Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 6

Moralis threw his darts with a little more concentration. Grazie stepped up and threw his in quick succession as if he wasn't even aiming. The bullseye was crowded with all six darts.

Both Grazie and Morals stepped up to the board.

“Mine is the closest,” Moralis said.

Natalia couldn't tell from her position.

“Reaha. We need your decision,” Grazie said.

Reaha stepped up. She looked from different angles, then pointed at a dart.

“That one is closest.”

Grazie laughed.

“We need a new judge,” Moralis said with a frown.

"We do have another woman present. We can have Natalia look,” Reaha said.

Natalia thought she was teasing Moralis.

Moralis pooh-poohed the idea and headed for the bar. Grazie, looking happy, sat down across from her and Uri with his chair turned where he could watch the next game. Two other men stepped up and began to play the same game. They seemed to have the same skill at flicking the darts.

“That's pretty good,” Natalia said.

Grazie shrugged.

“Grazie is the best darts player,” Uri said. “He hasn't lost a game yet.”

“Not as an adult,” Grazie said.

“Tournaments aren't any fun with you around,” Uri said, but he sounded like he was teasing Grazie. "Oh, the bank doesn't like sponsoring me?”

Natalia now could tell by his tone of voice that he was joking

“Now this one is going to end up with sore wrists,” Grazie said.

She could see little difference between the current players and how Grazie threw his darts. They all seemed good. She found herself listening intently while Grazie discussed techniques.

Quite a few games were played. Most everyone watched them with avid attention. This seemed to be the highlight of the evening since no one left. Even Thomas and his group had joined the audience. She noticed everyone wanted to play or was chided to play, however, no one asked Uri to play. No one else challenged Grazie, either.

After one game ended, the waiter brought out more sanguine tea and pastries. Everyone seemed eager to get their refreshment. This also seemed to mark the end of the evening.

Natalia noted the clock on the wall.

"Wow. The evening went fast. It's midnight.”

Uri didn’t answer while he sipped his drink.

Natalia looked at her own glass with trepidation, even though she hadn't minded the taste before she found out what it was

“Drink it,” Uri said.

His voice, again, sounded like a command even though it was barely above a whisper.

She did little sips of the drink while she ate a pastry. Again, she was surprised that she was hungry. There was a dark filling in the pastry, and she suspected it was sweetened meat.

After the tea and pastries, she noted that people were now leaving.

Uri tapped her glass. It was still half full.

"A few more sips or just chug it,” he said.

Natalia didn’t move, not liking the choices.

Uri leaned in to whisper in her ear.


The one word and how he said it sent a shiver down her back. She knew she wasn't in control, and the freedom she had felt earlier was just a mirage. She picked up the glass and drained it.

It was now one am. The waiter was cleaning up the last of the glasses and plates when Uri rose. Natalia knew to rise with him, especially since he was still holding her hand. He led her out of the room. They followed Thomas out of the building to the waiting limo. When the limo pulled away from the curb, Thomas tapped the glass that was between them and the driver.

Uri moved closer to her, which was hard to do since he was already sitting against her.

The limo passed through gates, and she could tell they were now back in the larger city. Natalia watched the buildings pass by. It wasn't long before things began to look familiar. The limo did a turn. She realized they were on the Strip.

Thomas lowered the window by him, and the limo slowed to cruise along the curb.

Natalia noted the hanging back of the sex workers, like the other night. She now knew it was because this limo came here too often, and everyone knew who was in here. Thomas snapped a finger and opened his door. He pulled in a young woman.

"Hey sweethear...” her voice dropped when she saw Uri.

She froze, looking too scared to move.

Thomas shut the door, and the limo drove off with a click of the door locks. The window rolled up. “I thought you were going to cut back,” Uri said in a low voice.

"She's sweet smelling,” Thomas said. “I might hang on to her.”

“The advice I told you didn’t come from me, Thomas.”

"You need me. One little girl isn't going to hurt anything.”

He was almost sneering at Uri.

