Blood and Ruin (Blood and Ruin Series Book 1)

Blood and Ruin: Chapter 24

Familiar voices float around me in the dark as my body struggles to repair itself. The process is sluggish as it pushes against King’s blocker.

Even when he’s not around, he still manages to fuck me over.

Fucking King. 

The voices become louder and clearer and start to sound familiar…

“Where’s Axel, Luka and Rion?”

“Taking on the bastard who did this to her.”

“By the looks of it, the fucker’s not going to last long enough for either of us to get a shot.”

“If I wasn’t holding her hand right now, he’d already be dead.”

“She’s not… Tell me she’s not…”

“She’s got a pulse.”

Jax’s broken voice filters through the hazy fog surrounding my mind. But it couldn’t be him. The guys are gone. They’re far away from here, safe with Luna.

“Kiarra. Kiarra. Damn it!”

“Please baby, please wake up.”

Jax? Kai? Why are they here? Maybe my mind really is broken, and I’d lost it. They couldn’t be here.

“There’s so much fucking blood, how is she not…”

“I don’t know…”

“When I get my hands on him—”

“With how the other guys are going at him, I doubt either of us will get the chance.”

“He deserves to fucking suffer! Look at what that twisted fuck did to her… she’s…”

I want to reach out and tell him, them all, that my body will heal. That everything will be fine.


I just need time.

“Please open your eyes or squeeze my hand, we need… we need you…”

Gradually my body loses the numbness, given way to the soft brush of lips on my forehead and the warmth of someone’s hand in mine.

I feel protected. Like a balm to my soul, the warmth wraps around me to speed up the stagnant process.

“We need you.”

As I settle further into the comforting heat, my body comes alive, and with it, the earth-shattering pain.

I awake with a gasp. The pain is so intense, the darkness threatens to take me under once more.

“Shit. She’s awake.”

My eyes struggle to open against the thick dark-red fluid holding them closed. After a moment of frustration, they finally flutter open.

“Kiarra?” Kai’s worried face comes in and out of view as I fight off the shadows from my vision.

Blood gurgles down my mouth as I attempt to speak.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Kai, do something, she can’t…” Jax’s eyes are wide in terror as he sees me struggle to speak. I want to reach out and tell him that this is just part of the process, but my limbs or mouth no longer obey my commands.

I try again, hoping to ease their worried looks, but all I manage to do is spew and cough up more blood.

Kai looks down at my body, probably seeing a mess. “I know, damn it!”

He shares a panicked look with Jax before he tries to soften his worried gaze at me.

“I’m going to have to try to close off some of these deep wounds and… it’s going to hurt like hell.”

Jax shakes his head vehemently. “No! No! Not if it’s going to hurt her any more than she… Fuck Kai, look at her. We should never have let her go alone.”

Kai pulls Jax to him. “We’re going to help our mate and then destroy those who hurt her. You have my word. But I need to do this, or she won’t… she won’t make it…”

Unlike my eyes, my mouth won’t cooperate. The internal damage is too severe.

But one look at Jax’s heartbroken face and I know I need to try to tell him about my ability. I should have told them before, then they wouldn’t be worried over nothing.

“aax.” His name is a mangled gurgle on my lips as I struggle to speak through the blood.

Jax jumps into action, reaching out to try to soothe me, assuming I’m the one needing comfort.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay baby girl, we’re going to fix this.” His hands are shaking badly as he brushes back the sticky, blood-filled hair from my face.

Pulling the end of his top, he gently wipes away the blood from my chin and lips.

“We got you. We’re going to look after you. That fucker will pay for this!”

No! A bolt of dread shoots through me at his words.

Kaladar and his men will destroy them, and if not them, then King will find a way.

They need to get out of here, now. If anything happens to them, I couldn’t…

My mind can’t go there. Not now.

Not ever.

“You… shu.. n’t… ave… om.”

A tremor of violence works its way down his body. A glint of pure rage shadowed in his eyes.

Leaning in, he levels his dark eyes with mine. “Let me make myself very clear. We. Are. Not. Leaving. You.” Each word is bitten out, daring me to question his decision.

“Not a chance!” Kai gives me a look of steel before turning to Jax.

