
Chapter Billionaire 51-60

Chapter 51

Connor listened intently to the question before suddenly turning to face Chloe

Ms. Chloe, what do you think?”

Chloe feigned surprise. ‘Mr. Connor, I have no idea who your heart belongs to. How could I know? But I do believe that whoever you have feelings for must be an extraordinary person.”

Connor nodded in agreement. “There are tons of people who admire her.”

A hint of curiosity sparked within Chloe. Connor’s beloved must be a top socialite among the Eldridge Elites. Whenever he spoke of this girl, Chloe noticed a certain gleam in Connor’s eyes.

In the live broadcast:

[It’s a secret crush! The King of Eldridge actually has a crush on someone.]

[It turns out even the most formidable people appears cautious and uncertain around the ones they love.]

[Setting aside his status, I can’t believe any woman could resist Mr. Connor’s charm.]

[So, does this lucky woman even know Mr. Connor is secretly in love with her?] Chloe asked the question everyone in the live broadcast wanted to know. “So, Mr. Connor, you don’t know if your beloved reciprocates your feelings?”

Connor smiled. “I’m still waiting in line, hoping she won’t keep me waiting too long.”

His humorous response lightened the mood. Chloe teased, “Brave people get to enjoy life first. Mr. Connor, why not boldly pursue her? Maybe you’ll succeed.”

After her statement, Chloe turned to the camera for her final interview summary. “Thank you again, Mr. Connor, for accepting our interview, and we wish you success in your pursuit of love.”

As the interview concluded, the team gradually left the meeting room. Chloe was ready to leave as well. When she stood up, Connor suddenly grabbed her

arm. Leaving without saying goodbye, is that your style?

Chloe looked around; everyone else had left. “I have to return to the station, it’s still working hours.”

Connor checked his watch. “Your station works past 11:30 AM? Join me for lunch before you go back.”

Reluctantly, Chloe asked the rest of the team to go ahead without her. She claimed she was working on the resort feature and had some queries to finalize.

Teddy delivered the lunch. Connor’s office suite included a dining area. The two shared lunch at the dining table.

Suddenly, Chloe chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Connor asked while peeling shrimp.

Chloe responded, “We’ve known each other for three years, and I think this is the first time we’ve had lunch together.”

Indeed. Throughout their three–year acquaintance, they usually met at night, occasionally having dinner, but never lunch. Connor placed some peeled shrimp into Chloe’s bowl. “That’s because you’ve only seen me as a nice lay.”

Chloe was drinking soup and nearly choked upon hearing this. It turned the atmosphere somewhat awkward. “Mr. Connor, let’s not bring up the past, okay?”

“Well, what about last night, then? Last night, you suddenly came over. What was that about?”

He spoke slowly yet earnestly as if discussing a serious matter. This time, Chloe genuinely choked and scrambled for a tissue. Finally managing to calm down, Chloe said, “I’m sorry, I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday. I promise it won’t happen again.”

Connor raised an eyebrow. “So, I’m at a loss then.”

Chloe paused, momentarily unable to respond. “What?”

“Chloe, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“I’m married,” Chloe blurted out.



“What kind of sham marriage is that? Is it even legally recognized?”

Chloe was stunned. “You know?

Chapter 52

Yeah, with his connections, Connor probably had every detail about her

checked out ages ago.

Connor was quiet for a moment. “Lucas doesn’t love you, and you know that. Instead of wasting your time on someone who will never give you a second glance, why not consider someone else? I think we’d be a good match.”

Connor’s eyes were fixed on Chloe. His gaze was as intense as the ocean at midnight. His expression was serious, his earnest look causing her heart to skip a beat. “At least in one way, we’re definitely compatible.” He suddenly raised an eyebrow, and the serious atmosphere was instantly shattered.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him. “What, are you not waiting in line anymore?”

Connor’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Jealous?”

