Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 114

There is something else you should know,” Grazie said.

Kimi appeared, but Grazie waved her away.

'Anpu was assigned to watch you by Uri.’


“He's not jealous of Anpu. The Council thinks he is. And that is how he planned it. The Council thinks they assigned Anpu, but they were manipulated to do so. Anpu is on our side.’

'I don't know whether to be relieved or pissed that I'm not included in anything... as usual.’

Grazie smiled.

"You're holding your own, Nattie. And that's saying a lot considering your husband is an absolutely brilliant man. It's no wonder that Victoria is giving them a run for their money.

“I'd like to know how she is doing.”

“I'm sure she is fine. She's in good hands with her best friend.’

“Considering Uri and his friends, and what they do, I should be concerned.’

Grazie laughed.

“Rest easy, Nattie. All is going well even though it seems to be chaos. Even out of chaos comes order.’

He rose.

I'll be in touch.”

Natalia watched him go.

I'm dealing with conniving Viperians again. And as usual, Uri is the ring leader."

Natalia lingered another hour, watching people come and go from the restaurant. When she stepped out, Bonnie waved her over.

“Where do you want to go?"

“My bank.’

Bonnie drove her over. Natalia felt her leg was getting better, but was more than happy to avoid the walk.

The sight that met her eyes caused her to pause. She had only been gone two hours. There was still a line of people waiting to give a check and get their cash. Natalia noted some of them were Yiggy's people. However, some of the offices now had desks. She spied a couple of laptop computers and a huge copier


“Where did all this come from?” she said to no one.

Ravi left an office and stepped over by her.

“Personal computers from home. We're using spreadsheets at the moment to track everything. Someone used a phone to capture images of all the checks, but now we're using the copier. I ran out and rented one. Some teenagers pulled up in a rickety old truck and brought in three desks with chairs.”

Natalia had seen an old truck. Yiggy's grandsons were using it.

“Don’t you have another bank to run?” she said to him.

“I called in for the rest of the day,” he said.

She spied Ursula.

“And Ursula is still here?”

"She's making out a list of what we need. We already sat down to discuss our first goals. Oh, can I have the account numbers for the bank?"

Natalia handed him the paperwork.

"Our goals are to make loans to the small people,” she said. “Maybe a few large ones. We won't turn them away.”

“I figured that,” he said.

Ursula caught her eye and came over.

“We need to set up some phones. Some of the people that are coming in are already asking about loans.”

Natalia again felt overwhelmed, but she remembered Grazie's words.

“Let it be done,” she said. “Julia Decantor needs to be called first. She is the owner of the Imperial Hotel.”

“I'm on it,” Ravi said.

She watched him go over to Fenni. He took Fenni's spot and she saw Fenni go into an office and take out his phone.

“Ravi can't openly do work here,” Ursula said. “Fenni is a good loan officer. He'll get Julia handled.” Natalia just nodded.

“I take it you will figure out salaries?”

Ursula nodded.

"We can meet later today or tomorrow.”

Natalia nodded. She felt Tail crawl up her pant leg, up her back and settle on her shoulder. “Everything okay?

Tail purred.

The purr reminded her of the Viperian language. She swore she heard the word okay. Tail was relaxed. She knew she wasn't needed here and left the building.

Anpu was leaning against a wall.

'Anpu,’ she said in greeting.


The police settle everything?’

'Yes. One talked before the police came.’

There had been some Viperian women present. She wouldn't have been surprised to hear that one of the robbers got bit.

“Where did they come from?’

“He mentioned a person we don’t know, so we are looking into it. The car they had was stolen.’ 'Did the gunshot do much damage to the building?’

“No, he was aiming at the door, but a knife altered his aim. The cement wall just has a few more dings in it."

Natalia took a few steps toward the limo. Bonnie had shifted it back to keep the front of the building open. Anpu moved to put a hand out, blocking her way. He wasn't touching her, but he was as close as he could be. She felt his breath on her neck. Tail tensed.

"You should come watch me perform,” he said. “I'll send you complimentary tickets."

“I'm sure Uri won't want to go."

“Uri supports the arts,” he said.

“And when do you have time to perform? You're always following me.’

“At night you're usually home which frees my evenings to perform. Most productions don't start until seven.’

“But you have to go home and sleep sometime. Why were you outside the house at four am on the night of the attack?"

Anpu smiled and shrugged.

She could see the chain on his neck being this close.

"You're a tracked person.’

'Sometimes,” he said.

She looked at him curiously.

"You're on the Council. You have access to the app. Where am 1?' he said.

She brought out her phone and looked. His blip was at the house.

“Why are you at my house?"

“We want the Council to think that's where you are. We don't want them to know you're here or visiting other banks.’

Natalia remembered that when Uri was tracked, he had the ability to remove his chain and be untracked. She figured Anpu was the same, especially since she had learned he was part of Uri's group. He had to be wearing a fake tracking chain.