“Hold her, this will hurt.” Kai gives me a sad, guilty look before laying his hands on my stomach.

“Pl… ease…. Go,” I plead with them both. They can’t stay. King will kill them if he gets his hands on them.

Again, I push for them to leave.

“Go.” My voice comes out a bit stronger this time as my ability works its way through my throat, the blood still dribbling out of my mouth.

Jax holds me down as gently as he can, a determined look set in his eyes.

My eyes widen as a fire ignites in my stomach, ripping a gurgled scream from my mouth.

A scorching blaze, so intense my eyes roll back to my head, my body attempting to arch away from the pain.

“Hold her!”

Jax’s hold on me tightens, the pain so intense, I don’t know where it starts or ends.

It comes in waves, spreading around my back and down my legs.

Make it stop, I beg the Gods. Just for a moment.

Please, no more.

But the Gods ignore me, like so many times before.

“I’m sorry, baby… I’m so sorry.”

I hold on to the feeling of Jax’s arms around me and his deep voice. He starts to hum a song, the tone of his voice a soothing balm, helping me fight off the darkness a little longer.

After what feels like hours but is probably only minutes, the fiery blaze eases, leaving behind nerves so sensitive, I feel every slight brush, every movement.

“That will stop the worst of the bleeding, but… I don’t know what else to do…”

I feel a hand in mine, a slight tremor as he holds on tight.

Dragging my heavy eyes open, I find a devastated Kai looking back at me.

“I hated that I had to do that, but I can’t fucking lose you.”

I squeeze his hand, my throat still feeling raw and swollen from Kaladar’s injuries.

Pleading with my eyes, I tell him it’s okay. He shakes his head, looking down, not believing me.

Just as I’m about to attempt to tell him off for feeling guilty for what he had to do, grunts and screams shout out around us, distracting me.

I try to move in the direction, wanting to make sure all the guys are okay.

“Baby?” Jax asks.

“… others.” My voice, still raspy but less broken, starts to get stronger. Thanks to Kai’s quick thinking, my ability can focus on healing and not doubling up with stopping the blood loss.

Jax gives me one of his killer smiles that doesn’t reach his eyes. “They’re fine, babe.” He glances over toward the sounds, a cruel smirk finding his lips as he looks on. “They’re just about done.”


“I’ll be back in a minute.” Kai lifts my hand and places a soft kiss on it before looking at Jax.


Jax nods his head, giving Kai a serious look. “I’ve got her.”

“We’ll make sure those twisted fucks pay.”

What about Luna?

My damaged heart takes a shuddering stop.

“ Jazmm?”

He lets out a harsh breath, his eyes turning soft yet sad. “All good baby, you just worry about you. We’ll sort out the rest.”

Releasing a raspy heavy breath, I try to nod, but sharp blades shoot through my eyes, making me wince.

“Why… Jax?” I ask.

Jax’s eyes soften as he grips me tighter to him. “Later, baby. When you’re all healed up. We have a lot to talk about.”

I see the promise in his eyes. Swallowing hard against the burn in my throat, I turn my thoughts elsewhere.

A high-pitched screech pierces my ears just before Kai and the rest of the guys come into view. All covered in blood, but no sign of visible injuries.

I’m about to ask them what the hell happened, or at least attempt it, when Axel steps up beside Kai, distracting me.

“Shit! That looks bad.” Luka crouches down beside Jax, his clothes drenched in as much blood as my own.

“How’s she doing?” Axel kneels down, catching my eyes, his own full of anguish.

“Hey, princess.”

I attempt a small smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace.

Jax’s furious eyes never leave mine as he talks to Axel. “Did you end the bastard?”

Axel’s eyes turn dark and violent as he sneers a reply. “If I could bring him back to life to do it again, I would, but the fucker didn’t last long. He’s dead.”


“Kaladar?” I rasp out in horror.

Axel clenches his jaw with a nod, the fury in his eyes a violent storm.

Jax kisses my forehead, assuming my distraught look is born from my fear of Kaladar, but it’s not him I’m worried about, not even after the horrific beating I received.

“You don’t have to worry about him touching you ever again,” Jax tells me.