Chloe laughed, and a flirtatious glint sparkled in her eyes. “Are we even at that stage?”

After lunch, Chloe put down her fork. “Honestly, you’re quite skilled in bed.”

Connor frowned. He had so many qualities, and yet that’s the only thing she mentioned.

Chloe continued, “We can keep seeing each other but under one condition.”

“What condition?”

“No strings attached, no emotional conversation. We’ll just do this for fun. We don’t restrict each other nor interfere in each other’s personal lives.

Connor seemed dissatisfied. “So, you don’t want a relationship with me, just the physical part?”

Chloe nodded. “Emotions are too complicated. Once feelings get involved, things get messy. We were good before, fulfilling each other’s needs. So let’s keep it uncomplicated.”

Chloe knew they both had some kinds of feelings for each other. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been entangled for three years. But she was also aware that their vastly different worlds meant they could never be together. Not to mention, she had too many secrets to protect. She’d stopped believing in


steadfast love long ago. She had known Lucas for over twenty years, and

they’d gone from childhood sweethearts to practically strangers. What in this world doesn’t change? She wasn’t about to give anyone the chance to hurt her again.

Connor didn’t seem too pleased, his brows knitting together.

Chloe smiled nonchalantly. “If you’re not okay with it, then forget it.”

“Alright, but you have to move to Greenpeace Estate first.”

Chloe didn’t expect Connor to actually agree. “I need to sort out some things. Once I’m done, I’ll move in.”

This time, Connor didn’t say anything else.

Around noon, Chloe even took a nap in Connor’s makeshift bedroom. It wasn’t until 2 p.m. that she arrived at the TV station.

Tony saw Chloe, put down his thermos, and hurried over. “Chloe, you’re truly a hero for our station. The response to the interview was phenomenal, the ratings hit a new high, and several major advertisers have specified they want to invest in our new segment. The advertising slots are in high demand, and even Eldridge TV called to ask for tips. The station manager said he wants to reward you.”

Chloe responded with a bright smile, “Just doing my job.”


A group gathered around her. “Chloe, you’re amazing. The phones in the department are ringing off the hook. The Elite’s first episode was such a hit. Now it’s not us asking people for interviews. Young talents are contacting us, even offering money to be featured.”

“The first episode set the bar so high that if they can get on the show, they’ll be considered on the same level as Mr. Connor. Of course, they want to be featured.”

“Chloe, spill the beans. How did you convince Mr. Connor?”

Everyone crowded around Chloe except for Linda, who stood at a distance, silently watching everything unfold.


Chapter 53

In the evening, Chloe walked back into Moncada Estate, Joshua was in the study, practicing his calligraphy. Tara had just returned from the spa, and Antonio was in the garden, trimming the flowers and bushes. Everything seemed normal.

Like always, Chloe headed to the study first to keep Joshua company for a chatting casually. After a while, she went to her room and began packing hi belongings. She was planning to move out.

Truth be told, Chloe hadn’t lived at Moncada Estate every single day. She of stayed elsewhere, and they were used to it. But this time, she intended to leave for good.

After living there for three years, she felt a pang of sadness. The Moncada had treated her like their own daughter, giving her a safe haven during the darkest times of her life. Sometimes, she thought that if Lucas hadn’t com back, living with the Moncadas forever wouldn’t have been so bad.

But ever since Lucas returned, everything seemed to go off course. Conn< was right: Lucas would never change, and she and Lucas had become like parallel lines never to come together again. What was the point of holdi onto this hopeless belief?

Maybe it was time to let go and start a new chapter in her life.

She was lost in her thoughts and was startled when the door to her room suddenly thrown open. Lucas stood in the doorway, fuming. He stormed and grabbed Chloe’s arm, shoving her hard. Chloe, who had been crouchi down and packing, fell to the floor.

“Lucas, what the hell is your problem?” Chloe shouted, not holding back.

“Chloe, you’ve got some nerve asking me that. What did you do to Linda‘ almost had a miscarriage because of you!”

