
Chapter 10: Dreams

It was to get colder still. Daylight was limited and the time spent at the park decreased too. My dreams were increasing drastically. Nights were a restless battle. Lucas was usually cozied against my back each time I woke. Animal instinct was really something if he could tell each time I had one of the weird dreams. Eventually I noticed a bit of a pattern. A few faces were beginning to appear in my dream. I started a journal to see if I could make sense of it all. I wrote a short description and a rough sketch. The female was still very much a blur. The child even more so. The man was clearer. I could pick out random details but the combat uniform stuck to me the most. I wrote out the date of the dream and what little else I could recall. The sequence probably wasn’t in order. At this point in time all I cared about was putting it to paper. It would be a start and I could continue to add details with each dream. I had a name in my head too. I wasn’t sure if I should write it. I hadn’t dreamed it. Just an abnormal feeling. I decided against it. I would only put details from my dream.

Lucas and I adjusted our routine. With our walks limited from the cold we cozied on the couch at night to watch a show or movie. Whatever had bothered him lasted a couple days. He was back to his normal self when I returned to our regular routine. I imagined working on my days off had not tickled his fancy. After watching some useless show we would head to bed. I was now more aware of the four women kidnapped in the city. Two had been taken from locked houses or rooms. One kidnapped from her car, all the doors locked and the engine still running. The fourth was on the younger side and an amber alert had been raised. She didn’t fit the pattern, younger than the others by a few years but they weren’t ruling anything out. The girls did look similar. Dark hair was a common factor. People were being asked to call a number if they had any information for any of the four cases.

Morning meant waking to the news, then out for a short walk and back for a hearty breakfast. I worked and on weekends we’d head to mother’s. In the evenings I began to read when I couldn’t stand the television anymore. Some nights I couldn’t fall asleep right away. I didn’t know if it was because I didn’t want to deal with a restless night of dreams or I was just too tired to fall asleep by the end of the day.

It felt like forever but winter soon melted away to spring. I finally saw an end to it all and planned a couple picnic dates with Skylar to have Lucas meet Margarita. On the first warm day I eagerly headed to the park with Lucas. It was still wet, the ground was a soggy mess from the spring melt. Rain was in the forecast later in the week too and that was going to add chaos to the already unorganized mess. As per our usual habit I unhooked Lucas and he ran beside me. I guessed the winter had an effect on him. He seemed moodier lately. As grateful as I was for the run I couldn’t think of my speed and breathing. Too much was on my mind. I remembered reading that health issues could cause a dog to become moody.

“I really should stop putting off that vet appointment,” I mumbled as I slowed to a walk.

Without knowing I was doing it I reached down to pat Lucas’s head. My hand slipped through the air. I looked down, I had assumed Lucas had moved off to the side as he sometimes did. This time he wasn’t there. I looked ahead and behind. Sometimes he liked to tear into one of his runs and would circle around. I guessed it was a dog thing and I was sure being cooped up wasn’t good for his pent up energy and his size. My heart sank when I couldn’t spot him. I couldn’t follow any tracks they all mushed together and it was too soft to keep a footprint for long anyway. I jogged around. Eyes peeled for a flash of white. Occasionally I called out his name. He came back before, I told myself over and over. The last time he came back on his own. As I approached the tree-line of the wooded area I pondered if Lucas would go to see the homeless man on his own. I had regularly been sending Lucas with snacks and warm drinks throughout the winter. The snow had piled up too much for me to make the journey and Lucas had proved it was easy enough for him to do it on his own. I was beginning to suspect that Lucas was the one fetching my containers too because they always made it back to me. Each time clean and piled neatly before my door. I had been meaning to visit the old man once the snow was gone. We hadn’t sent anything to him for a little over a week now. Lucas may have felt it was time to visit.

Just as I stepped forward I felt a pressure on my shoulder. I looked over to see a large hand gripping me firmly. I moved my eyes upwards and came to meet a pair of vibrant blue eyes. “Ike,” I tested carefully.

“I thought it was you,” he replied softly.

“Excuse me?”

“I was passing through and noticed a beautiful woman running around and couldn’t help think you were looking desperately for something. Well two pairs of eyes are better than one.”

“Lucas ran off,” I let slip, not even thinking about how crazy it was he was here “I’m almost certain he went this way.”

“A pretty lady shouldn’t have to go look for anything. It should find her.”

I stared at the man as he finally removed his hand. He was really laying on the flattery. I wasn’t paying much attention to it as I tried to focus on priorities. Lucas, my sanity, my safety. Find Lucas ask questions later. It seemed logical.

“Your dog is smart, you’ve praised him enough for me to know this much. He will come home when he is ready,” the doctor reassured.

He had a point. It wasn’t like Lucas hadn’t been able to find me a work or deliver me to mother’s when I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. He could surely make his way home. We had been back and forth so much we could make the walk with our eyes close. Besides, the homeless man previously had said much of the same and he had been right.

“Kale would you like an escort?”

“I...” I hadn’t been paying attention. My eyes had moved back to the woods. I really wanted to visit the homeless man just in case. I found my arm being tugged to hold Ike’s and I was being led away. How many coincidences could I brush away? “Are you following me?” I finally managed when we made it back to the path.