King would not let this go. Kaladar was one of his most powerful warlocks, his second in command. With him dead, King had one less powerful warlock under his control, and taking away any type of power from him never ends well. Someone will pay for this. I can’t let it be the guys. They need to get out of here.

I try to tell them as much, but the fucking dick Kaladar must have done some serious damage to my organs as Kai’s temporary hold only does so much.

I attempt to curl in on myself and away from the sharp cutting burn slicing its way down my stomach.

The pain must show on my face as each of the guys freeze.

I pant through the blazing sharp burn, knowing it will pass, but a slight whimper slips from my lips causing the guys to panic.

Questions fly from one to another, thinking of something to do.

“… we can’t fucking move her.”

“She needs a healer…”

I pant through the sharp pain, gritting out a reply to them. “Just… need a… few minutes…”

Squeezing my eyes tight, I drown them out, waiting for that searing bite that tells me I’ll be fine soon.

But it never comes, the pain drowning me over and over.

King’s potion… Fuck!

It’s going to take days to heal from this with the amount Kaladar poured down my throat.

They can’t be here, not if King comes. He’ll kill them for killing Kaladar alone.

“Go, please…” I whimper out.

“Breathe, baby, breathe. We got you.”

“Please…” I need them out of here, far away from this mess.

King can’t do any worse than what he’s already done to me, but he could end them, alphas or not.

“Fuck, we need to get her to a healer!”

“Maybe Jazmyn knows someone close by?”

“Call her.”

“No!” My panicked voice is loud enough to make them stop bickering and turn to me. Kai rubs small circles on my back.

“Baby, you need help. It’s bad and we… don’t know what to do.”

“Just… give me… a… minute.”

“I think it’s gonna take more than a minute to fix this. Your stubborn ass needs to see a healer and soon,” Axel says.

I bite my tongue from the snarky retort that no doubt will just end up hurting me and focus on getting them to understand.

“They won’t work, the healers… They can’t heal me,” I tell them.

I feel the guys freeze around me as everything becomes quiet.

“What do you mean?” Rion asks.

“Why not?”

“My ability,” I tell him. Healers can’t work on me, they never have.

“You never told us what it was?” Kai says from beside me as he rubs my hand.

“Wasn’t meant… to… be… secret… I… heal.”

Jax’s body tenses up behind me as silence surrounds us, making me forget my pain for a second.

Opening my eyes, I wince at the sudden onset of light before finding the guys.

“You can heal?” Luka asks, frowning.

“Just… my… self.”

The guys share a look. One filled with fury, quiet rage, and anguish.

“What else have you—” Jax starts, but Kai cuts him off with a sharp look.

“Not now… Not here.”

Jax looks away, a tremor working its way through his body. Nobody speaks for a moment, all too lost in their own thoughts.

Do they hate that I can heal? That I have kept it from them for so long?

It’s Axel, of all people, who speaks up, breaking the heated silence.

“You sure you can heal from this, princess? It looks pretty bad.” Axel looks over my body and face, his worried expression like stone.

A soft chuckle slips out on a wheeze. “Sounds… like you might… actually care.”

It brings a small smile to his lips. “Maybe just a little.”

A full laugh escapes quickly, turning to a cough, forcing up another stream of blood. It’s not as bad as before, no longer as thick or choking as the last time. But all the guys see is more blood and freak out.

Another high-pitched scream nearly shatters my sensitive ear drums making me wince.

“Someone shut her the hell up!” Kai grits out.


Damn it. What am I going to do about her?

Kai kneels down beside me, his worried face blocking out everyone else’s mirrored expressions.

“Kiarra? Baby? Can you fully heal from this?” The sliver of hope glinting in his eyes brings a crooked smile to my face.

“It might take a bit… longer than usual. There’s a… little complication at the moment.”

Kai frowns, looking me over. “What can we do?”


“Well, it needs to be faster.” Axel’s harsh tone is annoyed, but I let it slide, knowing it comes from a place of worry.

“Can’t exactly… hurry it up… Dick.”

My sassy comment brings a sparkle to his eyes. Just as he’s about to reply, Kai interrupts us, turning the moment serious.

He turns to the frowning basilisk. “Rion?”

Rion stays silent, his unwavering gaze set on me.

Kai pushes again, a bite to his tone this time. “You must have something?”