The word “miscarriage” made Chloe flinch. Lucas glared at her innocent expression and let out a cold laugh. “Don’t play innocent. You stole Linda interview and even slapped her in public. Chloe, how did you become so cruel? If anything happens to Linda’s baby, I’ll never forgive you.”


Chloe finally snapped out of her shock. She stood up and calmly fixed her hair “Did Linda tell you I stole her interview?”

“She didn’t need to. I know you. You’ve always been competitive. When we were kids, whatever I did, you had to do too. You were always trying to outshine me, always stealing the spotlight.”

Lucas‘ lips curled into a bitter smile. “You treated me that way, so why wouldn’t you treat Linda the same?”

Chloe had always been like that. When Lucas picked up golf as a kid, she joined in and always outplayed him, earning everyone’s praise. When he switched to chess, she followed and ended up winning awards and becoming the grandmaster’s prized student. His frustration drove him to quit chess altogether. Then he took up taekwondo, and she did, too, reaching the black belt level while he was still at a lower level. Throughout their childhood, he could never win against her.

It seemed like he had always lived in her shadow.

Chloe was taken aback by Lucas bringing up their childhood. Yes, she had always followed whatever Lucas did as a kid. She just wanted to spend more time with him, so she took an interest in what he liked. She never intended to outshine him or take anything from him. She never cared for titles or glory

Chapter 54

She never expected Lucas to feel this way about her, but at this point, explaining anything would be pointless.

Chloe sighed, “Lucas, no matter what I say now, you won’t believe me. Linda occupies your heart and mind now.”

She paused for a moment, then said, “In that case, let’s just end things here.”

It was only then that Lucas noticed Chloe had been packing. Two huge suitcases were sitting in the room, filled to the brim with her clothes and everyday items.

Lucas let out a sarcastic laugh. “Are you threatening me again, Chloe? Can’t you come up with something new?”

Chloe crouched down, zipped up one of the suitcases, and walked over to Lucas. Her voice was calm but firm. “This time, I’m serious. I’m moving out tonight, and I’ll explain this to everyone later.”

Just then, the butler called them for dinner. Chloe strode out of the room.

Dinner was a somber affair. Both Chloe and Lucas were lost in their own thoughts. Halfway through the meal, Chloe put down her fork. “I have something to say.”

Everyone turned to look at her, sensing the gravity in her voice. Tara spoke up first, “Chloe, what’s going on?”

“For these past three years, thank you all for taking care of me. But I’ve

decided to move out tonight.”

Tara was shocked and immediately turned to Lucas, scolding him. “Did you do something to upset Chloe again? Apologize to her right now!”

Chloe stopped her. “Mom. Lucas and I have decided to part ways.

“You’re getting a divorce?” Tara asked, incredulous.

Chloe responded calmly, “Actually, we never officially got married, so it’s not really a divorce.”

Everyone appeared visibly stunned. Antonio was confused and said, “But you



Chapter 54

two definitely had a marriage certificate. It’s still in the drawer at home.”

Chloe explained, “That was fake. It was bought online for $9.99 with free shipping.”

Antonio’s face turned red with anger. “That’s ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

Joshua had initially forced Lucas to marry her, but Lucas had backed out on the day they were supposed to go to the registry office. To deal with the family pressure, Chloe found a fake marriage certificate service online and photoshopped a wedding photo. In reality, she and Lucas were never husband

and wife.

Tara stood up and punched her son on the shoulder. “It’s you, isn’t it?”

Lucas remained silent, his expression dark. He hadn’t expected Chloe to be serious this time. Was she forcing him to choose between her and Linda?

Chloe, however, remained calm. “Please, don’t hit Lucas. It’s not his fault. He just doesn’t love me. No law says he has to love me. Let’s not pressure him.”

Tara started to cry. “But you two were childhood sweethearts. I’ve always thought of you as my daughter–in–law. How can I accept this?”