“We can certainly use your talents, but you negate your positive with a greater negative.”

Thomas did sneer, then focused on sniffing the woman who now looked as if she wanted to be somewhere else.

"You were a good friend, Thomas.”

“I'm still your friend, Uri. You have your girl. I have mine. And everything you need at the bank is done.”

Thomas waved his left arm as if emphasizing the point.

Uri moved his right with the familiar flick of the wrist that Natalia had watched all night. She hardly saw the knife, but one materialized in Thomas's chest.

She swallowed hard.

“We don't need you anymore, Thomas.”

Uri's voice was rather cold.

Thomas stared at Uri, then looked down. He seemed rather shocked at the knife in his chest. He almost seemed fascinated by it. Then he fell forward, crumbling onto the floor, causing both Natalia and the woman to jump.

The limo pulled over.

“Get out and go home,” Uri said in a low dangerous sounding voice to the woman.

She seemed almost too terrified to move until the sound of the door unlocking beside her acted like a starter gun. She opened the door and ran. Uri had to rise to shut the door. When he sat back down, he pulled out his phone.

“I need a cleanup in the limo.”

The limo was now moving.

Natalia stared at the crumpled form of Thomas, thinking about who she was with. Uri might have shown her some sort of kindness and was treating her well, but Hollows were still dangerous. She found she thought of them as Hollows when they were dangerous. They were Viperians when they seemed like normal people.

Uri resumed his position beside her, holding her hand and leaning one leg against hers. She noted that Uri seemed to act as if Thomas's dead body wasn't there since he sat gazing out the window. She looked out as well, wondering where they were going. The buildings outside the window weren't residential homes and had an industrial look. She felt the limo turn and noted the gate it passed through. To one side was a warehouse with huge double doors. They opened just enough to allow the limo to enter the building. The doors shut behind them, then the limo doors unlocked. A single light in the building turned on.

The door opened, and Grazie stuck his head in.

"Good morning,” he said, sounding cheerful.

"Yes, a very good morning,” Uri said in a casual voice.

Grazie and another man pulled Thomas out of the limo. Natalia was distressed to see Thomas's eyes were stuck open. He almost seemed to be staring at her while they carried him out.

Uri sat there looking unperturbed. Another man climbed in with a rag and spray bottle. He cleaned the floor of the limo. A few minutes after he finished, Grazie reached in and gave Uri the knife back. “We're all set. Have a good day.”

Uri nodded at him while he slipped the knife back up his sleeve. Grazie shut the door. The light in the building blinked off. The warehouse doors opened, allowing the limo to back out.

“You need to learn a few things,” Uri said in a quiet voice.

Natalia found herself speechless.

“A teddy bear is not a nice thing,” he continued. “Despite how it sounds to you.”

She found she could only nod.

“The tea I want you to drink, after about three days, will protect you from becoming a teddy bear.” “What?”

She stared at him.

“A teddy bear is a slave, usually a woman. Pretty, and not a Viperian. A shell of a human.”

He paused a moment as if he was searching for the right words.

“If 1 were to bite you a couple of times tonight and each and every night for four nights, your body would be so overloaded with venom that you would become addicted to it. You would become co- dependent on the venom and a slave to the Viperians. You would obey anyone and do anything... and I mean anything... under the belief that they will bite you and make you feel wonderful.” Natalia swallowed hard.

“The tea protects me?”

"Between my occasional bites and the tea, you will become immune to the venom. And you should stay away from Victor.”


“The man who approached you when I had left. He wants you. He would love to make you his teddy bear.”

She found she could only nod again.

Uri seemed to want to say more, but then remained silent, and gazed out the window.

Natalia looked out the window to find that they were heading toward the house he had taken her to the first night.

"We're not going to Viperia?” she said, not sure where was safe.

“Things have changed,” he said with no further explanation.

The limo pulled up the laneway, stopping at the front door. Uri dragged her out. She felt like she was having a déja vu as he led her through the house and up into the bedroom. However, she wasn't wearing a dress that could be easily removed.