Rion narrows his gaze on Kai. “I might.”

“What the hell are you waiting for then, fucking tell us?” Luka shouts out, losing his calm and collected temperament for something more volatile.

Rion cuts him a sharp look, but like Kai, lets it slide. “Complete the bond.”

The guys all freeze, putting an end to the silent rage building around us. Their distressed looks make my heart drop as they try to avoid my gaze.

Forcing a bonding was never something I’d demand of them. Having to form the partial bond still made the air around me thick with guilt.

“We can’t…” Luka gives me a devastated look.

It’s okay. I want to tell him. I understand. Them caring for me was enough. At least that’s what my mind tells me. My heart, though, was aching in pain.

“It’s the only way. Mates are known to… share abilities. We should be able to help her speed up the process.”

Jax’s eyes are wide, giving Rion a look of disbelief. “Should? So you’re not positive?”

“Right now, it’s all we’ve got.”

“We are NOT taking that choice away from her.” Jax’s outrage turns broken and sad as he rubs my hand.

“Not after everything. We should have…” He sighs not finishing what he was about to say.

“She should get a choice,” Luka agrees.

“You’re all fucking crazy! We need to get the hell out of here and she’s in no state to be moved.” Axel gives everyone a murderous look. “If there’s even a slight chance that we can help her, then we should do it.”

Shadows swirl around Luka as his wolf threatens to break free. “It needs to be her choice. I’m not forcing this bond on her.”

“Fine.” Axel comes into view, his harsh features softening as he finds my gaze.

“Hey, princess. I know you probably hate us all and the idea of bonding with any of us isn’t on the top of your to do list right now. But I need you to be okay. I need you to send me one of those sassy smiles or to put me in my place when I’m being a prick. I’ve missed you. So much that I became a stubborn fuck who pushed everyone away when all I really wanted was the girl I fell in love with when we were kids.”

Axel gazes down at me, no longer hiding behind his harsh words and glares. He lays it all out, his face revealing every emotion as he tells me how he feels.

“I’m a selfish bastard and the thought of having you by my side forever sounds fucking perfect. I know we fucked up. Big time. But let me—”

Someone clears their throat loudly from behind, making Axel roll his eyes.

“Let us, make it up to you.”

My bruised heart picks up speed realising where he’s going with this. They want to bond with me. Not because they think they have to, but because they want to be with me.

My chest gives a shaky flutter at the thought. But… I’m not… whole. What can I give them except all this added trouble?


“I’m a dick most days, and a stubborn asshole the rest. But I fucking love you, princess. I always have. Ever since we were kids, and you stole my heart with one of those fucking smiles, it’s always been you.” His mouth curves into a smile.

Love? My brain comes to a stuttering halt, no longer functioning after Axel’s declaration.

Axel clears his throat, looking down at our joined hands. “Let us help you, now, and in turn I will always be there to protect you and kick the shit out of anyone who annoys you. Even though most of the time it’ll probably be me. I know we’re not easy to be around. Our stubborn asses are bound to knock heads. But I promise I’ll always be there… Even if it’s just to piss you off.”

Axel squeezes my hand gently, a myriad of emotions still running across his face, but one stands out. Love. Leaning forward he kisses my head.

I don’t get enough time to collect my thoughts and reply before he steps back and Jax moves into view, my heart picking up speed again as I see the same look in his eyes.

“We don’t deserve your forgiveness, not for assuming the worst of you and leaving you with that monster all these years. I can only imagine…” He shakes his head, stopping himself.

The guys shift around me as the air blankets in sadness, a thread of rage waiting to be pulled from it.

“I’m not the same, not since you left. We’re all a bit darker, a bit meaner. Some of us a bit uglier…” Jax smirks up at Axel before looking back at me. Axel shakes his head, a small tilt to his lips.

“We don’t expect you to be the same either. To go through…” He swallows hard, releasing a harsh sigh. “You’re much braver than any of us ever were. You held on and kept your heart when we all got lost in our darkness and pain. The truth is we’ve always needed you more than you needed us, and when we thought you left, we found out just how true that was. I don’t want to exist in a world where you’re not there. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to create more havoc and chaos but with my soulmate. I want to spoil you, to spend the rest of our lives trying to make up the last six years of not being by your side. Especially when you needed us. You have my heart, you always have. Just give us a chance to prove it.”

