Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 30

"Talking of biting, what did Kareen bite Anna with?” Natalia said when their limo headed for home. “Sort of like a truth serum. Forced her to speak the truth.”

“Does it hurt?”

“I've heard it does. Most people cringe just at the mention of it. I've never been bitten with it, and don't intent do be.”

"Anna looked and sounded in pain.”

Natalia shivered with the thought.

"Sitting in a cell is worse,” he said. “Viperians don't like being totally alone. Rarely if ever does one live alone. Bachelors live together. Moralis and I lived together until I bought the house we're now in. Even before I had you, I had Mag, Zena, and Kate for company, even if it was just in passing for meals and such.”

Uri brushed her cheek with his.

“We also don't like silence.”

She turned to look at him.

“I wake at night,” he said, “Just so I can listen to your heart beat.”

He put his ear against her.

“It's a lovely sound.”

He lifted his head and kissed her cheek.

“Anna will be in total silence. No one will interact with her. Food will be delivered via a silent trolley.” “She's going to go crazy.”

"Yes, it has happened.”

"What will they do? The Council?”

“They will evaluate if she is redeemable. If she can change. If not, then they will let her die a silent death.”

Natalia shuddered. Uri put his arm around her.

“I'm so glad you're with me,” he said.

Natalia turned her face to him, and he kissed her, then held her tight. She thought of her life with him.

“I don't think I could live without you,” she said.

Uri squeezed her gently. She set her head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth.

“I always liked the name Victoria,” she said. “But I just don't like the thought of Vicki the Viperian.” She felt Uri smile.

“No. Vicki our daughter. Victoria Osrisca has a nice ring to it,” he said. “Victoria Rayna Osrisca.” “Rayna? Your mother’s name.”


"What's your middle name?”

"Warden. My great grandfather's name.”

"What if it's a boy?”


“No,” Natalia said, remembering the glare of Victor who wanted to make her a teddy bear.

"We don't have to worry. If a Viperian woman said it's a girl, then it will be a girl,” Uri said. “I've never known one to be wrong.”

“But that was a Sherri.”

“Mag also thinks it's a girl,” he said.

"Oh, well, I guess two guesses must be right,” she said with a laugh.

He chuckled.

The limo pulled up their street.

Natalia's stomach growled.

“We never had dinner,” she said.

“There will be cookies,” he said.

The limo pulled up the laneway and into the garage.

Mag was waiting.

“Where the hell...

“Talk with Bonnie,” Uri said, brushing past her. “Are there cookies?”

He led Natalia in the house and upstairs. They took their time changing into their robes before going back down stairs. Mag was just bringing in sanguine tea and cookies

“I can't believe this,” Mag said, looking unsettled.

“Believe what?" he said.

“About Anna.”

“Neither can I,” Natalia said.

Mag left looking perturbed.

"Cookies and bed,” Uri said. “We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Is my sorting files really helping? Or has it all been a plot?”

Uri smiled.

“Your sorting of the files has been extremely helpful. We've found lost files. Locating files has improved dramatically. What you have been sorting will eventually be digitized, but the bank is a little slow in adopting this technology. In addition, the Records Manager was fired and there is a job opening. I recommended you for the job.”

“But I don't have a degree.”

"With all the credits you earned in high school, you started college as a sophomore, not a freshman. That carries weight.”

"Your recommendation carries weight, but, I'm your wife. Isn't that a problem?”

He grinned.

“You show up every day for work. That carries more weight. You work. Even more weight. You're already deemed a valuable employee by more than just me.”



"At this rate, I'll be a VP by the end of next year.”

Uri laughed and pulled her off the sofa.


Natalia felt she had just laid her head on her pillow when Uri rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. She expected him to pull the covers off of her, but he nestled in beside her.

“Time to get up,” he said.


He breathed in deep of her hair.

She giggled.

“What?” he said.

"Just waiting for you to throw the covers off.”

“You want a count down?"


He whipped the covers off and gently pulled her out of bed.

Time seemed to fly. Natalia found herself back in the conference room. She was making good headway when a sack lunch was delivered at eleven-thirty. At one o'clock, she was done with all the boxes she had. In preparation for leaving early, she packed up her satchel, then walked down to Uri's office. He wasn't there.

She sat in a chair by the door, looking at her tablet for twenty minutes when he suddenly appeared. “Let's go,” he said.

He seemed pensive.

She was getting to know his moods, despite he looked calm and collected on the outside.

The limo was waiting out front. Bonnie opened the door for them.

His phone rang when the limo pulled out into traffic.

“Yes?” Uri said.

He didn't put it on speaker.

He listened for a few moments.

