Blindsight: Complete Series

Blindsight: Book 3 – Chapter 4

I woke in the middle of the night to an upset stomach. Stretching an arm across, I felt only cold sheets, then glanced to my phone to see that it was after four in the morning. Making my way out of Hunter’s bedroom, I eased down the stairs to find a lone light washing a golden glow from the crack in his office door.

When I entered, his eyes did a slow crawl up my body to land on my gaze. I swallowed, seeing purple circles dark beneath his sockets, and breezed into the room, my arms outstretched. A tired smile curved my lips as his arms opened wide when I finally reached him. My savior. My golden prince.

“You should be in bed,” he admonished, his worry for my wellbeing overshadowing anything else.

I wrapped myself in his lap and he held me against his broad form, his slow inhales and exhales against my neck as we sunk into the reality of our situation. “You need sleep.” I pulled away and pressed a hand to his rough cheek.

“Can’t. Too much to think about,” he grunted as his eyes cut back to pages upon pages of text filling the computer screen.

There were no pictures as I was used to seeing. No stunning erotic photos. “What is this?” I leaned closer.

“Intel on JW. Decades of intel.” Hunter scrolled haphazardly. “I’m trying to figure out his next move, where he could be. I’m the guy that’s supposed to know him best. It’s like he disappeared.”

“Do you think he left the city?” I pulled a blanket around us as we sat huddled in his large leather office chair.

“Don’t think so. JW has connections everywhere, but he’s not exactly welcomed with open arms. Chicago is his safe zone; he’s somewhere on these streets.” Hunter scrolled to a rudimentary map of a neighborhood. “I just have to find him.”

“Hunter, maybe it’s time to give up,” thinking of the little life in my stomach. Thinking it was time to bail on all of this.

“Giving up means he wins, and wars only ever end one way, Erin,” Hunter said, his eyes still riveted. “Someone wins, and a lot of people die.”

“What about the FBI? Aren’t they after him? Can’t they help us? Protect us?”

“They are, Erin. They have been the whole time,” Hunter said. “But they can’t be around one hundred percent of the time. They have procedures and bureaucratic bullshit to follow. It’ll take them fucking days to recover from last night.” Hunter swiped a hand through his short hair. “We’ve got to galvanize.”

“Hunter?” He’d switched into military mode, and military mode scared me. I knew he had weapons, and I saw moments where the darkness haunted his normally vibrant irises. This Hunter was a stranger. Someone trained to kill. “What can we do?”

“Anything we can. Keep your eyes open. No more going out without me, got it?” Hunter tightened his hold around my form. “No more sneaking out.” His tone was grave.

“I promise.” My stomach churned as I thought of the terror that existed right outside this doorstep. Nothing felt safe. This home was no longer a comfort, it was a prison.

“Let’s get you back to bed.” Hunter stood and was hauling me in his arms down the hallway before I could protest.

“Only if you come too.” I pressed my hands around his neck and landed a kiss on his cheek.

“Maybe for a little while.” He slipped me into the soft white cotton and wrapped his body around me, one weighty arm thrown over my waist. Snuggled deep into his body was the only time I felt safe, and if I was being honest, loved unconditionally.

“Hunter?” I chimed, finally asking a question that had been rolling around in my mind. “How did you find me so quickly? How did you know I was taken?”

“Shh…No more tonight.” He hushed me as my eyelids fell closed and the calming rhythm of his breaths stole me off to sleep.

It wouldn’t take long for me to realize how fleeting that sense of safety was. Betrayal, like any other tragedy, often happens in threes, and there were still a few more punches headed my way.

I woke later with an angry bladder and a stomach nearly in starvation mode. I smiled when I rolled to find Hunter sound asleep next to me, his hard body curled into the soft down making my heart twist and flip. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead then headed for the kitchen.

I was standing in Hunter’s kitchen wolfing a banana down hoping to stave off morning sickness when a phone call came in from my mother. I groaned and wanted nothing more than to hit ignore before realizing she was probably as traumatized as I was by the last twenty-four hours.

“Hello?” I greeted.