“You could say that,” he replied too calmly for my liking. My eyes widened and I stumbled over how to respond to such a confession. “I’ve been coming here for a while in hopes of running into you again. I apologize. I wanted to get to know you better.”

“The birthday cake,” I began.

“Oh that was pure chance. I was out for a walk, looking for a gift for a co-worker. She’s having a baby soon. Imagine my surprise when I saw you.” He leaned in to whisper in my ear as if sharing a secret. “I may have also had a couple of drinks and couldn’t drive home.” He moved away and smiled widely. “It was after that I knew this park was probably the one you brought Lucas to.” He seemed sincere. I would remain cautious, to be safe, however, I believed him. “I don’t suppose you saw him as you were arriving.”


I nodded and put my hand out to show his height. “He comes up to here, long fluffy hair.”

Ike shook his head. “Sorry, not today.”

“I guess I have no choice.”


“Returning home. I can’t very well stand here all day.” I didn’t mention that we were on our way already. We were just passing through the gates and, seeing as Ike had been to my place once already, I didn’t question how he knew the way. “Thanks,” I mumbled. I looked over my shoulder. I thought I saw a branch move against the wind. It was hard to tell at such a distance and when I didn’t see white pop out I knew I was seeing things.

“How are your sons?” I asked absentmindedly.

“Improving,” he politely responded. He was smiling except it didn’t reach his eyes. Perhaps things at home were not as great as he claimed. Then again I had felt he was hiding something before. I wanted to ask. Maybe I should have. Instead I changed the topic.

“You said you live near the shop. How far is it from here?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Seems only fair considering you know where I live.”

“I am in the process of a move but my temporary residence borders the park. I shall take you there sometime.”

“Then you live closer here than the shop?”

Ike chuckled nervously. “I really didn’t want you to refuse my offer to walk you home. I didn’t know you lived so close to me or I would have mentioned it sooner. Besides it wasn’t a lie. A twenty minute walk from the shop seems close to me.”

I shook my head. It wasn’t long before we arrived. I heaved a sigh. I was hoping just a little that I would run into Lucas on the way home. “Do you want to step in for a cup of coffee or tea?”

“I would love to but I must be on my way. I shall check in on you. Perhaps I could get your number?”

It was sly, almost a perfect way to ask for a number without being suspicious. “You didn’t look that up in my records?”

Ike smirked. “That probably would land me in jail. I swear to you I didn’t copy anything down. Anything I have is from a good memory.”

“Hand me your phone.” Ike dug it out of a coat pocket and pushed a few buttons to unlock it. It was the same as mine and I easily created a new text. I could hear the text being received on my end. My pocket vibrated and gave a loud jingle. Ike raised a brow in curiosity. “You already have an advantage over me and it is only fair I have your number too.”

With a satisfied smile I handed back the phone and turned to walk away before he could repeat his actions of thank you he had demonstrated the previous time he had walked me home.

“I will keep my eyes open as I head home,” I heard from behind.

“Thanks,” I offered from over my shoulder, digging out my keys at the same time.

The afternoon was the slowest of my life. At every sound I was looking out the patio door or checking the hall. With every passing hour I lost a little faith in my confidence. By dinner I was an emotional wreck. Too exhausted, and uncaring of the world around me, I curled up on the couch heavily saturated in Lucas’s scent. Too out of focus I didn’t hear the door. The television was droning on in a dull lull. I did hear it slam shut. In shock and surprise I jumped up and faced where the sound had come from. My heart leap as relief filled every cell in my body when my eyes landed on the mass I barely recognized as Lucas. Not much of him was white. Mud clung to him in heavy masses and there were small branches, twigs, leaves and I could even see small pebbles, poking out at odd angles. Anyone passing him on the streets would probably think he was a monster from the swamp, or forest seeing as a swamp wasn’t exactly in the city borders. It meant he had been in the woods. I was kind of kicking my butt mentally for not listening to instinct. If I had gone in I would have found him sooner.

“What...” I shook my head and pointed to the bathroom.

It wasn’t like I would get an answer even if I asked. It was killing me to know how my dirt hating, mud avoiding, fussy dog, who loved baths, had gotten so filthy. He passed me with his head down and didn’t give so much as a sideway glance. I followed a short distance behind and imagined what it would be like if I needed to pin Lucas down during baths. No matter how still Lucas was I still managed to get soaked. I not only had to wash and rinse but prune too. When all was said and done Lucas found a spot to sit on the floor at the foot of my bed. His ears were flattened to his head as I entered the room with my battle instruments. One hand was equipped with a comb and the other a hair dryer. He had a pout about him when he looked up and I noted that I had never seen him act so dog like before. I sat beside him, preparing to brush out the tangles as I dried out his fur so it could return to its silky long locks.

“I was really worried about you. Some stupid driver could have hit you. The dog catcher could have nabbed you.” The arguments were weak. He fetched me from work and I hadn’t used these against him. He was a smart dog. So why the worry? “How am I supposed to know you were coming back when you ran off like that?” I finished with a sigh. I was too dependent on my dog and I couldn’t imagine not having our walks. Not having him there to listen. Not seeing him wake me in the morning when he felt I had slept in long enough.

Lucas let out a whine and moved closer. He swiftly licked my cheek and then rested his head in my lap. I continued to brush him and prayed that this was the last time. He came back and that was all that mattered.

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