Billionaire’s Missing Darling

Chapter 593

Chapter 593
In the wake of Andrew’s departure, Olivia found herself grappling with a hint of disappointment that lingered in the air. She
gingerly touched her chin and immersed herself in contemplation.
Nancy surreptitiously stole a furtive glimpse in Olivia’s direction. No matter how one examined the situation, it was evident that
Nancy Banks wore an expression of discontent.
“Miss Olivia, I kindly advise against aimless wandering outside. It would be more prudent for you to remain within the confines of
your room.”
Olivia raised her gaze, a glint of unhappiness in her eyes. “I find myself quite bored within these walls,” she lamented.
“Miss Olivia” Nancy raised her voice with a stern tone. “Are you aware of your circumstances? I haven’t confined you here for
leisure. You are, in fact, a suspect
“Suspect?” Olivia smiled wryly. “You label me as a suspect, yet you lack substantial evidence. If I am not a criminal, why should I
be deprived of fulfilling my basic needs”
Nancy furrowed her brow, left without a retort, and could only depart with an icy demeanor.
She reached the limits of her patience. She had been staying at Prince Andrew’s residence for several days, yet she had failed
to discover a suitable method to drive a wedge between the two of them.
appears that I will have to devise a more effective strategy.
After extended contemplation, Nancy resolved to commence her efforts with Prince Andrew, Considering Olivia’s restricted
movements, she aimed to facilitate more frequent interactions between Wanda and Prince Andrew..
With this plan in mind, Nancy promptly set about making the necessary preparations.
the courtyard.
In the afternoon, Olivia encountered Wanda
da in the

Wanda wore a self–satisfied expression as she remarked, “I heard you were confined, were you not?“
Olivia cast a brief, dismissive glance in her direction. “Your involvement is quite irrelevant
“But the fact that you’re locked up implies that Andrew lacks faith in you,” Wanda asserted with calculated intent.
Olivia’s brow furrowed as she responded, “The truth will inevitably come to light in due course.”
“Humph! You’re such a fool!” Wanda scoffed coldly. Then, he abruptly closed in on Olivia, a malevolent gleam in his eyes.
“Andrew left in the afternoon, and there’s no one here. Tell me, if I were to push you into the lake and drown you, and then claim
that you took your own life to escape punishment, do you believe Andrew would take my side?”
Upon hearing this, Olivia’s guard went up, and she cautiously retreated a step.
Despite her proficiency in combat, Olivia found herself outnumbered, and Wanda had a few companions with him.
Wanda advanced steadily, her accompanying entourage closing in as well, gradually herding Olivia toward the river’s edge.
Olivia surveyed her surroundings, realizing that the palace guards had all been dispatched by Nancy Banks, leaving no one in
close proximity.
Just as her thoughts raced, Wanda abruptly lunged forward, shoving her with force.
Olivia swiftly withdrew her hand in response.
Her primary objective was to prevent herself from tumbling into the water, so she didn’t exert much force. Nevertheless, in an
unexpected turn of events, Wanda’s body leaned dangerously toward the lake.
She exclaimed. “Miss Smith, you...”
Before Olivia could react, Andrew hinged at her in a state of panic.
Observing this, Olivia’s heart skipped a beat.
I have fallen into a trap! Wanda hasn’t been attempting to push me into the lake. She has been orchestrating a frame–up!
What should I do? Olivia glanced at the lake, torn between the idea of jumping in to vindicate herself.

Before she could ponder further, Andrew and his retinue had arrived. His countenance was stern and unwavering “What are you
waiting for? Act swiftly and rescue her!”
He didn’t spare a glance for Olivia. His attention remained fixed on the lake.
A pang of anguish coursed through Olivia’s heart.
Wanda was swiftly pulled from the water, and Andrew removed his coat to drape it around her shoulders. He offered words of
solace. “Do not fear. The physician will arrive shortly.”
“Andrew” Wanda clutched at his sleeve, a grievous look in her eyes. Thank goodness you arrived in time. Otherwise, Wanda
might have lost sight of you forever.
“Why do you say that? Andrew’s brow furrowed in curiosity.
Wanda exclaimed. I don’t know how to swim, Andrew. If you had arrived any later, I might have drowned!
“What?” Andrew’s eyes widened, brimming with disbelief.
Witnessing Andrew’s incredulous reaction, Wanda shot Olivia a smug glance.
Olivia bowed her head, her fists clenched tightly. Just as she was on the brink of explaining
Andrew’s anger flared abruptly. “What sort of bodyguards do you have with you? They can’t even swim. What purpose do they
serve? Dismiss them all! You were in the lake for half a day, and they were just standing there in a stupor. It’s one thing if they
can’t swim, but they don’t even know how to seek assistance
Wanda was taken aback, not anticipating Andrew’s outburst directed at the bodyguards. She hastened to interject, “Andrew,
please don’t be angry. It all transpired so unexpectedly. The bodyguards were just as unprepared. Had it not been for Olivia’s
push, I would not have ended up in the lake.”
“Olivia pushed you? Andrew’s brow furrowed with concern
Yes, Wanda’s e
Is eyes welled with emotion, and she appeared wounded. “You must vouch for me.”

Andrew flatly rejected the notion. “Unthinkable. Olivia is a kind soul. Why would she push you without cause? You must have
committed an unforgivable act!”
Wanda was left in a state of bewilderment.
Things weren’t unfolding as planned
Stammering, she defended herself, “Andrew, it was Olivia who pushed me. Why are you blaming me?”
“Why would she push you without cause? Andrew responded coldly. “You must have provoked her in some way?”
Wanda grew anxious. “Do there always have to be reasons? Who can fathom her thoughts? Perhaps she’s malicious and wants
to harm me.”
“Nonsensel” Andrew’s impatience flared. “Do you take me for a fool? You had four or five people surrounding her. Is she some
kind of superwoman who can penetrate through multiple layers of defense and push you into the water?
“Don’t attempt to deceive me as if I were a fool. There are surveillance cameras nearby. A single glance will reveal the truth.
Wanda was speechless.
Why does reality differ so drastically from my preconceived notions?”

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