Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Desperate Situation

The Serpent's fists were clenched tightly at her side as she stared across the gap that distanced her from the redheaded boy. She was certain that annoying spark had been nothing more than a dying ember when she last struck him – that should surely have killed this idiot. And yet, here the boy was, standing before her once more, grinning as he stared confidently back at her. The child shifted his stance slightly, hefting the blade in front of him as his green-haired companion turned and dashed off. The beast had no doubt the girl was heading to try and help her companions. If this flame-headed fool really thought she'd be given that sort of time, he was a bigger moron than even the Arctican that accompanied him.

The Serpent released her form, her body splashing against the strange spongy surface on which she stood. In a flash of consciousness, the whole room came into view for the disassembled serpent as every ounce of water the comprised the area suddenly became all at once part of her. With little effort, she demonic creature pooled her self before the Thornian girl, rising like a dragon from the sea in front of the tomboy. The look of shock and fear in the girl's eyes was exhilarating as she struggled to stop herself, her feet beginning to slip on the floor. Once more, Ilayda's beast surged forward to strike, putting her whole body into the attack as she sought to pierce the fearful child before her.

Just as she was about to strike – to finally open a wound on this frustratingly elusive target, she was once again stopped. A strange sensation rippled through her aquatic form for a mere moment before that small ripple surged into an immense swell, shattering her liquid body instantly as it exploded outward. The beast screamed – more out of shock than from pain – as the droplets that composed her showered down across the floor, the girl, and that accursed redhead.

"Sorry, but she's off-limits." Flare turned as he spoke, sensing the bulging mound of water rising a few feet behind him, the swell slowly taking shape into the alluring form of The Water Realm's Divine Beast. "You'll just have to settle for me."

Flare let out a held breath, trying to hide the relief that flowed over him as Ivy turned and continued her dash away safely. For a moment, he hadn't been sure he was going to make it in time to save the girl. The speed at which this monster could move was alarming – astounding, really. He took pride in his own speed – he knew few that were quicker than he was – but it was almost as if this demon could move instantly through the water.

"Settle for you?" The Serpent finished reforming, flipping her head up as she calmly stood erect, staring at the boy. "I don't have to settle for anything. I'll happily kill you first, though!"

With startling agility, the beast's arm shot out, transforming into a liquid spear as it burst toward the flame warrior's chest. Flare quickly swung up, spinning the Flame Sword in a crescent before him, just barely in time to catch the edge of deadly thrust. As his edge of his weapon brushed the liquid lance, it let loose a powerful burst, shattering the water that composed the strike, evaporating a good portion of it instantly.

The Serpent shouted – again, more from shock than pain – and pulled back the dripping limb, turning her magic to it for a moment as she focused on regenerating the damaged portion. All the while, her eyes stared through the clearing smoke and flames at the stone gaze that redheaded warrior was shooting back at her.

Across the way, Flare let out a relaxed sigh, shifting his weight once more as he tried to prepare for whatever might come next. He had acted liked a big shot telling Ivy to head off and leave him alone – he had to make sure he survived until she came back, at the very least. Against a beast of this level, though, he knew it wasn't going to be easy. Especially when he was elementally weak against this monster. Grip tightening on his blade, Flare pressed forward, bursting toward The Serpent. He would have to make a way.

Meanwhile, Ivy tried her best to ignore the series of explosions and splashes that rang out behind her, trying not to even let herself glance back at the chaos she was hearing. She knew if she turned – if she looked – then she might be tempted to rush back and try and help. Or, even worse, she might be enthralled by whatever she saw and not even be able to move. Either way, it wasn't going to help her accomplish the task set before her: helping and healing her friends.

The tomboy knew there wasn't much she could contribute to this battle – not how she was at that moment. The little she had done – pulling Frost away from death or trying to protect Myst – that was about the extent of her capabilities. She didn't know yet how to summon up massive bursts of magic from her sword like the arctic fool could, and she had no magic to channel through her blade like the nymph. She also didn't have the skill or the courage to hold off a Divine beast on her own like Flare. But this – healing her friends – this she, at least, could do.

