Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 62

Natalia woke to a chorus of noises. There were many excited voices speaking out in the hall

Uri stepped in.

"Good. You're awake. Grazie and the girls are here. You need a potty break first?”

She nodded.

He put Victoria down in a crib. She started fussing immediately.

“Momma needs help first. Wait one moment,” he said while he helped her out of the bed.

His voice did little to subdue her complaint.

She felt stiff.

“The nurse says you should walk a little,” he said.

“Yeah. I'm stiff. I can see that.”

While she used the restroom, she could tell that Uri had picked Victoria back up since she was now quiet. She stepped out into an empty room, but could sense the people in the hall. Her pace was slow when she walked out of the room.

“Nattie,” a couple of voices said together.

Everyone else was quietly ogling Victoria.

Tracy was holding her, looking happy. Zean was at her elbow, along with her other sisters, Jaina and Marian. Grazie's son Grazon was holding on to his father's leg as usual, and Tia's daughter, Theresa was right in with the other girls looking at Victoria. Grazie was holding his daughter Grace.

"Oh, my word. Grace, you're huge,” Natalia said. “She looks like she’s grown up overnight.” “She's six months already,” Grazie said.

The girls giggled. Grace smiled and reached out an arm to Natalia. Her black hair was messy and stuck up in the back.

“Compared to Victoria, she’s big. My word. She's tiny,” Tracy said, cuddling Victoria.

“Eight pounds tiny,” Uri said. “She's a chunker.”

Victoria fussed.

“Don’t you believe him,” Tracy said.

“Look at her hair. I love it,” Zean said. “Will it stay that way?”

“It might darken a little as she gets older,” Natalia said while she shook hands with Grace, who smiled big.

“I hope no one makes fun of her,” Jaina said. “Someone's gonna call her a Specter.”

“That's just a fairy tale. Stop,” Marian said with a frown.

“I think it would be neat to dye it different colors,” Theresa said.

"Anyone different tends to get picked on,” Natalia said. “I think she's feisty enough for the challenge.”

"Once they hear Uri's her father, they won't mess with her,” Zean said. “I'd dye it pink.”

Theresa giggled.

"Walk with me up and down the hall,” Natalia said. “You good with holding Victoria, Tracy?"

“I'm an old pro now. I had lots of practice with Grace.”

Tracy didn't seem like she wanted to give Victoria up. The whole group moved with her.

“You look like you're doing great, Nattie,” Grazie said.

“Thanks. Really stiff, but walking is helping.”

“No one is causing problems?”

This was directed to Uri.

“A snide remark, but that's been it.”

"1 wondered how people would react. You're the first in ages, Nattie, to be Undent and give birth here in this hospital.”

"Apriel Branston was the last Undent who successfully gave birth to a Viperian. That was almost thirty years ago,” Uri said. “This hospital wasn't around yet. In fact, none of us were around then. So Natties the first.”

“You keep looking this good and they'll let you go home tonight.”

“That would be nice,” she said. “I think I'd prefer to be home.”

“So how's the new house?” Uri said.

“I love it,” Zean said.

“So nice,” the other three girls said in unison.

“I got my own room,” Theresa said

"Huge," Grazie said. “If it hadn't been for my resources and Sherri's we would never have gotten into that house.”

“I gave you a good mortgage,” Uri said with a wink.

Natalia knew the girls hadn't caught it.

Considering Grazie and Tia were now a couple and that they both got a cut of the money out of the safe that had been stolen, they weren't hurting for cash.

"How do you like being a full-time father?” she said

“If it wasn't for Tracy, I'd be in trouble. We had to hire two more maids. Thank goodness Pania had some cousins that needed a job. Everything is working out well.”

“No one yells any more,” Tracy said.

“When's Corean due?” Natalia said.

"Any day now," Grazie said. “She's as big as a house, too.”

There were some shushing noises. They had passed another room. Since they weren't speaking Viperian, they were being louder than usual.

“We should be quiet,’ Natalia said.

“I always forget you can speak Viperian,’ Grazie said.

They reached the end of the hall and turned around. Natalia saw that the door from where the shushing noises originated was now closed. A nurse passed, seeming to stare at her for longer than normal. She hoped she could go home that night.

They reached the door to her room. Victoria gave a big yawn. No one said anything, but Natalia again noticed no fangs. How could her daughter be Viperian with no fangs?

“We'll be off, Grazie said. “Take care.’

“Bye, Nattie. Bye, Victoria,’ the girls said.

Tracy handed Victoria over to Uri.

The area became very quiet once they were gone. Natalia did one more lap of the hall. Uri followed with Victoria.

'I see what you mean,” he said. 'l saw her yawn."

“Isn't there another way to see?"

He shrugged.

They reached her room, and she settled back in the bed. Uri handed Victoria over.

Ill be right back,” he said, and he left the room

Natalia wondered if she should nurse again, but Victoria wasn't fussing, so she let her sleep. “Nattie?”

She looked up with surprise to see her father.

“Father,” she said, happy that he had came to visit.

She could see he'd come on his own.

"Here's your granddaughter, Victoria,” she said, handing her over to him.

“She's as beautiful as you are,” he said.

