Blood Crown

: Chapter 8

We’d gotten Ashera back to her palace, washed, dressed, and fed when it occurred to me that we still had the fae delegation locked in the dungeon. Shit. I scrubbed my hand down my face as I looked at Ashera with a grimace.

“Prince Caspian and his delegation are locked in the dungeon.” Her eyes snapped to me before narrowing on Malachi.

“Why?” I was actually happy I wasn’t the incubus right now. If looks could have killed, Malachi would have been a pile of ash on the floor.

“It was too much of a coincidence that they arrived at the same moment you’d been taken.” Malachi shrugged, not at all sorry. “We can go down and free them now.”

Ashera groaned and put her head in her hands. “If he’s anything like the princess here, this is going to suck.” She jerked her thumb at Ambrose, who instantly bristled at her words.

“Caspian and I are close allies—”

Ashera cut Ambrose off. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” He leveled her with a steely glare, but she paid him no mind. “You’re a pain in the ass!”

Malachi and I chuckled. Ambrose looked extremely offended.

“Excuse you? I’m a pain in the ass? Really? Me?” He waved a hand towards Ashera’s body. “Have you met yourself?”

Malachi choked back a laugh, and I fought to keep my lips from twitching. Apparently, life with these two was never going to be dull. I rather liked it. This was definitely more pleasurable than droning on to my people about the wonders of chastity.

“Because you just saved my life, I’m going to ignore that comment.” Ashera huffed, switching her attention back to Malachi. “Let’s go get them out of their cells and into the best suites we have.”

“I should come with you, love.” I stood. “While Ambrose and Caspian might be close allies, I may be able to help with any ill feelings.”

Ambrose stiffened, bouncing his gaze between me and Ashera. “I’m coming, too. If he even puts one toe out of line, I’m going to punch him in the throat.”

Ashera shot me a look as if to say can you believe him right now? I couldn’t fight the chuckle that rumbled in my chest.

Malachi held up his hand when it became apparent Ambrose wanted to argue more with Ashera. “We’ll all go.” That seemed to settle everyone.

“Since Caspian was in the dungeons this whole time, we know that he wasn’t part of what happened today. Is it possible he’s part of the resistance?” Ashera asked, looking at Ambrose for an answer.

“I doubt it,” he said honestly. “Look, I won’t lie. We’re very similar, little queen. I’m sure he had a similar reaction when he’d heard that a woman had taken the throne and freed all her slaves. Though, if he thought to fuck you into submission like I did, I’m going to cut off his dick.”

Surprisingly, neither I nor Malachi growled at the thought of Ambrose fucking Ashera into submission. In fact, images started to play through my mind of our queen tied up to her bed, taking us one after the other over and over again. I reached down to adjust myself, not missing the knowing smirk on the vamp’s face.

“I think we’re all agreed that if Caspian has any designs on Ashera his dick will be swiftly removed from his body,” Malachi grumbled. Ambrose and I nodded in agreement. Ashera rolled her eyes.

“Can we get back on topic please?” She sounded mildly annoyed. “Jacobi, you’ll be able to tell if he’s lying right?”

I shrugged. “My powers don’t necessarily work that way. If he believes something to be true, I won’t be able to tell he’s lying. But if he is knowingly stating something that is false, I’ll be able to pick that up.”

She looked thoughtful but our conversation was cut short as we arrived in the dungeons. Malachi led us right to the cell that held Caspian and his men. The fae prince hadn’t aged a day since I’d last seen him. Almost as tall as I was, his icy white hair was carefully coiffed — not surprising despite having spent time in the dungeons. The shimmering white tattoos declaring his elemental control twisted across his face and down his neck. Both his hair and tattoos were a stark contrast to his skin, which was as black as the night sky. His narrowed eyes were a hazel that held hints of gold around the pupil. The fae all looked slightly disheveled but no worse for the wear. Caspian wore a deep scowl that turned murderous at the sight of Ambrose in our little group.

Ashera pushed in front of us, despite our growls of protest, and magically unlocked the door. “I would like to personally apologize, Prince Caspian.” He moved so fast none of us could track him, and a second later he had Ashera pinned to the wall by her throat.