"You are part of the most conniving group I have ever laid eyes on.

Anpu smiled. He stepped back.

“Everyone loves you, Nattie."

He bowed his head to her.

Natalia made her way to the limo.

“Back to the hotel. I'm tired,’ she said to Bonnie.

Bonnie opened the door for her.

Natalia leaned back in her seat. Tail was now on her lap. She could have napped in the car, but her mind was busy with all that was going on. Being so occupied, she didn’t pay attention to how the limo was going until it stopped.

The doors unlocked. Moralis slipped in. The doors locked and the limo moved on.



“Thanks for meeting with me.’

Natalia chuckled.

“Like I'm told anything."

He smiled.

“Are you up for any Hell raising?’

I'm exhausted. My leg is shit. My emotional state is fragile. My house is destroyed. I have people coming out of the woodwork to work on my businesses. I have no control. Of course, I'm up for some Hell raising. What are you thinking?”

It was Moralis's turn to chuckle.

“We're going to go ruin the lives of a few bank board members. Destroy the Council and maybe see your daughter.’

“All tonight or are we going to pace ourselves?"

He grinned.

“We'll pace ourselves.’

“When do I have to be ready?’


She rolled her eyes, feeling extra tired.

“First stop is a small bar. You'll need to start a dart match with a man, and win.

“Oh, of course. Undent I take it."

“Of course. He was the man indicated by your bank robbers. You're to make a deal with him. If you win, he has to take you to dinner.’

She grimaced.

"You won't make it to dinner, but it will separate him from his cronies.’

“I take it I should suggest more than dinner.’

Moralis smiled.

'A man thinking he’s got a pretty girl, doesn't want his cronies around. While you're dealing with him, we have others who will deal with his cronies. We've heard they are more receptive to deals if the boss is incapacitated or not around.’

“I should probably be less dressed,” she said.

“We want you with your knives. Your..." he grinned, “as sexy as they come. You don't have to dress for it.”

I'm not even wearing any makeup.’

“Nattie, his eyes aren't going to get any higher than...uhm..."

He looked away and smiled.

“Oh,’ she said, glancing down at her breasts.

“He goes by the name Ratter.’

“We're hunting rats,’ she said in a dull voice.

His real name is Cletus Finch.’

“Finch? As in Rubert Finch, the board member?’

“The one and only. Cletus is his oldest son from a first marriage. Rubert is on his third. There is no love between father and son. We want to use Ratter.’

“Without a bite.’

“Oh, we're going to have you bite him.’

“Me? I don't have fangs or venom. Ahem, remember my origins.’

"You have venom in your saliva. A bite from you will make him agitated. Guess what's happening on Tuesday evening? Tomorrow.’

She shook her head.

“Charity Ball. Three of the board members will be there. Ravi will be there. A rabid Ratter will be there. And you.’

“I have to tell you that Ravi wants to be the manager at my bank.’

“Interesting. A good development. Who is he thinking of his replacement?’


Moralis smiled.

“Even better. That will make our work easier.’

If I'm getting him now, what do we do with him overnight?’

“Give him a hotel room with some Viperian women.’

“I thought you didn’t want him bitten.’

Moralis smiled.

“A Viperian woman can disable a man without a bite. He's either going to be a very happy man or hiding in a corner trying to protect his dick."

Natalia almost laughed.

“I get the picture.’

“We know you're staying at the Imperial. Julia will help you with this. We're arranging everything, Nattie. You just win at darts and get your man.’

She recognized they were entering a bad part of town.

“When you go into the bar, order a screw driver. The bartender will give you watered down orange juice. Drink a few of them.’

“Is this all Uri does? Lie in his hospital bed and think this up?’

Moralis smiled and didn’t answer her. The limo pulled up to a corner.

“The bar is called The Purple Jackass. It's halfway down the block. Once you get him, head back this way. The girls will be waiting to entertain him further.’

“Lovely. Why not send the girls in?"

“We want him alone. If there are multiple girls, his boys will want to share. Besides, Nattie, only you can win at darts.’

Natalia stepped out of the limo. It immediately drove away. She walked down the street thinking about what she had to work with. Yeah, she had a nice ass. She also had to agree with Moralis. The guy's eyes would probably not get any higher than her breasts. She took a deep breath and puffed up her chest.

At the door of the bar, she paused to fluff up her hair and put a sexy tuck of her shirt into her jeans. She had to control her face when the putrid smell of stale beer and sweaty men hit her nose. The smell was strong. She figured the central air wasn't working, or there wasn't any. The one window air conditioner and a fan confirmed her suspicions.

The bartender was a Viperian.

“Screw driver,” she said. “With some ice.”

She pretended to ignore the seven guys surrounding a pool table. The bartender set out her drink. She slapped down a hundred dollar bill thinking that would get everyone's attention.

