Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Departure

Frost yawned, stretching as his body unwillingly plodded forward, splashing across the damp surface of the strange island that had once marked The Serpent's Lair. The white-haired teen smacked his lips, trying to get rid of the taste of sleep that filled his mouth as he lazily peered to the side, staring at the massive snake that still rested motionless across the wave-like isle. Though he was too tired to show it, he was relieved to find it was still lying their lifeless and hadn't wandered off somewhere in the middle of the night.

"Can I go back to bed?" The lethargic fool turned, glancing ahead as the backs of his friend's heads as he struggled to keep his eyes open. "It's way too early for this."

"It's almost noon, Frost." Myst sighed, shooting the boy an annoyed glance as she continued forward.

"Yeah. Almost." Frost yawned, stretching once more. "I wasn't planning on getting up until at least noon. But you bastards woke me up anyway."

"I told you we were leaving early!" Myst shouted back, irritated. "I told you not to stay up late!"

"I didn't!" The Arctician replied defensively, pouting as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You were up until nearly sunrise." Ivy glowered back at the boy, her eyes looking as droopy and sleep-deprived as Frost's. "I know because you wouldn't shut the hell up."

"I was just excited!" The arctic teen replied. "I mean, I beat The Serpent yesterday. It's kind of a big deal."

"You beat The Serpent?" Myst glared back at the boy.

"Well… you guys helped a little." Frost shrugged indifferently. "I guess."

Flare laughed, looking back at the white haired teen as he reached the edge of the barrier, staring back at his friends and The Blue Priest as they gathered there.

"Well thanks, Frost." Flare stated, playing along with the fool. "I thought we just got in your way, really, but I'm glad to hear we helped a little."

"Honestly, you all really did just slow me down." Frost responded, once again shrugging apathetically. "But I know you just wanted to be involved, so I forgive you."

"I'm about to punch you until your mouth stops working." Ivy threatened idly, glowering at the annoying idiot.

"Tell you what, Frost." Flare grinned. "Next time, we'll just let you handle it, alright? Wouldn't want to get in your way."

"Oh, that sounds good!" Myst beamed, nodding her head as she shot the fool a malicious grin. "I'm sure an incredible hero such as yourself would find the acceptable, right?"

"Of course!" Frost declared confidently, smiling. "Sounds like a plan. You guys can just sit back and watch me work my magic in the next realm!"

"I'm suddenly very excited to make it to the next Divine Beast." Ivy grinned evilly, staring at the idiot amongst them. "I can't see this going badly at all."

The Blue Priest laughed, highlighting the carefree moment as he reached the edge of the realm with the rest of them, staring at the Magical Barrier that separated The Water Realm from the next realm over. The Blue Priest turned his eyes to the magical wall, following the edge of it upward until it seemed to blend into the sky above – reflecting the calm clouds that were sprinkling a light misting of rain down upon them once more. The priest had seen this wall countless times during his life after dozens upon dozens of journeys to hear The Serpent's edicts. But this was the first time he could remember looking at it and feeling a sense of hope – of freedom – rather than feeling as if he were caged in with a ferocious beast.

The semi-rigid structure wavered only slightly, barely shifting back and forth at all as the portions of it that were close enough shimmered with varied hues of red light, blocking the area on the other side of it from view – hiding the tunnel that the Bladesman of Water was about to reopen.

"I suppose this is it, then." The Blue Priest spoke, lowering his gaze to look at each warrior in turn, showing them a smile he felt couldn't properly represent his gratitude. "I must thank you again."

"Not necessary." The redhead replied, waving away the appreciation. "We just did what we had to."

"Nu-huh, screw that!" Frost shouted. "We totally deserve gratitude for going out of our way like this. I'll take mine in the form of cash, food, and attractive women."

The Arctican paused, blinking as he turned to stare at Ivy. The green-haired girl began to turn red as she instinctively brought her arms up to cover her chest from the boys view.

"What!" She shouted, scowling at the white-haired teen.

"On second thought," Frost turned back to the Blue Priest, motioning toward Ivy. "If you could get her to walk around in her nightie again for a while, we'll call it even."

"It wasn't a nightie!" Ivy screamed, her face now turning red with anger.

Flare laughed, stepping up to The Blue Priest as he extended his hand toward the man.

"A handshake will suffice." The redhead displayed a friendly smile and kind eyes to the man he had once fought. The Blue Priest returned the gesture, extending his hand out to grant the boy's request.

"Your fee is steep, but I think I can manage it." The priest joked, grinning. "Thank you all again."

"Was nothin'!" Flare widened his grin as he turned away, looking toward Myst. "Let's get this show on the road!"

The nymph smiled, nodding to the redhead as she raised her hand, freeing her blade from its sheath at her side. The gently undulating edge of the sword slid free easily, twisting through the air before it was pointed – once again – at the shimmering wall of magic. With a gentle nudge – no longer afraid of the possibility of a shock – Myst quickly slid the sword into the wall, twisting it to unlock the path. The same circle appeared on the shining surface before falling away to reveal a long tunnel stretching out behind it.

"Alright, let's get going!" Frost shouted, rushing forward. "To the Ice Realm!"

"It better not be the Ice Realm." Ivy pouted, shivering as she followed behind the excited fool. "I'll kill you if it is Frost."

"Kill me!" Frost let out a loud, confident laugh. "Little girl, do you not know who I am! I am the warrior who single-handedly beat The Serpent without even using a single hand! I no-handedly beat her!"

"Your exploits are the thing of legends." Flare laughed, following the other two in. "Sir… might I be your pupil?"

"Of course!" Frost shouted back. "I'll be glad to take you under my wing, little ember-headed boy. The first lesson: claim credit for everything that happens, even if you aren't involved!"

Myst grinned, shaking her head as she stared in at her friends, feeling the same sense of completeness she had the day before. She felt confident she could face any danger as long as those three were there with her. They might be foolish or still learning or just plain nuts, but… she wouldn't trade any of them.

"Good luck!"

Myst turned, staring back as The Blue Priest smiled and nodded at her. The nymph was silent a moment, unsure how to accept the gracious smile he was presenting her with. She had grown so used to people looking down on her – especially people from her realm – that having someone like him thank her was still foreign. But here he was telling her – a witch – good luck, and wishing her the best. She couldn't help but laugh as she nodded.


"Hey Myst!"

The nymph spun as Flare called out to her, finding the boy and her other friends waiting a few dozen feet into the tunnel.

"Let's go!"

"Be right there!" Myst smiled as she shouted back before turning to face The Blue Priest once more.

"Please, if you can," Myst started, looking at the kind face the priest was showing her, "let my mother know I'm alright and…"

She paused, wondering if she should make sure news of her father – of Calder – got passed on to that man's wife too.

"… And tell her I'll see her later."

Myst spun, rushing into the tunnel to meet with her friends. It would be better, she thought, if she was actually the one to tell her mother what had happened – what the man had said and done in those last moments. Even if it meant it had to wait, it would be better.

"I will!" The Blue Priest yelled after her. "And thank you all again!"

And with that, the hole in the magical barrier began to close, sealing the warrior's path back. They had no choice but to move forward, but that was fine – because they had no desire but to move forward as well.

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