Ambrose let out a snarl as Malachi and I growled low. How dare he touch our mate that way?

“Is this how you treat all royals? Or am I just lucky?” Caspian’s gaze was locked on Ashera. We moved to pull him from her, but she held up her hand to stay us.

“I do apologize, Prince Caspian. If you would allow me to explain.” Ashera’s tone was surprisingly calm and soothing. His eyes searched hers before he leaned in to run his nose along her neck. Her eyes fluttered, and every muscle in my body stiffened.

“Un-fucking-believable,” Ambrose raged, grabbing Caspian by the shoulder and ripping him away from our mate. “You don’t fucking touch her — are we clear?”

Caspian merely raised a brow at Ambrose before taking me in. “Since when does the king of celibacy get worked up over a female? And you, Ambrose.” He returned his attention to the vampire. “You’re defending a woman? I never thought I’d see the day,” he mused.

If we thought Ambrose was a prick, he was nothing compared to this jackass. I was kind of glad we had kept him trapped in the cell for as long as we had. I kept my mouth shut, glaring at him. Ashera had said she wanted to handle it, and I didn’t want to step on any toes. It wasn’t like she couldn’t handle herself.

Ashera shot Ambrose a warning glance. “I’ve got this.” She turned back to Caspian. “As I was saying.”

Caspian smirked at Ambrose. “That’s right. Listen to what your queen tells you to do. Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble now, would we?” He ran an appreciative glance over Ashera’s body. “Although I have to say, I understand the interest. A succubus, right?”

Ashera tipped her head as she studied the fae prince. She took a deep breath and shimmered before our eyes, glittering golden wings sprouted from her back, and delicate black horns arched gracefully from her hairline. In this state, she was even more stunning. I hadn’t even realized she’d been using a glamor. As far as I was aware, not all incubi or succubi had horns and wings.

Ambrose reached down to blatantly adjust himself, and Malachi’s wings flared. I didn’t bother adjusting myself again and merely widened my stance.

Caspian practically purred at the sight of our queen. “A delicious succubus.” A wicked grin spread across his face. He stepped up into her personal space and all three of us took a step closer to him. “Have you fucked her yet, Ambrose? What am I saying? Of course you have.” He chuckled. “Care to give me a spin, pretty demon?”

The fae wants us to rip his dick off. Our collective growls filled the air. Ashera glanced over at each of us before returning her gaze to Caspian.

“My mate has certainly fucked me.” Ambrose puffed up a bit at that. “So have my other two mates. I’m not sure I have room in my bed for your dick, no matter how tiny it may be.”

Caspian grabbed her hand and placed it over the growing bulge in his pants. “There’s nothing small about me.”

I choked back a laugh. Did this fae actually think Ashera was going to fall for this bullshit? Ambrose looked like he was ready to slaughter Caspian where he stood, and I could feel anger bubbling beneath the surface of Malachi’s icy demeanor.

And something else was lacing the emotions I was siphoning through in the air. Something more than lust floated between Ashera and Caspian… it couldn’t be. Could it?

* * *


I had hoped to arrive in Shaytan before Ambrose did, wanting to see this queen for myself. I knew he would do everything in his power to fuck her. I wanted to take that pleasure away from him. Maybe even set up an accidental meeting where he caught me fucking her. Yes, that would’ve been delicious.

Technically, Ambrose and I were allies. We had grown up together as princes close in age. I was only five years older than Ambrose’s 410. That didn’t mean we liked each other. It just meant we tolerated the other long enough to get what we wanted. Used, would be the more accurate term. But if the vampire got in the way of what I wanted, all fucking bets were off.

Like now, for example. I wanted to fuck the pretty succubus senseless until she forgot all about her supposed mates and came only for my dick. But these cockblocks, Ambrose included, were standing in my way. And that wouldn’t fucking do. It didn’t help that my magic was weakened from my time in the cells. Fae fed off the elements that they used, and the dank dungeons they had held us in were barren of anything we could use for energy.

