition at all. Isaac's organs were still trying to shut down, and the doctors and nurses were doing everything they could to help.

Peyton waited with the rest of his family in the waiting room for hours until Isaac got out of surgery. The whole entire time, Peyton couldn't stop himself from crying. Alec and Leah comforted him the best they could, but truthfully, they never saw Peyton like this before. Also, Peyton never really felt pain like this before. He felt the emotional pain but the physical pain was something even worse. Peyton's chest constricted and heaved as he cried. Even Blaire and Jade shed a few tears as they watched Peyton. It hurt for all of them to know that Isaac was fighting for his life. All of their wolves had already started bonding with Isaac's wolf, so even if they hadn't spent much time with Isaac in person, it still hurt them. Leah had a more different bond with Isaac as she wasn't a werewolf. For the short time that Leah knew Isaac, she has grown attached to him. No one could replace Kai, but Isaac did help relieve some of the pain with his presence. Leah even adapted to drinking hot chocolate with Isaac in the mornings they shared together, or whether it would be in the afternoon or night time.

When Isaac was done with his surgery, he was transported to a single room where nurses would check on him frequently. He had yet to wake up as he was still in a coma-like state.

A nurse came to the waiting room to notify the Alpha family that they could visit Isaac now as he was finally in a stable condition. Peyton jumped up with joy and they all rushed into Isaac's room.

Peyton's heart plummeted when he saw the wires and tubes that were connected to Isaac. He hated seeing him in that state, but at least the heart monitor was steady beeping. Peyton pulled a chair up to the hospital bed and grabbed Isaac's hands in his. A strange noise was made by the heart monitor, which alerted all of them. The strange noise spiked Peyton's anxiety, but he quickly calmed as he realized that the noise was only made because Isaac's heart rate spiked suddenly.

Leah was quick to notice was the touch alone was able to affect Isaac. She wondered if perhaps their bond was something more than friendship.

She wasn't the only one to notice either, "You have quite an effect on him." Jade muttered.

Blaire looked at the two boys and a fond smile grew on her face. She sighed in happiness watching the two. It reminded her of Liam. Blaire frowned a little of the thought of Liam. She had to find him soon because for some reason it felt like Liam was ghosting her. Every time Blaire would try to find him, Liam would disappear from her sight. It felt like Liam was avoiding her at all costs and that upset Blaire. It made her confused and upset at the same time, but she was planning to confront him about it soon.

The others gathered around Peyton and Isaac in hopes of him waking up soon. However, Peyton's hope was slowly starting to dwindle as the day slowly ached on and Isaac laid still in the hospital bed. Peyton wasn't expecting him to heal overnight but the feeling of not knowing whether he was going to be okay or not made him anxious.

Soon night-time crept up on them and Isaac was still unconscious. Peyton's gazed at Isaac's oxygen tubes that were attached to him then back at his heart monitor. Peyton zoned out into a trance as he looked at Isaac's heart monitor with so thoughts running in his mind. It was crazy that Peyton cared this much about Isaac when he never liked him before.

Leah called out to Peyton, but Peyton was stuck in a trance to notice. Leah walked up to Peyton and lightly touched his shoulder to gain his attention.

Peyton seemed to regain his senses as he looked at his mother, "It's getting pretty late. Why don't you come home and rest?" Leah said.

Peyton stubbornly shook his head but Leah had a feeling that he wouldn't want to leave. Leah sighed but nodded as she looked at her tired son. The look on Peyton's face made her ache but she understood, "I'll bring chamomile tea tomorrow morning before we meet with the warriors from my old pack. I'll add some special herbs too that should help calm nerves. I can also bring some stuff that could help Isaac heal faster." Leah said as she suspected that Isaac's body would heal slower because of the years of mistreatment that he received from his father.

Peyton nodded but stayed silent as he replayed the series of events from today over in his head. He felt so stupid and guilty of what happened. Peyton was also mad. He was mad that Isaac would even do such a stupid thing that would cost his life.

Alec and the others left the hospital as they could come and visit in the morning. Peyton focused his vision back on Isaac as the room was quiet once again. Peyton still held Isaac's cold pale white hand as he rested his head on the bed. His eyes trailed up Isaac's arm as he noticed the scars that became more apparent against his sickly white skin. There were too many scars and marks to count, and that made Peyton boil with anger.