Jax’s words layer on top of Axel’s, seeping into my chest. They become a balm that heals and burns at the same time. Letting myself open up to them to let them fully in terrifies me, but having them here beside me makes my heart soar and puts my soul at ease.

Jax is wrong, I’m not brave or strong. I can’t fight back against King, nor Kaladar or any other of the monsters that pay a visit. I beg for death, plead and bargain for it, but no one ever listens. Maybe that is my saving grace in the end. Maybe I’m not strong, but he’s right, I held on. Long enough for us to meet once again.

Jax gently moves behind me as his brother pats him on the back. Luka crouches down beside me.

“Kiarra…” Luka’s voice is thick with emotion as he glances over me.

“I’m so sorry any of this ever happened to you. That we weren’t there to help you. That we gave up too soon. Maybe if we had kept looking…” The pain in Luka’s voice breaks me.

“No…” A raspy whisper slips out.

A tear slips out of Luka’s eye. I want to reach up and wipe it away, to comfort him but my body won’t listen.

Like he knows what I want, he gives me a sad smile moving closer. Reaching out, he moves my hand to his face, placing a kiss on my open palm.

“This world can be brutal and bleak, but without you in it, it’s meaningless. You make everything more vivid, more worthwhile, because you mean everything to us.”

My heart shudders as he places another soft kiss on my palm, his intense eyes full of emotion only focused on me.

“I want my best friend back, the other part of my soul. You fill every part of me and bring light to my shadows and darkness. I’m not perfect. None of us are, but give us the chance and I’ll work my ass off to be what you need me to be. You’re my home, Kiarra. I don’t want a world where you’re not there. I want a happy ever after with you.”

Luka brushes his lips across my palm once more before placing it by my side. Even in my injured state, I feel a familiar warmth building inside my chest.

“Trust us,” he whispers before getting up. I don’t get a chance to think of everything he’s said before Rion takes his place.

Rion takes a knee beside me. I feel the tremor in his body as he looks over my body before landing on my face, his eyes softening.

“Siren… You call to me like no other. From the very first moment we met, I knew you were it for me. Those big soulful eyes drew me in and held me captive. My entire world tilted and started anew.”

Rion’s eyes warm with tenderness.

“All I see is you. I see you . Every part of you. Every hidden shade you think we don’t see, all the ones you keep hidden and I adore each and every one of them. Every inch of you makes you who you are, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. Our beautiful soulmate, our heart and the core of us all.”

I draw a raspy breath in, holding back the burn threatening to spill from my eyes as I listen to Rion’s speech.

“You’re my Siren, my soulmate, my entire world. Choose us now and I vow to always show and remind you just how magnificent you truly are.”

My heart flutters wildly in my chest as he looks over me with those golden flames. Rion leans in, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I’m left speechless. Each declaration, each vow and promise another chip left on the armour I wore. It crumbled piece by piece leaving my heart raw and vulnerable to each beautiful word that leaves their lips.

Rion looks at me like he wants to say so much more. Instead, he gives me one of his signature smiles and steps back for Kai.


Kai kneels down beside me, his eyes checking me over and frowning the more he stares.

“We need you, Kiarra. I know you’ve been fighting. I know there’s so much more that we don’t know. I know there’s a sadness and pain so deep, it’s left a mark on your soul. I know it because I’ve been lost in the dark for so long, I’ve forgotten what it feels like to walk in the light. Forgotten where to look to find it. But it’s you. It’s always been you. You’re the light that guides us and the hope that binds us together. We’re not whole without you. We haven’t been these last six years.”

Grunts of affirmations sound out around us, drawing a smile to Kai’s lips.

“It’s selfish to ask this of you. To ask you to be ours when we haven’t proven we can be trusted. But none of us could bear the thought of losing you… Not again.”

Kai reaches out, running a hand across my cheek. I try to lean into it, but my body isn’t my own. Not yet.

“You’ve owned my heart since we were kids and long after you were gone. You’re ours. You’ve always been ours, just as we’ve always been yours. I’ll fight for you now, forever and always.”