Victoria didn’t even fuss when he fingered her hair.

“I just came over from work, so I won't stay long, but I wanted to catch you. I don’t know how long they usually hold you. Usually not very long. I know Brianna was in and out the same day.” “How's Winora?”

"She's growing fast,” her father said. “I don’t know how Brianna does it with Ryan running around. He's a handful. Very glad we're in a house with a maid to help her.”

Natalia knew her father had divorced her mother, who now lived in a small flat.

“How's Mother?”

Her father shrugged his shoulders.

“Delusional as usual. She still keeps insisting you're a nun when everyone knows all the nuns are gone. I know she doesn't go out much any more. Most of her high society friends have moved on.” He seemed absorbed in looking at Victoria.

“I'm so glad she has your coloring. I thought for sure she would have the typical black hair and green eyes,” he said.

“We've learned that Uri carries a blonde gene from his grandfather who was Undent.”

Natalia heard footsteps down the hall, but her father didn't react. She knew whoever passed was Viperian because they walked so quiet. Since her father had never been bitten and had never drank sanguine tea, he hadn't developed any of their heightened senses like she had.

“I hope I go home tonight,” she said.

"Have you been up walking?”

"Yes. In between visits. I had lots of people up already. I don't know where Uri has disappeared to.” “What time was she born?”

"Around three-thirty am or maybe a little earlier. I'm not sure the exact time. I've had a couple of naps.”

“You look good. You don't look tired.”

“Tired, no. Hungry, yes. Hoping for some lunch here soon.”

"She's a beautiful baby,” her father said.

He handed her back, then leaned in and kissed her forehead.

“I'm glad you're doing well, Nattie.”


"How's college?”

"Almost have my undergrad degree in business. Only four classes left.”


“Well, when all you can do is stay off your feet and study, a lot of school work gets done. Plus, I'm off work, and I'm off the Council for a while. I'll probably resume that before work. Even Uri is taking time off from work."

"Good. It's a big adjustment with your first one. Second, third, and fourth are easier,” he said with a laugh.

Uri stepped in.

“James. So glad you could come up,” he said.

They shook hands.

"She's a beautiful little girl,” her father said.

“Thank you. All because of Nattie,” Uri said.

"Sorry for such a short visit. I do have to go. We'll talk again and hopefully resume Sunday dinners together.”

“Bye,” Natalia said.

She watched him go, then turned to Uri.

“Lunch? Do they feed me?”

He smiled.

"Pretty soon. I had to go have a talk with the Director of the hospital. The nurses and doctors seem to be ignoring you. When I was here visiting with Mina, they were doing a lot more monitoring.” “I'm glad we're doing okay.”

“If your lunch doesn’t come soon, I'll be puncturing some tires in the parking lot,” he said.

“Don’t you dare,” a nurse said, coming in with a tray.

She didn't look happy.

“Thank you," Uri said.

Yes, thank you very much. I'm starved.’

The nurse put the tray down in haste and then was gone.

“You're not staying in this hospital overnight,” he said, looking stern.

"Good. I'm ready to go.”

She looked over the tray. It was a typical Viperian meal.

“Raw meat with bread. I always wondered about the bread, now I know it's made with grubbies, too,’ she said.

Is the meat warm?’

She touched it.

“Ice cold.’

Uri flashed his eyes.

He picked up the tray and left.

I'm hungry enough. I could have eaten that,’ she said

Victoria pursed her lips.

“At least you're getting fed right.’

Natalia heard footsteps. Someone paused outside her door.

“You there, Nattie?”

"Kareen. Yes. Come on in.”

"How are you doing? And what's up with Uri? He looked pissed.”

“I'm doing fine. The hospital staff are having issues with an Undent in their midst.”

Kareen rolled her eyes.

“Idiots,” she said. “Oh, my word.”

Kareen touched Victoria's hair.

Victoria fussed a little.

“She's beautiful,” Kareen said. “Look at her coloring. No wonder the staff are fussing. We've never had a Viperian with this coloring before.”

“We have Undent blonde genes on both sides,” Natalia said

"Yes. Yes, that's right. She's going to rewrite some history.”

Uri returned. He was carrying another tray.

“Here's lunch,” he said. “Good day, Kareen. Nice of you to come visit.”

“They're making you wait on Nattie?”

She raised her eyebrows.

“There are some issues,” he said in a low voice.

“Totally uncalled for. Everyone knows Nattie and her position.”

“Perhaps if Victoria looked more like the typical Viperian child,” he said.

“Pshh,” Kareen said with a wave of her hand.

“I told them to discharge her as soon as they can,” he said. “She'll do better at home anyway.” Kareen nodded.

“May I hold her?”

“Sure. Then I can eat.”

Kareen took Victoria, who flared her nostrils.

“Friend, Victoria," Uri said.

Victoria fussed just a little.

"So precious,” Kareen said.

Natalia took the opportunity to bolt down her meal. She really wanted another swig of the tea in Uri's flask, finding she was craving it almost as much as when she was originally pregnant and drinking regular sanguine tea.

Mag and Bonnie appeared. Mag was carrying a bag.