“On our way now.”

He ended the call.

"Everything is set,” he said. “I just need to do two bites and we can leave.”

“That's it?”

“We don't need to watch.”

Natalia thought they weren't that far from the Church, but traffic for the afternoon was heavy. It took them longer than she thought. The limo pulled up into the parking lot. She noted it was almost two o'clock. There were five other cars in the lot, but no one in sight.

Uri opened the door and got out, giving her a hand.

“I'll do all the talking,” he said, leading her toward the Church entrance.

Natalia felt the same nervousness as the last time they were there. This time is wasn't because the Abbott might see her, but what was going to happen. She had some ideas, but based on what she had seen of late, decided it was all going to be worse than she could imagine.

The door still creaked. The air was still stale. Their footsteps were loud when they walked down the hall. Uri didn't pause to take his shoes off. There was no need to be quiet this time.

Uri turned and pushed open the door into the main chapel

The Abbess was kneeling in front of the altar. She seemed deep in prayer. Natalia thought she heard snoring. At first it seemed the Abbess was alone, but then two nuns appeared. They seemed to be waiting off to the side.

Uri led her down the main aisle toward the Abbess. At the end of the aisle, he paused. The Abbess stirred. She looked up and around, then she stood and turned toward them.

“May I help you, sir?” she said.

“I'm actually here to help these other two ladies.”

He gestured to the other two nuns.

“And who are you?” the Abbess said when she saw the other nuns. “I don't know you.”

Natalia thought it was odd that the Abbess didn't know her own nuns, then she realized they were probably people in disguise.

“They need my assistance since this is something they cant do,” Uri said.

He leaned over to Natalia, taking a deep breath in her hair.

“I love you,” he said in the Viperian quiet voice.

The Abbess didn't even register that he had spoken.

“I love you,” Natalia said using as low of a voice as she could.

Uri moved fast without even exhaling. He stepped up to the Abbess and before she could even react, he placed his hands on her neck and bit her. He was able to switch sides and bite her again before the Abbess registered what was happening. She shrieked, but she seemed to be reacting more to Uri's touch than his bite.

Her hands flew up to her neck as if she was trying to get him away from her, but Uri had already withdrawn his hands and stepped back. Then, the Abbess froze and looked astonished. Natalia could only imagine the heat that was flowing through her.

"What is going on here?”

Natalia jumped at the voice.

Uri took her hand and they stepped back toward the aisle.

The Abbott appeared, walking at a fast pace. Natalia knew he had to be responding to the shriek since he wouldn't have seen the bite. She was surprised to find he was dressed in a rich red robe and sandals.

The Abbess was now shaking.

The Abbott looked around as if trying to see what was going on. He had himself puffed up as if he was important. The two other nuns came up quietly behind him. One put her hands on his shoulders and bit him so quick that there was no reaction from him. Natalia almost wondered if the bite hadn't reached him since she bit through his robe.

Uri backed them up a couple of more steps.

The Abbess began to whimper and rub her crotch.

As if this was rehearsed, one nun pushed the Abbess back toward a bench near the altar, then turned her around. The Abbess fell forward across the bench. The nun raised up the Abbess's habit to reveal her fat ass, then pulled down her underwear.

The Abbott stood there as if stunned. It was now clear he had an erection by how his robe poked out in front of him. The other nun guided him over to the Abbess. He seemed to help in opening his robe. He needed no further guidance to plunge his penis into the Abbess who moaned with pleasure. The nun then slipped off the Abbott's robe.

He was totally naked beneath the robe. The nun tapped his leg, and he moved his legs apart a few more inches without even pausing in his thrusts.

Natalia noted that all the nuns wore gloves, and they were all Viperians. One held up a syringe. She took the Abbott's hand, placing it around the syringe, then guided him to inject it into the Abbess The Abbess moaned and started saying a prayer about thanking the lord. She looked in pure ecstasy.

The same nun took a second syringe and wrapped the Abbott's fingers around it before helping him inject himself. Then she tossed the syringes on the ground.

A third nun appeared. She approached the Abbot's ass. Natalia could see the glint of moisture on her fangs, the only thing that gave away their presence. The woman positioned herself carefully while the Abbot was banging rapidly against the Abbess. She seemed to follow the rhythm, then she bit him. She seemed to have bit deeper than usual and did a double jerk before she let go.

Even Uri flinched.

“That was a different bite,” Natalia said.

Uri backed them up more.

“A double injection,” Uri said.

“What does that do?"

“It's going to screw up his mind and put him into sexual overdrive.”

“Same venom? Or two mixed?”

"A double jerk is two mixed.”

