Blake (Blue Halo Book 3)

Blake: Chapter 19

The second Blake dropped into the car, he called Callum. The guy was still at Blue Halo Security and would be able to find the information he needed.

Callum answered on the first ring. “Blake.”

“I need an address for a guy called Rob. I don’t have a last name or a car registration or anything else. I just know that he lives in Ketchum, and is completing an online Bachelor of Education degree through Strayer University.”

The clicking of a keyboard sounded over the line. “Give me five. I’ll call you back.”

Blake nodded, already driving toward Ketchum. Three minutes later, his phone rang.

“Rob Clark. I found him through Willow’s Facebook page, then dug deep into places I’m not supposed to for an address. He lives at five Batter Road, Ketchum.”

Blake quickly typed the address into his GPS, pressing his foot harder on the gas. “Thanks.”

“And he works at a local pizza shop, Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill.”

He committed the name to memory. “Got it.”

“You need me to come with you?”

“No. I’m almost there. But I’ll call if I need backup.”

It didn’t take Blake long to get to the house. When he did, he parked out front before moving to the door and pounding his fist against the wood. His muscles were vibrating with fury. It was only his years of training that kept his anger under wraps.

When the door didn’t open, he took a moment to listen, detecting the single heartbeat inside.

Another pulse of anger shot through him. He banged harder. “I can hear you, and if you don’t open the door right the fuck now, I’m going to smash it down.”

He wasn’t even joking. He’d go to the end of the goddamn world to make sure his family was safe. A wooden door was hardly a barrier.

A beat of silence. Blake lifted his hand, seconds from breaking the lock, when slow footsteps sounded from the other side. The door opened and a man wearing jeans and a baggy black hoodie stood in front of him.

Blake recognized him immediately. The other guy from Willow’s study group, Toby.

“Where’s Rob?” The words hissed through his teeth.

Toby opened and closed his mouth before speaking. “I-I don’t know.”

The guy’s heart kicked at the words, his pupils dilating.


Blake took a threatening step forward, but the guy quickly held up a hand, retreating. “Okay, fine, I do! He’s at Lefty’s Bar and Grill, grabbing lunch with Janet.”

This time, the guy spoke the truth. His lucky fucking day, because Blake wouldn’t have hesitated to get his answer another way. “Good. Don’t even think about texting or calling anyone. If you do, I’ll be back—and you’ll be fucking sorry.”

Yeah, that was a threat. He knew he was being an asshole, but when it came to Willow’s life, he couldn’t afford to be anything else.

At the guy’s frantic nod, Blake turned, storming back toward his car. It took two minutes to reach the bar. Two minutes too long.

Pulling the car to a stop in the parking lot, he climbed out, slamming the door after him. The moment he stepped inside the small bar, he scanned the tables, spotting the guy immediately.

Janet was the first to look up, fry pausing midway to her mouth, lips separating.

Fear. That’s what he saw on her face. Blake was sure he looked as murderous as he felt.

He was beside Rob in a second, tugging him from the seat by the collar of his sweatshirt and shoving him against the wall. The guy’s eyes widened, mouth dropping open.

“Was it you?” Blake’s loud words boomed through the bar.

He fit the description to a T. Just a few inches shorter than Blake. Dark brown eyes. Wide shoulders. And he had motive. Hell, being rejected, only to have the woman choose a guy you thought wasn’t even human, was all the motive Rob needed.

The bar silenced around them, even the music turned off. A few sharp gasps penetrated the quiet.

The guy’s face lost all color, terror filling his eyes. “W-what?”

Blake inched closer so that he could just about smell the guy’s fear. “Don’t fucking mess with me. Did you go to Willow’s house today, put a cloth soaked in chloroform over her mouth, and try to kidnap her?”

If he actually said yes, Blake wasn’t sure what he’d do—or whether he had the strength to rein in his anger.

The sound of the door opening barely pierced Blake’s focus.

“No! I…it wasn’t me.”

Blake studied his face. His eyes. Listened to his heartbeat. Looking for something, any sign of deceit.

There was none. He was telling the truth.

Blake’s next breath was more of a hiss.

No. That couldn’t be right. It had to be him. There were no other suspects. No one else who had expressed an interest in Willow and a dislike for him.

A shaky female voice spoke quietly behind him. “He’s telling the truth.”

Blake looked over at Janet.

“We’ve been here all day.” Even though she looked nervous, there was also something else in her eyes. Hate. “Studying and eating.”

Blake clenched his jaw, fingers refusing to release Rob.

“She’s right, they have.” This time it was the bartender who spoke up, the same woman who’d been serving last weekend.

A strong hand grabbed Blake’s arm.

Callum. He didn’t say anything. Not out loud.

The guy must have tracked him down using the GPS on his phone. Not surprising. He’d probably sounded crazed. Hell, he felt like his hold on sanity was barely there right now.

Blake turned back to Rob, dipping his head. “Stay away from her.”

There was a small flash of anger across the guy’s face. The first emotion other than fear. Then it was gone.

Blake released him, stepping back. Then he moved across the bar, shoving the door open and stepping into the late afternoon. He scrubbed two hands over his face, wanting to yell. To kick something. Punch his fist through a brick wall.

“It may not have been him,” Callum said quietly, “but we’ll find whoever did this.”