"Hello. How's the baby?” Mag said, putting the bag down.

"Water," Natalia said to Uri.

"Hi, ladies. Baby is good,” Uri said.

He poured her a glass. She drank it down while the women passed Victoria around.

"She's absolutely adorable,” Mag said.

Bonnie nodded in agreement.

“Hang around,” Uri said to Bonnie. “We're going to get Nattie out of here.”

Natalia could see that the tone of his voice keyed them in that there were issues.

“Tsk,” Bonnie said, showing she understood immediately. “Someone's a little different looking and people freak out.”

“Stupid,” Mag said. “We'll stay until she’s released.”

“I might make this a meeting agenda item,” Kareen said.

“Well, I'll miss tonight's Women's meeting,” Natalia said.

Kareen chuckled.

"You better not show up. You take care.”

Kareen left.

Uri followed her out.

"So what's been happening?” Bonnie said.

“Snide remarks. Cold lunch that pissed off Uri, making him go out to get another.”

Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Uri threatened to knife some tires. I'm assuming of nurses and doctors.”

“If he doesn't, I will,” Bonnie said.

Victoria fussed.

“Back to you, mom,” Mag said.

Natalia opened her robe and let her suckle.

"A teat is mother's best friend,” Mag said. “I did bring clean clothes.”

She indicated the bag.

“Thanks. Give me the word and I'll be dressed and walking out of here in a flash.”

“Let Uri rant and rave a little. He gets results,” Bonnie said.

Natalia almost fell asleep while Victoria nursed. Bonnie and Mag sat in silence while Uri was gone. The hallway remained quiet.

“She's done. I'll take her,” Mag said.

Natalia nodded and closed her robe.

Next thing she knew Dr. Esper was there and so was Uri.

"How are you feeling?” Dr. Esper said.


“You've been up walking?”




He took her temperature and blood pressure.

“How's the blood spotting? Have you changed pads?”

“Just a little. Yes, I changed pads the first time.”

“Good,” Dr. Esper said, then he switched his focus to Victoria.

He checked her temperature and her diaper.

"How many diaper changes?”

“Two,” Uri said.

"When did those happen?” she said.

"You were sleeping,” he said.

"All looks good,” Dr. Esper said. “You can go home. If you have an increase of spotting or any fever in Victoria or yourself, please call or head for the hospital.”

Natalia nodded.

“Thanks,” Uri said.

Dr. Esper left. Everyone watched him go. The moment he was out of sight, everyone moved “Let's get you changed,” Bonnie said.

“Do we need a car seat?”

“All in the limo,” Bonnie said.

With their help, Natalia was changed in no time. Uri carried Victoria. Natalia felt like walking as fast as she could to leave. She saw no one when they walked to the elevator. There was also no one down in the lobby area.

“You're so bold,” Natalia said to Bonnie. “Parking the limo right outside the door.”

“This isn't a busy place. Besides, Council members get special treatment.”

She could tell the limo had gotten a good cleaning. It smelled fresh. There was a car seat in the middle of the back seat.

“Just slide in, I'll get in on the other side,” Uri said.

He handed her Victoria once she was settled, then went around to the other side.

“Let me have her,” he said.

He strapped her in.

Mag sat across from them.

Victoria fussed.

“In a car you must sit there,” Uri said.

The limo moved and Victoria was silent, but that only lasted a few moments before she fussed and started to cry.

“No, we can't change the rule, Victoria,’ Uri said.

They passed through the gates of Viperia.

Natalia put a finger by Victoria to see if she wanted to suck on it, but it only caused her to fuss more. Her volume was increasing to where Natalia barely heard the limo report that there was a check point nearby.

“I just want to get home,” she said, mostly to herself.

The limo slowed.

The window by Uri lowered.

John, a Viperian on the police force, stuck his head in.

"I take it your daughter was born?”

Natalia had a feeling that Uri rolled his eyes. Victoria was now screaming.

“Yes, John,” Uri said.

John smiled, tilting his head as if he was enjoying the sound.

“Good luck. Take care.”

He stepped away and waved them on. The window rolled up and the limo moved.

"He's still an ass,” Mag said with a roll of her eyes.

Natalia leaned in toward Victoria and began to breathe in her ear.

“Hush. Momma's right here. Quiet."

Victoria eased her crying, but continued to fidget.

Natalia kept up murmuring in her ear until the limo pulled into the laneway and into the garage. "You're going to be a great mother,” Mag said.

“Thanks. I just want some quiet and some rest.”

The limo door opened. Bonnie helped her out. Zena and Kate were there, looking excited. There seemed to be a chaotic rush with the limo being emptied, and Victoria taken into the house. Natalia found her and Uri were the last ones. Everyone else was upstairs in the nursery already.

Natalia paused.


“Enjoy the quiet when it happens,” Uri said. “I have the feeling Victoria is going to try and run the show.”

“She'll have the three aunties: Mag, Zena, and Kate. As well as Bonnie, you and me. She's going to be quite spoiled.”

Uri gave her a hug. She felt he didn’t want to move either as they enjoyed the quiet of the house. Then the house filled with Victoria's cries.

“Nattie?” Mag called from the top of the stairs.

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