Kai takes my hand, his eyes full of reverence and love. “I’m never letting you go. Never again. I will hunt you down and find you each and every time.” He gives me a wicked smirk. “So, you might as well just get it over with now. Bond with us. Give us a chance and we promise to never let you down again.”

The guys turn silent, all looking at me with hope in their eyes.

My stuttering heart splutters trying to keep up with my racing thoughts and worries.

What if I open my heart and it gets crushed again? Alana… or Morana, did a number on me. One I didn’t think I would be forgetting anytime soon.

I was naive to trust her, seeing only what I wanted. Is that what I’m doing here too? Am I leading with my heart instead of thinking this fully through?

I’m a mess, my body and mind a mirrored projection.

But this is the guys, my guys . The boys I grew up with. Axel, who’s stubborn nature matched my own. The boy who always pushed me to do better. To believe there are no limits until you make them. Luka and Jax, my shadow twins. One couldn’t be more different from the other, but they are as close as could be. Both teaching me love and laughter is a big part of happiness. That happiness is a choice, one you get to make.

Rion, my basilisk. His blood might run cold, but he has the warmest heart. His mind always thinking three steps ahead, he knows exactly what I need to say when the words can’t leave my lips.

And Kai, my hound of hell. The boy who stood guard against every nightmare, every fear or worry. He made sure to keep his brother’s together, never giving up on them or letting them give up on themselves and has vowed to do the same for me.

I can’t run from them, not anymore. Kai is right, they are mine as much as I am theirs.

They are my soulmates, each holding a piece of my soul. How can I give them something they already have to begin with? They’ve owned my heart, body and soul since the very beginning.

But… King.

Reality crashes down around me as I realise what my future truly entails. The tag will soon re-activate, and King will hunt me down, killing them in the process.

As much as I want them, crave them and their beautiful hearts and souls, I can’t be selfish, not when there is even the slightest possibility of them getting hurt.

The thought of any of them no longer here sends a bolt of pain so sharp, it overshadows my injuries as it makes its way to my heart.

“I can’t…” I whimper giving them my answer, the words breaking the last piece of my shield.

Jax’s face falls, his eyes dimming as he looks away.

Axel clenches his fists, not accepting my answer. “So, you’d rather fucking die than bond with us?” He shakes his head, looking at me with disappointment.

How could they think that? If I didn’t have the tag King placed on me…

“No… King—”

“Fuck King!”

“The tag… I can’t leave… and won’t bind you… to that.”

Luka whips his head toward me, a hopeful glint in his eye. “Wait… Is that the only reason you don’t want to complete the bond?”

I nod my head, wincing from the shooting pain it sends. “There are things you don’t know… about him…”

Kai’s expression turns relieved. “Then in that case, it looks like we’re fucking bonding.”

“Wait, what? What… about King? The tag?”

“We have a bit until the eight hours is up. Jazmyn caught us up to speed and is awaiting our call.”

The reality hits me. Time isn’t up. I still have time to get out of here with the guys.

A lightness fills me up, threatening to overflow. I give in, surrendering to the bliss and contentment.

“Shit!” Jax drags a hand through his hair, looking at Kai.


“None of us know what to do. Aren’t there words and stuff?” The confused look on Jax’s face forces a raspy laugh from me, the sound bringing a smile to his face making the burn travelling up my throat worth it.

Kai smirks, looking to Rion. “Ry?”

His replying smile is smug. “I’ve done my research. Repeat after me.”

“The threads that join us, have come undone.

Woven together, we bind as one.

To complete this cycle, we choose this fix.

One soul now ties to six.

Boundless as the time that flows,

Infinite and Eternal, 

This bond is the balance we chose.” 

We repeat Rion’s words, feeling a burst of energy surround us.

A lightness, a warmth, rushes through my body, easing each ache and each sharp burn. Every nerve of my body comes alive with an airy warmth that spills throughout my chest and down my arms and legs.

Something settles inside me, a piece that was missing long ago now sealed back together.

“It’s working…” Jax whispers excitedly.

“Focus!” Kai demands, making everyone turn quiet.

The pleasant warmth makes its way to every inch of my body until the warmth is all I feel, leaving no hint of pain behind.

I take a deep breath, no longer feeling the heavy pressure sitting on my chest or stabbing burn in my stomach.