“Even if Lucas and I part ways, you’ll always be my family in my heart. But we can’t force love. Lucas loves Linda, and Linda is already pregnant. I don’t want to torment them or myself any longer. I want to end this and give myself a new start.”

Tara was stunned. “Linda is pregnant?”

Chapter 55

Lucas‘ face darkened.

Chloe, it seemed, didn’t really want to end things.

He hadn’t told his family about Linda being pregnant yet. Didn’t Chloe reveal this now just to make everyone think Linda was using the pregnancy to push her out?

How could they ever accept Linda after this?

Just as expected when Tara found out, she went ballistic.

“Lucas, are you and that little home–wrecker bullying Chloe? Let me tell you, I don’t care if she’s pregnant or not; she’s never stepping foot into this home, and we certainly won’t accept that child.”

“Mom, the baby Linda’s carrying is my own flesh and blood, your grandchild.” Lucas was fuming, too..

“The Moncada family doesn’t need such disgraceful lineage. How has Chloe treated Linda over the years? When those thugs kidnaped Linda, Chloe saved her, taking a knife for her and almost losing her life in the process. Chloe still has a deep scar on her shoulder. What did Linda do in return? At Chloe’s most desperate and vulnerable moment, she stole her boyfriend. Does she have any conscience at all?”

Chloe went through the triple betrayal of family, friendship, and love back ther In her despair, she tried to end her own life.

Such a happy–go–lucky person like her was driven to suicide. Just thinking about it made Tara’s heart ache unbearably.

Lucas‘ gaze turned icy. “I pursued Linda. This has nothing to do with her. If anyone should apologize, it’s me.”

“Fine, fine, keep defending her. You’re utterly bewitched. You’ll regret this in the future.”

Chloe grabbed Tara’s arm. “Mom, it’s come to this. I’ve let go. You should, too. Even if I can’t be your daughter–in–law, I’m willing to be your daughter and take care of you in your old age.”

Tara, holding Chloe’s hand, burst into tears.

Joshua heaved a deep sigh beside them. “Let it be, let it be. Our children and grandchildren have their own lives to leave. If they want to separate, let them

  1. be.

He approached Lucas. “I told you this before. If you give up being Chloe’s husband, you’re also giving up your position as heir to the Moncada family, the company shares…”

“Grandpa, I don’t want the company shares or the Moncada family estate.” Chloe was serious. “This is the fruit of your lifetime of hard work. It shouldn’t be used to compensate f your children’s emotional debts. I won’t take the shares, and as for the properties you bought me, I will return them to the Moncada family. They were never mine to begin with.”

Tara was heartbroken. “Chloe, you’re speaking out of anger. I’ve been acquiring those properties for you since you were born. Even if you’re no longer our daughter–in–law, they are still yours.”

Chloe smiled. “I don’t need anything, truly. If you really want to give me something, then I’ll only take Greenpeace Estate. The rest, you can keep for Belle.”

No matter how much Tara tried to retain her, Chloe still moved out.

Antonio, supporting a sobbing Tara, said. “It might not be a bad thing. Let them cool down. It might actually help their relationship.”

Tara, choking back sobs, nodded. “No matter what, I will only acknowledge Chloe as my daughter–in–law in this lifetime.”

Chloe loaded her luggage into the car.

After saying goodbye to Antonio, Tara, and Joshua, she was ready to leave. Lucas, unusually, followed her out to see her off.

When Chloe opened the car door, Lucas grabbed her arm. “Chloe, have you had enough of this charade?”

Chloe, puzzled, smiled. “You think I’m putting on a show?”

“By bringing up Linda’s pregnancy, you’re just trying to trap Linda in an unjust situation. You still care about this. You don’t really want to break up. You just

want to force my family to make Linda terminate the pregnancy. Chloe, you’re truly evil.”