“Don’t you think you could have called me when you were released?” Her biting words launched poisoned arrows at my positive attitude.

“I’m sorry, Mom. We weren’t released until late last night. We came straight home and collapsed in bed.”

“You’re still with that photographer? Erin! I swear to God, you couldn’t make a good decision if it smacked you in the face.”

“Mom, please don’t say that.” My stomach rolled as I set down the banana, my appetite vanishing.

“I’m coming to get you. What’s the address?”

“Mom! No! You can’t–I’m sorry, I really am, but it’s too dangerous for all of us. I’m the safest here, I swear.”

“Nonsense, you’re safe in the home you grew up in, outside of the city,” she pressed.

“Hunter has top-notch security, and I’ve told the FBI this is where they can find me. I’m not supposed to go outdoors, I’m on lockdown. It’s not safe; please don’t come.”

Her exasperated huff was her first reaction. “He has top-notch security because he’s dangerous, Erin. A criminal,” she bit. “What is it with you and criminals?”

“Mom, I can’t do this right now. Just please stay out of the city. Try not to leave the house if you don’t have to.” I echoed Hunter’s words from last night.


“Goodbye, Mom.” I finally hung up, praying she wouldn’t find Hunter’s address on her own and show up here. For once, I hoped she’d listen to me. Our relationship was challenging in the best of times, but keeping her safe was my priority. I refused to feed JW another innocent victim to manipulate and intimidate. I turned back to the fridge, poured a fresh glass of orange juice, and padded my way back up the stairs to Hunter’s bed.

Setting the glass next to his side, I crawled back into bed, shimmying myself under the covers and underneath his heavy arms. He rolled and hummed a moment later before his forearms tightened around me in a bear hug and he snuggled into the crevice of my neck.

“Glad to see you didn’t sneak out on me this morning,” he grumbled, sleep lacing his already gruff voice.

“Think you’re a funny guy, huh?” I tickled the bare skin at his waist, feeling happiness radiate through my bones.

“Once in a while.” His sweet grin lifted as I tucked myself further into his warmth.

“I’m stuck to you like glue.” I giggled as Hunter’s fingertips trailed up my waist and connected with the cool flesh of my sides. A shiver rolled through me, sending lust barreling through my body.

“Fucking love waking up with you crawling into my bed.” Hunter pulled me around his waist to straddle him. I nestled perfectly against his solid body, his dick already hard and pressing between my legs, aching for release. “I have something to show you.”.

“I think I can feel it,” I teased and nipped at his lips when his hands threaded through my hair and he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

“Not that,” he finally replied when he pulled away with a rakish grin. “It’s downstairs.” He guided me out of bed and I trailed behind him, admiring the view of his boxers sitting low on his hips, the sharp dimples above his ass cheeks making my mouth water.

We went down the stairs and through the kitchen to the garage door. I arched a curious brow when he stepped barefoot onto the cool cement floor and then turned, waiting. “Do I need to carry you, Princess?”

I laughed with a shake of my head before he caught my hand in his and pulled me into the garage with him.

“Here it is.” He nodded and I followed his gaze to land on a huge, narrow box propped against one wall. At least twelve feet tall and at least half as wide, I knew it could only be one thing. “I haven’t seen it yet, wanted to do it with you.” His eyes sparkled as his fingers tightened in mine.

I swallowed the insecurity that was crawling its way up my throat and nodded, too anxious for words. His hand dropped and he pulled a box cutter from a shelf and went to work. Within minutes the edge was sliced open and his deft hands were sliding a bubble-wrapped work of art from its confines. I sucked in a sharp breath when he pulled away the layers protecting the piece.

Staring back was a close up of my body, draped across dark leather, a strand of pearls coiled in my navel and trailing down between my naked thighs. A shudder raced through me at the memory of the cool pearls against my hot skin, sending pulsing lust through my bloodstream, then and now.

“Wow.” I finally blinked and looked at Hunter.

“It’s fucking perfect.” He mused as his finger trailed across the curve of my rib cage and danced across the delicate lace covering my round breasts. The faint outline of an erect nipple could be seen through the transparent fabric. His hand continued up the photo along the sharp angles of my collarbone, past my neck, stretched away from the camera, my lips slightly parted and eyes downcast in shadow. “Guys are coming to hang it tomorrow.”

