
Chapter 2: Trust

The weekend meant longer stays at the park. It also meant Lucas had been with me for an entire week. Currently I stood between a couple trees near what I considered our favorite spot. I was debating with myself. Lucas was a large dog in a small space for most of the week. He needed time to run around and burn energy or else he would begin to gain weight. I determined today to be test day. As much as I had grown accustom to Lucas in the past week I wouldn’t keep a dog that didn’t want to be with me. With that decided I leaned down and unhooked the leash.

Relief flooded through my body and eased the tension that had built up while I had argued mentally. Lucas didn’t budge. He was staying near me at his own free will. As happy as I was that wasn’t exactly what I was aiming for. I wanted him to run around, at least a bit. It struck me I would have to probably run with him. I started with a slow pace to see if Lucas would follow. He did, right next to me without complaint. I picked up to something past a jog and Lucas did too. I broke out into a full out run and was happy to see that Lucas was still right beside me. My speed had been one of the best when I was in high school. I didn’t comprehend until then how much I missed running. I didn’t pace myself, just sprinted until I was panting, each breath bringing painfully cold, fall air to my warm lungs. My legs began to restrict and I was reminded of my humanity. I came to a stop with hands on my knees breathing heavily.

“I wish I was a dog,” I huffed, “I would give away my soul to be able to run like you.” Clutching my chest as I rose, I stared at the amber eyes watching me carefully. “You don’t even look the slightest bit tired, but I can’t run another inch. Let’s go grab a drink and head home for a shower. I have to go get a present for Samantha for tonight.”

Against my better judgment I brought Lucas with me as we head to the mall. To save money I walked everywhere I could. I did have a car for those longer distances, work being the primary example. The mall was a half hour walk, I didn’t visit it often. Today’s interest was the bookstore.

“Stay here while I go get a book. I know exactly where it is so it won’t take long.”

I patted Lucas atop his fluffy head after tying the leash to a post out of the way. As promised, I was in and out. I had been planning the present for a while, leaving no need to dally. I came back out, a small paper bag in hand, to find Lucas hadn’t moved an inch. I smiled at him, though he would have no way to understand why seeing him there made me so happy. We were nearly home when my cell shrilled from my pocket. From the tune I knew who it was before I even looked at the caller id. Samantha was probably checking in on me to see if I was going to try and weasel my way out. Truth be told I would have if it weren’t for the fact that it was Samantha’s birthday. I wasn’t as outgoing as Samantha was.

“Hey what’s up?” I answered.

"Just seeing if you are coming, you are coming still right? It’s your favorite kind of movie. We’re going to see that new horror flick."

“I am coming. I got your present. I think you are going to like it.”

"Don’t worry about that. When do you want me to come pick you up?"

“I will walk or drive myself,” I insisted as sternly as I could manage.

"Nonsense. I will come around six the movie starts at eight."

Before I could say another word Samantha sped through ‘see you later’ and hung up. That was the kind of person Samantha was. She’d rush you through this and that and, just when you thought she was tired out and needed to rest, she’d be off again, dragging you somewhere else. She didn’t believe in being late and that usually meant she was earlier than she claimed she would to be. In this case Samantha’s knock came a full half hour earlier than schedule. I didn’t bother moving from my spot in the kitchen. The door opened the second after the knocking halted and Samantha intruded into the small space with a bag in one hand and her purse draped at her elbow. The beautiful blonde had her hair pulled tightly in a pony at the very top of her head and her blue eyes wandered the room.

“This must be Lucas,” Samantha cried out as she dropped what was in her hands and walked over to the couch.

“Be careful,” I said, bringing a couple glasses of water from the kitchen. “I don’t know what he is like around other people yet.”

“Well you just have to look at him to see he is a giant soft fluff inside and out,” Samantha said in a coo you might use on a child. She continued the ruffling of fur on Lucas’s head as she took a seat beside him. “Aw he is just so cute. I am super jealous.”

I was amazed at the way Lucas simply lowered his ears and sat still as the attention was lavishly placed upon him. Lucas did not move to give Samantha extra space on the couch.

“What brings you here so early?” I asked at last. The glasses of water were placed on the coffee table in front of the couch. I took a sip of mine before placing it down. I remained standing as I watched Lucas. Was he eyeing me for help or was that my imagination?

“I was curious as to what you would be wearing to the movie.”

I looked down and shrugged. I guess I had assumed what I had on was fine enough. Samantha gave me a glare that I was all too familiar with. Something was up if she wasn’t impress with my current attire. I looked back at my attire peering over the black blouse and jeans I had chosen. Samantha would hear no argument and I was soon in my closet dragging out a couple of items I hadn’t seen in years.

“I love this leather skirt.”

“It’s too short,” I pointed out as I headed back to the closet.

“No, it isn’t. You’re just too accustomed to wearing those skirts for work at a professional length.”

“It’s getting cold out. I will freeze if I wear that tonight.”

“We’ll be inside for the night and it’s not like you will be walking. Just wear the skirt, Kale.”

