Blindsight: Complete Series

Blindsight: Book 2 – Chapter 2

“THANKS FOR THE RIDE,” I blurted before barreling out of the car and shutting the door on Hunter a few minutes later. I was running up the front steps as the car pulled away. I sighed with relief before fiddling on the front step with my keys in the lock.

“Let me.” A heavy palm pulled the quaking metal from my fingers.

I screeched and turned to find Hunter waiting patiently, big, sad puppy dog eyes and a charming little half-smile on his face.

“You’re lucky I don’t send your balls into your throat,” I spit and yanked my keys from him, jamming the correct key in the lock. “Go home, Hunter. Or should I call you Clu?”

“I can explain, ask me anything.” Hunter burst through the door behind me, hot on my heels, not letting up. No chance for escape, no leaving—he’d really meant it.

“Your explanations lead to more questions, so thanks, but I’ll pass.” I trudged up the stairs to my bedroom, thankful again to be back in my own space after the clusterfuck of explaining I’d heard tonight.

“Leave, Hunter!” I called from the walk-in as I was pulling my dress over my head.

“Not a chance,” Hunter said and I nearly jumped out of my skin when I turned to find him resting against the doorjamb of my closet, that same amused grin still dancing on his face. I narrowed my eyes, recognizing the look in his. I recalled his eyes crawling up my legs earlier, the hand on my thigh. Power turned Hunter on; he loved the chase. Adrenaline fueled his sex drive, and I was his target. Fuck, he had my thighs tingling and shifting with just that one look.

“Please leave. I just want a bath and a bed.” I pulled a silky robe over my shoulders and walked around him and back down the hallway, intent on the kitchen and wine. I should be pushing him out of my home, but the truth was I didn’t know if he was right. What if I was safer with him? And the other hard truth was that Hunter was the only person that held the answers.

I was walking back a minute later with wine in hand, thinking I could get him to open up just a little more if I let him stay, when I heard water turn on in the tub. I entered to find it steamy and foggy, bubbles frothing at the edges, and Hunter plopped directly in the center, his golden skin highlighted against the stark white bubbles. He was startlingly gorgeous and any woman’s dream, but instead…instead he was my nightmare Romeo, luring me into his net of passion and deception until I was caught and flailing.

“Don’t use that smile on me.” I turned and sipped my wine. “And get out of my tub.” I stood at the counter and rinsed off my makeup. Two days ago I never would have dreamed of taking a slice of cosmetic magic off of my face in front of him, but I hoped he’d leave after seeing me in all my dark circled and freckled glory.

“I’m not leaving.”

I caught his glance in the mirror and couldn’t help the small grin that turned the corner of my mouth. I went back to removing makeup and tried to hide it. The sight of him here in my bathroom, in the home I shared with Brant, filled me with mixed emotions. I held no emotional connection to this house anymore, at least not as the happy home I shared with my husband. He had become my roommate for all intents and purposes, leaving me alone for weeks on end. I’d thought about divorce, but the fear of leaving him, the fear of his reaction left me at a standstill. I’d hoped that once he established himself in his career the stress would subside. I’d hoped that if I hung on a little longer everything would work itself out. But if anything, the bumps had turned to road blocks. We didn’t even talk regularly anymore, much less spend time together in any meaningful sense. It’d broken my heart when it had happened, until we’d settled into a cold and distant disconnection. I found my place was to be seen and not heard, and even then only when called upon. I was paraded at fancy evenings out here and there, only a warm body meant to satisfy his needs, until I assumed, he started taking his needs elsewhere. It was then I subjugated to a thing and fear of his fiery temper and fists kept me quiet.

“I need time to digest all of this, Hunter.”

“I’ll give you whatever you want, and plenty of it, just not time alone.”

“What? Are you insane?”

“You’d better get used to me,” he said, before adding in a deeper tone, “Princess.” That tone, that tone that shot straight between my legs and had me wanting nothing more than to be with him, naked and now.

“I’m not getting used to you at my place, in my bathtub, drinking my wine,” I snatched the glass from his pesky hands but wasn’t fast enough. His strong arm wrapped around both of my bare thighs and hauled me into the hot water with him. I shrieked before settling with my calves around his waist. I felt him everywhere. Every long, hard, raw inch of him.

“Hunter,” I whispered, defeat softening my muscles as I melted into him. I needed support, from anyone, someone’s arms around me was better than no one’s, but if I was being completely honest with myself, it was him. Deep down in my belly, it was his arms I craved. His arms that made me feel safe despite everything.

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