“Really?” I gasped, eyes still riveted to the stunning erotic photo that was somehow…me.

“Puttin’ it right at the entrance.” His hand returned to mine and his body was invading my space. His breath washed across my skin. “Everyone that comes to the door will see your beautiful body.” He pulled me up the steps and into his entryway, indicating the wall where my picture would hang.

My legs turned to jelly and my brain fizzled as arousal flooded my senses. “I love when you say things like that,” I murmured, feeling more turned on than I’d ever been.

“Mmm, like when I put you on display like a little slut?” His lips were attacking my neck, his tongue laving up my ear and pulling at the lobe with his teeth.

“Jesus, I want to feel you inside me,” I begged, my hands already working his boxers down his waist. My palms grazed across his rigid ass cheeks and I squeezed, loving the feel of his hard body in contrast to my soft one.

“Maybe I should fuck you right here, in front of the window that looks right out over the street,” and before I could reply was planting my hands on the cool glass of his entryway and yanking down my panties. A groan radiated from my throat. If he fucked me here against the window anyone walking by could see us, see me.

“Oh God, Hunter…” I breathed, needing to be fucked right now. Hard and fast without a second thought of an audience. The thought of being watched while Hunter took every single inch of my body turned me on shamefully.

“You like the idea of people seeing you, baby?” His words were followed by the loud click of a doorknob, then a slow whoosh of warm air danced across my skin.

Oh Jesus. He’d opened the fucking front door. Right here with his dick poised at my entrance, cars creeping by at twenty miles per hour admiring the finely landscaped city homes, and me. About to be fucked like a dirty whore.

“Mm, fuck yeah you like that. You’re so turned on, so wet. Say it, baby,” he urged as he fisted at my full ass cheeks. “Tell me what you need.”

“I need,” I gasped when his thick cock invaded. “Need you to fuck me, now.” I was nearly growling with desperate pleasure.

A soft groan sounded before he landed a swift smack at my ass, and then another right on the same spot. The stinging pleasure turned to a sharp burn and I yelped, pulling away reflexively before he yanked me back to him. “You need my belt around your neck to keep you still?”

His hand gripped around the root of his cock as he eased his thick girth inside me. A thumb grazed the hot, sensitive bud of my ass, a feral hiss escaping my lips when he eased one deft digit past the tight ring of muscle. His complete ownership of my body, his to show-off, his to play with, blasted my senses with waves of disgraceful desire. ‘Keep it quiet, Erin. Wouldn’t want anyone to see those pretty tits, your slutty cunt wrapped around my dick, begging me to take this sweet ass.’ His sinewy form stretched across my back, his warm breath lighting fire across my nape and sending shivers through every nerve. ‘Shh.” One punishing palm, the same that’d just eased his cock into my soaked pussy, wrapped around my mouth, choking off words and heaving pants. Caging me from all else but him, his body, his hands, his words. “Anyone catches you, it’d be front page news. Maybe a video uploaded on the internet.’ His words and his roughened digits grating against nerve-endings that pulsed with white hot lust. ‘Ah, here comes someone now.’ Amusement and arousal coursed through his voice.

My hooded gaze cast to the street to see a handsome man in a three-piece suit approaching. My breath echoed in my chest when Hunter’s thumb worked tight circles at the bud of my ass. My eyes focused on the stranger’s dashing profile as my orgasm coiled and tightened deep in my belly. I wanted to turn away, I should be slamming the door, but I was reckless in Hunter’s hands. The wanton slut buried down deep came out shamelessly, begging for his hands, his lips, his dirty talk, and his dick. Begging for all of him he would give me.

‘So sweet and innocent.’ Hunter grazed teeth across my shoulder blade. A quiet whimper left my lips as I squirmed, my eyes still on the profile of the handsome businessman, praying he wouldn’t look up, pure hot arousal throttling through my bloodstream at the possibility that he may.