Ivy pounded to a stop as she approached Myst, giving the young girl a pained stare as she stopped at her side. The nymph paused from trying to pull herself free to look up at Ivy, a noticeable sense of tension and terror draining away from the girl as she realized it was just the tomboy at her side. Still, seeing the tears streaming down the girl's cheeks, Ivy's chest tightened. It was almost as if the young mage was transmitting her pain straight into her pupils.

"H-hold on, I'll get you free!" Ivy stuttered slightly as she clamored around to wrap her free hand about the Arctic Blade. As her palm gripped the handle of the weapon, she instantly felt the power of the sword surge through her. It was an incredible surge of strength, and a completely different feeling than the one she got when she held her own Thorn Cutter. It was cold and vast, sending a chilling wave down her spine. Yet, at the same time, it was very comforting in her hands. It made her feel inexplicably strong and sturdy – as if she could stand up to The Serpent's assault and kept going. The sensation distracted the young girl for a moment, tantalizing her until a holler from Myst brought her back.


The tomboy gasped, shaking her head slightly as she turned her eyes away from the translucent blade and toward the suffering nymph.

"S-sorry!" The tomboy apologized, quickly placing her own blade back at her waist before wrapping both hands around the Arctic Blade's grip. That sensation it gave her increased as she did, and for a moment Ivy felt like she could understand why Frost would rush headlong into whatever without a second – or sometimes even a first – thought. Ivy quickly shook the thought from her head though as she pulled up on the sword, attempting to free her friend. The instant she began, though, Myst also started screaming in agony, causing the young girl to stop.

"I-I'm sorry!" Ivy stuttered, letting go of the sword entirely.

"N-no…" Myst paused, taking deep labored breaths as she hung her head down, shaking it weakly. "Don't stop…"

"B-but…" Ivy bit at her lower lip, staring down at the young girl as Myst flung her head up towards here.

"I'll bare it! So just keep pulling!"

Ivy blinked, staring into the conviction that pooled in the mage's eyes. Despite the pain the girl would receive – despite the pain Ivy was about to cause her – the tomboy understood she didn't have the right to refuse. Furrowing her brow, Ivy reached out to the blade once more, wrapping her fingers about it, and pulled with everything she had. Again, Myst screamed out in agony as she began, the girl clenching her eyes closed as she tried to fight through the pain, tears pouring down her cheeks as the scene went on, but despite the effort Ivy was exerting, the sword wouldn't budge. After a few moments of trying, Ivy paused, taking in a few deep breaths as the nymph's hollers calmed.

"I… I can't." Ivy clenched her teeth, cursing herself and her own weakness. "I can't pull it out."

"Yes you can!"

Ivy gasped, turning her attention back to the nymph as the young girl cried out between sobs.

"Don't you dare stop, Ivy!" Myst flung her head up yet again, locking eyes with her compatriot. "You can do it! You just need to take control of the sword – make it follow you!"

"Wh-what…" Ivy paused, looking back down at the weapon still grasped in her hands.

"It's the ice that's stopping you…" Myst stated, her voice calming slightly now that the surge of pain had lessened. "Use the blade… make it deal with the ice, first."

Ivy was sure she had absolutely no idea how to do what Myst was telling her to do, but…


Ivy closed her eyes, focusing on the energy she felt flowing through the sword into her. This blade was just like hers, she assumed. It had to at least work on the same principle. The Thorn Cutter always responded to her will – to her imagination. If she could conceive it, the sword would make it a reality, so she was sure the same was true of this blade. And what she needed right now, was for the ice around it to break – for the sword to remove itself from Myst's hands. She formed the picture of it in her mind – of the ice shattering – of Myst's freedom and then…

A shattering sound filled the young girl's ears, brining a proud smile to her face as she flipped her eyes open. What she saw, though, caused her to instantly release the hilt of The Arctic Blade in her grasp.

