Blood Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 3)

Blood Bonds: Chapter 13

I FALL ASLEEP WATCHING the world’s most boring documentary because North refuses to watch trashy reality TV with me. I only suggested it in the first place to test just how far I could push his kindness. His retaliation of an old man droning on about deforestation was brutal.

I wake hours later in total darkness, and at first I think that I’ve jumped into another of my Bond’s minds without intending to. It takes me a minute to realize that I’m not dreaming, that there’s a warm body lying against my back with hands wandering over my body and a hard dick rubbing against my ass.

Is it strange that I can already tell which one of my Bonded it is? Because it’s definitely Gryphon. The way he moves is like night and day to North. My brain takes a little longer to process what’s happening and so instead of pointing out to him that this is someone else’s bed and he for sure cannot be teasing me like that, I arch back against him, enjoying the grunt he lets out as my ass grinds down on his dick.

Then his fingers slip into the front of the silky pajama shorts North had dressed me in and plunge straight into my pussy, barely checking to see if I was actually wet or not.

I am dripping, just for the record.

My bond seems to think that merely being around my Bonded is enough of an aphrodisiac. I’m finding myself permanently ready for either one of them, which feels like it’s going to be a problem for me. I can’t spend my whole life panting after these men.

I need some autonomy again, dammit.

“Don’t think about it,” he murmurs, and before I can snap at him and point out how freaking impossible that is, he kisses me again until my bond floods my head with a chant of yes, yes, yes like the needy bitch it is. If he wants to get me off in front of North as some sort of apology, I guess that’s fine. It’s not like they haven’t both seen me come, or heard the sounds I make. It’s dark enough that neither of them should be able to see the mess I am.

I let him say everything he needs to say to me in the way that he worships my body.

It’s probably not a good thing, and something I should not let slide in the future because it’s me coming up against five strong-minded, alpha men. They’ll walk all over me if I let them, but for tonight, I’m still recovering from the power surge, and I just want to feel something.

I just want to feel how much my Bonded needs me.

So I let him kiss me until I forget where we are and who else is here. I forget my own damn name, and I let our bonds come up to the surface to be with each other again.

It strikes me somewhere in the back of my mind that I’ll have to think about later, that this feels different than when my bond was with North’s.

But the moment I think about anything that might draw me out of this moment, Gryphon changes things up, the pace or the position or how far down my body his hands are working. When he turns me over to start kissing down my back, I’m forced back into the present and the fact that there is, in fact, a third person in this bed.

I should not enjoy the feel of North’s eyes on my body this much, watching everything that Gryphon is doing, but when our eyes collide, a whimper tumbles out of my lips at the flare of heat I find there. He’s enjoying the show we’re putting on for him, not an ounce of jealousy in him, but a need that’s building up instead. A need to have me under him as well.

Gryphon moves us both, just enough that he can look at the expression on my face, and his eyes twinkle as he grins. “You wanna be watched? You want him seeing you come all over my cock, gushing down my legs and screaming my name, baby? I thought I was pushing your boundaries here, but you need it… Don’t you, Bonded?”

My eyes roll up into the back of my head and his lips wrap around my earlobe, his teeth sharp as they tug on it, and if this is how I die, then I will gladly go.

“Don’t be so dramatic, Bonded. Like we’d ever let you leave us again. You’ll have one of us with you at all times from now on.”


I really need to figure out how the hell to keep him out of my head, but as his fingers slip into the front of my silky sleep shorts again, it doesn’t seem like much of a priority anymore.

The darkness in the room intensifies, deepens, and becomes a living thing, and I tip my head back to watch the changes in North as his bond fills the room. I’m addicted to it already, addicted to the way that his lust and need visibly clouding the room makes me feel.

Gryphon uses my distraction to switch positions again, pushing the silky shorts down and hovering over me as he peels them off of my legs. He leans down to bite at the soft skin of my belly where my shirt has ridden up until I squirm underneath the weight of him.

