Bleeding obsession

Chapter 18) First meeting!

Authors pov

Xavier Came back to his room in the morning, his eyes fell on the Sarah who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. He stood there looking at her for a minute.

"How can someone be so innocent yet so evil... I hate you Sarah, I hate you for everything... I regret those days which I spent with you. I curse the time when you entered in my life... You ruined me and you wil pay for it..."

He clenched his jaw Angrily and walked towards the washroom.

Taking off his clothes he stood under the warm shower. His body was smelling like alcohol, since that day he wasn't able to sleep peacefully without the help of alcohol. Last night he tossed and turned on his bed but couldn't sleep so drank and passed out.

Xavier sighed and roamed his hand in his hair. He placed his hands on the wall and closed his eyes. The memory of their first meeting flashed in front of him.


It was first day of University. After boring highschool they were finally free to live their life like a teenager.

Tired of his father's toxic behavior, Xavier decided to continue his education in London University and not in America. He was in the second year when he saw Sarah for the first time. Xavier was a popular handsome boy whom every teenage girl desired. His badass behavior and look was attractive. Xavier didn't paid much attention to any girl, only hook ups until his eyes fell on the chubby girl who was more like a nerd. Her curves were sexy and she seemed to be totally unaware of that.

Wearing simple jeans and tops and reading glasses she was walking in the cafeteria. She wasn't like other teenage girls who were wearing mini skirts and doing makeup, Sarah was simple and a good girl. Xavier's eyes stuck on her, he succeeded in finding the beauty in her simplicity. He looked at her amused when she walked in like a nervous and scared kitten. She was looking around like a lost puppy, she was alone which indicated that she is a fresher and haven't made any friends yet. May be she is introvert type, he thought.

Xavier walked towards her and intentionally bumped his shoulder on her making her stumble back. Her mobile slipped from her hand and fell down.

"I am sorry"

He apologized and picked up her mobile.

Sarah looked at him and gulped looking at his grey orbs, he was probably the most handsome boy she has seen till now. Her cheeks turned red unknowingly and she gave him a nervous smile.

"It's okay... No problem..."

She breathed out in a daze. Her eyes were stuck on his handsome face and the way he was looking at her was filling her stomach with butterflies. He held pure admiration in his eyes.

He smiled and her heart fluttered at his beautiful smile. She looked submissive in nature and it fuelled his dominating self. Her amber orbs were mesmerizing.

Sarah promptly looked away when she realized that she is drooling over him and got nervous when she felt everyone's eyes on her. All the girls were looking at her either annoyingly or madly and she realized that she got the wrong boy. He is definitely a centre of attraction or some kind of trouble which she don't desire.

"Please excuse me..."

She mumbled and started walking away.

Xavier frowned, she didn't tried to flirt with him like other girls or even initiated a conversation. He wasn't buying it.


He called and she turned around.


She looked at him confused and nervous.

Xavier walked towards her and he didn't looked less than a model, his leather jacket and platinum chains was drool worthy. Sarah cleared her thoughts thinking she shouldn't keep her expections high. There is no way he can take interest in her, her self confidence was at it's lowest.

"Your mobile


He held his hand in front of her which had her mobile.

"Oh! Sorry I forgot... Thank you so much... My name is Sarah..."

She smiled embarrassed.

"No problem Sarah. If you don't mind can we have a coffee together. Take it as a apology from me..."

He asked. This was the first time the Xavier king is was nervous while talking to a girl.

She felt weird tingling sensation when her name rolled out of his tongue.

"What's your name?..."

"Xavier king..."

He answered hoping that she doesn't know that he is the son of a mafia.

"I am sorry Xavier, I have a class in few minutes..."

Sarah replied feeling bad looking at his disappointed face. She would have loved to go with a handsome badass looking guy, he was totally her type but she was scared. Bullying was not new for her and it wasn't looking real either. She was suspicious that it's a trick to embarrass her, she has often got bullied for her appearance and she wasn't taking chances now and Xavier was looking like a big bully due to his appearance. Why would handsome guy like him will show interest in her?

