Birthday Girl

: Chapter 21

It didn’t take as long to fall asleep last night as I thought it would. Moments after I sent my last text, I heard something hit a wall in Pike’s room, and I kind of felt a little bad but also smiled, feeling a little powerful, too. Playing games with him wasn’t my goal, although I do love that we’re good at getting under each other’s skin.

I simply wanted to show him I’m capable of more than he thinks I am, and I don’t appreciate people telling me what’s in my own head.

Then, when he tried to get in the room, I wanted him so badly—his hands, his mouth, his words—but I always forgive too easily, and I don’t want to be that girl anymore. Even if Pike is one of the good ones—and I’m pretty sure he is—I needed to prove to myself that I’m worth the work and the wait. It was necessary to raise the bar for myself and not give everyone what they want from me so easily. I’ve been a pushover long enough. Jay, Cole, my parents…

And I fell asleep, proud of being stronger.

Now today, on the other hand…. He can have me as much as he wants, because I can’t wait anymore, either. After telling him to keep his hands off himself last night, I forced myself to do the same today, and the first thing I’m going to do when I see him is pull off his shirt, because I love the way he looks in just jeans.

The weather is warm today, but there’s a little cloud cover, keeping the heat at bay, and I lie outside on the grass on my stomach, listening to Don Henley on the cassette player as I flip through the fall catalog of courses at my university. I’d already registered for next semester, but I’m thinking of adding another class.

My legs, crossed at the ankles, swing back and forth in the air behind me, but then my phone rings, and I reach over and pick it up off the grass. Looking at the screen, I knit my brow.

What does Dutch want?

I answer and hold it to my ear. “Hey,” I say. “Everything okay?”

My suspicious mind is immediately drawn to Pike and some God-awful accident with any one of the machines he works with.

“Uh, yeah, sorry to bother you,” he tells me. “Do you know what’s wrong with Pike today?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he’s been in the worst mood,” he whines. “Everyone’s afraid to go near him. He’s barking at everyone, he punched about eighty nails into every single piece of sheet rock he hung, and then he accidentally accepted the wrong shipment of lumber, which prompted a really interesting tantrum reminiscent of my twelve-year-old daughter. It’s been weird.”

I snort, but then clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle it.

“Um…” I search for words, my throat thick with laughter. “No idea, actually.”

Actually, I have a very good idea.

“Well, take cover, honey,” he says. “He’s on his way home, and I don’t know what the hell his problem is.”

My body shakes with silent laughter, and just then, I see Pike’s truck come roaring down the street. Even his engine sounds pissed.

“Okay,” I tell Dutch. “Gotta go.”

I hang up, not waiting for his ‘goodbye’, and watch as Pike barrels into the driveway, the truck coming to a screeching stop. Glancing at my phone, I see it’s only about four in the afternoon. He’s way early.

He looks over at me on the grass, and his eyes zone in, anger and intensity pouring through like I’m about to get the big, fat spanking I deserve.

I fix a coy look on my face and arch my back, pushing up my ass, and then slow the swinging of my legs for good measure to draw his attention to my body.

He steps out of the truck and slams the door, and I can’t hide my smug smile as he approaches, neither of us able to look away.

“I’m not laughing,” he points out sternly. “Now get inside and take off your clothes. I’ve had a whole day to dream up the theme park I’m going to make of your body tonight, girl.”

A rush of excitement lodges in my lungs, and I can’t breathe. I can see all the promises of what’s to come in his eyes, and I can’t lie or play with him anymore. I want it, too.

Holding his gaze, I stand up, and his eyes rake down my body as I slowly back up toward the house.

And he moves forward, following me.

But then a voice carries over his shoulder, interrupting us. “Pike, hi!” a woman calls.

We both halt, and I see Mrs. Taft, one of the neighbors, standing behind him.

“How have you been?” she asks.

He bares his teeth, closing his eyes, and he looks close to hitting something. My stomach shakes with amusement that I don’t let out.

He quickly turns around, affixing a fake smile. “Constance, hi,” he says, almost sounding chipper. “I’m good. Just…busy.”

She nods and peers around his shoulder. “Hey, Jordan.”

“Hi, Mrs. Taft.”

I walk over to Pike’s side, sliding my hands into my pockets.

She smooths a hand down her brown ponytail, holding the leash of the King Charles spaniel she’s been walking since I came out to lay on the grass a half hour ago. She looks up at Pike. “Haven’t seen your boy around much.”

“Oh, yeah. He’s…um…busy, too,” Pike stammers, trying to make up some excuse. “What’s up?”

“Well, I heard Jordan might do some babysitting.” She peers over at me. “Any interest? There’s a housewarming party across the river at the Kuhl’s place,” she tells Pike. “You should come with me. Relax. I just need someone to watch the kids, though.”

“Tonight?” he blurts out.

But she doesn’t answer him, just glances at me again. “Jordan, how about it? I know you’re not fifteen anymore but thought it was worth a shot.”