The skirt was paired with a shimmering top that draped lowly on my chest without revealing anything. I wore a pair of knee high boots with a two inch heel to complete the ensemble. In the bag Samantha had brought with her were enough supplies for a small beauty salon. My hair usually grazed my shoulders if I was lucky. When it was straightened out it was just a bit past my shoulders. Nails were painted a bright red to match the makeup Samantha had plastered on my face. It was another of Samantha’s traits. She loved to dress people up and would make any occasion she could to do it. Being Samantha’s birthday and all I couldn’t even try to put up a fight. One day I was going to force Samantha to take my mother out. The two were perfect for each other.

“Bye Lucas!” Samantha exclaimed. She was heading out the door with her bag in tow as I gathered up my purse.

“See you later. I will take you for a short walk when I get home,” I whispered, patting Lucas on the head. I had hidden the wrapped book in my backpack purse and was keeping the bag tucked under my arm. It was the one thing I insisted on keeping. I loved my big purse and a little handbag simply wouldn’t do. “Who else is coming tonight?”

“Oh, you know, just a couple people, most of them you know,” Samantha dodged.

Samantha wasn’t lying. I did know most of those in attendance. Samantha’s boyfriend, Tyler, was waiting at the front of the theater with a guy I wasn’t familiar with. Beside the boys stood the twins Sapphire and Emerald and their tag-a-long boyfriends. I had met them once before. I couldn’t recall names.

“That would be Tyler’s brother Kyle. He is such a sweetie,” Samantha stated, proving to me there was something else up about this birthday party. “What do you think?”

I didn’t reply because we arrived at listening distance to the boys. After a few quick introductions we headed inside. I was on the quiet side of things, Samantha took all the attention and I was happy enough about that. Kyle had other ideas and for the remainder of the night he stuck close, too close. As the movie ended everyone headed to a late dinner where presents were unwrapped.

“Kale I can’t believe. It’s the first thing we ever argued over.”

With a smile on her face and in her eyes she explained the chance meeting at the library to the others and the argument that soon followed after we realized we were both writing essays on Emily Dickinson. We had been looking for the same collection of poems and that night butted heads as we attempted to share the book. I hadn’t read a book since university. Movies were more my thing, on the other hand Samantha was definitely a geeg, a word the teenagers now used to describe the mix of a geek and bookworm. Samantha was one to keep up with the current slang, using only the most hip of words.

“Samantha, I had a wonderful time but I really should be heading home. I’ve got a dog to walk,” I stated when I deemed supper was over and the serious drinking would probably begin soon. “Thanks for the wonderful time everyone.”

“Wait a minute Kale, you aren’t walking home by yourself. I will drive you,” Samantha said.

“No, stay here with everyone. I don’t want to ruin the rest of your evening. I don’t...”

“I will do it,” a third voice interrupted. I looked over to see Kyle rising from his seat and gathering his coat. “It’s starting to get cold out at night you shouldn’t walk home in what you’re wearing.”

“I don’t live far.” My argument wouldn’t make it past that point.

“Just let Kyle take you,” Samantha ordered, knowing full well that as the birthday girl what she said was law that night.

“Very well,” I relented with a glance to Samantha that would warn the woman she was in for a world of trouble later. I really wish I had insist on driving myself so I could avoid the certain to be awkward situation.

The usual twenty minute walk was a five minute car drive. At one point we did have to sit through possibly the longest red light in history in utter silence. I was happy to see my apartment building come into view, and at the same time regretted my agreement to the current drive since the man beside me would now know my address.

“I will walk you to your door,” Kyle replied, already out of the car and at the passenger door opening it.

I hesitated too long because a moment later Kyle was trying to offer a hand to help me out. There was no way to avoid the hand in question without being too offensive. Unwillingly I allowed him to help me out but my torture didn’t end there. My arm was wrapped around his and he was leading the way to the apartment.

“You know I think I got it from here,” I said as I pulled away.

Kyle was like a lost puppy and followed me all the way to the door anyway. He even continued up the stairs to my place on the third floor. I slipped my hand into my purse and found the keys by a simple touch. As I reached the door I slid the key into the lock and gave it a good turn. A click told me I was seconds from freedom. I turned around to face the male.

“Well, I had a good time,” I mumbled, “Perhaps I will see you again soon,” I added politely with a small smile. I really wanted nothing to do with him. There was something odd and clingy about him.

“You know tonight doesn’t have to end here,” Kyle mumbled, leaning in closer.

I put a hand out and pushed him away, “Sorry, I think you are mistaken. I’m not one of those girls.”

“I’m not saying you are. I just thought perhaps we could have a little fun,” he said.

I tried to slip into my apartment, but Kyle managed to push on the door to slip in as well. His hands moved clumsy over my chest, groping blindly, and I managed to knee him before a growl echoed through the room. Kyle looked around startled and found two large amber eyes glowing at him in the darkness.

“If you don’t want me to call him to attack then I suggest you leave in silence,” I whispered.

It was evident that there was fear in the young man’s eyes as he backed away, leaving as fast as he could. I moved to slam and lock the door before sliding against the frame and burying my face into my knees.

“Thank you,” I whispered to my savior who sat across from me. When I finally looked up I swore there was some sort of emotion hidden in the deep depths of amber. “I promised you a walk but I think we will wait a little to make sure he is gone before venturing out,” I said.

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