Chloe, helpless, shook her head. “Lucas, I have hated you and Linda, but I’ve never thought of harming your child. You won’t believe anything I say, so let’s leave it to time.”

She shook off Lucas‘ hand and got into the car.

Chapter 56

After starting the car, Chloe rolled down the window. She looked up at Lucas and flashed a smile. “Lucas, this time, I’m really letting you go. I wish you and Linda all the happiness in the world.”

Then, the car sped away from the Moncada Estate. Lucas stood in the yard for what felt like an eternity. When she used to cling to him, he genuinely loathed it. But now that she was gone, it felt like there was a hole in his heart. He thought about that smile of hers as she left, so peaceful, neither sad nor happy, as if she had let go of all their past grievances, and it somehow made him feel even more stifled.

“Chloe, can you really let go of us?” he wondered. “Or is this just an act for everyone?”

Chloe drove straight to the Greenpeace Estate after leaving Moncada. She parked the car in the yard. It was already late, but all the lights in the house were on. Soon, a tall figure emerged from inside. Chloe couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of him.

“Mr. Connor, what are you up to?”

Connor glanced down at the apron he was wearing and grinned. “I made dinner. I was waiting for you to come back.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “You can cook? No, wait. How did you know I would come back today?”

Connor smiled slightly, and his usually cool eyes seemed a bit warmer. “A man’s intuition.”

Chloe didn’t press further; she popped open the trunk. “Mind helping me with the luggage?”

After bringing the luggage inside, Chloe didn’t rush to unpack. Instead, she followed Connor to the dining room. The table was laden with an array of delicious dishes.

“Did you make all this?” Chloe asked, clearly surprised.

Connor nodded. “Took me three hours, and there’s chicken soup, too. I’ll no get it.”


Chloe hadn’t eaten much at the Moncada family’s place. This table full of mouth–watering dishes just made her realize just how hungry she was. They sat at opposite ends of the dining table and began to eat. Chloe tasted the braised pork ribs and was amazed. “This is delicious! How do you know how to cook?”

“I was sent to study in the UK when I was thirteen and stayed there for seven. years,” he said briefly.

“Do you always cook for yourself?” she asked.

Connor shook his head. “Not really. Today is a celebration.”

“What are you celebrating?”

He looked at her, his expression calm. “Celebrating your move from darkness to light.”

After dinner, Connor volunteered to clean up the kitchen. Chloe stood in the doorway, holding a cup of coffee and watching him wash the dishes. Even from behind, his model–like build and perfect proportions could make anyone’s heart race.

In public, he always appeared aloof and untouchable. But in front of Chloe, he seemed like a completely different person. She thought back over the past three years. Chloe never had to lift a finger for household chores. Connor did it all–the housework and laundry. He was inventively romantic in bed, always gentle and caring afterward.

She had always thought he was meticulously trained to charm girls, before. she knew he possessed such a distinguished status. Even now, Chloe felt conflicted.

Connor finished up in the kitchen and came out, frowning when he saw the coffee in her hands. “Drinking coffee this late? Planning on staying up all night?”

Chloe smiled. “I have insomnia anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

Chloe suffered from insomnia; getting three hours of sleep was considered good. This was something Connor knew well after sharing a bed with her for three years. She often tossed and turned at night, sometimes getting up when she couldn’t sleep. On many nights, when he opened his eyes, she



Chapter 560

would be on the balcony’s lounge chair, stargazing.

Connor’s eyebrows raised slightly, his gaze deep and dark. not be so bad. It gives us time to do other things.

Chapter 57

After finishing his sentence, he was already standing in front of Chloe. He naturally wrapped his arms around her slender waist.

Although Chloe didn’t push him away, she turned her face slightly. “I have a few questions,” she said.

“Go ahead,” he replied.

“Why did you disguise your identity?”

Connor looked into Chloe’s eyes, his expression calm. “Seems like you never really asked about it.”