I want more. I’m in luck, because so do they.

Neither of them stop to think about condoms or birth control, something I really freaking need to figure out for myself or we’ll have a whole new problem to deal with, and when Gryphon hitches my legs up a little higher to get me right where he wants me, I smile up at him. This is my favorite part, the stretch and pressure of his big cock filling me up. It feels like fucking heaven.

We both groan as he pushes in.

One of the black tendrils catches my thigh and tugs my legs open wide so that North can see better, see every thrust of Gryphon into my dripping pussy, and his eyes shift to black.

Gryphon’s hips falter a little, but when North’s eyes meet mine, I’m not worried about his bond coming out to play. Not after his declaration to me earlier. I want him just as badly as I want the man he lives inside. The bond doesn’t look angry or jealous, he looks hungry while he waits for his turn to have me.

More, more, more.

His fingers lift to push between my lips, stroking over my tongue. I’ve never sucked anyone off before but now feels like a great time to start.

“Good girl. Good fucking girl with this pretty Bonded pussy.”

It tips me over the edge and I shudder out my orgasm at his dirty mouth, his lips brushing the curve of my ear as he whispers pure filth to me.

I’m going to die like this.

Five of them doing this to me? I won’t survive it.

I whimper as Gryphon moves me, positioning me until I’m on my hands and knees between them, groaning as he pushes back into me.

North’s bond strokes my hair away from my face, his fingers gentle until he grabs a fistful and tugs my head back to look up at him. The black voids of his eyes are addictive to stare into, so easy to get lost in the depths of them, and my pussy clenches around Gryphon instinctively.

I want to come again. I want to take him down my throat and taste him; I want to swallow every last drop of his cum and—

“If you don’t fuck her throat right now, she’s going to come without you just thinking about it, so hurry the fuck up before you miss out.”

North’s bond smiles at me, a dark and dangerous thing with his eyes still dark, unnatural voids, and he fists himself to direct his cock between my lips. Probably best to be doing this for the first time with my Bonded who enjoys being in control because he directs my every move. When he finally lets his dick go to rock his hips further into the wet heat of my mouth, he cups my jaw possessively. Even his bond treats me with a desperate sort of possession that has me whimpering around his cock.

Gryphon’s hands are tight around my hips as he holds me still while he drives into me, so all I have to do is focus on not using my teeth and ruining the whole damn night. My jaw aches a little with how wide my mouth needs to be to fit North’s cock in, but the sounds he makes have me wanting to do more, be more, just to please him.

I want him to want this as much as I do.

And I think he does. He acts like he does as he takes what he wants from me without question. He pushes further and further, testing my limits and then pushing them out for me, until I’m having to concentrate on my breathing as I’m deep throating him just like I wanted to. I thought it would take longer to pick this skill up, but North’s bond knows exactly how to direct me into giving him what he wants.

His fingers squeeze my jaw in warning right before he slams into me one last time, coming with a roar down my throat so that I have no choice but to swallow everything he’s giving me. As my throat flexes, his cock pushes down even further and my nose bumps softly against his pubic bone. I didn’t think it was possible to get him all the way down, but I did it.

The moment the bond pulls away, Gryphon’s arm snakes around my chest and pulls me up, until I’m kneeling in front of him, his cock still buried inside of me. He bites down on my shoulder and comes, his hips still pumping inside of me as I come with him one last time. It almost hurts, my pussy is so sensitive, and I whimper when he pulls out.

He grabs his shirt from beside the bed to clean me up, wiping away his cum from my legs, and then gently moving me to lie back down between them both. North’s bond watches us both carefully, still naked and half-hard, and I smile at him softly. I’m not sure I could take any more, but I’m definitely not opposed to sucking him off again if that’s what he wants.

