Billionaire’s Missing Darling

Chapter 589

Chapter 589
Olivia shumbered deeply through the night. In her dream, she found herself enveloped in a tender and cozy embrace, a warmth
that enveloped her in a profound sense of tranquility and security.
As morning light gently filtered into the room, Olivia stirred from her shumber and stretched with a contented ease.
It was peculiar, she mused. Why did I sleep so profoundly last night? It was the most restful slumber I’d experienced in quite
some time.
Sitting up in bed, Olivia realized she had slept on the side against the wall, rather than in the middle, almost as if there had been
another presence beside her during the night.
She rubbed her eyes, convinced that perhaps the realm of dreams had momentarily blurred with reality.
On the opposite end of the story, Yossi arrived in the morning to rouse Andrew from his slumber. As he approached the bedroom
door, just before he could raise his hand to knock, he caught sight of Andrew returning from an excursion outside.
Yossi’s astonishment was so profound that his eyes widened like a startled frog’s. Your Highness, you’ve risen at such an early
hour,” he exclaimed.
“Indeed, Andrew responded with a mere nod, his focus elsewhere. Nevertheless, a radiant mood seemed to envelop him. The
corners of his mouth curved upward, and his eyes formed a joyous, contented smile.
“Is there something that brings you joy, Your Highness?” Yossi inquired, his curiosity piqued.
Andrew shook his head and replied, “No, nothing in particular.”
However, the moment he finished speaking, a spontaneous chuckle bubbled up, and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ha ha” His happiness and contentment today were truly evident.
“Wait for me outside.” Andrew instructed as he pushed the door ajar and stepped into the bedroom. He then proceeded to fling
himself onto the bed, rolling around in sheer delight.
‘He he, last night. I had embraced Olivia to sleep. Olivia was incredibly compliant and adorable, he chuckled, relishing the

Throughout the night, he had found it difficult to sleep. Instead, he had been captivated by the sight of her, counting the delicate
lashes that adorned her eyelids. He simply couldn’t get enough of her presence.
However, after reveling in his happiness for a while, he couldn’t help but think of Olivia, and a wave of melancholy washed
over him.
He cautioned himself not to lower his defenses and not to become entangled in confusion
For the next two days, he resolved to deliberately avoid her, keeping his distance and refraining from any contact.
The idea of being separated from Olivia for two whole days cast a shadow over Andrew’s disposition, akin to the foreboding.
clouds. No matter what he attempted, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of despandency. It sapped his motivation, to the extent
that he had no appetite, not even for breakfast,
“What can I do?” he pondered with a heavy heart. I’m overcome with sorrow!’
It had been just a brief ten minutes since their separation, yet he felt an overwhelming sadness that drained every ounce of
strength from his body.
Andrew remained confined to his/room for an extended period, nearly two hours passing before he emerged with a cold and
distant countenance.
“Your Higlutess,” Yossi gazed at him with concern. “Are you feeling well? Should we summon a physician“”
“It’s alright.” Andrew dismissed the concern with a shake of his head. “Let’s proceed to the study to address the issue.”
Nancy Banks followed closely behind. her heart aching as she observed Andrew’s condition. She hastened to approach him and
inquired gently. “Is everything alright, for Prince Andrew?”
Yossi, equally unsure of the situation, ventured a guess, “Perhaps he’s concerned about work”
Nancy Banks nodded in agreement and let out a sigh. “Your Highness, you are truly devoted, both in your joy and your concern
for the well–being of the country and its people”

In the study, Andrew efficiently handled the documents that had been delivered to him, completing the task in less than two hours
Afterward, he rested his chin on his hand and gazed out of the window with an expression of uncase.
Yossi and Nancy Banks stood nearby, exchanging perplexed glances as they witnessed the sight. Could it be that Prince Andrew
was facing a challenge or issue that troubled him?
Nancy Banks pondered for a moment and inquired, “Your Highness, is there a political matter causing concern? The queen. did
mention that in the event of any difficulties, you could seek her counsel or ronsult with Mr. Newman,
“No issues. Andrew responded, lowering his arms. “I’ve completed my tasks. They were straightforward.”
Nancy Banks was puzzled. Then, why does Your Highness appear so distressed?”
“Sigh, Andrew sighed, his gaze directed downward, his eyes reflecting a sense of sadness and loneliness. I’m contemplating
how to reprimand Olivia today. I must assert my authority and then take the initiative to explain things to her.”
What sort of predicament is this? Must it be this challenging?
Nancy was speechless.

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