Thinking that she walked away and Xavier bit his lip in disappointment but her behavior grabbed his attention. She didn't threw herself on him and he liked it. The chubby, nerdy girl was stealing his heart.

"Hey, is she the new prey?... Don't tell me you are going to bully that poor girl. Leave her alone because I think the queen bee has already set her eyes on her because of you..."

One of his friends said standing beside him.

Xavier looked at the girl who was crazy for him. Her behavior was bratty which didn't appeal him at all so he never paid attention to her.

"No! I am not bullying her, I am interested in her... If someone bully her then Inform me... I'll deal with them..."

He said and walked back to his place.

After finishing her class Sarah walked back to the cafeteria. She was still thinking about Xavier thinking was she right to reject his offer or he was a genuine guy.

She saw two girls coming and looking at her.

"Hey! Look, she is the same girl whom Xavier asked out but she denied it..."

The one girl whispered but Sarah heard it anyway.

"Really? What a lucky bitch. Must be the first one and how can she deny him. I mean he is so hot and he never usually asks girls out. What did he even saw in this fatty and she has the audacity to reject him, I wish I could have this kind of confidence..."

She scowled looking at Sarah.

Sarah didn't paid attention to them and kept walking. Sarah wasn't fat, she was curvy girl with baby face and she liked her body so she never felt bad on being called fat but sometimes it becomes hard to tolerate people's insensible behavior.

'was I really wrong to do that... He seemed nice guy...'

She thought and bumped into someone.

"Ouch!... Watch out fatty... Were you going to hit me..."

Tia, the queen bee spat at her madly.

"I am sorry, I didn't saw you coming..."

Sarah apologized not wanting to create a scene but it was too late for that.

"Of course you didn't... You must be used to see a people of your size..."

Tia scowled, her friend whispered something in her ear and Tia looked at her hatefully.

"So, you are the one who was hitting on Xavier huh?... Are you blind bitch?... I mean look at yourself and look at him. Try your cheap tricks on someone like you..."

All girls laughed at Sarah making her mad at them.

"Listen, you don't have to be rude like this... I didn't hit on him, he bumped into me..."

Sarah defended herself.

"Ohh really! What do you think of yourself?... Listen guys! see, this fatty thinks that the Xavier king, hottest boy in the university is hitting on her..."

She said and everyone laughed. Sarah was feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time.

"I think we should show you your place, you need to know how ugly you are and forget about Xavier even dumbest guy of this university won't look at you..."

Xavier's friends saw this and quickly informed him, Xavier was quick to reach the scene and lost his temper when he saw girls harrassing Sarah.

Tia gave her a light push.

"Come on... Kiss any boy and if he kissed you back then I will apologise to you... Now you will understand that how ugly you are and what's your place..."

Sarah glared at her, she was resisting herself from punching the shit out of Tia.

"I don't want you to apologise... If that boy kissed me back then you will leave the university..."

She challenged.

Tia scoffed.

"You definitely have high expectations fatty... Okay, I accept your challenge... Anyways that's not happening. Go! try your luck..."

Sarah looked around herself, she was angry and mad. Tired of being vulnerable and not being able to defend herself. She has been tolerating bullying since childhood but wasn't going to take that shit in the university. She found Xavier standing in the crowd.

Their eyes locked and weird sense of confidence rushed in her body. It was like he is asking her to come to him, his eyes were screaming that.

Sarah threw her bagpack on the floor and strode towards Xavier. He was taken off-guard when she slammed her lips on his.

Her hands were clutching on his collar tightly and she had to stood on her toes.

Everyone gasped looking at her courage.

Xavier melted when her soft lips graced his, her way of kissing clearly showed that she is not good at kissing and it was fueling his interest even more. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her back and dominating the kiss making Tia's face turn horrified.

Sarah pulled away from Xavier gasping for the air. Her hold was still tight on his collar and he was holding her firmly against him.

"Is your offer still available? Because I desperately need a coffee..."

She breathed out and he chuckled.


Xavier opened his eyes, his lips were set into smile as he remembered the old days but it disappeared as soon as he realized that it's just a memory and everything is different now.

He banged his fists on the wall and growled.

"Fuck you Sarah..."

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