Chloe pursed her red lips. It was true–over the past three years, she had never cared to ask or be curious about him. Even though they often shared a bed, she knew nothing about his daily life.

“You knew from the start that Lucas and I weren’t actually married?

Connor casually played with a strand of Chloe’s long hair. “I’m not interested in

other men’s wives.”

“When did you find out?”

“That night at the Diamond Club. You were drunk and rambled on all night. It was impossible not to hear.”

Chloe was a bit surprised. “Nothing happened between us that night?”

Connor shook his head. “Nothing happened. You just ended up ranting until you fell asleep leaning on me.”

Chloe was utterly exasperated. “Why didn’t you tell me nothing happened that day?” she asked, a bit angry for reasons she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Connor smiled. “Would you have kept me around otherwise?”

Indeed, for her, keeping Connor was decided with a kind of resigned attitude. It was like since something had happened between them, she might as well go all in. Chloe felt like she had been played.

“You, Mr. Connor of the Eldridge Elites, have such an odd hobby?” she asked. “Do you actually enjoy being someone’s trophy boy?

Connor’s grip on her waist tightened slightly. “Who doesn’t have a little hobby?”

Of course, she wouldn’t know about that night at the Diamond Club, he had recognized her at a glance. Yet, to this day, she still hadn’t recognized him.

Chloe rolled her eyes, but with her naturally seductive gaze, it looked more like a tease. “Are you done asking questions? If so, can we start now?”

He leaned in to kiss her lips. Chloe’s finger pressed against his lips, stopping him. “Times have changed, and your identity is different now. Since we’ve chosen to be together again, we need to set some ground rules.”

He caught Chloe’s hand and kissed it lightly, showing a patient demeanor. “Ground rules?”

“First, we only talk about romance, not emotions. Don’t fall in love with each other.”

“Second, respect each other’s privacy and personal space. The second floor is yours, and the third floor is mine.”

“Third, during our time together, neither of us can have another partner. I have no intention of sharing a man. If you find a better option, let me know in advance, and I’ll leave.”

He nodded in agreement. “I’m not in the habit of sharing my partners either. Deal.”

Chloe’s hand caressed his stunningly handsome face, her eyes shimmering. “If you have any requests, feel free to make them.”

Connor leaned closer to her rosy lips, his voice now tinged with desire. “I have only one request: I decide when this ends.”

Chloe smiled. This man was quite possessive. It seemed he was still stuck on the last time she initiated the breakup, wounding his pride.

Chloe’s arms encircled his neck. “As long as you abide by the rules of the game, you have the final say. But if you break any of them, our relationship ends immediately.”

His eyes darkened, his handsome face serious, as if pondering. But the next second, a flurry of kisses rained down on her. He had agreed.

Chapter 58

The night felt both familiar and strangely different.

The familiarity was in the heat, much like the way Trophy Boy used to make her feel, starting with gentle coaxing and escalating to unrestrained passion. His body temperature, every detail of his physique, his habitual movements, the soft groan of satisfaction, and the way he would pull her into his embrace afterward–everything was so familiar.

Yet, the big difference was his identity. From being her Trophy Boy for three years, he had transformed into the unattainable King of Eldridge..

Psychologically, it was a lot to process.

Chloe had always struggled with sleep. But perhaps due to the previous. night’s exhaustion, she managed to sleep until dawn. She woke up to an empty bed and thought Connor had already left, only to find him in the dining room. He had prepared a lavish breakfast.


Chloe didn’t hold back her praises before sitting down at the table and digging in without any reservations. Connor was dressed in slacks and a white shirt, with every button fastened up to the top, looking aloof and reserved. Chloe couldn’t figure out why, with his naturally detached appearance, she had ever thought of him as a playboy.

“Did you enjoy last night?” Connor suddenly locked eyes with Chloe.

“What?” Chloe didn’t catch on immediately.