The Abbot paused as if frozen. He had a look of agony on his face as the venom flowed through him. Then his looked changed and he looked in as much ecstasy as the Abbess. Natalia knew this was the reaction to the kite.

"Why so many women to deliver bites?” she said.

A fourth nun appeared and approached quickly as if she needed to work fast while the Abbot was still frozen.

“We only have so much venom. To do what they want to do, you need a team.”

This nun squatted behind Lord Abbot and put her head between his legs. She reached up to grab his scrotum and pull it toward her and then she did a quick bite.

Uri had to turn away. The Abbot screamed and began to shake.

Another nun gave a cup to the nun who had completed this last bite. She rinsed her mouth out, spitting the water out over the nearby pews.

The Abbess under him was squirming as if she was prompting him to continue his sex. He did, fast and hard.

Nuns were starting to take off their habits and leave. They had jeans and t-shirts underneath.

Uri took her hand and led her away.

“They'll be doing that for awhile.”

“She is going to be sore,” Natalia said

“If she survives. He will be sore. If he survives.”

“What about all the nuns?"

"Well, if Tia is doing her part, they would have started moving all the nuns shortly before two. We might see the bus when we drive off.”

They reached the front door and stepped out. Natalia breathed deep. The air was still fresher than inside the Church.

"Oh, they're cutting it close,” Uri said.

Natalia followed his gaze. At the corner, waiting for the light was one of the TV crew vans.

"TV crew?”

“Media blitz,” he said. “They'll find the Abbott and Abbess in an orgy and high on kite.”

When they reached the limo, there were a few women jogging to their cars. Natalia realized these were the Viperians who had been dressed as nuns.

Uri opened the door and gently nudged her to get in. When the limo pulled out of the parking lot, the TV van pulled in. There were two more vans from the other TV stations coming down the street. Two blocks further, the limo passed a bus. Natalia could see that the bus was full of women. They were taking off the veils, but you could still see they wore habits.

“If 1 was one of them, I would be wanting to tear off the habit, but with what I saw with Lisa, they're all naked underneath,” Natalia said.

“Tia will have clothes for them,” Uri said.

Natalia was surprised they went right back to work. She didn't know why. Everything seemed so anticlimactic

“I'm done with the boxes in the conference room,” she said when they got out of the limo.

“Go see if Ursula has anything for you.”

Natalia walked up the stairs to HR almost feeling as if nothing had happened.

“I want you to spend some time in the Records Management Department,” Ursula said.

“Learn how everything works, as usual?”

Ursula smiled.

“Of course.”

For the rest of the afternoon, Natalia listened to women who had little skill other than to gossip about how important they were. They seemed to do more work trying not to do their work than if they would just to their job. She was happy when Uri showed up.

“That department is a mess,” she said once they were in the limo.

“Do you think you could straighten them up?”

"Yeah, fire the lot.”

“I don't think we want to do that.”

“Well, then fire the ring leader,” she said.

“That might be more feasible.”

At home they changed, but Uri grabbed his dinner plate.

“Follow me,” he said.

Natalia grabbed her plate. They headed into his office where there was a large TV. He turned it on. "Scandal at the Church. Kite orgy and more,” the anchorman said with a roaring voice to catch people's attention. “This afternoon, the media was invited to witness a new program the Church was touting only to find those in charge high on kite and engaged in an orgy. The video is so graphic we can't show it until the news at eleven. The Church is also charged with abusing the nuns, manufacturing and selling kite, skimming funds from donations, and living in decadence.”

There were images of the Abbott's office and all the luxuriousness of the décor. There was also video of his private quarters which were just as opulent.

The broadcast went on and on for almost an hour.

"Oh, my word,” Natalia said. “They told the parents of that nun who committed suicide?”

The news crew were interviewing them. The family seemed horrified.

“The Church is going to fall hard,” Uri said.

"What's going to happen with the safe in our garage in Viperia?”

“What safe?”

“What do you mean what safe?”

“I'm sure there is no safe in our garage?”

"What about the money in the trap door?”

“Our money?”

"Our... Uri that was over eighty million dollars.”

“You have a problem with having eighty million dollars?”

“N-no... I."

Natalia stared at the broadcast that finally cut to the weather.

“You're horrible,” she said. “Wonderfully, horrible.”

Uri smiled.

Natalia shook her head in disbelief of it all.

“So... sO what's next?”

“You mean, who's next,” he said.


“This hasn't ended... yet. There's still one person who's not as innocent as she seems. We have a person close to her now. He wants his daughter before we strike.”

“So who's next?” she said


Be sure to check out the next book in the series: Bitten Again.

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