He stopped in the middle of the room, facing her. He started the familiar smelling of her hair and along her neck while he unfastened her blouse.

“This is a nice outfit,” he said, whispering in her ear. “The blue brings out your eyes.”

He chuckled softly.

“I'm sure it was driving Victor crazy. You're beautiful.”

He slid the blouse off and draped it over a chair, then undid and removed her bra.

"You have assets that would drive any man crazy,” he said as he outlined a breast with a finger. "Are you going to bite me?”

Uri licked her shoulder and started to remove his clothes.

“Depends,” he said.

He unfastened her pants.

She stepped out of her pants while he unfastened his.

"Depends on what?”

“Depends on what your body tells me.”

He finished taking off his clothes and pushed her backwards to the bed.

Natalia already felt her body wanting him. She slid herself on the bed. He positioned himself on top of her.

“I don't need to bite you tonight,” he said as their bodies merged together.

Natalia woke, feeling Uri next to her. She wondered what had woken her since Uri was still sleeping. Based on the clock, she had only been asleep an hour or so. Then, she realized that her mind was full of thoughts and apprehension. She had escaped her parents, but now she had to wonder what she had fallen into, almost wishing she was back to the predictable life she once had. But even as she had this thought, she was glad she wasn't there. That predictable life was going to end in the nunnery. Now, there was no life in a nunnery looming over her. But... there was a lot of uncertainty here.

She wondered if she was really pregnant despite what Uri and Thomas had said. She certainly didn't feel any different.

Uri shifted, spooning against her.

She kept still, waiting for his even breathing to return, showing that he was back to sleep.

"Why are you awake?” he said, showing that he wasn't faked out by her stillness.

“Lots to think about.”

“Like what?"

She was silent a long moment. His breathing was even, but she knew he wasn't asleep. He seemed to have great patience.

“Life,” she said.

“Things are unsettled. Times are changing.”

“Like Thomas?” She had been loath to ask the question, but it just slipped out.

"He was causing unnecessary attention. Among other things.”

“So, you decided just like that to kill him?”

“The decision was made long ago by the Council.”


“There are nine members who make the major decisions within the Viperian community.”

"Are you one of them?”

She noted his pause.

“Not yet.”

A few other questions played in her head, but before she could voice them, he continued.

“There is an election coming up. I have been nominated. It took a unanimous vote of the Council to allow me to be nominated, which is unusual.”


“Because my father is the head of the Council and it's not deemed favorable to have family members serve on the Council at the same time. Viperians keep close family ties, and there is worry that we will create an imbalance.”

"So why is it being allowed?”

“Because of you. And that I chose you.”

“Me? Why?”

He smelled deep into her hair.

"You were ovulating. Pretty. No, I think you're beautiful. I already knew who you were. We've been watching you. I decided to pick you because of many reasons. Most of the Council endorsed that decision. My father, however, was against it.”

"Watching me? Why? Why pick me?”

This was getting more and more confusing.

"We were already alerted to the Church issue. I was going to make sure you didn't make it, but you showed up on the Strip and made my job a lot easier.”

“Okay... Still not making sense why you picked me. Why not a woman of your own kind?"

He chuckled.

“When I bite you, there is passion and heat. It excites me. My bite on a Viperian woman doesn't do the same. It may intensify her desire, but only if the desire is already there.”

She could feel him become aroused as he spoke. He was hard against her.

He rolled her over and slid between her legs.

“It lingers. The heat,” he said.

She felt her body already responding. His touch seemed to bring out her own desire, despite they had had passionate sex just a few short hours ago. She almost felt like an animal in heat that needed to breed

"Viperian women sometimes desire the non-Viperian man for the same reason. It's all a sexual preference,” he said this almost as if he was murmuring sweet nothings into her ear.

She just wanted him on top of her.

He worked her to an orgasm that was just as intense as her first one. She loved feeling the heat of him inside her as he pressed hard in his own orgasm. They panted and breathed in this position until Uri caught his breath. Only then, did he roll off her and spoon back up against her.