“You seduced me so early in the morning, so I thought you were dissatisfied with last night. Or should we, perhaps, do it over?” The mischief was already evident in his mesmerizing eyes, and a slight smile played on his lips. Despite his ethereal appearance, there was an undeniable hint of roguishness.

Chloe finally got it. The playboy was still the playboy.

Later, Chloe headed to the TV station. Early on, everyone gathered around, congratulating her on becoming the prime–time host. Soon, Vivian emerged from Tony’s office. As she passed by Chloe, she said with a face full of resentment, “Chloe, I won’t let you get away with this.” Then she left.

The crowd began to gossip. “Grace discovered Vivian and Kaden’s affair. She



Chapter 58

had Vivian’s clothes stripped off in public yesterday. It made the headlines and even involved the police.”

“How dare she blame Chloe? It was her own lack of decorum.”

“She ruined the TV station’s reputation, like a single rotten apple spoiling the whole barrel. How could she have the face to stay here?”

The TV station was a place where people were quick to turn on each other, and this group had spoken of Chloe in much the same way before. Chloe jus smiled and paid no mind to it.

During the morning meeting, Tony spoke up. “Today, there are two announcements. First, Vivian has resigned due to personal health reasons.” Everyone knew that Vivian had been fired, and resignation was just the station’s way of giving her a final shred of dignity.

“The second matter…” Tony looked at Chloe, his gaze complex.

Deanna, a news editor who got along well with Chloe, interjected, “The sec matter must be you announcing Chloe as the prime–time host, right?” The crowd echoed the sentiment, eagerly anticipating congratulating her. Only Linda sat quietly in a corner of the conference table.

Tony’s expression turned awkward. “I did say that whoever got Mr. Conno exclusive interview could become the prime–time host. However, just this morning, Linda secured a five–year/advertising contract with Moncada International. Given the contributions both Chloe and Linda have made to station, I’ve decided to let the two of you compete fairly for the position b on your professional merits.”

Chapter 59

As soon as those words left Tony’s mouth, the room fell silent in shock.

“A five–year advertising deal with Moncada International? I think their annual ad budget runs into the tens of millions. Linda, you’re incredible.”

“Linda, I’m starting to think you’re secretly married to someone at Moncadal International. Your boyfriend’s name is Lucas, and the heir to Moncada International is also named Lucas. Last time, you said it was just a coincidence, but now what’s your excuse?”

“Linda’s just modest. Unlike some people here who would shout from the rooftops about landing a mere hundred–thousand–dollar deal.”

The boardroom erupted in praise for Linda.

Moncada International was one of the top companies in Riverbrook, and their ad budget was worth more than dozens of smaller companies combined. Linda had locked them in for five years.

Even the network president would probably pop open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Clearly, Linda was on her way to becoming the future Mrs. Moncada. Cozying up to her would definitely have its perks. So, for a while, nobody paid Chloe any mind.

Chloe knew this place ran on cold, hard self–interest.

After the meeting, Tony came over to offer some token comfort. “Chloe, I still

I believe in you. Your show’s always had our highest ratings. I’m confident your won’t lose to Linda in this hosting competition. It’s just a formality.”

He had a point.

Over the next week, Chloe and Linda alternated hosting the prime–time slot. Over the next week, C

The network also launched a popularity vote for the prime–time host. Today was Sunday, the final day of their competition.

Both had hosted the prime–time news for three days. Based on the data, Chloe was crushing Linda.



Today, the station had them co–hosting. The audience would vote to decide. who would become the prime–time host.

By all measures, Chloe had it in the bag. She was flawless in both appearance and professionalism. She’d even built a fanbase from her previous gig anchoring the noon news. So, from the start of the broadcast, Chloe’s votes. were way ahead of Linda’s.

Just as everyone thought Chloe had the prime–time slot nailed down, something unexpected ha pened.

During their broadcast, a trending topic shot to the top of Twitter. The hashtag #PrimeTimeHostChloe’sMurdererMother# took the internet by storm.