Sitting up, I gingerly test my limbs, smiling to myself when I find no wounds. My ability never made me feel this good, especially so soon after a bad beating.


I stand up testing out my newly healed body. Feeling a smile spread across my face, I look at Kai.

“I feel good, better than good.”

Jax picks me up, twirling me around.

“Hey, don’t hog her.” Luka pulls me away, holding me tight.

Pulling back, Rion comes up beside us. He tugs me toward him, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I promised you, you’d be ours, didn’t I?”

That smug smile spreads across his face before he swoops in and gives me a searing kiss that takes my breath away.

“I didn’t know kisses were on the table,” Jax says, frowning.

A glint in his eyes turns mischievous. He narrows his gaze on me, taking a step forward.

Luka blocks him, sending me a wink over his shoulder.

“Hey!” I chuckle as Jax’s brows meet his hairline, looking betrayed by his brother.

“Later, Jax.”

“I want a kiss from my mate.” He tries to dodge Luka, but Luka anticipates the move.

“You start that now and we’ll never get out of here.”

“Fine, but she’s mine after this.” He narrows his eyes on Rion.

Rion sends him a smug smirk playing along.

Shaking my head at their antics, I feel a warmth fill up inside me at their playfulness.

I rub my chest feeling five strands woven around mine. “Can you feel it?”

Rion taps his heart. “You’re sitting right here, now and forever.”

He dips his head against mine as his warm, rich musky scent coils around me, sending a serene feeling through me.

“You are all dead! All fucking dead, when he gets his hands on you!”

Morana’s scream echoes over to us, breaking up the happy moment.

Jax’s eyes light up with violence as he rubs his hands together.

“You left one for me.”

“No.” Grabbing his arm, he turns to me with a question in his eyes.

“Do you know her?”

“I thought I did.” I glance over at Morana as she struggles against the binds she’s in, feeling numb.

“If she hurt you—”

“It wasn’t like Kaladar.” I didn’t want to tell him; it was much worse. I knew I’d eventually heal from Kaladar’s beating, but Alana’s betrayal cut me so much deeper. Those wounds still bled openly.

“It doesn’t fucking matter if it was physical or not. Either way, the bitch needs to pay,” Jax spits out.

Even now, the thought of hurting her made my stomach turn. But she couldn’t get away with what she did, either.


She will pay for helping King kill my mother, but on my terms. Death will not come to her easily.

Jax sighs, shaking his head, before pulling me under his arm. “Too fucking kind for your own good.”

“I’m not—”

Kai speaks over me, leaving no question for debate. “Leave her… We’ll deal with her another time.”

Jax frowns but begrudgingly agrees as he places a soft kiss to the side of my head. His eyes soften seeing my smile.

“Let’s go.”

Reality sets in, making me realise that this is really happening. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I can’t remember the last time that happened, probably a time before King.

“Let’s get out of here and get that tag off you so we can get the hell out of this city,” Jax says.

Finally, feeling content and happy at the prospect of a future, we make our way past the towers of crates to the open area of Kaladar’s dead guards.

Just before we reach the entrance, a foreboding feeling rushes through me, making me pause.

“Kiarra? What’s wrong?” Kai asks, seeing me stop.

“I don’t know… Something.”

Kai frowns, placing a hand on each side of my face. “Are you in pain?”

I give him a small, reassuring smile. “No. It’s nothing like that.”

I look down at my body, trying to describe what I’m feeling.

“It’s like something is coming, something bad.”

The guys glance around, their beasts trying to push through to find the threat.

“I’m not sensing anything,” Luka says, frowning at me.

After a couple of minutes of nothing happening, doubt creeps in, making me feel like I’ve lost the plot.

“I’m sorry, guys. I’m probably just going crazy or something.” I give them a humourless chuckle.

Kai cuts me a sharp look. “You’re not crazy. You’ve been through a lot. It’s going to take a while before you realise you’re safe with us.”

“We’re here now, don’t worry.” Jax says.

I give Jax a small smile. Taking a deep breath, I ignore the dread building up inside me, pushing it down.

Slowly it eases, making me think it might have all been in my head.

That is, until a familiar cold voice drawls out behind us, making everything inside me turn cold.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

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