Isaac had round rugged scars on his hand that traveled all the way up to his shoulders from when his father would put out his cigars and cigarettes. Isaac hardly ever wore t-shirts or short-sleeved shirts in public because he was embarrassed by all the scars on his skin. From being hit with baseball bats to be being stabbed to having boiling water poured on him, Isaac went through it all.

Isaac found peace from being at the Knine pack, but he still felt the emotional and mental pain due to his painful past. Now, Isaac felt nothing. It was the most peaceful state that Isaac was ever in.

Isaac never really cared about dying because most times he wished he could just crawl in a hole and give up. Isaac was wanting to do that now. He just wanted to die, but when he felt the warmth brush against his hand and the comfort that accompanied him afterward, he didn't want to anymore. At first, Isaac thought death was brushing upon him, swallowing him completely, as he swirled into a hole of darkness. He closed his eyes as he swirled down the endless pit. On the contrary, Isaac didn't realize that it was actually life that swallowed him, which felt even more comforting. Instead of being surrounded by the coldness, he was warm.

Isaac would have been swallowed by death but something was blocking his way. It was like a shield that stood between him and the reaper. In the illuminating darkness, Isaac looked at his hand. He was so puzzled because he could feel someone holding on to him, but no one was there. Still swirling amongst this endless black pit, Isaac closed his eyes and drifted to a peaceful sleep as the warmth from his hand crept upon his whole body like a warm blanket. Isaac smiled to himself as he listened to a voice that sounded like an angel. It was truly a state of euphoria.

Peyton talked to Isaac for two hours before he fell asleep while holding Isaac's hand. Peyton's head was still on Isaac's bed and he was softly snoring because of the awkward position that he was in, but he stayed like that all morning.

The next morning, Leah and Alec were the first ones to show up at the hospital. As promised, Leah brought some tea and herbs that could help.

They walked into the room together with Alec's arm around Leah's waist. Usually, when you'd see the Alec and Leah around the pack they would always be in that position.

Leah looked at her son who was sleeping beside Isaac and a small smile appeared on her face. She grabbed a tray and put the jug of tea down as Alec went to get styrofoam cups. Alec was busy trying to wake Peyton up and he was failing miserably, and Leah had already started to mix some herbs together to help Isaac.

Alec and Leah keep Peyton company for a couple of hours before they had to leave. Peyton knew they had things that needed to get done, and besides, he didn't mind being alone with Isaac.

"We'll be back later tonight, okay baby?" Leah spoke softly as she stroke Peyton's hair. Peyton nodded and stood up as he rushed to them before they left. Peyton engulfed both of his parents in a hug. One of his thoughts, before he went to bed last night, was how fast life could be taken away from you. He could have easily been in Isaac's place or dead at any moment. "I love you, mom. And you too, dad. I'm sorry for everything." Peyton whispered.

"Awe. What are you sorry for?" Leah cooed as she and Alec hugged him.

"I don't know. I just want to say I love you because I realized that..." He paused. "Well, I might not always have you here with me and I'm sorry for being a bad kid," Peyton admitted even though he wasn't bad at all. A trouble maker at worse, but all kids could be like that at times.

"You're not bad. None of you are. I love you more." Leah smiled. It was small moments like this that she lived for.

"How about we go and pick out a gift from the shop for him?" Alec offered and Peyton smiled.

They were about to walk out when Peyton stopped in his tracks. Alec and Leah looked back at Peyton and followed his gaze.

"He will be fine. Don't worry. We won't be gone that long." Alec said.

"Let's be quick though," Peyton said and they left.

Still, Isaac stayed stuck spinning in the darkness, when suddenly the warmth left from him. Isaac felt cold and empty now as he shivered into a ball. Clutching his knees to his chest, he whimpered in pain. His body began to rotate faster in the endless dark tunnel that he was traveling in. Isaac became scared as he no longer felt the comfort and euphoria that was once there. He felt completely alone now, but it didn't last long.

As soon as Peyton returned, Isaac didn't feel the coldness anymore. Once Peyton held onto Isaac's hand, Isaac felt the warmness spread across his body again. The spinning slowed and Isaac didn't feel nauseous anymore. Everything slowed tremendously and that put Isaac to ease. It was now like he was floating slowly and peacefully in space. Isaac felt the blanket that surrounded him once more, and that is when he heard the angel more clearly.

"I hope you like the gift I got you." Isaac heard him. He recognized the voice now. It was from Peyton. Isaac tried to yell out into the darkness but no words came out of his mouth. He tried to dig and claw to the surface but he couldn't break free yet. It was almost like he was underwater trying to swim to the surface, except without the feeling of water invading his lungs.