One man separated himself and approached. Natalia thought she should have gotten a description of her target, but he seemed pretty cocky and to be the groups’ leader. She figured he was probably only a few years older than her. He wore a tight short sleeve shirt. She didn't know if it was to show off his muscles or his tattoos or both. There was also a ring in one of his ears.

"Hey, baby.”

“Hi,” she said.

She sipped her drink. It was watered down orange juice, just like Morals said, but at least it was cold. “What's your name, gorgeous?”

“Angel,” she said, think more along the line of the angel of death. “Who are you?”

“Ratter, they call me.”

“Cute. You good at pool?”

“The best.”

“How about darts?”

“Even better,” he said.

“I like darts.”

She reached out to touch his arm, leaving him to figure out if it was to admire his muscles or his body art. He leaned in to put a hand on her ass.

“What are you drinking?” she said.

He just nodded at the bartender who poured him a beer, and took the money out of her change. “Darts are over here,” he said.

She followed him leaving her change. The others ogled it hungrily, but for the time being, left it alone.

The darts by the board were filthy, bent, and hardly usable. She noted the flight part of each dart, the opposite end of the tip, looked like someone had been chewing on them.

“Those look useless,” she said, pretending she was no longer interested.

However, he pulled off a box from a shelf. Inside were expensive and pristine darts.

“Nice,” she said with a seductive smile.

“Let's start with something simple,” he said. “Around the Clock.”

"How do you play that?”

“You have to hit each number in order. We'll do the outside edge. You can't progress to the next number until you hit it. First one who does so wins.”

"Okay," she said with a shrug.

“Ladies first.”

She took a dart.

“So I hit number one?”


She pretended to spend a lot of time aiming, while she postured her ass at him and thrust her breasts out. He just ogled and smiled. She knew he wasn't paying any attention to the darts when she finally did throw.

He then threw his, hardly as fast as a Viperian, but his darts landed beside hers, showing he had a little skill. Still, she was unimpressed.

“You played this before?” he said, looking at her darts.

“Never,” she said.

She was actually telling the truth.

She sipped her drink. He drank some beer.

It wasn't until the third round of throwing their darts that one of his bounced off. She never missed. “You want another beer?”

She didn't even wait for his answer and walked to the bar.

“Two more drinks.”

The bartender handed her a beer and the orange juice with ice. She chugged half of it before she returned. By the time they hit the seventh and last round, her drink was gone and so was his.

“I win,” she said with a smile.

He had missed twice. She thought he had a lousy throwing style. The outer edge was a bigger target and easier to hit. She knew if she dialed it in, he would miss a whole lot more.

"How about another game?” she said. “Loser buys me dinner.”

He laughed.

“And if I win?"

“I buy you dinner.”

She pursed her lips at him and winked.

While he thought it over, she bought more drinks. His companions were already on their third beers and looking to be in their happy place. They seemed content to just stare at her or the money still at the bar.

"Sweet," he said, taking his beer.

“Let's dial it in one notch. Second ring. Around the Clock.”

She threw her darts before he even agreed, faster than he could blink.


He took an extra long time to throw, and his third try missed.

She gathered the darts and had hardly returned to the throw line when she threw all three in quick succession.

"You a professional dart thrower?” he said, setting up to throw his.

“No. I don’t play darts.”

The game progress in this manner until she threw her last darts.

“I win,” she said.

He shook his head.

“Let's go,” she said, licking her lips.

He followed her like a puppy on a leash.

She left the money on the bar. His buddies ignored them leaving, while they watched the money. She wondered if the bartender would snatch it up.

Outside, she took his arm and bumped into him. He seemed very focused on looking down at her. She knew he was obsessed with her cleavage.

When they reached the corner, another limo pulled up. It wasn't Bonnie. Three ladies spilled out to grab him and pull him in. One beckoned for her to follow.

The limo took off once all the doors were shut.

Natalia sat watching the three ladies do their magic. No one bit him, but since he was nearly drunk, he sank into a happy stupor when they got into his pants.

The limo took the same back path to the hotel. Natalia saw her limo parked off in a lot. When the limo stopped, she was ushered out first and led to the private elevator. That was the last she saw of Ratter for the rest of the evening.

Her hotel room door opened when she approached it. Bonnie stepped aside to let her in. Mag, Zena, and Kate were there lounging in robes.

Natalia rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. I know you girls roam around naked at home. I'm taking a shower. What's for dinner?"

Natalia showered and dried off. She stepped out to find everyone naked and playing a fast game of Pikers.

You in?’ Kate said.


“How's the leg?’

Bonnie took a look at it.

“No infection. Looks good.’

“Twinges, but getting better every hour I stay off of it."

“Dinner will be up in an hour,’ Mag said.

Natalia's phone rang.

She stared at it.

“Kareen. Hello?"

“Nattie. Where are you?’

“I'm at a hotel with my maids. Why? And where's my daughter?

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