He leans over me, ignoring the careful way that Gryphon is watching him, and his fingers trace over my face carefully before he kisses me, deep and sure, like he’s chasing the taste of himself. It’s hot as fuck and my hands drift into his hair as I kiss him back with as much fire as I can muster after having the life fucked out of me by them both.

I feel the moment the bond slips away and leaves North behind, but he doesn’t break away from my lips until he’s had his own turn. I sigh when he finally pulls away, stretching out next to me and curling an arm behind his head.

It’s quiet for one blissful moment between the three of us, I’m completely content, and then North and his big, bossy mouth ruin it.

“Get up and go to the bathroom.”

I huff at him and turn towards Gryphon, giving him the cold shoulder in the most literal sense of the term. “Stop worrying about your sheets, they’re already ruined. I just wanna sleep; leave me alone.”

He slides a palm under my arm and levers me into a sitting position like I’m made out of air, not at all listening to my demands. “You’ll regret it when you get a UTI. Just go pee, and then you can spread out all you want.”

I huff at him and throw a pillow at his head while my face heats up. “Never say the word ‘pee’ to me again, Draven, or I’ll go find somewhere else to sleep.”

Gryphon chuckles as he bends down to pull his boxers back on. “You should be glad he’s not insisting on following you in there to watch.”

I immediately regret fucking the both of them, both separately and together.

Once I’ve peed and washed up, trying not to wince at just how abused my pussy is feeling after coming that many times and taking Gryphon’s dick until I was goddamned rubbed raw, I take a small moment to breathe before stepping back out into the dark bedroom. I want to leave the bathroom light on so I don’t bump into every piece of furniture between here and the bed, but then North raises his palm and August appears, trotting over to me in his full Doberman size.

I make an embarrassing squeaking noise as I drop down onto my knees to give him all of the love he deserves.

“Dogs do not belong on the bed, even ones made out of shadows,” Gryphon grumbles, and I scoff at him.

I speak in my puppy-love voice as I reply, “And for that, August can sleep on your side and you can cuddle with him instead of me. You love cuddles, don’t you, baby? Yes, you do. Let’s get your brother out too, let him have some snugs too.”

When I lift Brutus out of my hair, he doesn’t snap or fight with August for my attention, both of them now very secure in my love because they know I’ll give it equally to both of them.

I turn the bathroom light off and let the puppies lead me over to the bed safely, their heads butting into me when I get too close to sharp edges and Gryphon’s boots. Neither North or Gryphon argue about me having the creatures wrapped around my legs, and August even rests his head against North’s thigh in the most affectionate gesture I’ve ever seen between the two of them.

Maybe I can fix whatever issue North has with his creatures.

I fall asleep with Gryphon warm against my back and North’s hand resting under my cheek, his thumb tracing over my face in rhythmic strokes that send me off to a peaceful and dreamless slumber.

I wake up after the threesome of my wildest dreams feeling like myself again, finally.

So much so that I spend a good twenty minutes staring at North’s sleeping face and trying to figure out how the hell he went from barely tolerating me to being all in on the Bonded front. I mean, that’s not even the strangest thing that’s happened in the last few days of the recovery fog but staring at his long, sooty eyelashes as they rest against his high cheekbones I can forget about it for now. I’ve never really let myself look at him for this long and never this close before, so the image distracts me for a good three seconds before the rest of the ‘what the fuck’ situations filter into my head.

Like the whole waking up in Atlas’ head mess. I really need to figure out what the fuck happened there without actually telling anyone about it because they will freak—

“What the hell do you mean you woke up in Bassinger’s head?”


A frown appears between North’s eyebrows the moment he wakes up, and I elbow Gryphon in the ribs, both for doing that and for meddling in my head again.

He grunts and catches my elbow, turning me slightly to face him more fully. “It’s not meddling, you’re practically screaming in my ear with your thoughts. It woke me up. I’m not doing it on purpose.”

I roll my eyes and murmur back to him, hoping North will go back to sleep, “Well then, teach me how to stop mind yelling at you. I should be allowed a little privacy, right?”