Myst's hands were free – a large bloody gap in each of them as the girl quickly pulled them both against her chest – cradling them. But it was not that sight that alarmed the Thornian girl. She had succeeded in breaking the ice, but she had also shattered the sword. The Arctic Blade's strange translucent blade was gone – nothing more than a pile of tiny ice crystals resting on the ground, slowly melting as they mingled with the warm water that lay there.

"What… what did I do!" Ivy screamed, flipping her head up to look at Myst for answers. The nymph stared at the empty hilt, now lying on the floor, a mixture of pain and confusion mingling in her eyes. It was obvious she was as alarmed about the scene as Ivy was, despite her injuries.

"I… I don't know… but…" Myst shook her head. She certainly understood the horror of what had just happened – they had just lost one of their blades – but… at that exact moment, she wasn't sure she fully cared. It might have been selfish, but…

"I don't know, but… please, Ivy, heal me."

The girl's hands shook as she held them out in front of her, pressing them toward the terrified tomboy. Ivy, still panicked, turned her gaze to the girl's injuries, gritting her teeth. Her mind still raced with the implications of her actions, but – as she stared at those gaping wounds – she decided to put that matter aside. She still had two friends that needed her help.

The swordswoman reached to hip, pulling free the Mystic Blade resting there, quickly pointing its sharpened end at Myst's palms. The double-helix blades quivered momentarily before splitting apart and planting themselves into the nymph's palms – one on each hand. Instantly that familiar green glow began to flow down the lengths of the blades, infusing the girl on the receiving end with nurturing energy.


The piercing screech was the only warning either of the girls had as The Serpent burst from the ground at their side, quickly forming from the erupting geyser of water that composed her. Myst and Ivy gasped, neither of them prepared to counter or even dodge as the Thorn Cutter remained lodged in the mage's open palms – restoring them. It was fortunate, then, that the aquatic form of the beast exploded out in a burst of steam and splash of water the next instant.

Flare breathed heavily, his sword still thrust forward as a spray of heated water crashed over his face. The damn beast… she refused to ignore his friends.

"Sorry about that." Flare stated quickly, suddenly swinging his blade down at the floor. Once more it exploded, and the group was met by a gurgling scream in the same instant. "Didn't mean to interrupt."

Despite his own intentions, though, The Serpent seemed set to do just that. The redhead grunted, gritting his teeth as a surge of water rose up all around the three of them, pulsing in from every angle simultaneously. He cursed to himself, looking down at Myst and Ivy – with them there, he couldn't just blow the enclosing liquid away with a blast like he otherwise would. Lucky for the flame warrior, though, there was no need to.

Spinning up – pulling her hands free from Ivy's healing blade – Myst thrust her palms out, shouting as she expanded her power. The water around them crashed against her mystical influence, fluctuating there a moment as Myst strained herself to push it away. The Serpent's attack pulsed back though, slowly pressing in, the force much stronger than she had remembered. It was only when she recalled that she no longer held the amplifying strength of her sword that she realized why.

"I… I can't…" Myst scrunched her brow, summoning up every ounce of strength she had to try and push the water away, but against the divine power The Serpent had been gifted with…

"Then don't!" Flare reached out, grabbing Ivy about the wrist. The tomboy released a startled shout as Flare pulled her to her feet, swinging his blade toward the encroaching sphere of water, blasting it apart, if only for a moment. But a moment was all he needed to gruffly toss the girl in his grip free from the circle. He moved quickly as the water filled in the gap, knowing he'd have to act fast if he wanted to evacuate Myst the same way.

"What about you!" Myst shouted as Flare wrapped his fingers around her arm.

"I'll be fine!" Flare yelled, turning toward the watery wall once more.

"W-wait!" Myst protested, stretching downward as she tried to maintain her influence of the surging sphere, moving her fingers to grasp the hilt of the destroyed Arctic Blade. She had little time to say or doing anything else, though, as once more the boy tried to blast an escape route. The hole was much smaller this time, though, as The Serpent quickly moved the water to fill in the gap. But it would be enough as Flare flung Myst toward the small hole, trusting the nymph to protect herself.