It wasn't long after Alec and Leah left when Blaire and Jade came to visit with presents, cards, and balloons from themselves and other pack members as well. With all the gifts that Isaac received, Blaire and Jade had to request for a table, and there were still gifts that weren't able to fit on the table.

Alec and Leah had to greet the warriors that were sent in yesterday from Leah's old pack since they didn't get to yesterday. They would be at the training grounds now, so Alec and Leah had to go home and change into work out clothes since they would be training for a while anyway.

Damon already had the warriors from Leah's old pack lined up, waiting for the Alpha and Luna to arrive. Not to mention some of Leah's old friends were anxiously waiting for her arrival. Many of Leah's old friends couldn't wait for the opportunity to catch up with Leah, and most of the unmated males couldn't wait to see her as well.

Alec and Leah arrived hand in hand and walked over to Damon. Damon and Alec both exchanged a nod and then Damon went to handle some other matters on the training grounds.

As Alec passed by them, his aura became more serious and deadly. The other wolves shivered in fright and looked at Alec with fear in their eyes. They've always heard stories of Alec but none of them have ever been this close and personal with him. Walking behind Alec, Leah smiled innocently at all the familiar faces that she had once trained with when she was younger. Leah's presence calmed most of her old friends, but one glance from Alec snapped them all back into place.

After Alec was done with his speech, he dismissed them all to go back to training. Leah found Alice and Xena sparring with each other, and decided to have some sessions with them. Christie also arrived and that made training more interesting between the four of them. Grace wanted to fight with them, but Alec and Leah ruled that she was too unfit to fight in the war. Not only physically but emotionally now that Rem was away.

Damon and Alec stayed near Leah and the other three girls as they sparred as well. They made a deal the other day, if Damon could even get one blow in on Alec, then Alec would buy Damon dinner. The two men loved a challenge between each other, and they were more like rivaling brothers.

Damon had gotten stronger over the years as he and Alec would always fight with each other, but Alec still had the upper hand on him. That was until Alec heard someone make a sexual comment about Leah. With hearing sharp as a bat, Alec heard a group of guys talking about Leah in a sexual way. Losing focus in the fight, Alec glanced at the group of men. He recognized them in the lineup, they were part of Leah's previous pack. Alec growled lowly, but suddenly Alec was snapped back into reality when Damon landed a punch on Alec's face.

"Fuck! And I just lost the bet." Alec growled.

"Oh shit." Damon stepped to the side as Alec stomped toward the group of men.

Damon whistled over to Leah to catch her attention and tilted his head over to Alec to bring Leah's attention to Alec.

"This isn't good," Alice commented.

"What's not good?" Leah said as she was completely oblivious to the situation.

"Well over there," Alice pointed to the group of men that Leah recognized immediately. "That guy said you were hot as hell, and then he said something about your chest. And well it just went downhill from there." Alice laughed. "This is going to be interesting." She just sat back and watched.

Leah's eyes went wide as she ran across the field to try and catch Alec before he would kill anyone.

With Alec's large strides and head start, Leah had to sprint to catch up to him. Luckily, no one was in the way because everyone backed away from Alec like he was poison.

Leah managed to catch him before he got to the group of men, who were backing away like cowards. Leah grabbed his arm and pulled him back, but Alec was too blinded by anger to notice it was his own mate as he tossed her back. Leah landed on the ground with a heavy thud, and once Alec realized who it was he immediately regretted it. However, his attention wasn't on the childish group of men, who couldn't keep their eyes to themselves. Alec crouched down beside Leah, scanning her body to make sure she was okay. "That was an accident." Alec apologized as he helped Leah up.

"I know." Leah beamed and hugged him. Alec relaxed into the hug as his anger vanished. Leah leaned up and whispered into his ear, "Alpha?"

Alec's body shivered in delight and Leah felt pleased with herself. Leah loved how he reacted when she said that, and Alec loved to hear that word come out of her mouth.

"Hmm?" Alec hummed and his eyebrows raised slightly as Leah whispered something else in his ears.

Some pack members smirked to themselves as they went back to sparring as if nothing happened.

Alice frowned, "Disappointing. No bloodshed at all."

"I have to agree with you on that one." Jenna joined the group with two guards that followed her to the training grounds, as she had to be escorted into the pack because of increased security.