“Yeah, sure—”

“No,” Pike cuts me off.

I close my eyes for a moment. Jesus, Pike. That was real smooth and totally not obvious.

Constance looks at him, surprised.

“She has class in the morning,” he quickly explains.

Yes, I have class on a Sunday.

“And, uh, chores to do around the house,” he adds, casting me a stern look, “that she’s been bad about not taking care of.”

Yes, Mrs. Tate. After I do the dishes, I have to do Mr. Lawson, so…

“Sorry,” he tells her.

She glances between us, and she knows something is up, because he’s being fucking weird right now, but she handles it with class.

“Oh, no worries,” she chirps. “Maybe another time.”

I give her a smile and nod, trying to recover from my embarrassment and thankful when she finally moves along.

Pike and I stand there a moment, and I’m trying to gauge how, if they’re not talking about us yet, they will be after that.

“Mr. Lawson…” I chide, shaking my head.

I turn and start walking for the house, and when I look back, he’s following me, his eyes pinned on mine.

“People are watching,” I say. “You better not follow me in. It’ll look weird.”

I see his eyes shoot left and right, taking in the various neighbors working in their yards, playing with their kids outside, or sitting on their porches. I don’t really care, but I know he does.

With his long stride, he’s at my back in no time, and I tingle all over as I hurriedly open the door and step inside. His body forces me in, the door closes behind us, shielding us from the outside world, and he spins me around and pulls me into his arms. I have only a moment to take a breath before his mouth is on mine, one of his hands holding the back of my head, and the other arm wrapped around my waist, pressing me to him so tightly that I can hardly breathe.

But God, I don’t care. I’m warm and surrounded by his smell, and he feels so far gone that he’s carrying me with him. Circling my arms around his neck, I spread my legs as he lifts me up as I lock my ankles behind his back.

“Shit, baby, I’m dirty,” he says, still devouring my lips. “I should take a shower.”

“We’ll take one after,” I moan, pulling away only a hair.

He carries me into the kitchen and sets me on the table. I pull his shirt up and over his head, breaking the kiss for only a moment before our arms are around each other again. He leans into me, forcing me back a little as he deepens the kiss.

“I couldn’t wait to get home,” he whispers. “You don’t know how hard I was trying to control myself today.”

“How hard?” I work at his belt, frantic to get it off.

“I was in the worst fucking mood,” he growled. “I couldn’t get you out of my head. All I wanted was this.” And his hands scale down my ribs, and he pushes me back and forces my shirt and bra up over my tits. I fall to the table, and he dives down, biting and tonguing my nipples.

I close my eyes and moan, squirming under him and arching my back, not sure if I’m trying to get closer to his mouth, or if it’s too much to take. I can feel his lips all the way to my toes.

Heat fills my wet pussy, and I watch as his hot tongue flicks over the hardened bud of my nipple, my clit throbbing so hard I can’t breathe. I shake, an explosion of pleasure wracking through me and warming my insides. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I cry out.

Shit! Shit, shit, shit…

I shudder, opening my eyes, a little in shock.

I look down, seeing Pike staring up at me. “Did you just come?” he asks, his eyes rounded in surprise.

I swallow, my mouth suddenly parched, and nod. “Yeah. I think so.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “You like your breasts kissed, huh?”

“I like it when you kiss anything on me.”

He rises and pulls me up to my feet, holding my eyes as he unbuttons my shorts. “You were so amazing last night.”

My eyes light up. “So, I was good, huh?” Maybe I have a performer in me, after all.

But he just cocks a brow. “Don’t get any ideas. It won’t be like that with anyone else.”

My shorts drop to the floor, he whips me around, and I plant my hands on the table to support myself. I hear a wrapper crinkle and then the clank of his belt as he opens his jeans. My thighs shake, so turned on by what’s coming. Thank God the blinds are closed.

Arching my back, I open my legs for him and look over my shoulder. “I’m sorry I did that to you last night,” I say.

He pulls his cock out of his jeans and rolls the condom on, and then comes in, wrapping a hand around my neck and kissing me hard.

“Well, not really sorry, I guess,” I pant against his lips. “This makes it worth it.”

Hell yes. He’s so hot right now. Well, he always is, but…

Pulling down my panties, he grips me where my thigh meets my hip and guides his cock to my entrance. Once it’s crowning me, he pulls my hips back to him, and I’m sliced in two, gasping and shuddering as his dick slides deep inside me.

“Oh, my God,” I whimper, my head dipping, because I’m shaking so hard.

He doesn’t give me any time to recover, and all I can do is hang on as he holds me tight in his fists and fucks me. I raise my right knee to the tabletop and lean forward a little more, his cock sliding deeper and making me moan.

He pants hard, grunting in my ear, and his hands are all over the place as he reaches around, one hand squeezing my breast and the other dipping between my legs to rub my clit.

“You can go again later, right?” I ask over my shoulder.

“You’re insulting me,” he growls in my ear. “You think I can’t keep up with you?”