I just needed to get them far enough away from her that I could sway her to my side. She’d see the reason soon enough. After all, she needed me and my resources. Juniya was the largest provider of produce in Dunya, and Ashera suddenly had a lot more mouths to feed. Obviously, Ambrose had lost his head to a pretty pussy and was willing to go along with whatever ridiculous ideas Ashera had dreamed up. Slaves were an important economic component to all our regions, and they needed to be reinstated immediately. No other outcome would be acceptable. A plan slowly fell into place in my mind. Step one, getting out of this godsforesaken dungeon. I took a step away from Ashera and her shimmering wings, giving her my most charming smile. “Apology accepted. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, my men are exhausted and could use a real bed to sleep in.”

Ambrose narrowed his eyes over his mate’s shoulders, and the other two winged fuckwads growled. But Ashera silenced them all with a single look. That pussy was either something else, or she was using massive amounts of her power to keep them in line. She gave me a bright smile. “Wonderful, Prince Caspian. I’ve prepared our best rooms, please, come.”

I kept my mouth shut as Ashera led us through the castle, the three men making sure I kept my distance from their queen. My men were safely dropped off in rooms much more finely furnished than our dungeon quarters, and then we finally arrived at the final room at the end of the hall. Ashera turned to me. “This will be your quarters while you are here in Shaytan. Again, I apologize.”

I waved away her apologies. “No apologies necessary. If you’ll come inside and have a drink with me and explain the whole story.” Step two. Get her away from these idiots.

Ambrose slammed me against the wall before I could think, fangs a breath away from my face. “If you think we would ever leave you alone with her…”

I raised an eyebrow at Ambrose. “Are you afraid, blood sucker? Nervous that your little mate might actually want to take a ride on my cock?”

His grip on my shoulders tightened, but I just laughed. “Hell, maybe you’re jealous. Did you want to watch? If you’re really good, maybe I’ll even let you take a turn.”

His arm swung back to punch me in the face, but before he could, Ashera covered his fist with her hand. “Enough, Ambrose. Caspian is our guest.” She turned to me. “I’ll have a drink with you, but they come with me. And if you step out of line, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

I sneered at Ambrose and brushed off the velvet shoulders of my coat. Guess I would just have to figure out how to seduce the queen with the pricks in the room. Although I wouldn’t put it past them to enjoy it, the way they all seemed to move in sync with each other. Mates. I rolled my eyes internally. Thankfully I hadn’t been subjected to that hell yet. Ashera opened the door, gesturing for me to enter.

I took a seat on the couch, watching Ashera as she poured glasses of an amber liquid for all of us. She was talking to me, but I wasn’t listening. She was rather elegant in her actions, her body moving as fluidly as the swell of her curves. Was this truly the fearless warrior I had heard so much about? The one who bathed in the blood of her enemies? Noticing me watching, she peeked up at me, giving me a sensual smile. Right. Succubus. I needed to be careful with this one. Seduce without being seduced — easier said than done with this winged beauty sitting in front of me. The deep red silk of her gown emphasized the outline of her hips, draping low on her chest. A trio of blood-red war bands wrapped her trim bicep. An ancient need began to grow deep inside of me, a whisper of something I couldn’t quite decipher, and when she passed me my drink a shock of desire passed through our touching hands. I couldn’t control myself and shot my free hand out to grab her wrist, dragging her closer to me so that I could kiss her deeply.

Ashera was frozen at first, unyielding. But then she softened and began to move her lips against mine. Her lips parted, and that’s when I was thrown across the room. My head smacked loudly on the windowsill, and I looked up to glare at Ambrose, who still sat next to Ashera. The bat fuck stood behind the winged queen, hand on the hilt of his blade. And in the middle of the room, next to where I had been sitting on the couch, stood the angel king breathing heavily.

“She’s ours. You will not touch her.” Interesting. Wasn’t expecting him to be the one to snap.

Ashera jumped to her feet, coming over to soothe him with a hand. “I had it handled.”

He glanced down at her, stroking her cheek. I would’ve bet it was soft to the touch. “We told him not to touch you.”

She looked over at me. “I did warn you, Prince Caspian.”

I rubbed the back of my neck, getting up to stand. “I didn’t realize you meant that literally.”

Bat Fuck was at my side in a flash, holding his blade to my chest to keep me from moving any closer to the queen. Ambrose stood, leering at me with a snide grin. “Jacobi, I feel like our guest needs a clear demonstration on who Ashera belongs to.”