Blake shook his head. “Who else could it be? She works and studies from home. After the other night at the bar, I was so sure it was him.” Or maybe he’d just wanted it to be Rob. Because he’d be able to eliminate the threat quickly. “If it’s not him…”

Callum stepped closer. “Then it’s someone else. Someone else we’ll hunt down and bury.”

Yeah, that was the only way this was going to end. With her attacker deep in the ground.

Willow woke slowly to the sound of soft voices in another room.

She peeled her eyes open, and for the first time in days, her head actually felt clear. Nausea didn’t well in her stomach and confusion didn’t muddy her mind.

She had no idea what day it was, or what time, but she did know that she was at Blake’s house. Had been at Blake’s house since being discharged from the hospital.

She drew back the sheets and cautiously sat up. No dizziness. She almost sighed in relief.

Easing her feet to the floor, she tested her legs with a little bit of weight. When that seemed okay, she stood slowly, keeping a firm hold on the bed. Her knees didn’t wobble, her ankles didn’t threaten to collapse.

Carefully, she let go of the bed.

Thank God. She could stand and think clearly. She really was on the mend this time. She’d woken at various times, always feeling sick.

Moving gingerly across the room, she used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and tugged her hair into a quick ponytail. She could use a shower but didn’t want to test her legs for that long. Not yet. Plus, she wanted to see Mila.

How was her daughter doing? Was she worried? Sad?

Throwing one of Blake’s baggy sweaters over her head, she moved out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

An immediate smile stretched her dry lips. The smile felt unfamiliar and rusty after days in bed. But it also felt good.

Blake was holding Mila in one arm, an open bag of chocolate chips in his other hand. Mila was grabbing the chocolate chips and sprinkling them onto pancakes. Every time her hand dipped into the bag, she snuck one into her mouth, and Blake tickled her tummy with his mouth.

Her little laugh echoed through the room.

Willow’s heart swelled.

When Mila came up from another bout of laughter, Blake turned around. Mila’s eyes widened seconds before she was wriggling out of his hold and running toward her.

“Careful, Mila.”

Blake’s words came seconds before the collision of Mila hurtling into her arms, almost sending them backward. Willow only just saved herself. Then she was holding her daughter closely, shutting her eyes and breathing her in.

Any time she’d been semi-conscious over the last few days, there had been one thing on her mind. One thing she’d been so unbelievably grateful for.

That Mila hadn’t been with her.

If she’d been home during the attack…

No. Willow couldn’t think about that. It was too hard. Too terrifying.

She opened her eyes at Blake’s kiss against her temple. His gaze was soft as he gave her a look before he walked back to the frying pan.

“Are you feeling better, Mama? Daddy said you were sick again.”

Sick…so they hadn’t told her the truth. Good. Mila deserved to feel safe. “So much better, baby. But I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. Daddy and I made you some chocolate chip pancakes to make you feel better.”

“Mm. That does sound like something that could make me feel better. Although I think I saw someone stealing some of those chocolate chips.”

Mila giggled. The sound was medicine. “I won’t admit to anything! Daddy taught me that.”

Willow chuckled. Good Lord, the kid was going to grow up to be a mini-Blake.

When she glanced up, the man in question cleared his throat, focusing way too intently on the pancakes.

Willow took a seat at the island, lifting Mila into her arms and holding her on her lap. To be honest, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be letting the kid go. “What have you and Daddy been up to?”

Mila tilted her head. “We did some painting. And Daddy helped me with my homework. We made my favorite pasta for dinner last night. Oh, and I made you a card!”

All too soon, she was wriggling out of Willow’s arms and running down the hall.

Immediately, Blake was in front of her, like he’d been waiting to get her alone. “How are you feeling?” There was a new intensity to the way he looked at her. Like he was scared she’d disappear before his eyes.

She reached up, holding his cheek. “Better. Have you, uh, found the guy?”

The second the question left her lips, she knew the answer. The air of anger and disappointment fused his features. “Not yet. But we will.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but hesitated.

Her heart sped up, her gut telling her it was nothing good. “What is it?”

“The day it happened, I paid your friend Rob a visit. I shoved him against a wall at the bar. I thought it was him.”

“But it wasn’t.” She wasn’t sure if it was a question or a statement.

She actually didn’t know the guy well enough to say that it was or wasn’t. And this incident had knocked her faith in people. She’d like to think she would have recognized his eyes, but the truth was, fear had made it difficult to even think. All she’d been able to concentrate on was escape.

“No. It wasn’t.” He sighed. Was he disappointed?

She gave a small nod. “Has Mila been back to school?”

“No. But I’ve spoken to the principal and we’re going to station some of the guys there so she can go back, just so her life isn’t too disrupted. She’ll be protected, I promise.”

“I believe you. And I trust your team.” Suddenly she straightened, remembering something. “Wait—you’re supposed to be away on your mission!”

A small frowned tugged his brows together. “You think I’d leave you when you need me?”

“But you’ve spent so long planning and preparing. And one of the other guys could have protected me while you were gone.”

Something fierce and primal flashed over his features. “I’ll be here to protect you until we find the asshole who hurt you. I will take him down. You and Mila are my priority.”

Something ticked in her chest. A little flutter. A little more of her heart being taken back by the man she loved.

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