He raises an eyebrow back. “I would say yes, but I just found out you’ve somehow managed to astral project and weren’t going to tell me, so maybe we’ll keep you like this until you learn to trust me a little more.”

“Did he just say ‘astral project’? I need a coffee,” North says in a sleepy rasp that does things to my body. He shouldn’t be able to do these things to me without even trying, that’s not fair at all. I watch as he rolls out of the bed in one smooth movement and walks into the bathroom, the tiny boxer briefs he’s wearing doing nothing to help with calming my raging hormones.

This has to be a Bonded thing, right? I’m not going to be this horny forever… right?!

I glance at Gryphon and shove a pillow in his smug face when I find him smirking at me. “Shut up. Shut up and tell me how to get you out of my head. My brain has been shitty the last few days and… well, if I had’ve ended up in Gabe’s head or Nox’s, I probably would have told you about it, but you’re all on Team Atlas-Is-A-Spy, so I thought maybe we should figure that out first.”

Gryphon glances towards the bathroom door and then murmurs back to me quietly, “If you have any control over the ability at all, don’t ever try it with Nox. If you never listen to another word I say, Bonded, just listen to this; stay out of Nox Draven’s head.”

Even with the quiet, gentle tone he’s using, a chill takes over me as I nod back at him, swallowing roughly. “I didn’t do anything to end up in Atlas’ head in the first place. I just went to sleep and then woke up staring at his bedroom wall feeling so goddamned bored my skin was crawling. It took me a full minute to realize where I was and… I just spoke with him for a minute. That’s it.”

Gryphon nods slowly and North reappears from the bathroom, still looking tired and frowning over being conscious. It’s weird to see him like this because even when he slept in my bed before I went to the camps, I would always wake up first and head down to the gym before he woke up. I don’t even know what time he usually wakes.

Except for that one time that Penelope showed up—

Gryphon nips that thought spiral right in the bud and interrupts me. “Nope, we’re not thinking about her right now, and you’re definitely not going to get out of this conversation by thinking about things that make your bond murderous and send you both on a rampage.”

North moves a panel on the wall and a coffee machine appears, Rich Man Syndrome at its finest, and I make grabby hands at him just so that he’s clear on whether or not I want some. I highly doubt he has any decent flavors or creamers in there, but I’d take a black coffee at this point.

That’s how I really know that the power fog has lifted.

“It probably didn’t help that you Bonded in the middle of healing, that would’ve slowed things down. What extra powers do you have? Can you feel anything yet?”

I struggle to sit up, careful not to disturb August from where he’s lying on his back with his paws in the air and snuffling in his sleep. Brutus is tucked into his side and even though he’s awake, he’s not moving or disturbing his brother. It’s very sweet, and I fish around under my pillow until I can grab my phone and attempt to take a photo of them both.

The photo comes out black.

Like, completely black, as though I was holding my finger over the lens. I frown at it and try again, but the image still comes out with nothing. What the hell is that?

“Oli, this is important.”

I huff at Gryphon and take the cup of coffee that North holds out to me, juggling my phone around a bit. “Nothing. Nothing except waking up in Atlas’ head. Like, fully inside his mind. I could hear everything he was thinking and, if I wanted to, I could’ve seen any of his memories. Before you ask, I didn’t look at anything. That’s a gross invasion of privacy, and even though he told me to, I didn’t. I believe he’s on our side. I might not know all of his story yet, but I’ll hear it from him, not by rustling through his mind like a freaking psycho.”

North shares a look with Gryphon and then takes a long gulp of his own coffee, stalking back over to the bathroom with the cup still in his hand. When the shower starts up, I have to sigh at the sound of it, hot water and a coffee. He’s living my dream right now.

“You could live your dream too, you know. You’d probably be making a bunch of his dreams come true too,” Gryphon murmurs, and I shove another pillow in his face.

Then I take my coffee and do exactly what he suggested.

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