“I just really want to…”

“Want to what?”

I open my mouth, whispering against his lips as our bodies meet again and again. “I want to suck you off.” I rub my lips over his, taunting him. “I want to feel you in my mouth.”

He exhales hard, baring his teeth and closing his eyes. “Jordan…” He shakes his head almost as a warning.

I kiss him, our lips hovering over each other as sweat glides down my back. “You want your cock in my mouth?” I whisper.

He bites my bottom lip gently and lets it go. “Say it again.”

“I want to suck your dick,” I say again.

His cock pounds me like a hammer, and I curl my toes, feeling my orgasm crest.

“I want to lick you,” I whisper, “and taste you and make you come.”

His fingers dig into my flesh, and the tops of my thighs ache from where they keep hitting the table, but he’s making me come again, and nothing in the world has ever felt this good. I’m almost there.

I flick his lip with my tongue, feeling fire spread through my thighs and rock my insides. “Please?” I whisper, backing up into his dick and chasing it, too. “Fuck my mouth tonight?”

“Jordan, Jesus!” he cries out, and he grabs my shoulder at the neck and pounds me so hard, I can’t speak even if I wanted to.

We both come, my knuckles turning white as I dig my nails into the wooden table, tensing, and tightening every damn muscle in my body.

“Pike!” I cry out. “Oh, God.”

I lower myself to the table, hugging my arms to myself, closing my eyes, and feeling him pulse inside me. His hand is planted next to my head, and he hovers above, breathing hard and jerking into me a couple more times.

I want him to come inside me. I want him spilling out of me, and I want to feel it. I’m on the pill, and I’m healthy. Once I know he is, I’m telling him the damn rubbers can go in the fucking garbage.

I might taunt him via video again if his pent-up frustration gets me off like that.

A few moments later, my breathing has returned to normal, and I’m spent.

“You know I’m teasing, right?” I tell him. “I’ll only ever perform for you”

His hand glides down my damp back, and I hear him inhale like he’s about to talk, but then a pound hits the door.

“Jordan!” a voice yells. “Jordan, you here or not?”

We both pop up, my heart skipping a beat. Cam.

Pike pulls out of me, and I slide my panties up, hurriedly scrambling for my bra and shirt. I hear the garbage can lid slam closed, and then Pike is by my side as he hurries back into his T-shirt and me into my clothes.

But just then the front door creaks open, and I hear Cam’s voice. “Jordan!” she calls into the house.

“What the fuck?” Pike growls under his breath, throwing me a freaked-out look just as Cam wanders into the kitchen.

Pike takes a couple of steps away from me, running his hand through his hair as I zip up my shorts.

Cam stares at us, her eyes darting between Pike and me and clearly taking in our disarray.

“Hey,” she says, a suspicious tone in her voice.

I lick my dry lips, trying to catch my breath. “Hey,” I say back. “So, you’re just walking into peoples’ houses now?”

“I was banging on the door and ringing the bell,” she points out, her shock gone and now replaced with amusement. “I saw both cars outside, so I knew you were home.”

An uncomfortable silence follows as she looks at Pike with a smile in her eyes and at me with raised eyebrows.

Pike looks like he wants to escape. He straightens, jerking his thumb to the backyard. “I’m gonna throw some hot dogs on the grill for dinner.”

And he quickly grabs a package out of the fridge and heads into the backyard.

As soon as he’s gone, Cam’s mouth drops open, her eyes widening on me. “Oh, my God!” she mouths.

“Shhh…” I tell her, casting a worried glance in the direction where Pike left.

“Are you serious? How was it?” She comes over to me and swipes her thumb over my damp forehead. “That good, huh?”

I can’t help but let out a small laugh, because I don’t know what else to do. I can’t think straight right now.

I’m sure I’m blushing.

“Aw.” She looks at me with love, rubbing my arm. “I’m happy for you. It’s mindblowing, isn’t it? Screwing someone who’s actually good at it.”

Yes. Not that Cole was bad, per se. It’s just different with Pike. He’s in my head more than anyone’s ever been.

“Well, have fun,” she tells me, sauntering over to the fridge and removing a soda. “Just don’t get knocked up, okay?”

“Why?” I blurt out, but then I realize how that sounded. “I mean, not that I’m planning to. I’m nineteen.” I move over to her. “But you didn’t say that with any of my other boyfriends. Why Pike?”

“Because you’re having fun,” she says, closing the refrigerator and turning toward me. “And that might be all he’s having, too. Just be careful.”

The words kind of stab. Is she right? Is that all we’re doing?

“You get to enjoy a stable male who has a job and an active driver’s license at the same time,” she explains. “And he gets to have a hot, young girl in his bed. Enjoy it while it lasts. Until the cows come home.” She nudges my chin like I’m five. “Just don’t get your hopes up. Stay sharp.”

Don’t get my hopes up.

But I think they already skyrocketed when I wasn’t paying attention.

I smell the grill in the backyard, but I’m not hungry anymore.

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