Myst felt the cool waves brush briefly against her skin before her own magical strength pushed them away. The nymph stumbled briefly as she left the sphere, feeling the water surge past her to encase her friend. She quickly spun once she was sure she was free, watching as water continued to build around the Flamian, pressing tight against his body. Despite the building pressure, though, the redhead forced himself to raise an arm, waving her away – urging her to go help Frost. She refocused her vision on the other side of the sphere, spying Ivy as the green-haired girl gave their friend that same troubled, pained look she was. It was obvious neither of them felt comfortable rushing away and leaving him… but they did it anyway.

Flare was nearly tempted to let out a relieved sigh as he saw Myst turn and rush off, toward the distant Frost, but he thought better of it as the water pressure continued to build. The girls were out of trouble, but now he had to save himself. The swirling vortex was doing its best to constrict his movements, preventing him from swinging the blade in his hand, and in turn preventing him from causing it to explode upon contact with anything. But the Serpent was a fool is she thought that'd be enough to stop him. This wasn't the first time he'd been caught like this – his mind racing back to the battle at Sentry Bay. It was time to take that strategy to the next level… though he was pretty sure the next level was going to hurt.

Ivy stumbled as a powerful force struck her back, propelling her forward as a wave of heat washed over her. The young girl nearly tripped over herself as she struggled to keep moving forward, fighting the urge to look behind her and see what had just happened. At the very least, she knew – whatever it was – it had been caused by Flare. So she could only hope it meant the redhead was still okay as she rejoined with Myst, focused on their foolish friend in the distance. It was only then, as she turned her focus back to Frost, that Ivy suddenly remembered her mistake, and realized she had made another one.

"Crap! The blade!" Ivy cursed at herself, about to turn back to grab the useless hilt.

"I've got it." Myst countered before she could, holding the bladeless sword up for Ivy to see. "Don't worry."

Ivy frowned – relieved she hadn't left the relic lying on the floor, but still upset that the blade was gone. She wondered inwardly as she started forward what could have caused the sword to shatter like it had – if it really had been her that had done it. And if that was the case, how had she done it.

"Do you think… do you think it's just dormant like Flare's sword was?' Ivy inquired, unable to ignore the matter as they both dashed forward. "Do you think maybe it just expended too much energy and needs to rest like the Flame Sword?"

"I don't know." Myst shook her head as they continued forward, their quick steps resonating with a splash each time they struck the ground. "Hopefully Frost will know."

The tomboy's frown deepened as she thought about telling the arctic warrior she had – somehow – destroyed the fool's supposedly indestructible magical weapon. She could only imagine the grief the fool would give her. And the worst part was that she knew she'd deserve it.

"Frost! Are you okay!"

Myst called out to the fair-hair as they drew close, seeing the agonizing look that griped the boy. Ivy grimaced, staring at the veins in the boy's forehead as they bulged beneath his skin, the fool's muscles tightening and bulging as he strained to remove the sword that kept him bound to the Water Realm's wall.

"Oh, yeah. Just peachy." Frost chocked out through clenched teeth, releasing his grip on the constricting weapon as he did. "Can't you tell by the sword plunged through my hand and the relaxed expression plastered on my face?"

"No need for sarcasm." Myst glowered, pausing to stare at the hilt of her sword.

"Then don't ask stupid questions." Frost shouted back, breathing heavily as he let himself collapse on the floor – all but his pinned hand, anyhow. "That's my job, anyway."

"Just give me a moment and I'll get this out." Myst replied, stretching her arm towards the handle herself.

"No! Don't touch it!" Frost screamed, slapping the girls' hand away.


"The energy from the barrier is surging through it!" Frost warned, cutting of Ivy's protest. "If you grab it, it'll flow into you too!"

"I wasn't planning on—"

"Myst! Watch out!"

The two girls suddenly spun where they stood, hearing the panic shout of their redheaded compatriot from somewhere behind them. The warrior was still a good deal away, giving credence to the warning he tried to relay as their eyes fell upon the gigantic surge of water that was pulsing towards them, its surface somehow coated in swirling spears of liquid.