I stiffened, my cock growing hard in my pants. The image of the golden queen on her knees in front of me flashed through my mind. She belonged to me. “I think you’ve made that quite clear,” I snapped.

Ambrose walked toward Ashera and Jacobi. He gripped Ashera’s neck, bringing her face to his for a deep kiss, sliding his hand down her chest and caressing her full breast. She moaned, the sound sending waves of desire through my body. I took an unintentional step towards her, but Bat Fuck pressed his sword harder into my chest, and my skin split open. He growled in warning, and I clenched my teeth.

Ambrose trailed his hand down her hip, slipping it inside the ruby fabric of Ashera’s dress. The scent of need was thick in the room, and I was desperate to be the one pleasuring her. A small gasp escaped Ashera’s lips, and Jacobi took a step closer. “How wet is she?” he murmured.

Ambrose locked his gaze onto mine. “She’s perfect.” He took his fingers out of Ashera and walked over to me. He held his fingers out to me. “Taste what you’ll never get to have.”

I sneered at him, and Bat Fuck dug his blade in deeper. “You heard him. Taste our queen,” he commanded.

Ambrose shoved his fingers — slick with Ashera’s desire — in my mouth, and I internally groaned as the most delicious taste overwhelmed my senses. Fuck. I couldn’t let them know how badly I wanted her, even as my pants tented with my erection. So I lied. “I’ve had better.”

The angel king spoke up from behind Ambrose. “He’s lying.” I knew I didn’t like him.

I pushed Ambrose away, only to be confronted with the sight of Ashera’s naked body winding around Jacobi’s solid frame. “Make sure he’s watching,” he rumbled.

Ashera met my gaze, lust fueling her bright green eyes, as Jacobi pulled her down to the floor. He settled her on top of him, facing the three of us. “Ride me, love. Show him what he’s missing out on.” Ashera lowered herself onto his thick cock, her back arching as she took him in. Who would’ve expected that from the celibate king?

Bat Fuck groaned as he watched his mate circle her hips to take Jacobi in even deeper. Ambrose was unashamedly stroking himself through his pants, shooting me a knowing glance as I leashed my own primal urges to fight my way over there and take the queen myself.

Ashera moaned and rolled her hips, fucking herself to release on the angel king’s cock. Fuck, it was a turn-on. Jacobi met my gaze, trailing his hand down Ashera’s back as she rode him. “See how beautiful she is? And she’s all ours.”

Jacobi lifted his hips, meeting Ashera’s movements, and she cried out. “Come for me, my love.” I couldn’t stop myself from moaning at the delicious sight, watching the stunning queen shatter as she brought herself to orgasm. She panted heavily, watching me where I stood and offered me a small smile.

Ambrose leaned in towards me. “Remember your place, Fae Fuck.” I bristled.

The angel king, meanwhile, gripped Ashera’s hips and started moving her faster and harder over his cock. Her breasts bounced enticingly, and I couldn’t take my gaze away from the sight. Her hands wrapped around Jacobi’s neck, which only served to arch her back further, thrusting up her clearly aching nipples. My hands twitched at the urge to flick them before sucking them into my mouth.

“Come one more time, little queen,” Ambrose encouraged. Ashera dropped her head back as Jacobi continued to move at a harsh pace, and his groans now echoed her cries of passion.

“When she comes around you it’s like her body never wants to let your cock go.” Bat Fuck murmured in a husky whisper. Dammit.

“Touch yourself, my love,” Jacobi groaned into Ashera’s ear. She whimpered and complied, moving one hand to her hardened nipples and the other to her clit. My hips jerked at the sight.

“Jacobi,” she cried. “I’m close.”

Fuck, so am I.

“Let go, little queen,” Ambrose rumbled.

That seemed to be all she needed. She came screaming the angel king’s name as he finished with her, both of their hips jerking in the aftermath of their release. I could feel wetness spreading across my pants as I came with them, but I refused to draw attention to myself in the hopes that none of them noticed.

I was more desperate than ever to get inside this stunning succubus queen. If she had the ability to make me come without ever touching me… Shit.

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