“That is the heat and passion I feel,” he said in a quiet voice.

“Yeah,” she said, still feeling the wonderful aura of sexual release.

"With an added benefit,” he whispered.


“All your children will be Viperians.”

That made her think.


"All. We have a strong genetic influence.”

"Oh... So, you weren't just saving me from the Church for sex?”

“No. Your father is a key player in business. We watch him. We watch his family.”

“Watch? I'm not understanding all of this.”

“You don’t need to. But you'll learn more as time goes on. But the Church was preparing to blackmail him and extort as much money as they could using you. We needed his focus elsewhere. So, you are gone. A runaway. No one has seen you. His focus is now back to business. Your mother is pretending you've gone away to school.”

“Glad they are so concerned,” she said with heavy sarcasm.

He chuckled.

“I really picked you because you are beautiful.”

He nuzzled against her.

“A lot of men wanted you, like Victor, but I stepped up and everyone deferred to me. I have earned a lot of respect.”

She wondered if he meant respect or fear. She decided not to ask.

It wasn't long before she could tell that he had now fallen back asleep. Natalia found herself thinking about how her life had changed. She tried to convince herself it was all for the better, but she couldn't shake the fact that she was with a man who had just killed another.

It was almost dawn when she finally fell asleep, but she fell into wild dreams of fangs and bloody women.

She woke to the sounds of the toilet flushing. The clock showed it was almost noon.

“You're awake. You were sleeping hard,” Uri said, stepping out of the bathroom.

She rose and nodded. He started the shower and stepped in while she used the toilet. He reached out to pull her in when she was finished. This morning he washed her hair.

“Your hair is a little dried out,” he said as he doused it with a conditioner.

He used his fingers to comb through her hair. Then he turned off the hot water.


“Rinse your hair in cold,” he said as he shoved her head under the cold water.


She turned off the cold water and used her hands to squeegee the water from her hair.

“You know I can shower myself,” she said.

He chuckled and handed her a towel, then dried himself and left. Natalia took her time drying. She was surprised her natural curls were showing after a dousing of conditioner. Usually, conditioners straightened them out.

“I have clothes for you,” Uri said from the bedroom.

She stepped out to find him dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. There were jeans for her on the bed. "Mag brought them over,” he said before she could ask.

He waited while she dressed, then took her hand and led her downstairs. Patio doors were open wide, and a table was set. The sun was shining, but there were broken dark clouds signaling it might rain later.

Natalia sat at the table, noting there was a glass of sanguine tea.

"How often do I need to drink this?”

“There's another reason you need to drink the tea,” Uri said while he stirred sugar and milk into a normal mug of tea.

“And what's that?”

She really wanted a mug of tea like his.

“The baby.”

She eyed him, still not believing that she was pregnant.

“A Viperian baby in a non-Viperian woman is fatal.”

He paused to sip his tea.

"Come again?” she said with distress.

“Unless you drink a lot of sanguine tea. The tea will help you also become immune to the toxins the baby is going to produce.”

"A baby Viperian already has poison?”

“They are capable of biting as soon as they are born.”

Natalia had this vision of getting bitten and being bloodied by her own baby.

Uri smiled.

“Don’t worry,” he said as if he could tell what she was thinking. “Most Viperians don't bite. It's more of a defensive behavior than an everyday occurrence. Many actually find it distasteful.”

Mag entered with two plates and set them down. The appetizing aroma of an omelet surrounded them.

"One glass at every meal, and you will have no issues,” he said. He picked up his fork and scooped up some omelet.

Natalia did the same, but after one bite, she picked up the sanguine tea and chugged it.

“Can I have some real tea now?”

Uri smiled, and Mag appeared with a hot cup of tea.

“Thank you.”

She added milk and sugar to her tea. The first few sips were heavenly, removing the taste of the sanguine tea.

“So, what do you do on a weekend?” she said as she turned her focus back to the omelet.

Uri just smiled.

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