"Aunt Jenna! I miss you. You arrived earlier than expected." Alice said as she hugged her.

"Wait to you hear about my journey back." Aunt Jenna rolled her eyes. She was always getting into troubling funny messes.

Blaire joined the training grounds not long after Aunt Jenna arrived. She was searching for a particular somebody, and when she found him, he was going to be in trouble.

Blaire squinted her eyes and folded her arms as she stomped over to Liam who was sparing with another male. Blaire stood behind Liam with a scowl on her face as she impatiently tapped her feet. Once Liam's sparring partner stopped, Liam finally felt an angry presence behind him and nervously chuckled. Liam turned around as he rubbed his neck and the other guy went off to find a new partner.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Blaire demanded to know.

"Well... Would you look at the time? I have to get going now." Liam tried to walk off but Blaire grabbed him by the collar.

"Oh no, you don't. And you don't even have a watch. So why have you been avoiding me." At this point, Blaire was beyond mad and she dragged Liam off to the side of the field away from the majority of wolves.

"It's not that I want to not be around you. I do and that's a problem." Liam spoke and he quickly realized that he was digging a deeper trench for himself.

"So you're saying I'm the problem?" Blaire asked.

"No. I'm the problem. I'm still a man you know. I'm trying to be respectful and not disrespect you or your father." Liam tried to speak but Blaire cut him off.

"Don't bring my dad into this. I'm almost eighteen and I'm not a child anymore."

"Technically, you are," Liam stated.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."




"Do you want me to die?" Liam asked seriously.

"Think of what your dad would do to me. I would be your new wolf skin rug in the living room."

"Okay, but you were fine being around me before," Blaire said.

"I never thought of you this way before either," Liam responded. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you. After that kiss, I just couldn't stop thinking about it." Liam confessed with a slight blush.

"I'm not asking for sex. I just want to spend time with you." Blaire said.

"I'd rather just wait for your eighteen to spend time with you. It's only a couple of months away." Liam pleaded as he grabbed her hands in his.

"We might not have that much time!" Blaire yelled.

Liam hung his head down low, "I'm sorry."

Blaire scoffed and then a brilliant plan formed in her mind, "If I can take you down then you can't avoid me anymore." Blaire said.

"Excuse me?" Liam asked and cocked his head to the side with a smirk.

"You don't think I can take you down to the ground?" Blaire taunted him as she pulled her hand away and stepped back a couple of feet.

"I doubt it," Liam said.

Blaire was hitting him right where it hurt. His big ego. "Your zipper is down." Blaire looked down at his shorts.

Liam didn't even have a zipper but he still fell into the trap, "What?" Liam looked down and in that swift moment, Blaire lowered herself to the ground to kick his feet out from underneath him.

Then Blaire straddled his waist and pinned his arms down. Her face was so dangerously low to his and Blaire was already starting to feel a bulge in his pants.

Blaire smirked in triumph as she watched Liam's face contort in pain. Not physical pain but the pain of trying to restrain yourself. In times like this, it seemed that Blaire loved torturing him.

Liam turned his face to the side so he wouldn't be tempted to kiss her. Liam shut his eyes and his heartbeat skyrocketed. It felt like his heart was going to explode from inside his chest. Liam deeply breathed out as he tried to contain himself.

Blaire's lips brushed up against Liam's ear and he shivered in lust. "Looks like you can't stay away from me now." She whispered.

Blaire then started planting gentle kisses down the side of Liam's neck, as she seemed to forget about the other wolves.

"Stop..." Liam whined.

"Do you really want me too?" Blaire asked as she continued when Liam didn't protest again. Instead, he moaned as she lightly nipped at his neck.

Someone cleared their voice and Liam sat straight up practically pushing Blaire off of him. Blaire looked up at Damon, who looked highly pissed off. "What the actual fuck are you thinking!" Damon started going to Liam, prepared to kill him himself. Damon always looked at Blaire and the others as an uncle figure and seeing a grown man with Blaire triggered him. Blaire hopped up to her feet blocking Damon but Liam, "I can explain!" Blaire squealed.

Damon realized that he wouldn't be able to get to Liam without hurting Blaire. "Explain it to your father," Damon growled as he turned around. Blaire ran after him and Liam was still on the ground looking at his hands. "I'm going to miss you guys," Liam said to his hands.

Liam groaned out loud, "Well, I always wanted blue flowers at my funeral." He said.


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