He grunted and thrust fiercely, my hands sweating up the window pane, my fingernails searching for something to dig into before he fucked me straight to the floor, his words tumbling out as lust crowded all else. “So fucking sweet. Can’t wait to show my sweet little slut off to every fucking stranger that comes in my house. Should I tell them how you let me fuck you? Let me tie you up, force you to swallow my cock like a bad girl?” His dirty talk frazzled my mind and sent arousal flooding over his dick and down my thighs. He removed his hand from my mouth, skating across the dips and hollows of my form.

“I’m going to come,” I whimpered.

“You want him to watch you come, Princess?” His rambles urged my orgasm on and I slid a hand between my thighs to work my fingers at my clit to hasten the rush. “Not yet, baby girl,” He smacked my other ass cheek in punishment for moving too soon, taking control. I loved his spankings and punishments; I would give up all control to get them.

I pulled away again, all but begging for another hit, never considering that the soft crack of his hand on my ass may alert the businessman strolling by. What would I do if he saw us? What if his eyes sparked with raw desire? Would I let them both fuck me? Yes, the shameful slut wiggled her ass again. I would beg for it.

Hunter’s punishment landed on my ass and I sucked in a quick breath, the pain immediately followed by a rush of decadent pleasure. His other hand worked between my ass cheeks, the incredible sense of fullness almost too much to bear. Almost.

“Oh my God,” I hummed, squirming in the only way I knew how to ask for it again. His deft fingers smoothed away any lasting bite before he landed a swift smack across my pussy, the sting radiating through my clit and causing an orgasm to burn its way through my nerves, building and begging for the final crescendo.

“That’s it, Princess. Come all over my fat dick. I want two orgasms from you.” Hunter’s thumb retreated from my ass as he gripped both of my hips, rocking to an erratic rhythm before his muscles bunched and tightened as an orgasm crashed through him. Our voices fell into a primal symphony as he moaned that he was coming and I moaned as my second orgasm crashed through me in violent waves. I sucked in long breaths of air, feeling my body burn up and ignite with pleasure.

He slammed the door a moment later, before his sweaty body caged me in against the wall of cool glass. “Jesus.”

“Yeah….” I sighed, feeling my body begin its slow descent to normal.

‘Next time I’m recording that.’

“What? Hunter, no way!”

‘You like to be watched.’ He winked and sauntered away, leaving me still reeling from the orgasms he’d given me. “I need a cigarette after that one.”

“I swear, I never have any idea what’s coming out of your mouth next.” I giggled and righted myself, feeling thoroughly used, and anxious to see if there were any marks on my ass from the spankings. I loved his marks.

He only shrugged as I trailed behind him as he went for the kitchen and fished through a drawer, coming up with a beat-up pack of crinkled cigarettes. “Last one.” His eyebrows wagged sweetly.

I laughed. “I thought you’d quit for good, I haven’t seen you smoke one of those in weeks.” I started a cup of tea for myself.

“Was trying.” He winked. “We’ll call this the well and true last one.”

I followed Hunter out to his small balcony a moment later with a steaming cup of English breakfast in hand. “The photo is beautiful. Thank you for taking it,” I said, feeling humbled not only by his talent, but that he wanted to hang a photo of me in his house.

“I’m calling it `Blind Sight.”’ He exhaled a plume of smoke.

“Interesting. Care to elaborate?” I giggled, high on him.

“First,” his eyes darkened, “That giggle will get you fucked again.” My eyes widened with his words, snapping me back to stark, naked reality. “And I’m naming it `Blind Sight’ because you were beautiful and innocent and blind to all the bad in the world, until I got a hold of you.” His lips crooked up in a cocky grin.

“That sounds like a load of artistic bullshit.” I arched an elegant brow at him, hoping he’d step up to my challenge.

“Quite the little critic, are we? You’re gonna pay for that smart mouth.” His growl burned through me and churned my insides with arousal. “Turn around.” Hunter whipped me in his arms and pressed me against the railing of his balcony overlooking the city.

With the city lights burning in my eyes, Hunter’s palms ran up my thighs before a swift crack landed on my already sensitive behind.

Hunter was up to the challenge all right. I’d been a fool to ever doubt otherwise.

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