Myst acted quickly, stretching one hand behind her and one hand forward as she mentally called for her blade. She had originally hoped to be a little gentler in removing the sword from her friend's hands, but time was of the essence as the swell barreled down upon them. With a telepathic call to her sword, Myst ripped the weapon from its spot, harkening a chilling scream from the fair-haired boy it was impaling. The moment the hilt of the weapon touched her flesh, the nymph felt the familiar surge of aquatic energy flow through her, mingling with her own power as she let out a mighty shout. As if frightened by her roar, the approaching wave recoiled, splashing backwards where it hung only a moment before it was crushed with a downward swing of the Aqua Saber.

"Ivy! Help Frost!" Myst gave the order as she dashed forward, eyes glued on the flashes of fire and heat that were ringing out not too far out from where they were.

Flare grunted, leaping about as he swung his blade almost hap hazardously about, crashing it against the dozens of liquid spears that were shooting at him from all direction. It had been nearly five minutes since he'd even seen The Serpent – the beast hiding somewhere in the water that surrounded him, an inseparable portion or if, as far as he was concerned. Thus far, he had somehow managed to hold off the beast's deadly strikes, despite his disadvantages, but he had a feeling that time was quickly coming to an end as a few of the liquid lances scraped across his skin, barely avoiding actually skewering him. Each second that past, though, they were getting closer and closer to actually hurting him – though he hated to admit it, they were forcing him into an indefensible position. So it was with great elation and relief that the redheaded warrior welcomed Myst as the nymph leapt into his vision, forcing her palms outward. It took only a moment for the recovered nymph to force the water away, crashing it back to the floor from which it came as Flare staggered to her side, breathing heavily.

"Frost?" He questioned as he turned, looking about for any sign of The Serpent's attacks.

"Ivy's handling it." Myst replied, taking in a calming breath as she placed her back against Flare's. She only hoped the girl would be quick about it.

Ivy raised her head, glancing over toward Myst and Flare as her sword did its work, somehow lamenting the girl's decision to rush off. Now she was left with the awkward task of explaining the boy's shattered sword all on her own.

"Thanks… again." Frost stated, pulling Ivy's attention back toward him. "I think I've lost track of the number of times you've helped me out today."

"It's nothing…" Ivy replied, chewing nervously on her lower lip as she looked down at the Artican's palm – it was very nearly healed.

"Right." The fool replied, raising his head, his strength beginning to return to him. He would hate to admit it, but he was really glad the girl was around. If it wasn't for her healing ability, he had no doubt this battle would have already been over – along with all of their lives. "By the way, where's my sword?"

Ivy fidgeted anxiously as Frost asked the question, gripping the hilt of the Arctic Blade tightly in the hand hidden behind her back. There was no way to avoid it now…

"Well… you see…" Ivy slowly brought the hilt out, exposing it to Frost as the Arctican stared absently at it. "I kind of… well…"

"Oh… the blade broke." Frost stated with an eerily calm tone, reaching out quite casually to pull it from Ivy's grasp. "You do that? Or was it Myst?"

"It… it was me." Ivy replied guiltily as her sword finally finished healing the boy, pulling itself back into its normal shape.

"Heh… I remember the first time I did that, too." Frost responded, grinning slightly as he stood up.

"The first…" Ivy felt a wave of excitement wash over her, replacing the shame she had moments ago been feeling. "Then this is normal!"

"Not… normal…" Frost replied, giving the girl a curious look. "I haven't done it in quite a while… but it happens."

Before Ivy had a chance to question what the boy meant, Frost swung the empty hilt toward the ground. As he did, a translucent blade grew from the guard, restoring the Mystic Blade back to its original form.

"Scared the hell out of me the first time I did it." Frost laughed, checking the blade with a few quick swings.

Tell me about it, Ivy thought, letting out a thankful sigh as she returned to her feet.

"Come on then." Frost called, dashing off as Ivy stood. "It looks like they need our help!"

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