It turned out Chloe’s mother was named Ann, and she was the prime suspect in a high–profile husband murder case three years ago.

The internet exploded, and criticism of Chloe began pouring in.

[A murderer’s daughter as a prime–time host? How is she fit for that?]

[Her mom’s the murderer, not her. Why can’t people get that?]

[If the parent’s bad, the child can’t be any better. Her mom killed her dad. Wouldn’t that mess up a kid’s mind?]

[I can’t watch the news knowing the host’s mom is a killer. It’d mess with my head.]

Within ten minutes, the voting took a sharp turn. Chloe’s votes almost stopped going up. Linda’s votes, however, skyrocketed.

Chloe could see the voting results during the broadcast. Given the sudden change, she knew something was up, but stayed calm and professional until the end.

After the broadcast, Chloe and Linda walked out of the studio. Everyone stared at Chloe with a mix of pity and curiosity.

“What’s going on?” Chloe asked.

Cameraman Kyle spoke up, “Chloe, you should check Twitter’s trending

hapter 60

Chloe immediately picked up her phone and opened Twitter. Her expression turned colder by the second.

The editorial assistant Zoe cautiously approached her. “Chloe, is what they’re saying online true?”

Others gathered around, their curiosity palpable.

“Chloe, is your mom really Ann?”

“I heard you were there when your mom killed your dad?”

“Chloe, you’ve never really talked about your family or parents

“Everyone, stop. None of this is Chloe’s fault.”

Linda walked over, her face full of concern. “Chloe, are you okay? Don’t let the online stuff get to you. Your parents‘ lives don’t define yours.”

It sounded like comfort, but it only confirmed Chloe’s unfortunate connection to a dark past.

Chloe turned off her phone and looked up. A smile played on her lips, though her eyes were chillingly cold. “Linda, was it you?”

Linda’s expression turned to one of shock and hurt. “Chloe, what are you talking about? I only found out from the news, too.”

Chloe’s smile deepened, her gaze even colder. “It better not be you, or you know what I’m capable of.”

As Linda tried to explain, Tony walked over, his face solemn. “Chloe, your family’s situation doesn’t concern you, but this has really blown up. The public backlash is severe, and I have to consider the impact on the network. We’ll have to give Linda the prime–time host spot for now until this blows over.”

Chloe smiled calmly, maintaining her dignity and grace. “Okay, I’ll follow your orders.”

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. “You probably haven’t taken a vacation in a while. Take a week off to rest.”

Chloe left the network and headed straight back to Greenpeace Estate. She


went straight to Connor’s study, where the light was on.

Connor was sitting at his desk. He had clearly taken a shower and changed into a set of grey pajamas. He stared at the computer, deep in thought, while his slender fingers scrolled the mouse. His handsome face was


‘His hands are truly beautiful.’ That was Chloe’s first thought.

Chloe walked in, her high heels clicking on the floor, and boldly sat on Connor’s I. p. She leaned into his ear and took a sniff. “What shampoo did you use today? It smells so good.”

Connor’s arms naturally encircled Chloe, drawing her closer. He watched Chloe, bundled in his arms. She looked seductive and relaxed, and his eyes darkened. “Feeling upset?”

Connor had noticed something was off the moment Chloe appeared at the door.

Chloe looked up and lightly bit his Adam’s apple. “Yes, so I need some comforting.”


Normally, at this point, Connor would have taken control. But today, he Chloe’s wandering hand, which was causing mischief under his shirt. “Is it because of the posts online?”

Chloe was surprised and chuckled. “The very busy Mr. Connor has time to surf the internet?”

Connor wrapped one arm around Chloe’s waist and used his free hand to open the computer on the desk. “I’ve found out who posted it. Take a look.”

Chloe was surprised and then turned her attention to the computer. On the screen was a video of a woman wearing a baseball cap, posting online from a café. The content she posted was the top trending topic.

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