Black Ice-Completed

Chapter 26

They moved through the swamp quickly as Nyota watched where Avia stepped. Nyota didn’t want to ask too many questions. She knew the other woman didn’t want to train her with the sword. But questions bubbled up, where were they going? Where did Avia learn how to use a sword herself? What was the stick looking thing in her belt?

But Nyota kept silent and was glad she did as Avia pulled back some bushes and a large house appeared before them.

The house was old, so much so that part of it was crumbling into the river and the other part was covered in vines and ivy, as if the swamp was trying to retake it.

Voicing her thoughts, Avia turned around and laughed, “That’s because it is. This house used to belong to an old swamp Kar. He helped run the slaver auctions. Then one day all Aabaylon broke loose. His slaves were in revolt and had gotten many weapons,” Avia purred as she caressed the stick at her waist, “Needless to say the old Kar was killed, the slaves and people ran off and the house was forgotten to the swamp.”

Nyota watched Avia continue to stroke the stick with a frown, “Did you kill him?”

Avia gave a small smirk as her lilac eyes flashed to Nyota’s emerald, “First thing to learn hun, never ask another person outright if they killed someone. That’s a sure way of getting yourself killed, and no, I was indisposed at that time but a message was left that the deed was done for me.”

Nyota nodded silently as they made their way into the house. As they entered Nyota about came face to face with a giant kroskisk bull. She felt herself pulled quickly away by Avia.

“Yeah, avoid that direction whenever you come in. Brash isn’t too picky at what he eats,” Avia said with a laugh and Nyota watched the beast whip its tail back and forth as it slowly back himself into the water, his beady eyes never leaving Nyota.

Following Avia deeper into the house, they came upon a room that had to be the kitchen. The ovens were huge and had all been lit when the house was in use. Now only one oven blazed. Pots and pans laid strewn about, some clean but many were dirty.

“Damn it Lily!” Avia growled as she picked up a dirty pan, “I was only gone for a week!” Avia sighed and looked at Nyota seriously, “Never bunk with an Amazon, they’re worse than dogs!”

Nyota did know what to say or how to take that so kept quiet as she watched Avia go over to a shelf that had an array of bottles. Some looked like wine but some of the bottles held dark amber liquid and others were clear.

Avia grabbed one of the amber liquids and poured a small amount into a glass, instantly shooting it back, she sighed in bliss and then raised an eyebrow at Nyota, “You want one?”

“What is it?” Nyota asked as she went over to Avia who handed her a glass. Sniffing it cautiously as Avia said, “Its whiskey, kind of like wine except stronger. A better burn,” Avia said as she poured herself another glass and shot it back.

Nyota watched Avia swallow it in one gulp and followed suit. She wished she had declined as the liquid went down her throat with a burn, causing her to cough and wheeze. Tears started to stream down from her eyes and Nyota handed the glass back to Avia who sat laughing quietly, “Definitely first time, but it gets better the more you drink. Do you want to try another?”

Nyota was shaking her head as she continued to cough and sputter. She’d rather stick with wine from now on.

Laughing again, Avia started out of the room, “Let’s go find Lily.”

As they headed up the stairs, Nyota looked at the paintings on the wall and felt her cheeks burn at the lewd scenes depicted. Some had couples, others had several women with one man and one had two men with one woman.

As they came upon the first room at the top of the stairs, Avia opened it, “This can be your room. It’ll need aired out and the linens washed but it’s decent.”

Nyota looked around quietly and sat her pack down by the door. It was a beautiful room but its position was terrible. If trouble ever came knocking, Nyota would be the first to know about it.

As they left the room, Nyota followed Avia as they went further down the hall before they came upon a wall that had vines running down its side. Avia pushed aside some of the vines and began banging on the door, “Lily open up, we have company!”

“Is it the killing kind?” called out a sultry voice.

Avia rolled her eyes, damned blood thirsty Amazon, “No! It’s a wolf!”

“Ooh yummy! Are we going to share this time or are you going to keep the cute puppy all to yourself?” called the voice which sounded closer than before.

“I think this puppy will sadly decline sleeping with both of us,” Avia said with a smirk at Nyota as she reclined against the wall.

The door suddenly snapped open and Nyota found herself staring at boobs. “What kind of idiot would decline both of us?” the woman growled as she glared at Avia.

Nyota snapped her head up and found herself staring into brown eyes. The woman was a foot taller than Nyota, with blonde hair that fell to her waist in one long braid.

“The female kind,” Avia said laughing as she watched Nyota’s face, who was staring in awe at the larger woman.

“Oh, well I’m not that picky,” Lily said as she eyed the other woman. Sometimes it was just better to have a woman than a man. Things get too dramatic sometimes.

Nyota coughed and smiled nervously, “I’m afraid I must decline your offer. I have a mate.”

“Pity,” Lily said on a sigh, “Do yourself a favor though and kill him. Otherwise he may end up trying to kill you.” Lily grumped and turned back around to enter her room. With a wave of Lily's hand, Avia started forward and Nyota followed the two in.

She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting out of the Amazon’s room, but weapons and target dummies hadn’t been on her mind. Lily’s room was basically a workout room.

“How long is she staying Avia?” Lily asked as she caressed a few daggers up against the wall.

“Unknown, she wants to be trained in swordplay,” Avia said as she pulled her hair back into a pony tail

Lily turned to Nyota and stared her up and down, with a scoff, she turned back to a dagger and taking it off the wall she flung it into one of the dummies that stood across the room, “And why would we do that?”

Nyota worked hard at not releasing a growl, this woman was all but challenging her and Nyota never let a challenge pass. But as she stepped forward, Avia clamped a hand on her arm and squeezed.

With a shake of her head, Avia looked at Lily and waited in silence until the Amazon’s eyes met her own, “Because she saved my life.”

“Alright,” Lily said then looked at Nyota, “First thing you can do to start your training is to go downstairs and wash the dishes. It’s filthy down there!” She said before turning back to her knives to continue throwing them at dummies.

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